What is Food Design?

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Transcript of What is Food Design?

Food Design is, simply, the connection between food and Design. Food Design is the design process that leads to innovation on products, services or systems for food and eating: from production, procurement, preservation, and transportation, to preparation, presentation, consumption, and disposal.

Francesca Zampollo, PhD.

Food Product Design

Designing edible products that are designed for mass production: Pringles, pasta, packaged ice-cream, chocolate, snacks, etc.

Design For Food

Designing all those products designed to prepare, cook, serve, contain and transport food.

Online School of Food Design: http://onlineschooloffooddesign.org /

Design With Food

Dishes that come from the genius of chefs who push the boundaries of culinary arts.

Online School of Food Design: http://onlineschooloffooddesign.org /

Ferran Adria’

Heston Blumenthal

Food Space Design

Designing all food spaces, which include the eating spaces as well as the cooking spaces.

Online School of Food Design: http://onlineschooloffooddesign.org /

Eating Design

Designing the entire eating situation; and by eating situation I mean any situation in which there is someone eating something.Online School of Food Design: http://onlineschooloffooddesign.org /

Christmas Dinner - by Marije Vogelzang

Food Service Design

Service Design applied to food.

Online School of Food Design: http://onlineschooloffooddesign.org /

Critical Food

DesignCritical Design applied to food and eating.

Online School of Food Design: http://onlineschooloffooddesign.org /

by Lee Ben David

the Future Food Project

Food System Design

The overview of every possible aspect that comes into play for anything you design.

Online School of Food Design: http://onlineschooloffooddesign.org /

Sustainable Food

DesignSustainable Design, applied to anything around food.

Online School of Food Design: http://onlineschooloffooddesign.org /

Find out more here:http://onlineschooloffooddesign.org/