What is DomainSkate?

Post on 21-Oct-2014

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DomainSkate was created to make it easier, cheaper and more effective to protect and recover domain names online. With thousands of domain names stolen, cybersquatted, or otherwise misused every year, brands can reclaim what’s lost through the easy completion of a Uniform Domain-Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP) Complaint through DomainSkate’s simple, affordable platform—saving thousands in legal fees and hours in court. Learn more at http://domainskate.com/

Transcript of What is DomainSkate?

Q: What is DomainSkate?Domain Law Made Easy

A: DomainSkate was created for one reason: to make it easier, cheaper and more effective to protect and recover domain names online.

What’s The Problem?Thousands of domain names are stolen, cyber-

squatted, or misused every year.

Damaging to brands, costly to businesses.

Going to Get Worse Soon



Scope of the Problem to grow 6400%

ICANN will be adding as many as 1400 new global Top Level Domains to the world of .Com and .Net

Things like .Hotel, .Art, .Web as well as brands like .Citi and .Google






Number of Disputes Per Year


1000+ New gTLDs (.Anything)

Year 2013 Dispute

s (P




Typical Process for Getting a Domain Name Back:

UDRP“UDRP” stands for the Uniform Domain-Name

Dispute-Resolution Policy.  ARBITRATION, NOT Litigation.

This is a process established by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) (the organization which is in charge of running the Internet).

UDRP – A Quick and Inexpensive Fix

Helps resolve disputes in the gTLD (Global Top Level Domains) including .com .net .biz .info, .org, .mobi, .museum, and the like.

UDRP BenefitsSaves you money, time

Avoid Litigation

How do you UDRP? The Old Way…

Pass to a Lawyer – they charge $5K-$10K, plus arbitrators fees.

Not Rocket Science / Everyone Can Do This!

The New Way: DomainSkate.com

Why DomainSkate?Web-based questionnaire

Lots of UDRP and Domain Resources for your research

Submit the form to Domainskate.

Get a review for completeness, form sent back to you.

You submit to arbitration or your own lawyer.


DomainSkate BenefitsFor Individuals or Businesses – create a

complaint to take to your own lawyer – save a lot of up-front time and fees

For Law firms – easy way to save time creating UDRP complaints, you can review and charge back to clients

TeamDavid Mitnick – Founder, IP lawyer for 10 years,

specialist in Internet Law

Team includes startup veteran from Microsoft and Programmer who wrote the book on HTML and CSS

