What is Awards Software?

Post on 06-Aug-2015

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Transcript of What is Awards Software?



The Benefits of Awards

Awards programs are an important facet of every industry on the planet. Countless organizations use awards and recognition programs to recognize employees, individuals, or even other organizations who are setting themselves apart in their industry.

The Benefits of Awards

Awards programs also benefit the organization running them in numerous ways. For example, an awards program can help an organization: •  Generate Revenue •  Increase Engagement •  Increase Publicity •  Reinforce Organizational Goals

The Benefits of Awards


The Benefits of Awards

Problems Awards Programs Face

Despite its numerous benefits, running an awards program is difficult. There’s an enormous amount of time and work that goes into getting an awards program up and running. Awards admins have a lot to manage, from tracking submissions, to assigning and managing the judging process, to planning the awards gala.

Problems Awards Programs Face



Problems Awards Programs Face

1.  Organization: With different parts of the program being handled on different systems or tools, things can get complicated and messy quickly.

Problems Awards Programs Face

2. Submissions: The submission process is very difficult to handle. You have to receive submissions, along with supplemental materials. Then submissions have to be tracked, organized, and sent out to judges.

Problems Awards Programs Face

3. Judging: Getting judges the submissions, finding a process for them to follow, and monitoring their progress is one of the biggest headaches of awards programs.

Problems Awards Programs Face

What Can You Do?

In an effort to help improve the process and eliminate complications, there are three main avenues organizations take to manage their awards programs.

What Can You Do?

1.  Paper-based: This process is run mainly with printouts and mail-in submissions.

What Can You Do?

2. A Mixture of Systems: This is basically a home-made approach, crafting a system of different formats cobbled together (think Google docs, DropBox, PDFs, email, spreadsheets, and more).

What Can You Do?

3. Awards Software: The third group have converted to using an online system that stores and manages everything in one place.

What Can You Do?

What Exactly is Awards Software?

Awards software provides one online system that tracks, stores, and manages all stages of submission and judging. That means no more spreadsheets, binders, or form-builders.

What Exactly is Awards Software?

How Does It Work: Awards management software takes all the elements of an awards program: communication, submissions, judging, and analytics and consolidates it all into one centralized system. In this way awards software can save your staff countless hours of work.

What Exactly is Awards Software?

Key Features of Awards Software

There are several key features all the best awards management systems need in order to provide true value to awards programs. Some of them include…

Key Features of Awards Software

•  Streamlines the administrative, judging, and submission process

•  Is located in one centralized system •  Is cloud-based (available anytime, anywhere) •  Provides tools to communicate with applicants and

judges •  Has capabilities for custom reports and analytics

Key Features of Awards Software

•  Shows real time status updates on comprehensive dashboards

•  Includes marketing features to help you out (social sharing, social login, etc.)

•  Is responsive to any device, whether mobile, laptop, or tablet

•  Can support any type of supplemental data entrants need to include, from images to video files

•  Is easily navigable for administrators, judges, and entrants

Key Features of Awards Software

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