What is Auditory Processing Disorder?

Post on 27-Jun-2015

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Hearing is a complex process. Amazingly, for most of us, it happens instantaneously with little effort. For others, such as children with auditory processing disorders, this process is very difficult Auditory Processing is what we do with what we hear. If you suspect that your child is having difficulty processing what he or she hears, there are tests that can determine where the difficulty stems from. If an auditory processing disorder is found, the best treatment occurs within a team approach.

Transcript of What is Auditory Processing Disorder?

What is Auditory Processing Disorder?

Our world is filled with the sounds of life: the wind rustling through

the trees, the sounds of children laughing and most importantly, our

ability to communicate with spoken language.

How our brains are able to take in this

auditory information and make sense of it

is a very complex process.

Auditory processing allows us to find where sounds are in space, determine what a sound was, discriminate the intricacies of our language

and separate important sounds from non-essential

sounds like noise.

There are many tests available to determine if a

child has an Auditory Processing Disorder. These tests will evaluate specific

brain functions as they relate to the

interpretation of auditory information.

When the test results are further combined with information from other professionals, such as speech pathologist, psychologists and

classroom teachers, an appropriate plan for management can be


Management of an auditory processing

disorder can be a long-term investment of time and energy by the child’s

family and by those directly involved with the child’s education, health

and wellness.

If you suspect that your child may have an

Auditory Processing Disorder, the thought of beginning such a process may be daunting. There

is also no “crystal ball” to determine the likely

benefit of such testing and management.