What is a progressive school like? Year 7, unit 1, lesson 6.

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Transcript of What is a progressive school like? Year 7, unit 1, lesson 6.

What is a progressive school like?

Year 7, unit 1, lesson 6.

Checking your homework.

A.B., ex. 1, p.9.• 1. b• 2. b• 3. a• 4. b• 5. a• 6. a• 7. a

Reader, ex. 5, p. 11.• Example:• My teacher is • Really a good teacher. She is• Smart,

• Kind, • Organised,• Ready to help in difficult situations.• Zoology is her hobby. Her lessons are• Interesting. She is • Nice and • Active.


Read Learn to learn note #5 on page 248.

Alexander Sutherland Neill (17 October 1883 – 23 September 1973) was a Scottish progressive educator, author and founder of Summerhill school, which remains open and continues to follow his educational philosophy to this day. He is best known as an advocate of personal freedom for children.


Read the story about A. S. Neil’s Life. What do the highlighted words mean?Neill was born in Forfar in the Scottish Lowlands, one of thirteen children. Both parents were schoolteachers. After acting as a pupil-teacher or his father, he studied at the University of Edinburgh and obtained an M.A. degree in 1912. In 1914 he became headmaster of the Gretna Green School in Scotland. Neill worked with Homer Lane, a US educator then living in England and founder of the Little Commonwealth school in Dorset, and later at King Alfred School in Hampstead, a school founded by a group and parents in 1898 and led by John Russell from 1901 to 1920.In 1921 Neill left England for the Continent. In Hellerau near Dresden he visited Lillian Neustätter, whom he had met at King Alfred School and who later became his wife. The International School in Hellerau gave Neill the first opportunity to lead a school based on his own principles.Summerhill School arose out of the International School in Hellerau. It later moved to Sonntagberg in Austria, and in 1923 to Lyme Regis in England, where it acquired the name Summerhill. In 1927 it moved to its present site in Leiston, Suffolk. After Neill's death in 1973, the school was run by his wife Ena until 1985, then by his daughter Zoë Neill Readhead.


Group 1. Fulfill task A.

• Where are we?Summerhill School is in Leiston, Suffolk, in the United Kingdom. That’s in the countryside of East Anglia, 10 minutes from the North Sea. Two hours from London.


Group 1. Fulfill task A.

• Day school, Boarding school?It is a boarding school, but we do have day pupils. Most are local but a few have moved here specifically to be near the school. It is common for parents of younger children to move here for the first few terms so that the child can start off as a ‘day student’..

Group 1. Fulfill task A.

• Ages and a Complete Summerhill EducationDay pupils may come at five years. Some children are very happy to board about six or seven. Others need more time and come later. Many children begin at 9, 10 or 11 years of age.A complete Summerhill education usually ends at about 17 years of age. Leaving early is not advised. This is not a school for a ‘temporary’ break from the mainstream. A Summerhill education offers each child a sequence of important social, emotional and intellectual experiences that should not be missed !Summerhill does not enroll children over 11 years of age.

Group 1. Fulfill task A.

• An International SchoolSummerhill is an international school with children from England, Germany, Norway, Holland, Switzerland, Israel, America, Korea, Taiwan, Japan, France etc. This makes for a wonderful multi-cultural environment.

Group 1. Fulfill task A.

• How Big?There are usually between 80 to 90 children and 12 full time staff. There are several part time staff and many other adults who help keep the school running smoothly. Summerhill is a small, caring community of children and adults.The school is set on 11 acres of very beautiful woods and fields.

Group 1. Fulfill task A.

• How much are parents involved in the school?There is no regular parent involvement at Summerhill. They are able to visit during term time on a limited basis and there is a newsletter sent to parents each holiday.

• In spite of this, many parents become good friends and participate from a distance with their approval and with anything helpful they can offer. We also have a really nice summer half-term weekend when parents are invited to come and stay for a few days and relax – but the philosophy of the school is to encourage children to live their own lives, and make their own decisions. The children value their independence and the vast majority prefer parents not to be a part of it.

Group 1. Fulfill task A.

• Holidays?Summerhill, with many international students, has generous holidays to allow all students to travel home for realistic periods of time : 5 weeks at Christmas, 5 weeks in the spring and 9 weeks each summer.

Group 1. Task B.

• Read some school’s rules. Write how pupils must behave at Summerhill school.

• Compare these rules with the Code of Conduct in Samara school #2.

• Which rules do you think are suitable for you?

CODE OF CONDUCT:• All pupils should wear school

uniform;• Pupils have to keep good discipline:• Pupils are not allowed to:

– have pocket knives at school;– have cigarettes at school;– bring bubble gum to school.

• Pupils should come to school in time;• Pupils should be ready for class every

day;• Pupils should respect their teachers;• Pupils should be polite.

Group 1. Task B.• Watch the video and say if you agree to have such rules in your school.

Group 3, task C. Read Learning to learn #6 on page 249 in your S.B.

• Основные суффиксы существительных:• 1. Суффиксы, обозначающие принадлежность к• а) политическому направлению профессии

или нации:• -ist • • -an, -ian • Communist (коммунист), Marxist (марксист},

materialist (мате риалист); • artist (художник), typist (машинистка), pianist

(пианист), historian (историк), librarian (библиотекарь), musician (музы кант); Russian (русский), Bulgarian (болгарин)

• 2. Суффикс, обозначающий учение, теорию, качество:

• -ism • marxism (марксизм), heroism (героизм)• •

• 3. Суффиксы, обозначающие действующее лицо, его занятие или должность:

• -ег, -or • -ee, -eer • to teach (учить) - teacher (учитель), to

direct (руководить) - director (руководитель)

• employee (служащий), refugee (беженец, эмигрант), auctioneer (аукционер),

• • 4. Суффикс, обозначающий результат

действия:• -ment• -ade• achievement (достижение), agreement

(согласие), government (правительство)• lemonade (лимонад), blockade (блокада)•

Group 3, task C.

• Образуйте от данных глаголов существительные с по мощью суффикса -ег или -or. Переведите на русский язык:

• To lead, to write, to read, to visit, to speak, to sleep, to act, to direct, to conduct, to drive, to fight, to mine, to report, to sing, to skate, to swim, to teach, to travel, to sail, to invent, to found, to compose.

• Для самых любознательных и трудолюбивых - http://infoenglish.info/load/1-1-0-1

Group 3, task C.

• Translate the text into Russian, using these expressions on page 21 in your S.B.

• Check your translation.

Our boarding school is like a big family and that’s why I don’t want to part with my friends at weekend. Have you ever seen the tenth-formers who get on with the first formers? And here they are friends with each other! And boys and girls get on well. We have meals 6 times a day. Our bedrooms are cozy. Every form has got a form-teacher. We can go to different clubs. They are a drama club, a musical club, a computer club. We can swim in the swimming pool or play in the playground. We have discos almost every day. We get good knowledge here and we are happy.

All groups. Ex. 1, parts 2),3).• What is a progressive school like?• Exchange your opinions.

Next lesson is a consolidation lesson.Say if you can do it.

• Я знаю, что означают слова: • again, to look forward to…, to go sightseeing, to go

sunbathing, chess, drama, a field trip, an outing, assembly, Biology, by heart, Chemistry, to do without, Physics, a waste (of time), registration, a timetable, to discover, to mix with, excellent, to understand, to, mean, quit, according to, a boarding school, knowledge, a meeting, to float, a highlight, to miss, a raft.

Я знаю, как пишутся слова:

• to go sightseeing, to go sunbathing, assembly, Biology, by heart, Chemistry, to do without, Physics, a waste (of time), registration, a timetable, to discover, to understand, to, mean, quit.

• Я знаю правила написания письма личного характера на английском языке

Я могу:

• - понять учебный текст, включающий данные слова,

• - понять письма английских школьников,• - понять их школьное расписание уроков,• - понять высказывания (устные и

письменные) английских детей о школе, об их любимых школьных предметах, каникулах.

Я могу:

• - использовать новые слова в своих предложениях,

• - рассказать о своих летних каникулах, любимых занятиях и любимых школьных предметах, о школе и школьном расписании уроков.

Я умею:

• - пользоваться грамматическим справочником,

• - пользоваться лингвострановедческим справочником,

• - переводить слова с русского языка на английский и наоборот,

• - работать с лексической таблицей,

• - выбрать значение многозначного слова.

Я умею различать

• - грамматические времена:

• прошедшее простое/длительное/совершённое,

• - прямую и косвенную речь в английском языке.

Я умею:

• - построить высказывание на английском языке,

• - написать письмо о своей школе или каникулах другу по переписке

• - подготовить и представить свой проект по одной из тем :

• а) «Моя школа»• б) «Школа моей мечты»• в) «Идеальный школьный день… Какой он?»

• http://infoenglish.info/load/1-1-0-1• www.summerhillschool.co.uk• http://www.summerhillschool.co.uk/pages/re

search.html• http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A._S._Neill