What is a prayer stick by greg garceau

Post on 07-May-2015

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Greg facilitated a practicum workshop this last summer 2012. This is the opening lecture slideshow about the symbols and meanings behind prayer sticks. Check it out. Thanks.

Transcript of What is a prayer stick by greg garceau

What is a Prayer Stick?

The Symbolism behind Wands, Rods, & Staves according to a number of sources.

By Greg Garceau

I chose to use the term Prayer stick as a broad definition of what we will be creating.

There are many different names of what you might call your Sacred Piece of craftwork.

Other names are Rod of Asclepius, Magic Wand, Druid Rod or Staff, Staff of Power, Scepter of Power, Medicine Sticks, Walking or Talking Sticks.

All these carry a quality of power that we will explore as we create these items tomorrow.

Prayer Sticks go by many different names……

A Prayer Stick Example: By Jo Garceau

Druids used a staff as a type of conductor for majick. It had to be made of wood, and the type of wood used depended on the type of majick that it would partake in. A metal rod could result in a surge and harm the holder. Gems can be added to the staff to increase its power and reflect it onto the desired course. Similar to a lazer. ("Druid Planet", 2012)

The Celtic Perspective: Rod or Staff Symbolism

The wand became a symbol of power, wisdom, and healing. The staff was always a symbol of power as snakes shed their skin in a type of renewal or transformation which is the ultimate healing. That symbolism makes the wand or rod of Asclepius, the original, most powerful wand. (sorry, but it was not Harry Potter's) (Stokes, 2012)

Magic Wands & Rod of Asclepius

The other wand, that was the original healer's wand, is the Rod of Asclepius. This rod is a simple staff with one snake curled up to the top of the staff. No wings are present on the Rod of Asclepius. This wand is now seen much more on the coats and doors of physicians.(Stokes, 2012)

More About the Rod of Asclepius, the Most Powerful Healing Wand

Asclepius ( /æsˈkliːpiəs/; Greek: Ἀσκληπιός Asklēpiós [asklɛːpiós]; Latin Aesculapius) is the god of medicine and healing in ancient Greek religion. Asclepius represents the healing aspect of the medical arts; his daughters are Hygieia ("Hygiene", the goddess/personification of health, cleanliness, and sanitation), Iaso (the goddess of recuperation from illness), Aceso (the goddess of the healing process), Aglæa/Ægle (the goddess of beauty, splendor, glory, magnificence, and adornment), and Panacea (the goddess of universal remedy). He was associated with the Roman/Etruscan god Vediovis. He was one of Apollo's sons, sharing with Apollo the epithet Paean ("the Healer").[2] The rod of Asclepius, a snake-entwined staff, remains a symbol of medicine today. (Grimal, 1996) (Wikipedia, 2012)

Who is Asclepius?

Medicine Sticks, Walking Sticks, Talking Sticks. The Talking Stick is a tool used in many Native American Traditions

when a council is called. It allows all council members to present their Sacred Point of View. The Talking Stick is passed from person to person as they speak and only the person holding the stick is allowed to talk during that time period. The Answering Feather is also held by the person speaking unless the speaker addresses a question to another council member. At that time, the Answering Feather is passed to the person asked to answer the query. Every member of the meeting must listen closely to the words being spoken, so when their turn comes, they do not repeat unneeded information or ask impertinent questions. Indian children are taught to listen from age three forward; they are also taught to respect another's viewpoint. This is not to say that they may not disagree, but rather they are bound by their personal honor to allow everyone their Sacred Point of View.(People,2012)

Native American Symbolism

Since each piece of material used in the Talking Stick speaks of the personal Medicine of the stick owner, each Talking Stick will be different. The Qualities of each type of Standing Person (Tree) brings specific Medicine. White Pine is the Peace Tree, Birch symbolizes truth, Evergreens represent the continued growth of all things. Cedar symbolizes cleansing. Aspen is the symbol for seeing clearly since there are many eye shapes on the truth. Maple represents gentleness. Elm is used for wisdom; Mountain Ash for protection; Oak for strength; Cherry for expression, high emotion, or love. Fruit woods are for abundance and walnut or pecan for gathering of energy or beginning new projects. Each person making a Talking Stick must decide which type of Standing Person (Tree) will assist their needs and add needed medicine to the Councils held.(People, 2012)

More about the Native American First People’s Talking Stick

Symbolism requires individual thought and interpretation to be of any value. Each individual may interpret things in his own way. For example: looking at a picture of a river may bring to the mind of some a fishing experience, to some it may be sailing or boating and to others peace and solitude. The important thing is that it has meaning to the individual and can help him perfect his ashlar. So, the following statements must not be considered final, but rather suggestive of the endless possibilities of rod symbolism. (Walk, 1997-2010)

The Order of the Mason’s Point of View of Symbolism of Rods, Staves, and Wands

It could symbolize a plumb line pointing to heaven and could mean moral rectitude, or to set our lives to lead to immortality.

The Stewards rods could remind us of the perfect parallel lines and John the Baptist and John the Evangelist.

They could mean authority or power. They could remind us of a lever. Archimedes said "Give me a lever and a place to rest and I will

move the world". How infinitesimal are the forces exerted by the mechanical lever as to the spiritual force exerted by the Masonic Rod on the minds and hearts of men.

The devices on top the rods represent the forces of nature acting beneficially for mankind. Oliver Day said "The glorious orbs of night and day (referring to the moon and sun of the

deacon staff) have not yet lost their power to stir the thoughts of divinity in the human mind". The moon on the Junior Deacon's staff is a water spilling moon. The water spilled on the ground

with sunshine, as represented by the sun atop the Senior Deacon's, on the growing crop brings forth the fruit of harvest overflowing in the cornucopias in the rods of the Stewards.

The story of the cornucopias goes like this: When Zeus was an infant, he was raised by the two daughters of Melisseus. His daughters were virgins so for nourishment, Zeus was given the milk of the goat Amalthea. When Zeus became ruler of the Gods, to show appreciation for his early care and nourishment, he placed the goat Amalthea in the heavens as a constellation. To the daughters of Melisseus, he gave each one horn of the goat with the provision that as long as they lived, whatever they desired they only had to express the wish and it would be supplied from the goat's horn in over-flowing abundance. And so the cornucopias of the steward's rods are overflowing with the fruits of the harvest to symbolize the abundant material and spiritual life which faithful masons may hope to enjoy. (Walk, 1997-2010)

Masonic Symbols Associated

Since the Masons suggest that “Symbolism requires individual thought or interpretation for any symbol to have power, that each individual interprets in his/her own way.” (Walk, 1997-2010)

Here are my personal thoughts; Could it mean?◦ Spine?◦ Axis Mundi?◦ Kundalini Sushumna Center Path of the Energy of

Kundalini?◦ Unitive force of Consciousness?

Personal View of Symbolism of Rod

This is how I interpret the thought of imbuing your Prayer Stick with your Soul’s Light.

We will add ritual and ceremony as we create our power sticks.

You are the World.

It really depends on you.. What symbols come to you at the mention of Rods, Staves, or Wands? What will you create tomorrow?

As a Tarotist, and a Spiritual Intuitive, here are a few more thoughts for you to ponder as you take your pieces of wood home and begin to process and prepare for tomorrow.◦ The Tarot has a complete suit called Rods, Wands, or sometimes

known as Clubs.◦ Seven of the Major Arcana in the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck carry a

wand, stave, or wand. They are numbers 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 21. The names of these are as follows, the Magician, the Empress, the Emperor, the Hierophant, the Chariot, the Hermit, and the Universe, or World. Some associated Astrology signs are Scorpio, Aries, Taurus, Virgo, Cancer, and potentially Sagittarius which I might associate with the Universe, King of the Gods, otherwise known as Jupiter, or Zeus. I have shown you these Arcana periodically throughout this presentation.

A few final thoughts….

I have covered several different approaches to the symbolism of the Prayer Stick.

Tomorrow, it will be up to you to take the time to construct and imbue your Prayer Sticks with the energy and power of your Soul’s Light.

Think about your own personal symbolism, intentions, and goals for your Prayer Stick. What will you use it for? What power are you bestowing upon it? What do you hope to learn and understand as you embark on this powerful journey of creating and imbuing your Prayer Stick with your own personal Energy? You could do a personal ritual tonight and tomorrow to honor the life you are adding to the life already present in your chosen piece of wood and art materials. If there are more materials you would like to bring tomorrow, to add to this creation, all is well.


    , Druid Planet. (2012). Druid Planet. Retrieved from

http://13thdruidofavalon.tripod.com/druidplanet   Grimal, P. (1996). Dictionary of Classical Mythology: Wiley-Blackwell.   People, F. (2012). http://www.firstpeople.us/, from http://www.firstpeople.us/ 

Stokes, J. (2012). http://www.mindbodyspirit-online.com/about. from http://www.mindbodyspirit-online.com/about

 Walk, C. R. (1997-2010). http://www.masonicworld.com/ Retrieved June 26, 2012, from http://www.masonicworld.com/education/articles/masonic_rods_and_staffs.htm

Wikipedia, t. F. E. (2012) Wikipedia online web page., from en.wikipedia.org






