What is a Hearing Aid Specialist?

Post on 21-Jun-2015

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Transcript of What is a Hearing Aid Specialist?

What is a Hearing Aid Specialist?

A hearing aid specialist, also

known as a hearing instrument

specialist, is a hearing health

provider who helps determine if people have hearing loss.

They also fit those with

hearing impairment with hearing


Hearing instrument

specialists have much experience in

hearing testing, and are very

familiar with the hearing aid options available to their


These specialists work closely with the hearing aid

manufacturers to provide products suitable for each patient’s needs.

Your specialist will perform hearing

tests, explain your results, and discuss your options. They

will work closely with other professionals

and with you to determine the best

hearing aids for better hearing health.

Your specialist will keep proper

documentation and records of your

hearing impairment should you need that

information at any time.

If you feel that you are having

difficulty hearing, contact a

specialist today! Hurry, and get better hearing started now!