What is a Glycolic Peel and How it Works for your Skin?

Post on 20-Feb-2017

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Transcript of What is a Glycolic Peel and How it Works for your Skin?

What is a Glycolic

Peel and How it

Works for your Skin?

Glycolic Peel is a naturally occurring AHA acid derived from cane sugar. Topically applying glycolic acid helps to chemically exfoliate the epidermis.

What % Glycolic Peel do I start with?

We always recommend that first time users begin for with low % specially at home. In professional setting you can start at 35%. With glycolic peels, you may experience mild redness and peeling.

Post peel care is crucial for successful results. Avoid sun exposure, use a good healing moisturizer, avoid hot tubs and hot water or heat on face. Do not use any other strong products after a peel.

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