What is a Curated Soul?

Post on 29-Nov-2014

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What does it mean to be a curated soul?

Transcript of What is a Curated Soul?

What’s a Curated Soul?Let’s take a look.

cu·rate [v. kyoo r-eyt]verb (used with object), cu·rat·ed, cu·rat·ing.1. to take charge of (a museum) or organize (an art exhibit): to curate a photography show.2. to pull together, sift through, and select for presentation, as music or website content: “We curate our merchandise with a sharp eye for trending fashion,” the store manager explained.

So to curate your soul means…

● To take charge of it.● To organize it.● To sift through it and see what's really there.● To intentionally and carefully select what will be part of it.● And to present it tastefully to the world.

But that’s not all.

It's not just about what you do as a curator, but

also how you do it.

Do you have a

curator’s mindset when it comes to

your soul?

Curators Seek.

They seek the best, and they are willing to wait patiently to find it.

Curator’s Reject...

more than they accept, because they are discerning and discriminating. They aren’t afraid to say no to what doesn’t meet their high standards.

Tenderly, but tenaciously they safeguard and preserve what’s been acquired. They do not relinquish their treasures or allow them to fall into disrepair.

A Curator Cares.

Curators present and interpret their acquisitions in hopes of educating, informing, or inspiring their audience.

Curators develop carefully and intentionally.

Are you ready to be a Curated Soul?
