What have you learnt from your audience feedback

Post on 18-Dec-2014

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Transcript of What have you learnt from your audience feedback


17+Our initial idea was for our target audience to be within our age range so we could relate to them, also as a group we all enjoy R’n’B music. We came to the conclusion that age 17+ are most likely to listen to R’n’B music, we found this out through research and questionnaires. We asked both male and female from the age of 17-18 to fill out our questionnaire, we found that most like to download music and they all had similar ideas of what they typically see in an R’n’B music video.

Here is a copy of the questionnaire

You can see a clearer version on our blog:http://stmarksmediaa2g22010.blogspot.com/2010/11/questionnaire.html

We asked questions such as what style of clothing you prefer and where do you shop just so we could get an idea of what clothing we could put our actors in. The most important question we asked was what do you normally see in a music video, we got answers such as live performances, women, cars, a narrative, dancing – this gave us a better understanding of what our target audience would like to see in our music video. We asked how often they went to see live performances, 7 people out of 11 said never, this shows us that most people would prefer to watch them on tv, online etc.

We also asked what genre they prefer so we could try appeal to the widest possible audience – R’n’B was the most popular. A majority of the people we asked preferred to download their music, and we found that CD sales were at its all time low due to digitalization.

We took our findings into consideration as this had a big impact in helping us plan our music video.

We even considered what radio stations which we may hear Labrinth on. We decided that Capital FM is the most likely radio station that we would hear Labrinth on. We chose Capital FM as this is a very popular radio station and also most the songs they play on it are R’n’B. Capital FM also suits our target audience with up to date music, which would attract people of many ages.

This is another method we used, we recorded a student discussing their favourite artist, what genre they liked, what they usually see in R’n’B music videos etc. We asked this student as his favourite genre was R’n’B therefore we felt he had enough knowledge, also he was a fan of the artist that we have chosen – Labrinth.

We found this very effective as it allowed us to have a one to one discussion with him.

He then went on to watch our music video and commented on it. He was asked questions such as what did he like about it, if he could think of any improvements and what was his favourite shot.

As this was made after our music video was made it didn’t go towards our planning however it allowed us to think what we could have done and improved if we had enough time.

We felt this method was a quicker and effective way of collecting feedback, therefore we used it again when collecting feedback for our digi-pack, lyric booklet and magazine advert. We asked both of these students for strengths and weaknesses for the front cover, back cover of the digi-pack, lyric booklet and the poster. And we asked if they felt it fitted the R’n’B genre, if there was anything they thought should have been added and would it encourage to buy our digi-pack.



Our Music VideoStrengths:• Liked the dancing• Actor was very enthusiastic • Most memorable shot was the actress blowing

the glitter.Weaknesses:• Lighting was bad in some shots• Mise en scene wasn’t that good

Front cover of digi-pack

Strengths:• Simple• Informative

Weaknesses:• Image is slightly blurry• Can’t see the artists face

Back cover of digi-packStrengths:• Informative

Weaknesses:• Legal information is blurry• No images

Lyrics booklet

Strengths:• Images are clear• A lot of information about the artist• Fits R’n’B genre

Weaknesses:• All the writing should be white

Magazine advertStrengths:• Like the use of the blackberry scan code• Text is big and clear • Use of synergy – similar to cover• Realistic• It stands out• Fits the R’n’B genre

Weaknesses:• Image is blurry• Looks slightly dull

Not only did we do a one on one discussion about our music video we also made another questionnaire which allowed our media class to express their feelings about our music video on paper.

To view the rest of the feedback click herehttp://stmarksmediaa2g22010.blogspot.com/2011/02/audience-feedback.html

Overall we all agree that receiving feedback is the very important and essential when creating a successful music video, digi-pack and magazine advert. Without appropriate and sensible feedback we wouldn’t have been able to make a music video to meet the needs of our target audience. The feedback was a huge influence on our music video, digi-pack and magazine advert.