What have the Maya ever done for us? · The ancient Egyptian civilisation began 5,000 years ago...

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Transcript of What have the Maya ever done for us? · The ancient Egyptian civilisation began 5,000 years ago...

What have the Maya ever done for us? Who were the Maya?

The Maya were an ancient civilisation based in an area of Central America known as Mesoamerica. This ancient civilisation have been credited with:

- The invention of chocolate and the development of farming techniques especially for maize, which was their main crop.

- The creation of team sports. Mayan cities had large open plazas central for meeting and games, such as pok-a-tok.

- Improving our knowledge of astronomy. The Mayans were keen astronomers and created detailed maps of the sun, moon and stars to help create calendars.

- The development of architecture. The Mayans created spectacular cities, such as the pyramids of Chichen Itza.

Key Vocabulary

AD - Stands for ‘Anno Domini’, which means ‘In the year of our Lord’, which is just over 2000 years ago.

BC - Stands for ‘Before Christ’. Some historians use this term to describe dates up to the birth of Jesus, which was just over 2000 years ago.

Maize - Maize, also known as corn, is a cereal grain.

Architecture - The design and construction of buildings.

Civilisation - The society, culture, and way of life of a particular area.

Temple - A building used for worship of a God or Gods in some religions.

Agriculture - Farming - growing crops and rearing animals.

Crops - A plant that is grown on a large scale - usually a cereal, fruit or vegetable.

Tomb - A large stone structure or underground room where someone, especially an important person, is buried.

Artefact - An object that is made by a person, such as a tool or a decoration, especially one of historical interest.

Empire - A group of countries ruled by a single person, government or country.

Worship - To have or show a strong feeling or respect and admiration for a God or Gods.

Astronomy - The study of space, planets, stars and the universe.

Hieroglyphics - A system of writing using pictures not words.

2500 BCStart of the

Ancient Mayan Civilisation

500 ADTikal becomes the first great Mayan


683 ADEmperor Pacal dies aged 80 and is buried in the Temple

of Inscriptions.

900 ADThe ancient Maya

civilisation starts to collapse.

1500 ADSpanish invaders

(conquistadors) arrive in Mesoamerica.

What have the Ancient Egyptians ever done for us? Who were the Ancient Egyptians?

The ancient Egyptian civilisation began 5,000 years ago when people started building villages next to the River Nile in north-east Africa. It lasted for around 3,000 years. This ancient civilisation have arguably impacted the modern world by developing:

- The advancement of writing. Along with the Mayans, who were based on the other side of the world, the Egyptians used pictograms and papyrus to record and pass information.

- The invention of clocks. The Egyptians invented two types of clocks - sun and water clocks to help keep track of the hours.

- The ways of preserving bodies. Through mummification, the Egyptians preserved bodies to such an extent that historians today can tell what types of diseases they suffered.

7000 BCSettlement of

Nile Valley begins.

4500 BCEgyptians use

sails for the first time.

669 BCKing Tutankhamun


30 BCCleopatra dies

and the Romans control Egypt.

Key Vocabulary

Afterlife - The place where Egyptians believed they would go after they died.

Nile - The river that runs through Africa and Egypt. It was very important for the Ancient Egyptians and helped them travel, farm and trade.

Canopic Jar - Used to store and preserve organs in the mummification process.

Papyrus - A plant that grew on the banks of the Nile. It was used as an early version of paper.

Egyptologist - An archaeologist who focuses who focuses on Ancient Egypt. A famous egyptologist was Howard Carter, who discovered Tutankhamun’s tomb.

Pharaoh - The ruler and leader of Ancient Egypt.

Mummifications - The process of preserving a body after death in preparation for the afterlife.

Sarcophagus - A large stone box that held a mummy’s coffin. Often richly decorated for Pharaohs.

3500 BCFirst use of
