What happens during liposuction surgery by Brett Kotlus MD

Post on 28-Nov-2014

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Liposuction is popular procedure that shapes the body by selectively removing fat. Dr. Kotlus presents the details of the liposuction procedure.

Transcript of What happens during liposuction surgery by Brett Kotlus MD

What happens during liposuction

Liposuction is a surgery that removes fat

Liposuction areas:




Liposuction reshapes stubborn areas, not for weight loss

before and after

before and after

pre-surgical markings

Step 1.


Step 2.

tumescent anesthetic


Step 3.

tumescent anesthetic consists of: dilute lidocaine with epinephrine

Step 3.

Step 4. fat


Step 4. thin tubes

(cannulas) remove the fat through small holes

Fat cells removed with liposuction are permanently gone


anesthetic fluid

entry site (fades over time)

Step 4.

only for subcutaneous fat, not visceral fat

Step 4. in some cases, laser is used first

to melt the fat

compression for 1 – 3 weeks

Step 5.

before and after

before and after

before and after