What Every Girl - StoresOnlinestoresonline.com/members/993735/uploaded/WEGSK... · 2012-07-11 ·...

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Transcript of What Every Girl - StoresOnlinestoresonline.com/members/993735/uploaded/WEGSK... · 2012-07-11 ·...

Dear Friend, Thank you for requesting this free lesson of What Every Girl Should Know: A Study in Love, Life & Faith! Along with this excerpt on Godly friendships, I am also including an overview of the entire workbook, a portion of the free Leader’s Guide e-book, and a few other select pages. I truly hope that you enjoy it! As you consider the value of this course I want to assure you that as a mother, grandmother, teacher, or mentor you can adapt it to the teaching style that is most effective for you! I personally have taught this in many different settings, my favorites being in 6-12 week group classes and one-on-one mentoring sessions. ☺ Many have shared with me that they have enjoyed being able to utilize their own teaching creativity depending on their specific circumstances. That’s why you can easily condense or expand the course to fit your own comfort level! With or without a leader guiding her through the book, each girl will have the opportunity to make personal application to her own life through the sections entitled “Time to Think” and “What About Me?” at the end of every chapter. It was my heart’s desire as I was compiling this course to have something that a girl from any walk of life could pick up and feel instantly excited and motivated to learn more about God’s wonderful plan for her life! It is also my prayer that this will enable you to be able to make a priceless memory and influence a young mind and heart in a way that will never be forgotten. Many mothers tell me that their daughters who have already gone through the course enjoy holding on to their workbook, pulling it out periodically to share with a friend or even just to brush up on a few points. ☺ May this sample of What Every Girl Should Know motivate and inspire you to embrace the calling of Titus 2:4 of the older women training the younger women! If you have any questions or thoughts you’d like to share with us please don’t hesitate to drop us a line! We would love to hear from you. ☺

May the Lord richly bless and keep you!

Myklin Vinson

Special offer! Buy the workbook and get the 21-page Leader’s Guide FREE! When your books are shipped we will send you the Leader’s Guide via e-mail. This free e-book will

make it easy and enjoyable for you to plan your lessons in such a way as to positively influence the girls in your group in their walks with the Lord. ☺ Every chapter of the study will have class ideas, helpful hints, and fun suggestions… (Because we understand

the need for the leader to have a wonderful experience as well as the students! ☺)

Heart Of Virtue – Promoting Excellency & Valor in Daily Life www.heartofvirtue.com

Below we've listed Six Things Every Girl Should Know as it is outlined exactly in the workbook…

Chapter 1 - She should know and believe in her heart that Jesus Christ loves her and has a wonderful plan for her life. (1 John 5:20)

The Good News of Jesus Christ is discussed in depth in this chapter. Each girl will learn how much He loves her and desires to be a part of her life! Myklin shares her own personal testimony and encourages each girl to ponder the things that are most important in life.

Chapter 2 - She should know her Savior better by the daily reading of His Word, praying with Him and meditating on His precepts. (Isaiah 58:2)

Spiritual disciplines such as studying the Scriptures, learning how to pray and memorize the Bible are vitally important to a girl’s life, development, and walk with the Lord. Here girls are challenged to make time for Jesus every single day. Myklin shares a few personal Quiet Time tips the Lord has taught her over the years.

Chapter 3 - She should know that her body belongs to God and should strive to be pleasing on the inside, as well as on the outside. (1 Corinthians 6:19)

Our world tells us that physical beauty is all that matters! In Chapter 3 a girl will learn that God looks at the heart of a young woman, rather than her outward appearance. She will discover how to be balanced as she cares for her outward appearance without becoming consumed by it. Health, hair care, hairstyles, facial shapes, makeup, and clothing are all addressed in depth in easy to follow steps and understandable guidelines.

“What Every Girl Should Know can be summed up in two words. Refreshing and Inspiring! As the mother of a young girl I’ve seen first hand the excitement in her eyes and heard the eagerness in her voice to work through this book. I’ve looked at

other curriculums covering these topics and this one by far surpasses them all. The way the author wove Godly living and personal commitment throughout the book makes it a reality for girls. The format for a girl and that special older woman to

work through this book together is a memory in the making. Thank you, Myklin.” - Jeanne

“ As I went through this book I learned six things that every girl should know. The most important was to know our Lord and Savior and the plan He has for our life, as well as how to spend time with Him. I learned little things from each section that

helped me to know more about how the Lord created me. In the end we learned how God created us each different and unique. This helped me in bettering who I am and seeing myself as God sees me.” – Gina, Age 18

“I used to review ‘character’ and self-esteem curricula for Christian programs. They were 99% junk. I wish What Every Girl Should Know had been around when I was teaching young girls who were opting out of the public school programs for

‘health.’ It would have been SO perfect… Maybe it just took a Holy Spirit inspired young person like Myklin Cox to do it!!” Heather Idoni of www.educationforthesoul.com, www.easyfunschool.com,

www.christianhomeschooling.us, and www.belovedbooks.com

Chapter 4 - She should know how to look for good character in the people she chooses to spend time with and treat as role models. (James 4:4b)

A girl will learn how she can become a true friend, exhibit good manners, and discover how to live her life following the example set forth by the best role model of all time…Jesus! Social graces are covered in this section; such as table etiquette, conversation fillers and guidelines, hostess and guest manners, and more. Specific qualities in Christ’s character are studied, with application for her every day life.

Chapter 5 - She should know that she has been given talents and abilities by God as a way to bless those He will bring across her path. (Ephesians 1:18)

At some point or another every girl wonders if there is anything special or totally unique about her. What has she been gifted to do that no one else can do? In this chapter a girl will have the opportunity to deeply explore the answers to these questions. She will look at different personality types, gifts, and various natural abilities God has blessed her with so that she can learn to become a blessing to others! Myklin touches on basic household skills such as cooking, baking and sewing as well so that each girl can have a better understanding of the homemaking skills she may need in her future.

Chapter 6 - She should know that her life is in the Lord’s Hands and His timing is always perfect. (Job 42:2)

It’s natural for a girl to wonder about her future. Will it hold trials and hardships…marriage…or something else entirely? How does a girl know what to do with herself as a single young woman? How does she treat the guys around her as she’s trying to figure them out and be their friends, yet realize that she’s not quite ready for marriage? These issues and others are addressed from a Biblically realistic point of view in this last chapter as Myklin shares about God’s work in her own heart and life. Girls will be encouraged to hear of the Lord’s faithfulness and His promises in the midst of uncertain or hard times that will be facing them inevitably in the future!


“In What Every Girl Should Know, I have learned some manners I hadn't thought of before. One example is to be more encouraging in relationships. I have tried to put the manners Myklin taught into practice and to be more like a young lady.

I hope Myklin will offer a second class like this. I'd be the first to sign up!" - Noelle, Age 12

"I am very excited about your book! I found your book while I was searching for a Christian course that would teach my girls manners and home economics and social graces. After a lot of searching and nothing really fitting the bill,

I came across your web page and was excited to see that your book covered everything I was looking for!! My girls are age 12 & 10 so this should be perfect for them. I might even have my girls Bible study use this book

for their next study. Thanks, & God Bless!" - April

“This book covers a wide range of topics from practical to spiritual with each subject being backed my Scripture. It is written from a perspective teenage girls can understand. Now, more than ever, girls need to know

what God’s Word says about His plan for their lives and how to follow it. I highly recommend What Every Girl Should Know for youth girl’s Bible Study.” – Michele, Youth Pastor’s Wife


“He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.” ~ Proverbs 13:20 (KJV)

“A true friend is one who knows you as you really are, understands where you’ve been, accepts who you’ve become, and still gently invites you to grow.”

~ Unknown

True Friendships

Whether we realize it or not, we are influenced by the people around us. Peer pressure comes into play nearly every day of our lives! That’s why it is important to choose friends who won’t lead us into the wrong things.

We have talked about this before and I will say it again…people are always watching us! Our parents are watching, our friends are watching, strangers are watching, but most importantly, God is always watching. ☺ I don’t know about you, but that convicts me. I want Him to be pleased with those I choose to spend time with and call my friends! Don’t you? ☺

“…know ye not that the friendship with the world is enmity with God?” ~ James 4:4b (KJV)


“A man that hath friends must show himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.” ~ Proverbs 18:24 (KJV)

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

Against such things there is no law.” ~ Galatians 5:22-23 (NIV)

Become a True Friend

• Be a friend to the friendless. (Luke 6:32-36) • Don’t return hurt for hurt. (Matthew 5:38-44)

• Be honest and truthful, but share that truth in love. ☺ (Ephesians 4:15)

• Don’t put an age limit on your friendships.

• Have a kind word and a smile ready to give at a moment’s notice. ☺

• Do your best not to take up an offense. (1 Thessalonians 5:15)

• Avoid being involved in cliques that may pressure you not to get to know other people.

• Ask the Lord to help you be friendly to those people who are hard to get to know. • Remember, a person is made better or worse by friends. Don’t you want to be the kind of friend that makes others better? ☺

Or in the words of my mother, “Myklin, if you want to have friends, you must first BE a friend.”



1. Have you ever been on the outside of a group of friends? What did it feel like?

2. Have you ever been involved with a group of friends who excluded other

people? 3. How does God feel about friends who pressure you to ignore others?

4. What are some ways you can involve other people into your group of friends?

5. What do you think it means to “not take up an offense”?

6. Are you the kind of friend who makes other people better? If not, how can you

become this sort of friend?


What About Me?

1. How do I treat people who are hard to get along with?

2. Why is it hard for me to get along with some people?

3. I need to become better friends with these people:

4. What are some easy ways that I can start right now to become that better


5. Is Jesus happy with my choice of friends? Why or why not?

6. Why is it important to choose my friends wisely?

7. What does it mean to be a “companion of fools”? (Proverbs 13:20)


Role Models

It can be hard to find good role models in this world! People strive to be

rich and famous like the movie stars or athletes. We should look to Jesus Christ, first and foremost! He is the best example there is. His character should be the highest standard of living.

We need to be very careful who we aspire to be like in this world. Role models need to earn our respect through their words, behavior, and deeds. God gave us an entire Book full of people who lived lives that we can learn lessons from. Some of them have taught us how not to live, and others lived lives that the Lord blessed. Why don’t you look at some of the Godly women from the Bible? These women had strong character. Why not make role models of them?

1. Ruth (Ruth 1-4) 2. Esther (Esther 1-10) 3. Abigail (I Samuel 25:2-44) 4. Lydia (Acts 16:11-15) 6. Mary, Lazarus’ sister (Luke 10:38-42 & John 11, 12:1-8)


Pick a woman from the Bible (it doesn’t have to be one of the women listed above) and read her story. Write a small paper on her life answering these questions about her:

What makes this woman different from other women I see today?

What Godly or ungodly characteristics did she demonstrate in her life?

In what areas can I be like her in my own life?

Were there any struggles in her life that she had to overcome to continue to serve the Lord? What were they, and how did she respond to them?


Like Deborah, I will serve the Lord in power and speak His word without fear.

Like Esther, I will intercede for God’s people before the throne.

Like Abigail, I will humble myself to wash the feet of the servants of the Lord.

Like Sarah, I will respect my spouse and his ministry to the Lord.

Like Hannah, I will dedicate my children to the Lord.

Like Priscilla, I will explain the way of God more perfectly to those who are seeking.

Like the Shunamite widow, I will trust God in the day of adversity.

Like Lydia, I will be a worshiper of God and open my home to His ministers.

Like Tabitha (Dorcas), I will always do good and help the poor.

Like Joanna, I will use my wealth to support the ministry of Jesus.

Like Mary, the mother of Jesus, I will hear the word of God to me and will answer, “Be it unto me as you have said.”

Like Mary, the sister of Martha, I will know the voice of Jesus and hear His words.

Like Mary, the mother of Mark, I will make my home a haven for the followers of Jesus.

Like Mary, the Magdalene, I will keep at the feet of Jesus and love Him unto death.

~ Author Unknown


Just A Thought…

Above all other relationships in this world, your relationship with Jesus Christ is the most important! I cannot stress enough how vital it is to be in the Word of God on a daily basis. God wants to spend time with you. He’s crazy about you, ya know! ☺ He wants to be your first thought in the morning, your song during the day, and your last smile as you fall asleep. If Jesus Christ was first in your life, who knows what awesome things He could have in store for you?! ☺

This passage tells us that we are the salt and the light in this lost and dying

world! To have a fulfilled life (and by that I mean one with true joy, true peace, true love, and true contentment), we must be willing to give God every bit of ourselves. It may be uncomfortable to share our faith with a lost friend, to get up earlier to have a Quiet Time, or to pray every evening before bed. However uncomfortable those things may be, we must be willing to give them up to the Father of all. When we do this, He is then able to use us as His salt and light!

When it comes to sharing our faith with others and being bold witnesses in

this world, we have to kiss our fears goodbye. I know it’s easy to say and very hard to do, but the rewards are countless and far more valuable than you can ever imagine. The nervousness we feel may never leave, but we must always remember that His strength is perfected when we are at our weakest moments!!

Believe me when I say that He can give you the strength to do whatever it is

He has called you to do when the time comes. ☺ Philippians 4:13 says that you can do all things through Christ! So…will you give yourself completely to Him?

“You are the salt of the earth. But what good is salt if it has lost its flavor? Can you make it useful again? It will be thrown out and trampled underfoot as worthless.

You are the light of the world - like a city on a mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. Don’t hide your light under a basket! Instead, put in on a stand and let it shine for all.

In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your Heavenly Father.” ~ Matthew 5:13-16 (NLT)

“But He said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness.’” ~ 2 Corinthians 12:9a (NIV)

This portion is taken from the free What Every Girl Should Know Leader’s Guide e-book…

EXTRA TEACHING IDEAS Have the girls write out a “perfect friend” description. Discuss how wonderful it

would be to have someone who would be all these things. Challenge the girls to become this ideal friend to everyone they meet.

Talk about cliques and how to avoid them. Have you ever felt like you were on the

outside? How did that make you feel? Have you ever been involved in a clique? How can you include others in your group of friends?

Have the girls list individuals who they can think of who are in need of a friend.

Encourage the girls not to forget about the younger girls as well! Read through verses in Proverbs that discuss bad influences and being a companion

of fools. How can you avoid these types of friends without being rude? Study women of the Bible. What distinguished this woman in the Bible? What did

she do right in God’s eyes? What did she do wrong? Have the girls share a report on one Bible woman with the group.

Study the life of Jesus. Ask the girls how they can make Jesus their Best Friend. How

can they help other people get to know their Best Friend? Have them choose one area they want to be more like Jesus in, and focus on it for one month (i.e. be more forgiving). Discuss with the group how it went and what they learned in that month of trying to be like Jesus in just ONE area.

Go over the basics of witnessing and sharing your faith. Role-play, memorize key Scriptures together, and then make it a game to quiz each other on them.

Discuss unique ways to witness and share your faith. Challenge one another to witness to at least one person in the next week. Hold each other accountable to this.

Study Christian men and women from history and how they shared their faith (i.e. the Apostles and early Church in the book of Acts, Hudson Taylor, Corrie Ten Boom, etc.).

Here are a few of our favorite resources that may be of interest to you!


What Every Girl Should Know: A Study in Love, Life & Faith – Workbook ** Plus FREE LEADER’S GUIDE e-book ! ** Written Myklin Vinson Price: $19.95 Pages: 150 Instilling Virtue in the Hearts of Young Women – CD ** Plus BONUS TRACK interview with Myklin on American Family Radio! ** Speaker: Myklin Vinson (formerly Cox) Price: $8.00 Length: 70 minutes What Every Parent Should Know About Daughters - CD Speaker: Myklin Vinson (formerly Cox) Price: $8.00 Length: 40 minutes Be Thou An Example: Raising Children of Character – CD Speaker: Myklin Vinson (formerly Cox) Price: $8.00 Length: 50 minutes BONUS BUY! Save over 20% by ordering our 3-CD Bundle! Sale Price: $20.00 (originally $24.00) Merchant Maiden – eBook Written by Crystal Paine of www.BiblicalWomanhood.com Price: $3.50 Pages: 32

Also, be sure to check out the Recommended Resources section of our site for more great products!
