What does Social Media mean to me?

Post on 28-Nov-2014

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Social Media is all about communication, network, sharing, & branding. Here's my Social Media experience.

Transcript of What does Social Media mean to me?

  • 1. SocialMedia MyExperience Aakar(@aakarpost)
  • 2. WhatdoesSocialMedia meantome?
  • 3. SocialMediais... VirtualFriendship Communication
  • 4. Networking Info.Sharing SocialMediais...
  • 5. SocialMediais... Profession Identity
  • 6. HowIseeSocialMedia?
  • 7. Socialmediaisliketeensex.Everyonewantstodoit.No oneactuallyknowshow.Whenfinallydone,thereis surpriseitsnotbetter.AvinashKaushik,DigitalMarketing Evangelist,Google
  • 8. WhatexactlyisSocialMedia?
  • 9. SocialMediaisanumbrellatermthatdefinesthevarious activitiesthatintegratetechnology,socialinteraction, andtheconstructionofwords,pictures,videos&audio.
  • 10. SocialMediaToolsIuse?
  • 11. StartedBloggingin2007
  • 12. Hobby Identity/Profession
  • 13. SocialMediais Viral,Fast&Powerful
  • 14. Strategy BeActive BeInteresting BeHumble BeHonest
  • 15. SocialMediais Addictive Admitit:
  • 16. Interaction Feedback
  • 17. Recognition
  • 18. SocialMediaforChange
  • 19. Onyourmark Getset Go! AakarAnil InternetMarketingSpecialist,CloudFactory SocialMediaEnthusiast&Blogger Twitter:@aakarpost Facebook:fb.com/aakarpost Blog:aakarpost.com|aakar.me