What are you going to do with your Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality Superpowers?

Post on 15-Aug-2015

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Transcript of What are you going to do with your Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality Superpowers?

  1. 1. Tish Shute THRED, Founding Team Co-founder Augmented World Expo What are you going to do with your AR and VR Super Powers?
  2. 2. 2 High Expectations for AR and VR Images made in THRED
  3. 3. 3The world changing VR Game he was playing?
  4. 4. 4 It was actually quite cute but definitely not world changing yet
  5. 5. A lot has changed in computing since AR and VR began the journey to presence http://www.roadtovr.com/oculus-shares-5-key-ingredients-for-presence-in-virtual- reality/ Tracking Latency Low Persistence Resolution Optics
  6. 6. Prosthetics, exoskeletons, soft exosuits, pacemakers, corneal lenses, contacts (with zooming lenses), artificial joints, braces, drug implant systems, artificial skin and glasses and more.. Computers are no longer objects that humans manipulate, they are part of us. (Borthwick).
  7. 7. Computing will not just be about interacting with what you see on a screen ..its about the connections you can make. Borthwick
  8. 8. 8 The Super Power of Augmented and Virtual Reality is the potential to increase empathy
  9. 9. Wearables, watches, beacons and nearables, haptic triggers and navigation virtual reality and augmented reality. are blurring the lines between biological and augmented intelligence. Augmented Intelligence Its the difference between seeing something and feeling something. Borthwick .
  10. 10. Data Skins Local data, GPS, accelerometer, temperature, atmospheric pressure, humidity sensors, heart rate, glucose levels, hydration levels and calories - married with contextual information, such as your interests, your location, your history. But the language of computers is getting further away from the expressive language of humans
  11. 11. Data Skins + Presence = New Forms of Empathy AR and VR can bring data back into human language and bring new forms of empathy to story telling.
  12. 12. tish.shute@gmail.com @tishshute