What Are You Doing?

Post on 29-Jun-2015

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Transcript of What Are You Doing?

  • 1. What are you doing...?
    Defining Presence & Interconnectedness within Twitter

2. Social Networking
3. A different way to communicate...
Or is it...
to the World
4. Limited Text
140 char limit
direct communication
5. Thursday 29th October 2009, 18:32
I need to stop reading twitter, I really dont want to know anything about games before I play them less than a minute ago
Doing some industry reading during the day. Not normal lately. I like it.
Free your thoughts
Hey I'm up for playing in the rain, how are you? 1 minute ago from TweetDeck
HAPPY 40 TH BIRTHDAY, INTERNET! The first message was sent 40 years ago from UCLA to Stanford. Read up: www.ucla.edu#ucla40
Its 4:30am - Im off this - *goodnight* to whoever is up tweetinless than a minute ago
Reading up on WebMD because I cant go to the doctor. Turns out I may have had pneumonia. Huh.
Getting ready, dance, "this is it" ! :-))
thank you for the 80s Blips! I must go early to bed or I will not have seen my man for days apart from in passing. goodnight
Today I watched This Is It at cinema. I liked it very much. We miss u MICHAEL.
6. It's a moment that I'm after,a fleeting moment, but not a frozen moment. Andrew Wyeth
7. We live in isolation in our daily lives, working from our small offices, encased in our individual micro-worlds, unaware of the billions of worlds out there.
Our sense of the world is subjective, based on our own experiences.
8. For the first time in history, we have a window into the world.
Second by second
9. At times profound, often mundane, occasionally insightfulits what is happening in the world...Right now.
10. We can now see more of the world around us as a whole...
In real time...
11. My World... (tonight) 01/11/09
Dinner time...
Phones ringing...
Mummys busy in a minute!
So tired
Need a break
Headache looming
Marking to do
Sneaky scrabble game!
Ebaying for Dad
Read essay
Bedtime Lili
You might not be too interested in MY life...
What to eat
Send Email
Story mummy!
What do YOU want to eat?
Should we move?
Diagrams for Si
12. But you might be interested in theirs...
13. During the Iran Elections, Twitter became a vital communication tool, allowing thousands of Iranians the freedom to speak out, to record, to protest the violence that was unfolding in their country.
The voices of people; insistent that the world was aware of their struggle... Their (only?) chance to get information out
14. We are connected
15. Interconnected
Whilst text-only communication comes out on the lower end of the scale of media richness... It cannot be denied that the feeling of interconnectedness is still very strong.
16. Social Presence Theory
The moment to moment awareness of co-presence of a mediated body and the sense of accessibility of the other beings psychological, emotional and intentional states
Biocca, F & Harms, C (2002). Defining and Measuring Social Presence: Contribution to the Networked Minds Theory and Measure, Proceedings of PRESENCE (2002): p14
17. But what is this connection, that is missing the proximity of human physical closeness?
18. Your Presence is Felt...
The present is ever-changing,never static.
You are present,
your presence is felt.
It is the appeal of living in the moment.
It is liveness
19. Communication is
It is inand
the moment
20. Users do not expect a response when they send a message via Twitter...
This means you can step in and out of the flow of information as it suits you and it never queues up with increasing demand of your attention.
21. Tweeting ART?
Artists are relishing the free-flowing, fluid feel of the medium, and use it as a tool for artistic creative expression, as well as a medium to showcase their work, network and promote events.
22. Artists on Twitter:
Social media allows us to connect and collaborate on a level we otherwise wouldve never known outside of the web. It allows collectors and fans to connect more intimately with the artist and allows for a stronger relationship with the art itself.
http://mashable.com/2009/02/23/twitter-artists/ accessed 01/11/09
23. We are
24. Every day, we swim in a sea of stories and tales that we hear or read or listen to or see...
from our earliest days to our deaths.
Berger, AA (1996), Narratives in Popular Culture, Media and Everyday Life, Sage Productions, P1