What are the Top Benefits of Aerobic Exercises

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Transcript of What are the Top Benefits of Aerobic Exercises

Benefits of Aerobics Excercises


Benefits of Aerobic Exercises

What are aerobic Exercises?Aerobic Exercise is any physical activity that makes one sweat and breathe harder and results in more than normal heart beat and pumping of blood at a faster rate. It is to train the cardiovascular system to deliver oxygen more quickly and efficiently to all the body parts.

Aerobic Exercises include walking, jogging, indoor cycling or aerobic dancing.

The larger group of muscles of our body are involved and are exercised rhythmically which can be maintained continuously for 10 min. It strengthens the heart and lungs.

What does Aerobic Exercise do?

They help in pumping blood and supplying oxygen to different parts of the body effectively and efficiently.

They can be practiced irrespective of age, gender, body weight, and athletic ability.

Benefits of Aerobic ExercisesFights weight issues

Keeps Illnesses at Bay

Increases Stamina

Strengthens Heart

Strengthens immunity

Reduces the risk of Diabetes

Enhances the Physical LookBody fitnessGifts longer lifeImproves enduranceQualitative SleepGreat mental healthEmotionally fit

Examples of aerobic exercise

Few of the lower impact aerobic exercises are : Swimming Cycling Using an elliptical trainer Walking Rowing Using an upper body ergo meter

Higher impact aerobic exercises are :

Running Jumping rope

Performing high impact routines or step aerobics

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