What are Stakeholders in a problem/solution project? Phil 101, November 16, 2009.

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Transcript of What are Stakeholders in a problem/solution project? Phil 101, November 16, 2009.

What are Stakeholders

in a problem/solution project?

Phil 101, November 16, 2009

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Let’s start with an example

Let’s start with an example

• In Graton

Let’s start with an example

• In Graton

• In Graton, for many years, recent immigrants would stand on Main Street waiting to be hired as day-laborers.

Let’s start with an example

• In Graton, for many years, recent immigrants would stand on Main Street waiting to be hired as day-laborers.

• A day-laborer is an unskilled worker who is paid by the day and earns variable wages depending on what he can negotiate with a boss

• In the past these workers came from Germany, or Poland, or China.

• In the past these workers came from Germany, or Poland, or China.

• Nowadays they originate from Mexico, most recently from the State of Oaxaca.

• In the past these workers came from Germany, or Poland, or China.

• Nowadays they originate from Mexico , most recently from the State of Oaxaca.

• They are only men, most of them young, in their late teens and twenties.

• In the past these workers came from Germany, or Poland, or China.

• Nowadays they originate from Mexico , most recently from the State of Oaxaca.

• They are only men, most of them young, in their late teens and twenties.

• They do not speak English, often stand in groups from the same village or region.

• In the past these workers came from Germany, or Poland, or China.

• Nowadays they originate from Mexico , most recently from the State of Oaxaca.

• They are only men, most of them young, in their late teens and twenties.

• They do not speak English, often stand in groups from the same village or region.

• And speak their local dialect together.

• Some sleep in their car

• Some sleep in their car

• Some sleep in their car

• Others rent an apartment together in Santa Rosa and sleep five in a room

• Some sleep in their car

• Others rent an apartment together in Santa Rosa and sleep five in a room

• Some sleep in their car

• Others rent an apartment together in Santa Rosa and sleep five in a room

• Others sleep in makeshift tents near the Atascadero Creek in the underbrush

• Some sleep in their car

• Others rent an apartment together in Santa Rosa and sleep five in a room

• Others sleep in makeshift tents near the Atascadero Creek in the underbrush

• And use the creek to wash themselves and their clothes

• The demographics of Graton have changed dramatically in the last decade.

• The demographics of Graton have changed dramatically in the last decade.

• Housing cost has risen.

• The demographics of Graton have changed dramatically in the last decade.

• Housing cost has risen. • Downtown development, converting abandoned

storefronts and bars, previously serving Mexican migrants, into restaurants, an emporium, a bookstore, and a wine tasting room.

• The demographics of Graton have changed dramatically in the last decade.

• Housing cost has risen. • Downtown development, converting abandoned

storefronts and bars, previously serving Mexican migrants, into restaurants, an emporium, a bookstore, and a wine tasting room.

• The congregation of the laborers downtown is increasingly uncomfortable to the growing business community as well to the newer residents of the area.

• Concerns about image, personal safety, and/or intimidation, as well as the traffic hazard posed by laborers being hired off the street.

• Concerns about image, personal safety, and/or intimidation, as well as the traffic hazard posed by laborers being hired off the street.

• Access to clean water for drinking and washing, adequate nutrition, toilet facilities, and secure storage for personal possessions are seriously limited.

• Concerns about image, personal safety, and/or intimidation, as well as the traffic hazard posed by laborers being hired off the street.

• Access to clean water for drinking and washing, adequate nutrition, toilet facilities, and secure storage for personal possessions are seriously limited.

• Lack of bathroom and washing facilities have compromised the water quality of the creeks and public areas.

• Concerns about image, personal safety, and/or intimidation, as well as the traffic hazard posed by laborers being hired off the street.

• Access to clean water for drinking and washing, adequate nutrition, toilet facilities, and secure storage for personal possessions are seriously limited.

• Lack of bathroom and washing facilities have compromised the water quality of the creeks and public areas.

• Communication between the English speaking residents and business owners and laborers is limited.

• Centro Laboral de Graton (2000) local residents, clergy, day laborers

• Centro Laboral de Graton (2000) local residents, clergy, day laborers

• Ongoing communication and liaison has been created between the board and local entities.

• Centro Laboral de Graton (2000) local residents, clergy, day laborers

• Ongoing communication and liaison has been created between the board and local entities.

• Saturday morning breakfast of pan dulce and coffee

• Centro Laboral de Graton (2000) local residents, clergy, day laborers

• Ongoing communication and liaison has been created between the board and local entities.

• Saturday morning breakfast of pan dulce and coffee

• Creek clean-ups

• Centro Laboral de Graton (2000) local residents, clergy, day laborers

• Ongoing communication and liaison has been created between the board and local entities.

• Saturday morning breakfast of pan dulce and coffee

• Creek clean-ups• Distribution of backpacks with work and daily life


• Centro Laboral de Graton (2000) local residents, clergy, day laborers

• Ongoing communication and liaison has been created between the board and local entities.

• Saturday morning breakfast of pan dulce and coffee

• Creek clean-ups• Distribution of backpacks with work and daily life

supplies• Community meetings

• Local poll shows people want non-solicitation ordinance

• Local poll shows people want non-solicitation ordinance

• Ordinance forbidding seeking and offering work in downtown Graton

• Local poll shows people want non-solicitation ordinance

• Ordinance forbidding seeking and offering work in downtown Graton

• Fire in underbrush near the Creek• Fighting between laborers from

different villages

Community leaders plan to convene a meeting of representatives of all the groups involved!!

• Who should be invited?

• Who should be invited?

• Who are the “stakeholders”?

• A stakeholder in a problem is any individual (a person or an animal), organization (a group of people or a species of animals), institution (of people or an ecosystem), who is affected by the problem, or can affect other stakeholders or be affected by the actions of other stakeholder.

• A stakeholder in a problem is someone who has a stake in the problem or in the actions of other stakeholders.

• A stakeholder in a problem is someone who has a stake in the problem or in the actions of other stakeholders.

• A stake means: interest, ownership, involvement.

Who were the stakeholders in Graton’s Downtown crowding problem?

Who were the stakeholders in Graton’s Downtown crowding problem?

• Day-laborers

Who were the stakeholders in Graton’s Downtown crowding problem?

• Day-laborers

• Downtown business

Who were the stakeholders in Graton’s Downtown crowding problem?

• Day-laborers

• Downtown business

• Centro Laboral de Graton

Who were the stakeholders in Graton’s Downtown crowding problem?

• Day-laborers

• Downtown business

• Centro Laboral de Graton

• Environmentalists

Who were the stakeholders in Graton’s Downtown crowding problem?

• Day-laborers

• Downtown business

• Centro Laboral de Graton

• Environmentalists

• Downtown residents

• Peripheral residents

Who were the stakeholders in Graton’s Downtown crowding problem?

• Day-laborers

• Downtown business

• Centro Laboral de Graton

• Environmentalists

• Downtown residents

• Peripheral residents

• Landowners

• Local Government

• School district

Who were the stakeholders in Graton’s Downtown crowding problem?

• Day-laborers

• Downtown business

• Centro Laboral de Graton

• Environmentalists

• Downtown residents

• Peripheral residents

• Landowners

• Local Government

• School district

• Graton Community Club

Who were the stakeholders in Graton’s Downtown crowding problem?

• Day-laborers

• Downtown business

• Centro Laboral de Graton

• Environmentalists

• Downtown residents

• Peripheral residents

• Landowners

• Local Government

• School district

• Graton Community Club

• (Wider Community)

Who were the stakeholders in Graton’s Downtown crowding problem?

• Day-laborers

• Downtown business

• Centro Laboral de Graton

• Environmentalists

• Downtown residents

• Peripheral residents

• Landowners

• Local Government

• School district

• Graton Community Club

• (Wider Community)

• (People who hire day-laborers)

How were issues decided?

By “consensus”

A group reaches consensus when

• all members agree upon a single alternative

A group reaches consensus when

• all members agree upon a single alternative

• each group member can honestly say

(a) I believe that you understand my point of view and that I understand yours

A group reaches consensus when

• all members agree upon a single alternative

• each group member can honestly say

(a) I believe that you understand my point of view and that I understand yours

(b) Whether or not I prefer this decision, I support it because: it was reached fairly and openly, and it is the best solution for us at this time.

Guidelines on Reaching Consensus

Guidelines on Reaching Consensus

• Listen: Pay attention to others.

"Active listening intentionally focuses on who you are listening to, whether in a group or one-on-one, in order to understand what he or she is saying. As the listener, you should then be able to repeat back in your own words what they have said to their satisfaction.  This does not mean you agree with, but rather understand, what they are saying.”


Guidelines on Reaching Consensus

• Listen: Pay attention to others.

• Encourage participation.

Guidelines on Reaching Consensus

• Listen: Pay attention to others.

• Encourage participation.

• Share information.

Sharing information to establish trust

Guidelines on Reaching Consensus

• Listen: Pay attention to others.

• Encourage participation• Share information.• Don't agree too


Guidelines on Reaching Consensus

• Listen: Pay attention to others.

• Encourage participation• Share information.• Don't agree too quickly.• Don't vote.

Guidelines on Reaching Consensus

• Listen: Pay attention to others.

• Encourage participation• Share information.• Don't agree too

quickly.• Don't vote.

• Treat differences as a strength.

Guidelines on Reaching Consensus

• Listen: Pay attention to others.

• Encourage participation.

• Share information.• Don't agree too

quickly.• Don't vote.

• Treat differences as a strength.

• Create a solution that can be supported

Guidelines on Reaching Consensus

• Listen: Pay attention to others.

• Encourage participation.

• Share information.• Don't agree too

quickly.• Don't vote.

• Treat differences as a strength.

• Create a solution that can be supported

• Avoid arguing blindly for your own views.

Guidelines on Reaching Consensus

• Listen: Pay attention to others.

• Encourage participation• Share information.• Don't agree too

quickly.• Don't vote.

• Treat differences as a strength.

• Create a solution that can be supported

• Avoid arguing blindly for your own views.

• Seek a win-win solution

• Win-win outcomes occur when each side of a dispute feels they have gained. Since both sides benefit from such a scenario, any resolutions to the conflict are likely to be accepted voluntarily. The process of consensus aims to achieve, through cooperation, win-win outcomes.

• Win-win outcomes occur when each side of a dispute feels they have gained. Since both sides benefit from such a scenario, any resolutions to the conflict are likely to be accepted voluntarily. The process of consensus aims to achieve, through cooperation, win-win outcomes.

• A sale is a win-win outcome, since both sides in the sale win something.

We decided what information we needed …

defined basic concepts …


and agreed to some ground rules …

important was also what we decided to abstain from


Published on September 7, 2007© 2007- The Press Democrat


EDITOR: I try not feel outraged when I read news articles. It's not good for my blood pressure. However, there is no other sensible reaction to the public opening of a day labor center in Graton which will cater mainly to illegal immigrants.Studies have shown that approximately 84 percent of day laborers are illegal aliens. They are breaking the law, and anyone who hires them is breaking the law. Will the organizers of the hiring hall be checking the immigration status of the laborers? If not, they are complicit in daily violations of federal immigration codes.I hope the federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement does frequent sweeps of the hiring hall, and I'm sure I'm not alone. The majority of Americans are fed up with illegal immigration. We are tired of its negative effects on wages, hospitals, schools and public safety. Yet here are contractors (who benefit from the cheap labor) openly flaunting the law.Why does the government tolerate it? Why do we tolerate it?