What are some of the effects of war?

Post on 17-Feb-2016

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What are some of the effects of war? What might you find littered all over old battlefields that pose a threat to civilians today?. RECAP. Damaged minds. Ecological Destruction. Effects of War. Disease. Refugees. Loss of life. Financial Cost. Today we will:. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of What are some of the effects of war?

1. What are some of the effects of war?

2. What might you find littered all over old battlefields that pose a threat to civilians today?


Effects of War

Ecological Destruction

Loss of life Financial Cost

Damaged minds

Refugees Disease

Today we will:• To learn about

the treatment of both combatants and civilians during war time under international law.

Today we will learn to;1. Describe some

aspects of the UN Charter on war.

2. Explain how sick and injured soldiers should be treated if captured.

3. Discuss the point of having rules in war.

Numbered Heads• You will each be given a

number (1-4)• You will be given 5

minutes to discuss and work on the following problem – next slide

• You will then huddle and discuss in your group.

• Any person can be picked to give your response so everyone must take part.

Task• Imagine you are in charge of

an army. You have just taken an enemy town capturing;– many sick and injured civilians

of that place – injured enemy soldiers– your troops have also suffered

and some need medical attention

• How will your team deal with this situation and will you treat everyone equally or show preference?– Consider allocation of;

• Food• Medicines• Hospital beds

Paired Reading –UN Charter

• Both persons silently read the first section

• Person A summarizes the content to Person B

• Pair discusses• Move onto the next section and repeat

the procedure but Person B summarizes

• Continue until the passage is read.

The UN Charter states Members of the

armed forces and civilians, who are wounded or sick, shall be respected and protected in all circumstances.

They should be;• Treated humanely • Cared for by the Party to the conflict

in whose power they may be • Given medical assistance if required

They should not;• Suffer attempts upon their

lives, or violence to their persons

• Be murdered or exterminated

• Be tortured or experimented upon

• Be denied medical assistance or left deliberately in conditions exposing them to contagion or infection.

Task – in jotters1. Explain TWO things the United

Nations say about the care of captured enemies who are sick or wounded during war? (2)

If possible;• Sick and wounded

should be handed over to a neutral body such as;– The Red Cross - Christian– The Red Crescent -


Task – in jotters2. The UN charter prohibits certain

activities by nations at war. Name and explain two of these. (4)

3. Explain Japan’s WW2 legacy in relation to China today. (4)

These organisations should be protected

Not always the case!

Task – in jotters

4. Name two international organisations that help the sick and wounded during war time. (2)

Task - Questions5. “War is always vicious and cruel;

there is no point in trying to civilise war with rules.” Discuss. (6)

6. Do you think war is ever morally justified (i.e. acceptable)? (4)