What are some influential macro-environmental developments?

Post on 15-Aug-2015

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Transcript of What are some influential macro-environmental developments?

What are some influential

Macro-environment developments?


“Its all about finding solutions to unmet needs.”

Fad,trend and more….

The Demographic environment

Growing markets

Demographic Environment

Demographic Environment

The median age of India is 25.9 yrs The median age of Italy is 44.5 yrs

The observation?

The inference?

“More Levis jeans for India , Less for Italy”

Demographic Environment

Tapping into the “cohort”.

Demographic Environment

Catering to the Educational Groups

Demographic Environment

“Growth in child-care industries”

Joint families Nuclear families

The Economic environment

Economic Environment

Consumer Psychology

Economic Environment

Income Distributions

The Socio-culture environment

Socio-cultural Environment

Persistence of cultural values

• Primary Beliefs • Secondary Beliefs

Socio-cultural Environment


The Natural environment

Natural Environment

Companies linked with high-profile programs:

Natural Environment

Who would you bet your money on?


The Technology environment

Technology Environment

Accelerating pace of change

iPhone sales figures

Technology Environment

Varying R&D budgets: Reverse engineering still preferred over research

Technology Environment

Increased regulation in technological change

The Political-legal environment

Political-legal Environment

Increase in business regulations..

Seem familiar?

Political-legal Environment

Growth of special interest groups