What Are Acidophilus Probiotics

Post on 30-May-2015

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Perhaps one of the most popular probiotics on the market today. Probiotics are quickly becoming more and more popular, but what is it about Acidophilus that makes everybody use it.

Transcript of What Are Acidophilus Probiotics


By Probiotics Expert: Dr. Raja

What is acidophilus probiotics?

Acidophilus probiotics is a known strain of friendly bacteria (probiotics) that is commonly found in the intestines and vagina.

Acidophilus perform its functions in variety of ways. In the intestines, acidophilus breaks down food ingested. Then, as a by-product of this process, substances such as hydrogen peroxide and lactic acid provides an unfavourable environment for the bad bacteria.

Another way is by balancing the intestinal environment when taking antibiotics. Through this, stomach upset can be prevented because the healthy or good bacteria are restored.

Dietary Sources of acidophilus probiotics

Fermented soy products Yogurt Milk, breastmilk Honey Barley, wheat Onions, garlic, tomatoes bananas

Therapeutic uses of acidophilus probiotics

1. Anti-cancer agent The clinical studies involving the

use of acidophilus have shown varying results. In some of these studies, the milk that underwent fermentation have been discovered to have anti-tumor properties. Along with this, it is also believed that it may prevent or slow colon and breast cancer cells.

There is also a research that shows the ability of acidophilus probiotics to lessen reproductive hormones which may have contributed to the development of breast cancer.

Therapeutic uses of acidophilus probiotics

2. Diarrhea Prevention A clinical research have found out that

acidophilus can prevent and treat traveler’s diarrhea (a diarrhea caused by contaminated food)

Infectious diarrhea can aid in its prevention in children and adults.

Acidophilus is also known to prevent and treat diarrhea caused by antibiotics through restoration of the good bacteria.

Therapeutic uses of acidophilus probiotics

3. Treatment/Prevention of Gastrointestinal diseases

Probiotic strains such as acidophilus is known to aid in digestion and absorption.

Restoration of the friendly bacteria during the course of antibiotic treatment

Treatment of chronic constipation and dyspepsia

Symptoms treatment of inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis) and irritable bowel disease.

Therapeutic uses of acidophilus probiotics

4. Improvement of immune system There have been trials which aimed to use

acidophilus for asthma. Unfortunately the study failed to find significance in its use. Though that’s the case, acidophilus is still used for treating eczemas in children.

Studies also show effectiveness of this strain for treating colds, influenza, and allergic rhinitis.

In some studies, acidophilus is utilized for treating antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

Acidophilus is also proposed as a form of treatment for hypersensitivity syndrome.

Therapeutic uses of acidophilus probiotics

5. Prevention and Treatment of Vaginal Infections

Acidophilus probiotics are widely used for treatment of vaginal infections (bacterial vaginosis, vaginal yeast infection)

6. Urinary System Health Studies also show that acidophilus can

help in treating and preventing urinary tract infections.

Therapeutic uses of acidophilus probiotics

7. Other uses of acidophilus probiotics include: Acidophilus is associated as a possible form of

treatment for liver diseases. Some studies show improvement of sore and

wound healing with the use of this probiotics strain.

There is a small study that claims better sleep quality with acidophilus.

It is also used for prevention of dental caries. Aside from that, acidophilus is a proposed

treatment for high levels of bad cholesterol.

Possible interactions of acidophilus probiotics

1. Antibiotics Antibiotics is known to destroy

both good and bad bacteria. So, acidophilus should be taken at least two hours before or after taking antibiotics.

2. Sulfasalazine There is a study which suggests

that the metabolism of sulfasalazine (medication for ulcerative colitis) is sped up when taking acidophilus probiotics.

Precautions in taking acidophilus probiotics

Generally, probiotics do not cause any side effects. However, in some instances, gas, diarrhea, and upset stomach may result with usage of such substances.

People who have compromised immune system should consult a doctor prior to its use.

Those who have artificial heart valves are not advised to take acidophilus probiotics due to a small chance of getting bacterial infection.

There is also a small study which have found out that the use of acidophilus may be harmful for those who have severe acute pancreatitis.

My Favorite Probiotic

Probacto is the best probiotic that I have ever run into. They use multiple strains and they are spore forming so they can last while not refrigerated. They do not use cheap bacteria, but expensive ones such as B. Subtilis.

Probacto also contains prebiotics to help stimulate the growth of beneficial bacteria in your gut.

Probacto contains digestive enzymes to assist in your digestion.

Probacto is enteric coated and made to be slow release so it will release in your gut gradually.


The use of acidophilus probiotics have led to the provision of numerous therapeutic effects. These are prevention and relief of some diseases which may be difficult to treat. Due to the advantages of probiotics, experts have become more dedicated in discovering other possible benefits that comes with its use. Though there are some precautions in its use, it still outweighs the several benefits that offers than the very few risks that come with it.