WH Chapter 5 Section 4 Notes

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Transcript of WH Chapter 5 Section 4 Notes


Section 4 Notes

Greek Philosophers

Greek achievements in the arts signified the height of human development in the western world

Greek thinks used observation and reason to find causes for things instead of believing they were caused by the whims of the gods

Philosophers---”lovers of wisdom” Studied logic---rational thinking Through reason and observation, they

believed, they could discover laws that governed the universe

Greek Philosophers

Others Greek philosophers were interested in ethics and morality

“What is the best kind of government?” and “What standards should rule human behavior?”

Developed skills in rhetoric---art of skillful speaking Socrates---Athenian stone mason and philosopher Socratic method---pose a series of questions and

examine the implications of each answer He believed this patient examination was a way to

help others seek truth and self-knowledge


Greek Philosophers

When he was 70 years old, Socrates was put on trial for supposedly corrupting the youth of Athens and failing to respect the gods

He stood before a jury of 501 citizens and offered a calm defense of his practices

He was condemned to death by the jury He drank a cup of hemlock and died

Greek Philosophers

Plato---Socrates’ student---he fled Athens for 10 years after Socrates’ death and distrusted democracy

He returned and set up a school called the Academy and taught and wrote

He believed through rational thought, people could discover unchanging ethical values, recognize perfect beauty, and learn how to best organize society


Greek Philosophers

Plato’s “Republic”---his vision of an ideal state

Argued that the state should regulate every aspect of its citizens’ lives in order to provide for their best interests

Three classes: workers to produce the necessities of life, soldiers to defend the state, and philosophers to rule

Greek Philosophers

Aristotle---Plato’s most famous student Analyzed all forms of government from

monarchy to democracy, and found good and bad examples of each

Was suspicious of democracy---thought it could lead to mob rule

Believed that rule by a single strong and virtuous leader was best


Greek Philosophers

Aristotle thought about how people should live “Golden mean”---good conduct with a

moderate course between extremes Set up a school, the Lyceum, for the study of

all branches of knowledge Left writings on politics, ethics, logic, biology,

literature, and other subjects When the first European universities evolved

some 1,500 years later, their courses were largely based on his works

Architecture and Art

Greek architects sought to convey a sense of perfect balance to reflect the harmony and order of the universe

Most famous example of Greek architecture---the Parthenon---temple dedicated to Athena---located on top of the Acropolis



Architecture and Art

By 450 B.C., Greek sculptors had developed a new style that emphasized natural poses

Sculptors carved gods, goddesses, athletes, and famous men in a way that showed individuals in their most perfect, graceful form

The only Greek paintings to survive are on vases and other pottery

Poetry and Drama

Greek plays took two forms: tragedies and comedies

The first Greek plays evolved out of religious festivals

Plays were performed in large outdoor theaters with little or no scenery

Actors wore elaborate costumes and stylized masks

Greek plays discussed moral and social issues or explored the relationship between people and the gods

Poetry and Drama

Tragedies---one of the best examples of a Greek tragedy was “Antigone” written by Sophocles

“Antigone”---explored what happens when an individual’s moral duty conflicts with the laws of the state

Antigone is a young woman whose brother is killed leading a rebellion. The king forbids anyone to bury his body. When Antigone buries her brother’s body anyway, she is sentenced to death. She tells the king that the duty to the gods is greater than human law.

Poetry and Drama

Comedies---humorous plays that mocked people or customs

Comic playwrights sharply criticized society, much as political cartoonists do today

The Writing of History

The Greeks applied observation, reason, and logic to the study of history

Herodotus---”Father of History”---he visited many lands and collected information from people who remembered the events he chronicled

He cast a critical eye on his sources, noting bias and conflicting accounts

Standard set for modern historians by Herodotus---the importance of research

Herodotus---Father of History

The Writing of History

Thucydides wrote about the Peloponnesian War and vividly described its savagery and its corrupting influence on all those involved

Standard set for modern historians by Thucydides---the need to avoid bias
