WFO - Module 2

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Transcript of WFO - Module 2

LinkedIn Training Module 2Sales 2.0 — Building your LinkedIn Network

Module 1Section 3

You should now:

• Have an account on LinkedIn

• Completed your profile

• Selected fields for your public profile

• Invited those you know to join your network

SECTION 2. Groups

How to find and join groups on LinkedIn

SECTION 1. The Art of Engagement

How to find and invite people to join your network and research companies

SECTION 3. Best Practices

LinkedIn dos and don’ts

SECTION 1. The Art of Engagement; how to approach others on LinkedIn:

Using Advanced Search

Shared Groups

Researching Companies

Take a moment to invite someone you don’t know to join your network

Your Turn!Invite someone outside of your network to connect with you.

(Hint – you can do a company search, people search, or look for someone in a shared group that you would like to invite to connect.)

Send an invite!

SECTION 2. Groups

Finding Groups

How to Join groups

Take a moment to look for groups that you may want to join

Join the WorkflowOne Sales Group

Your Turn!Take a moment to look for groups that you may want to join. Search for groups such as:

Your Alma Mater

Shared Interests

Groups that your prospects may join

Industry specific

How to join the WorkflowOne Digital Solutions Group


SECTION 3. Best Practices

LinkedIn dos and don’ts

Best Practices

Think about how you can deliver value vs. ‘selling’ your company

Engage, don’t push

Be authentic

It’s about people not technology

Be patient and measure results

CongratulationsYou should know how to:

Use Advanced Search for researching people and companies

Invite someone you don’t know to join your network

Research and join groups including the WorkflowOne sales group

Next StepsAnswer the 5 exit questions on what you learned in this module.

Check the Workflow One Digital Solutions Group for additional tips and answers to the group’s questions.

Start module 3

Module TwoExit Questions

1. How can I grow my network?•Wait for people to contact me. •Accept only invitations from people I know.•Promote my membership and contact people.

2. LinkedIn has a few unwritten rules. With that in mind, do you think the following statements true or false:a. You should accept every invitation so you don’t hurt someone’s feelings. True or False

b. The only thing that matters with LinkedIn is how many people are in your network.True or False

c. To use LinkedIn effectively you should schedule time each day or week. It should become part of your sales process.True or False

Test What You Have Learned

3.You should just focus on tier one connections within your network for the best results because these are the people who know you.

True or False

4. The best use of LinkedIn is letting people know what you and your company have to offer.a. True. This is an community of businesses people who are there to promote themselves.

b. True. But most importantly it should be done in a way that is informative and helpful.

c. False. You should just provide helpful information and not discuss directly what you do.

5. You can join as many groups as you want.True or false

Test What You Have Learned

Answers to Module 2Answer to question 1-

#2 – You need to promote your membership and get involved with your contacts for the best networking results.

Answer to question 2 –#1. False. Not everyone should be in your network. Choose who you want to include based on what is best for your business.#2. False. The number of people has no value, if you don’t use the platform to promote yourself and your business in a helpful and profession manor. #3. True. Strategize on how to use the platform to provide communication more efficiently and effectively with those who can help you to grow your business. Schedule your time for the best results.

Answer to question 3 –False. The most effective way to use LinkedIn is to make connections with those in your whole network. LinkedIn was designed so that you can ‘see’ the connections you have and thus create an opportunity to be introduced or connect with a greater number of people.

Answer to question 4 –#2. As with any networking opportunity it’s about give and take. You want to help others and in turn they will help you. It is important to think about the benefits you have to offer and how you can contribute to get the best results. This can be done by taking the time to learn more about the person you are trying to connect with, taking time to offer helpful answers to questions or sharing information via links to your groups or your status updates.

Answer to question 5 – False - At this time LinkedIn limits you to 50 groups. You can drop out of groups in order to join new ones.