WESTERN AUSTRALIA. - slp.wa.gov.au · PDF fileWESTERN AUSTRALIA. [Published by ... Samuel...

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Transcript of WESTERN AUSTRALIA. - slp.wa.gov.au · PDF fileWESTERN AUSTRALIA. [Published by ... Samuel...


WESTERN AUSTRALIA.[Published by Authority at 330 p.m.]


No. 57.]


No. 13599.—C.S.O.Bank Holidays at Gomorra!.

P If OCLAM A 'HO NV ESTERN AUSTRALIA, By His Excellency Sir Gerald Strickland,

TO WIT. 5 Count della Catena, Knight Commander ofICKLASTR the Most Distinguished Order of St.. ND, Michael and St, George, Governor in andCvoyernor. over the State of Western Australia and

its Dependencies, etc., etc., etc,5103/10.

IN pursuit nee of the provisions contained in the fifthsection of " The flank Holidays Act, 1884,' theGovernor of the said State, do by this my Proclamationappoint

Wednesday and Friday, the 16th and 58th days ofNovember, 1910,

special days to be observed as Bank Holidays in theTown of Carnarvon.

G yen under my hand and the Public Seal of thesaid State, at Perth, this 4th day of November,191(1.

By H is Excellency 's Command,J. D. CONNOLLY,

Colonial Secretary.GOD SAVE THE KING ! ! !

The Water Boards Act, 1904.ORDER IN COUNCIL.

A t the Executive Council Chamber, at Perth, this1st day of November, 1910.

Present:His Excellency the Governor.

The Hononrables—The Premier.A. Male, M.L.A.

WHEREAS by " The Water Boards Act, 1904, " theGovernor is empowered by Order in Council to constitutthe District or a Local Authority or the Districts oftwo or more Local Authorities, or any part , or parts ofsuch a District or Districts, a Water Area under suchname as may be directed : :N.m.1 whereas under the pro-visions of the said Act the Governor is empowered he

Order in Council to constitu■, , a Water Board to manageand control such Area: Now, 'therefore, His Excellencythe Governor, by and with the advice of the ExecutiveCouncil, does hereby constitute that part of the Roe-bourne Road District having the boundaries described inthe Schedule hereto a Water Area, for the purpose ofthe said Act, under the name of the Roebourne WaterArea, and does hereby appoint the Roebourne RoadBoard to be a Water Board, under the name of the Roe-bourne Water Board, for the administration of the Actwithin such Area.

This Order in Council shall take effect from the 5thday of November, 1910.

BERNARD PARKER,Clerk of Executive Council.

Schedule of Boundaries of Roebourne Water Arca.

All the land comprised within the boundaries of theTownsite of Roebourne as shown upon the plans of theSurvey Department, Perth, and upon Plan P.W.D., W.A.,14968.

Formation of Local Board of Health for Dumbleyung.


At the Executive Council Chamber, at Perth, thislet day of November, 1910.

Present:. His Excellency the Governor.

'17he, Honourables—The Premier.A. Male, M.L.A.

5035/10.WHEREAS by Section 15 of " The Health Act, 1898,''the Governor may appoint any number of persons, notexceeding seven, to be a Local Board of Health forany District, not forming part of a Municipal District :Now, therefore, Ills Excellency the Governor of WesternAustralia, by and with the advice and consent of theExecutive Council, does hereby appoint the undermen-tioned persons to be a Local Board of Health for theDistrict of Dumbleyting, .such District embracing all

0-352 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [Noy. 4, 1910.

lands within a radius of one mile of the Railway Sta-tion, Dumbleyung :—

Samuel Harris,• William H. Williams,

Frederick G. Davidson,Francis J. Blood,Alfred Gannaway,Frank Peterson,Victor Williams.

BERNARD ARD PARKER,Clerk of the Executive Council.

JUSTICES OF THE PEACE.Premier 's Office, Perth,

No. 24S. 3rd November, 1910.HIS Excellency the Governor in Council has been pleasedto appoint the following gentlemen to be Justices ofthe Peace:—

P.O. 261/1910.--James Henry Grigg, lsquire, of Law-lers, for the East Murchison Magisterial District.

P.O. 221/1910.—Thomas Henry Wilson, Esquire, ofDowerin, for the Northam Magisterin I District.

P.O. 314/1910.—Doctor John Smythe Yule, of PeakHill, for the Peak Hill Magisterial District.

P.O. 203/1910.—Christopher William Coppin, Esquire,of. Yarrie Station, Upper De Grey, for the Pilbara andPort Hedlaud Magisterial Districts.

P.O. 259/1910.—Alexander McLaren Moir, Esquire, ofBelmoral, Craubrook, for the Plantagenet MagisterialDistrict.

P.O. 316/1910.—Thomas Charles Anthony, Esquire, orMornington, for the Wellington Magisterial District.

P.O. 230/1910.—William Young Wilson, Esquire, ofKurrenkutten, for the York Magisterial District.

His Excellency the Governor in Council has also beenpleased to accept the resignation of:—

P.O. 119/1900.—John Charles Griffiths Foulkes, Es-quire, of Cottesloe Beach, as a Justice of the Peace forthe Katanning Magisterial District.

A. COLENSO KESSELL,Secretary to the Premier.


Notification of Vacancies.

The Treasury,Perth, 3rd November, 1910.

APPLICATIONS are invited by the CommonwealthPublic Service Commissioner from persons quail 61for appointment to the following positions.

L. S. ELIOT,Under Treasurer.

Trade and Customs Department.

South Australia.Inspector of Excise, 4th Class, Excise Branch, Port

Adelaide, £185 to £285.Defence Department.

Director of Rifle Associations and Clubs, 2nd Class,Melbourne, £320 to £500, Central Staff.

Postmaster General's Department.

New South Wales.'Inspector (three positions), £310 to £500, localities

riot yet finally determined.Clerk (three positions), 4th Class, for above inspec-

tors, £185 to £285.Victoria.

Manager, Temgrapl Branch, 1st Class, Melbourne,£520 to £000.

Queensland.Postmaster, Grade 7, Jondaryon, £120 to 2180.Applications all returnable 12th November.

No. 13600.-0.S.O.APPOINTMENTS.Colonial Secretary's Office

Perth, 4th November, 1910.HIS Excellency the Governor in Council has been pleasedto make the following appointments:-

v92/07.—L. L. Crockett to act as District Registrarof Births, Deaths, and Marriages for the Phillips RiverRegistry District, to reside at Ravensthorpe, vice F. W.Spence, from the 9th. November, 1910.

3150/10.—A. H. Wertheimer to be a member of theMurrin Murrin Local Board of Health, vice T. F. Den-holm, resigned.

4233/10.—H. L. Holder to be a member of the Roe-bourne Local Board of Health.

5037/10.—C. M. :Roberts and C. J. Oates to be membersof the Meekatharra Local Board of Health, vice C. F.Connelly and W. Ralph, resigned.

897/10.—R. P. Vincent to be a member of the CentralBoard of Health, rice the lion. D. G. Gawler, resigned.

5054/.10.—T..1. Brown to be a member of the Con-derdin Local Board of Health, rice G. A. Panel, resigned.and to appoint A. Baillie to be a member of the saidBoard.

F. D. NORTH,Under Secretary.

No. 13601.—C.S.O.THE PRISONS ACT, 1903,

Colonial Secretary's Office,3144/09. Perth, 4th November, 1910.

HIS Excellency the Governor in Council has been pleasedin exercise of the authority vested in him_ by Section15, Subsection 3, of "The Prisons Act, 1903;" to dele-gate to the Comptroller General of Prisons the appoint-ment and dismissal of Temporary Female Warders andMatrons employed in the Gaols Deportment.

F. D. NORTH,Under Secretary.

Crown Law Department,C.L.D. 2838/07. Perth, 1st November, 1910.

THE Hon. Attorney General, acting under the powersconferred upon him by Section 10 of T he Local CourtsAct, 1904," has appointed nine a.m., in lien of elevena.m., as heretofore, as the time for holding the LocalCourt at Meekatharra on the fourth Thursday of eachmonth.

H. G. HAMPTON,Under Secretary for Law.

Crown Law Department,C.L.D. 7885/10. Perth, 28th October, 1910.

ACTING under the powers conferred upon him by Sec-tion 10 of "The Local Courts Act, 1904," the Hon.Attorney General has appointed the third Wednesday,in lieu of the second Wednesday, in each and everymonth as the day for bolding the Norseman Local Court.

LI. G. HAMPTON,Under Secretary for Law.

Crown Law D iartment,C.L.D. 8112/10. Perth, 3rd November, 1910.

TEE Hon. Attorney General has approved of the fol-lowing appointments and cancellation of HonoraryGovernment Electoral Agents under "The Electoral Act,1907 "

APPOINTMENTS.31 t. Margaret.

Beria, via Laverton—Cunningham, James (SecretaryMiners ' Association, .Laverton).

Dumbleyung—Conway, E. T. (Secretary RoadBoard).

CANCELLATION.lit. Margaret.

Beria—Watson, A. (Secretary Miners' Association,Laverton).

H. G. HAMPTON, •Under Secretary for Law.

Nov. 4, 1910.] UOVEIrXMENr GAZETTE, W.A. 335

Crown Law Department,il"erth, 3rd Noveliiiii 1910.

IS Excellency the Go iv ii iii a ExecutI.: iii fitsbeen pleased to approve ol the fClo, otto itit-meats:—

C.L.D. 8097/10.—Arth or lilipoll toOfficer for the Murchison Elect oral Distriii• J.Wilcox, transferred.

C.L.D. 8096/10.—Arthur ii I a' 11 o .1 . rit:tral oc-gistrar for the Slureldsin •toralWilcox, transferred, its frein I P.1.0.

C.L.D. 8001/10.—L. L. Croc Iciati to lie Actin:, ,':.,dentMagistrate and Acting Magisi row of the Lori Court,Phillips River, vice P. W. Spence, transferred, as fromthe 22nd ultimo.

C.L.D. 2457/07.—S. M. Williams to be, temporarily,Acting Clerk of the Local Court and Acting Clerk toMagistrates, 'Wiluna, vice R. E. Roe, resigned.

C.L.D. 5057/03.—Messrs. Alonzo Polyblank Wymondand John Kay Hail, j's.P., to be (with the Resident'Magistrate) the Licensing Magistrates for the CoolgardieLicensing District.

II. G. HAMPTON,Cinder Secretary for Law.

Crown Law Departinent,Perth, 31st October, 1910.

THE Honourable the Attorney General has approvedof the following appointment and cancellation of PostalVote Officers under " The Electoral Act, 1907'':


C.L.D. 8036/10.\Veil bu nging, Mt. Marshall, via Nangeenan—Rosling,


RoebOltrite.C.L.D. 7932/10.

Roebourne—Byron, William.

H. G. HAMPTON,Under Secretary for Law.

Crown Law Department,C.L.D. 4508/9. Perth, 3rd November, 1910.

illS: E::-.cellency the Governor in Executive Council hasloin: pl:teed to appoint Charles Roper Knight as a SwornV:tor under " Tile Transfer of Laud Act, 1893."

H. G. HAMPTON,Under Secretary for Law.


Department. Position.

Clerk, generally :.s.•,11 big, alsoshorthand-writiig, add typ-hig

Clink, generally assisting ...

Blatt mounter and Sun Printer

Salary. Date returnable.

Public Works (Engineer-ing Branch)

Do. do.

Do. do. •

Class "B; " min. max.X180

Class "E ; " min. £170, max-.,E",180 •

Class " ; min. 42,120, max-£150

5th November, 1910

Do. do.

Do. do.

Colonial Secretary CI Shorthand-iwriting,• • • Class "E ; " max. Do. do.and Correspondence X200

Lands and Surveys ... Draftsman Class 4 ; fixed salary ii270 Do. do.Lands (Woods and For- --., riot Forest Ranger (Cool-Class " Ii;" min. ,,e170, max.

ests) with District allow-ance, £30, and specialtravelling and forage al-lowance, £100

12th November. 1910

Public Works 11Lit riot inspector o: Works, Class " J; " nun. £270, max.-P9.85

19th November, 1910

Do. ... iientr:dlectinizand nitk-sin ii:•hes in ; 0;:ice

Class "E ; min...1;170, max. Do. do.

Crown Law (Land Titles) Clerk, journalising ilealingslist in coil 1'Se of registra-


Class "E ; " rain. £170, max.£180

Do. do.

Lands and Surveys Relieving Laud Agent... Class " D;" min. i.:8220, max. 3rd December, 1910£230

Medical and Health ... Matron, Kalgoorlie Hospital Class " " min. £135, max. Do.£150 (Board, quarters,laundry, light, fuel anduniform)

Applications are called under Section 38 of "The Public Service Act, 1904," and are to be addressed to the PublicService Commissioner, and should be made on the prescribed forms obtainable from the Office of the Public Service Com-missioner, or at the offices of the various !ler:it:anent Heads of Departments.

Officers in Class G arc not eligible for promotion to Class F until they have attained to the Maximum of their Class orto 21 years of age, and should, therefore, not apply for vacancies to which they have no claim for promotion.


Public Service Commissioner.

COLLIE.November 15.—At the Warden's Office: Collie Town

957, tr., £50.

LEONORA.November 8.—At the Warden's Office: Leonora Town

884, 34.1p.„ £20; S87, 31.2p., £17.

KELLERBERRIN.November S.—At the Government' Land Agent's

Office: Hines Hill Town 7, 8, lr. each, £10 each.

Office:• YORK.

November 15.—At the Resident Magistrate'sYork Town :127, 6a. 1 r. 30p., £60.

CRANBROOK.November 15.—At the Government Land Agent's

Agent 's Office: Tenterden Town 23, la., £10.

KATANNING.November 15.—At the Government Land Agent 's

Office: Kai-8111611g TONVI1 495, la., £20.

DONNYBROOK.November 21.---At the Government Land Agent 's

Office: Donnybrook Sub. "377, "378, 4a. Or. 33p. each,£8 each.

BROOMEHILL.November S.--At the Governnaent Land

Office: Broome Hill Sub. "542, 5a., £17.

NARROGIN.November 9.—At the Government Land Agent 's

Office: Narrogin "691, 2a. 3r. 34p., £16.

ROEBOURNE.November 9.—At the Resident Magistrate's Office:

Point Samson Town 9, 1.r., £32; 6, lr., £20.


Office of Public Service Commissioner.;Perth, 3rd November, 1910,

HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council hasapproved of the following appointmeuts:---

Ex. Co. 3222; P.S.C. 539/10.A. L. McLean to be Storekeeper, Ohl Men's Home,

Claremont, as from 16th October, 1910.Es. Co. 3423; P.S.C. 838/10.C. J. Abercrombie to be Assistant Lightkeeper, Point

Mates Lighthouse, as from 5th October, 1910.Es. Co, 3(352; P.S.C. 679/10.L. C. Lovegrove to he Draftsman, Engineering Branch,

Public Works Department, as from 1st September, 1910.Ex. Co. 3628; P.S.Q. 765/10.C. H. Clement, Clerk keeping Index of Owners of Pro-

perty, to be Clerk assisting in Strong Room and at theCounter, Laud Titles Office, as from 1st July, 1910.

Ex. Co. 3295; P.S.C. 671/10.W. Fimister to be Secretary and Dispenser, Cool-

gardie hospital, Medical and Health Department, asfrom 25th October, 1910.

[Nov. 4, 1910.

Also of the acceptance of the following resigna-tions:—

Ex. Co. 3534; P.S.C. 1606/06.Professor Lowrie, Di

14th February, 1911.Ex. Co. 3829; P.S.0\T Fewster, Clerk

Health Department, as

M. E. RILL,Public Service Commissioner.

Office of Public Service Commissioner,Perth, 3rd November, 1910.

HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council hasapproved of the creation of the following new office,under Section 37 of the Public Service Act, in theLands and Surveys Department:—

Relieving Land Agent, Class "D," minimuni. £220,maximum £230.

M. E. JULL,Public Service Commissioner.


rector of Agriculture,as .'ruin

. 29/08.generally assisting, Medical andfrom 22nd October, 1910.

GOVERNMENT LAND SALES.Department of Lands and Surveys, Perth, 3rd November, 1910.

THE undermentioned Allotments of Land will be offered for Sale, at Public Auction, on the dates and at the placesspecified in the Schedule below, at 11 o'clock, a.m.; excepting and Donnybrook at noon ; Pingelly, Katanning, Broomehill,Brookton, and. Woodanilling, at 3 p.m.; Narrogin, Wagin and Cuballing, at 4 p.m.


.NORT .November 10.—At the Government Land Agent's

Office: Doodlakine Town 3, 4, lr. each, £10 each; 35,36, lr. each, £12 each; 61, 62, lr. each, £8; 72, lr. 13p.,£25; Burraeoppin Sub. "4, "5 ; lr. each, £5 each.

BROOKTON.November 10.—At the Government Land Agent's

Office: Brookton Town 161, 1.a. 3r. 8p., £15; 162,Or. 10p., £10.

KALGOORLIE.November 11.—A t the Government Land Agent 's

Office: Boulder Town 1571, 39.8p., £12, plus £105 im-provements.

MT. MAGNET.November 24.—At the Warden 's Office : lit. Magnet

331, 34p., £15.

WICKEPIN.November 25.--At the Government Land Agent's

Office: Wickepin Town 41, 1r., £10.

WILUNA.November 25.--At the Warden's Office: •Wiluna Town

188, lr., £10; 190, lr., £15.

WOODANILLING.No \mintier 25.--At the Government Land Agent's

Office: Woodanilling Sub. "347, 5a., £5.

BUNBURY.November 15.--At the Government Land Agent's

Office: Cape] Sub. Lots "142, *143, la. lr. 10. each; '144,I a. lr. 14p., .E3 each.

Suburban for cultivation 5 years.

Plans and further particulars may be obtained aNB..---Land sold to a depth of 200 feet below the natur

depth of 40 feet only.

THE muffirmentioned allotments of land will be Offerei.lui l'ublic Auction, at the Government Land Agent'sMice, Southern Cross, on Saturday, tire day ofNovember, at 2 p.m., by the Government Auctioneer, Mr.A. (llerk.

BULLFINCH.November 12.—At the Government Laud Agent's

Office: Bullfinch Town 3, 4, 5, (1, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14,15, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 26, :27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 34, 35, 38,39, 42, 43, 46, 47, 50, 51, 52, :53, 54, 55, 58, i59, 60, 61,62, 63, about lr. each, £30 each; S. 16, 17, 24, 25,:32,13, 40, 41, 48, 19, 56, 57, 64, about lr. each, ,5() each.

Each of the above-mentioned lots, exclusive Of re-serves, will be sold and granted on the cOudition that thepurchaser and 'his transferees or lessees shall not at anytime obtain, or hold, a license for the sale of any intoxi-cating liquor on the lot purchased.

tSuburban for cultivation„ 10 years.

t this Office, or at the office where they are to be sold.al surface, except in Mining Districts, where it is granted to a

IL CECIL CLIFTON, Under Secretary for Lands.

RAVENSTHORPE.November 11.--At the Warden's Office: Ravensthorpe

Sub. "67$, or. lip , £30, subject to £50 improvements.

N ORS E MA N.N eve me her 11.--At the Warden 7 8 05'-''. N orsom:in

Town 509, 600, 1 r. each, £8 each.

WAGIN.November 1L—At the Government Laud Agent's

Office: Wagin Sub. "437, 3a. lr. Op., £15; "734, 4a.Or. 2p., £8; *745, 2a. £4; *891, 3a. 10p., £15; *892,la. 3r. 35p., £10; "893, 2a. Or. 27p., £12; Town 579, 2r.,£12.

AugustaNlr Denmark ... 307 ...

... Sub. for Cultivation

... Do.


54 to 59 inclusive, 62 Do.to 65 inclusive, 67,70 to 73 inclusive,75, 78, and 80 to 83inclusive

60, 61, 68, 69, 76, 77, Do.and 84

279 Do.280 ... Do.358 Do.

192 to 197 inclusive Sub. for Cultivation150, 151, 153, 156, Town

157, 160, 161, 164,165, 167, 169, 172,173, 174, 177, 178,179, 182, 183, 184,187, 188, and 189

152, 158, 159, and 166 Do.154, 162, 163, 170, 171, Do.

175, 180, 181, 185,

8,-1C Kalgoorlie ...

'11,5 Ngowangerupp...






• each



.D3 each ...£10 each

£11 each£12 each

Nov,. 4, 1910A GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. 3355

LOTS OPEN FOR SALE.Department of Lands au 1 Surveys, Perth, 3rd November, 1910.

IT is hereby notified, for general information, that the undermentioned Lots are now open tor sale, tinder the conditionsspecified, by public auction, as provided by "The Land Act, 1898," at the following upset prices :-

Corr. So. Town. Nos. of Lots. Conditions. Upset Prices. Remarks.

'Phis lot is sold subject to theRegulations for SuburbanLauds for Cultivation, aspublished in the issue of theGovernment Gazette of 15thOctober, 1909.

No license for the sale of , in-toxicants will be 0-rantedwithin the , Denmark Estate,of which this forms a portion.

Improvements to the value of£50 to be added.

Lots 53, 66, 79, and 74 are" Excepted from Sale " asReserve No. 13083.

Reserves 5019 (Lots 279 and

280) and 5023 (Lot 358) arehereby cancelled.

Lots 149, 155, and 176 are" Excepted from Sale " asReserve No. 11090.

186, and 190Doodlakine 3 and 4 Do. £10 each Reserve lit 01 is hereby cancelled.

"TM' Nanson 37,-38, 40, and 41 ...4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 26,


L1 each£5 each

Lots 11, 1, 17, 23, 27, 28, 39, and46 are "Excepted from Sale"

29, 30, 31, 32, 34,35, 44, 45, 47, and

as Reserve No. 13085.

482, 3, 15, 16, 18, 19, 36,

and 42Do. £7 each

5 and 13 ... Do. ..t8 each6, 21, 22, 24, 25, 33,

43, and 49Do. £10 each

14 and 20 ... Do. £15 each.15'r; Narrogin

Parkerville674 and 675 ... ...142, 146, and 152

Sub. for CultivationTown ..

£15 each£6 each

Reserve 10351 is hereby reduced.

Do. £8Smith's Mill 105 ... ... Sub. for Cultivation £37

Do. £36oil3592f

York ...Bullfinch *

496 ...8, 9, 16, 17, 24, 25, 32,

33, 40, 41, 48, 49,


£10£50 (melt Lots 1, 2, 20, 36, ;i7, 41, and 45

are Excepted from Sale as56, 64, and 57 Reserve 1311G.

3 to 6 inclusive, 7, 10 Do. £30 eachto 15 inclusive, 18,19, 21, 22, 23, 26to 31 inclusive, 34,35, 38, 39, 12, 43,46, 47, 50 to 55 in-clusive, and 58 1063 inclusive

1 o.ogro Moore ... .82 Do. £2u8 ,pi.*() Kelmscott 193 Sub. for Cultivation ..€17

192 Do. ..C18188 Do. £20190 Do. £22189 Do. £23191 Do. .e.30

Amount of improvements to be:

' Noggerup 91- Town10 Do.11 Do. A; .4:20

12 Do.13 Do. Nil11 Do. 4.:7415 Do. £516 Do. -60

from Salo;:::.,erve N.. 11793

*Mich of the above-mentioned lots, occlusive of reserves, Mil be sold and grant . ,1 r !;e• s1,', ve: . :a- eesshall not at any time obtain or hold alicense for the sale of any purel

Plans, showingthe arrangement of the lots referred to, will shortly be obtainable at this office, and t he offices of the various GovernmentLand Agents.

R. CECIL CLIFTON, Under Secretary for Lands.


Priceper acre.Area.


Subject to classification andsurvey, after which the pricewill be fixed.




3356 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. W.A. [Nov. 4, 1910.


Maida Vale.

Department of Lands and Surveys,7853/10. Perth, 28th October, 1910.

HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council hasbeen pleased to approve of the area described hereunderbeing named "Maida

Bounded on the North-Eastward by the Helena River;on the Eastward by a South-Western line therefrom tothe South-East corner of Location 1332 on the Kala-munnda Road; thence South to the North-West boundaryof Location 11; and on the South-Westward by a North-Westerly line passing along the South-West boundary ofLocation 1217; on the West by the Eastern side ofRoad 168 to the South corner of Location '1307 • thenceby the North-Eastern boundary of Location 2S to theSouth corner of Location 27, and on the North-Westwardby a North-Easterly line therefrom. (Plan 1C/40.)

R. CECIL CLIFTON,Under Secretary for Lands.


(1st and 2nd Edwardi VII., No. 18.)

Department of Lands and Surveys,5595/96. Perth, 28th October, 1910.

HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Councildirects it to be notified that, with the advice of theExecutive Council, he has been pleased to declare thatit shall be unlawful to set fire to the bush within theSouth-Western Division of the State, exclusive of thelaud comprised in the Midland Railway Reservation, dur-ing the period 1st November to 15th February inclusive,in each and every year. All previous declarations affect-ing the various Road and Magisterial Districts in thisDivision are hereby cancelled.

R. CECIL CLIFTON,Under Secretary for Lands.


Yilgarn Goldfield.

Department of Lands and Surveys,13952/10. Perth, 28th October, 1910.

IT is hereby notified, for general information, that HisExcellency the Governor in Executive Council has beenpleased to approve of the area described hereunder beingclassified as Town and Suburban, to form a Townsite, inthe Yilgarn Goldfield, hereafter to be known and dis-tinguished as "Bullfinch":

Bounded on the South-Westward and South-Eastwardby lines starting from a point on the Eastern side ofthe Mount Jackson Road situated 19 chains 64 linksNorth-Westward from the 21-mile post thereon, and ex-tending 318deg. 87 chains and 48deg. 54 chains; theopposite boundaries being parallel and equal. (Plan24/300.)

R. CECIL CLIFTON,Under Secretary for Lands.


(1st and 2nd Edwardi VII., No. 18.)

Department of Lands and Surveys,5595/96. Perth, 28th October, 1910.

HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Councildirects it to be notified that, with the advice of theExecutive Council, he has been pleased to declare thatit shall be unlawful to set fire to the bush within theMidland Railway Reservation during the period from21st December to 15th February, inclusive, in each andevery year.

R. CECIL CLIFTON,Under Secretary for Lands.


Department of Lands and Surveys,Perth, 4th November, 1910.

IT is hereby notified, for general information, that HisExcellency the Governor Executive Council has beenpleased to approve of the areas scheduled hereunderbeing made available for selection under "The LandAct, .1898," and its amendments. The selector of aHomestead Farm from any location available underPart VIII. must take the balance thereof under Con-ditional Purchase, and a selector of a portion of anylocation available, under Part VI. must take the balanceof same under Grazing Lease conditions.

The locations available under Part VI. are markedwith au asterisk.

Applications must he lodged at the Office of the Gov-ernment Land Agent for the District.

The date fixed as showing when subdivisions are avail-able denotes that applications may be lodged beforesuch date, but will be treated as having been receivedon the appointed day, and should there be any loca-tions not applied for after the date specified, such willcontinue available until applied for or otherwise dealtwith.

The locations with amounts set against them in thefourth column are available subject to the special con-dition that an expenditure of not less than one-fourthof the amount set out in such column shall be made onprescribed improvements in each of the first four yearsof the lease; hut this shall not release the holder fromany covenant in the Agricultural Bank Mortgage re-quiring the improvements to be made at an earlier date.The advance mentioned is subject to the usual con-ditions governing a loan from the Agricultural Bank,particulars of which may be had on application from theManaging Trustee.

Applications for advance must be accompanied by afee of one per cent. on the amount applied for.

If it becomes necessary that any application should goto the Land Board for decision, the applicant will receivea notice front Head Office informing him of the date,place, and time of the sitting of the Board.

He may then, if he wishes, apply to Head Officefor a Certificate to the Railway Department, which onpresentation at the nearest Railway Station, will entitlehim to a Return Ticket at Excursion Rates to the placewhere the Board will sit, available for seven days fromdate of issue.



No. 14010/10.Avon District (South of Bungulla).

Open, under Parts V. and VIII., on and after' Tues-day, 8th November, 1910. (Plan 25/80, A4.)

Corr. No. 5716/08.-Melbourne District (near Wongan Hills).

Open, under Parts V., VI., and VIII., on and afterTuesday, 8th November, 1910. (Plan 57/80.)

Priceper acre.

acres. s. d,1733


0 5 0


Location Area.No.Price

per acre.

s. d.0 17 6

Location No.Price per


acres. £ s. d.

1,000 0 12 0t100

1 •393 0 7 0

500 0 13 03001 0 7 6

493 0 8 0200 0130

200 0 12 6

727 0 5 8





Nov. 4, 1910.] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. 3;357.


Corr. No. 1261/84.Avon District (near Quilletting).

Open, under Parts V. and VEIL, on and after Tues-day, 8th November, 1910. (Plan 33/80.)

Corr. No. 11488/10,Avon District (near Hines' Hill).

Open, under Parts V., VI., and VIII., on and afterTuesday, 15th November, 191.0. (Plan 25/80.)

The Crown lands within the area bounded by linesstarting from the North-West corner of Location 3540,near Hines' Hill, and extending South to the South-Westcorner of Location 9801; thence West to the North-West corner of Location 11404, South to the North-Eastcorner of Location 11929, and West to the East boundaryof Location 13369; thence North to the South-Westcorner of Location 8667, and East and North to itsNorth-East corner; thence North-Eastward along therailway to the South boundary of Reserve 3891, andEast to the starting point. Excluding Location 10226.

Subject to survey and classification, after which theprice will be fixed.

Corr. No. 3239/10.Avon District.

Now open, under Parts V., VI., and VIII. (Plan.27/80.)

That portion of Road 306]. starting front the North-West corner of Avon Location 1397, and extendingSouthward along its South-Western boundary to theNorth-Eastern side of road extending Westward throughLocation 2325, starting again on the latter's South-Western side, and extending along the North-Western,South-West, and South-Eastern boundaries of Avon Lo-cation 887, and part of the South-Western boundary of489 and 301 to the latter's South corner.

The closed road, its South-Eastern side leaving theNorth-Eastern side of a surveyed road in Avon Loca-tion 2328 at a point 30deg. lmin. 11 chains 10 linksfrom the North corner of Avon Location 887, and ex-temling North-Eastward through said Location 2328 toits North-Eastern boundary.

At a price of £1 per acre. Open only to the ownersof land abutting thereon.


Corr. No. 11768/09.Williams District (near Pingarning).

Open, wider Parts V., VI., and on and afterTuesday, 8th November, 1910. (Plan Pingarning.)

Amount of Agricultural Bankadvance to approved Applicant.

Acres. £ 8. 41.

200 01707015 ... 200 0 19 08531 160 0 17 68511 160 0 19

*9702 506 0 0 0 Nil.9703 ... 1,000 0 12 6

f 100*9701 0 7 0 Nil.f •1,t450

*9705 .. 1,000 0 5 0 F Nil.9706 ...1 1,000 0 9 6 Nil.9707 ... . 1,711 0 11 0 £300.

9708998 0 12 0 £250.9709 993 0 10 0 £250.

t80*9710 " 0• 11 *576 7 6 Nil.9711 ... 1011 1 2 0 I Nit.0712 ... 600 0 12 0 Nil.

• 9713 .„ 501 0 7 0 I Nil.9714 . 2982; 0 12 6 Nil.9715 942 0 12 6 £230.

f Under Parts V. mid VIII.


Victoria District - (near Yuba).

Corr. No. 048/10.

Open, tinder Parts V. and on and after'iffues-day, 15th November, 1910. (Plan 'Tuba, Sheet 1.)

location Area PriceNo. acres, per acre.

£ s.4550 926 0 17 04553 991 0 14 0


Core. No. 12555/10.

Nelson District (nea)' Warrea River).

Open, under Parts V. and VIII., on and after Tues-day, 15th November, 1910. (Plan Warren River, Sheet9.)


Area. Priceper acre. ,

Amount of Agricultural BankAdvance to Approved Applicant.

acres. d.5046 262 1 15 0 £250.5047 311 1 70 £250.5018 14:0 1 7 0

£200.5049 21q 1 10 0 £250.5050 1 5 0 £250.5051 1071 1 3 0 £200.5052 317 1 5 0 £250.5053 311 013 0 £200.5054 1951 1100 £250.5055 223 1 5 05195 275 1 4 0 1:250.5196 284 0 18 0 1:200.5107 2751 0 11 0 L200.T• 0;0 1982 0 10 6

1 160 1 0 110 £200.5l•77 158 0 15 0 £200.

The maximum area t hat /nay be selected by a ny 0 Heapplicant is restricted to 640 acres.

Corr. No. 6236/07.Nelson District.

Now open, under Part V. (Plan Bridgetown, Sheet1.)

The closed road passing along the Southern boundariesof Bridgetown Sub, Lots 618 and 605, and the Westernboundaries of Sub. Lots 019 and 622.

Open only to owners of adjoining land. Price £5per acre-about 3 1/1, acres.

PERTH AGENCY.Cures. 3911-2/10.

Melbourne District.Open on and after Tuesday, 22nd November, 1910.Melbourne Location 2127 at 'Watheroo, containing

902 acres, as surveyed, at 2s. per acre.


Corn No. 11276/09.liojoalip District (near Shannon Soak)

Open, under parts V., VI., and VIII., on and afterTuesday, 8th November, 1910. (Plan Shannon Soak.)

f Under Putts V. and VIII.

Location Price perArea.No. acre.

a. r. p. s. 5.9600 45 2 10 1 5 0

9601 52 3 0 1 5 0Area.Location


per act,.



s. d.

160 10 0

3358 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [Nov. 4, 1910.


Corr. No. 13314/10Kojonup District (North of Telyarup Spring).

Open, under Parts V. and VIII., on and after Tues-day, 8th November, 1910. (Plan 417/80.)

The area containing about 180 acres, bounded by linesstarting from the North-East corner of Kojonup Loca-tion 5231, and extending South to its South-East cor-ner; thence West to the North-Eastern side of a sur-veyed road, South-Eastward along it to the Northernboundary of Location 5543; thence East to a pointSouth of the South-West corner of Location 5363, andthence North along the latter's West boundary to asurveyed road, and 'thence West to the starting point.

Subject to classification and survey, after which theprice will be fixed.


Plantagenet District (near Waychinicup River).

Corr. No. 6339/09.Open, under Parts V., VI., and VIII.

' on and after

Tuesday, 15th November, 1910. (Plan 450/80.)

The unselected Crown Lands within the area boundedby lines starting from the South-West corner of Plan-tagenet Location 1906, and extending West about 170chains; thence North about 450 chains, East about 450chains, South to the North boundary of Location 2043,West and South along . its North and West boundariesand those of Location 1863 to a point East of the start-ing point; thence West to said starting point. Areaabout 18,000 acres. Subject to survey and classification,after which the price will be fixed.


Nelson District (South of Warren).

Open, under Parts V. and VIII., on and after Tues-day, 22nd November, 1910. (Plan Warren River, Sheet3.)

The maximum area which may be selected by any oneperson within the subdivision has been fixed at 640 acres.

LocationNo. Area. Price per

acre.Amount of lAgricultural Bank ad-

vance to approved applicant.

acres. £ s. d.5093 310 0 16 0 £2005094 320 0 16 0 £2005098 285 0 18 0 £2005099 315 0 16 0 £2005100 32(4 0 17 0 £2005125 320 0 14 0 £2005126 320 0 13 0 £2005127 320 0 16 0 £2005128 320 0 13 0 £200


Williams District (near RTilliams River).

Corr. No. 1733/00.

Open, under Part V., on and after Tuesday, 15thNovember, 1910. (Plan 384/80.)

Price perAcre.


Cones. 12885-6/10.

Avon District.

Open, under Parts V., VI., and V on a ad afterTuesday, 8th November, 1910.

Avon Location 14500, containing 793 acres, as sur-veyed, at 12s. 6d. per acre. (Plan Geetarning, Sheet 2.)

'Williams District (near Kali en).

Corr. No. 6420/10.Open, under Parts V., VI., andon a .ter

Tuesday, 15th November, 1910. (Plan Killion, Sheet 3.)

LocationNo. Area. Price

per acre.Amount of Agricultural Bank

Advance to Approved Applicant.

acres. £ S. d.9846 697 0 11 0 N9835 573 0 15 0 Nil.9844 987 0 14 0 £300.9813 1,000 0 12 69342* 1,042 0 8 0 Nil.9811• 200 1 Under Parts V. and VIII. Nil.

655• 5 0 8 6!t.h0 988 0 17 0 £300.9:-39 905 Temporarily reserved.98:N 900 0 11 6 Nil.9837 900 0 11 0 £300.9836 969 0 16 0 £300.heels 1,:'531 1,000

0 10 6 Nil.Temporarily reserved.

9S33 1,000 0 17 0 £300.9832 1,000 0 15 0 £309.983L 1,000 1 1 0 £31.0.ft8,30 1,000 0 17 0 £350.9829 1,000 0 9 6 Nil.9628 962 0 12 0 Nil.9827 1,000 1 2 '0 £850.,9826 1,000 0 12 0 £300.9825 1.000 0 16 0 £350.9824 1,000 0 15 0 £300.9823 907 0 10 0 Nil.9822 1,000 0 14 0 £300.9821 993 Temporarily reserved.9820 1,000 0 12 0 £300.9282 906 1 0 0 £350.9281 910 0 16 0 £350.9280 902 1 0. 0 £150.

The above blocks are made available, subject to thecondition that the Governs ent retains the right to re-sume, within two years of the date of approval of appli-cation, any land required for towns, railway, and otherpurposes, without compensation, except for the actualvalue of any statutory improvements that may have beeneffected upon the land resumed.

Corr. No. 455705.

Williams District (near Yillimining Siding).

Open, under Parts V. and V l I 1., on and after Tues-day, 22nd November, 1910. (Plan 385/80.)

Location Area. PriceNo. per acre.

Corr. No. 10420/10.


Sussex District (near Wom(crup).

Open, under Parts V. and 011 and after Tues-day, 22nd November, 1910. (Plan 413/80.)

Location No. Area.

Open only to the owners of land abutting on the Southside of the road on 'which they front.

a. r. p. s.323 1 0 0 18 0266 0 0 0 19 0acres.

701 Reserve forT ber No, 13125.a. r. p.14.710 1 . 3 0153 2 0 1 1 0 1179 2 0 1 3 0355 2 0 1 8 0241 0 0 018 0295 0 0 01.8 0209 0 0 0 17 0310 0 0 1 8 0312 2 0 1 6 0320 0 0 1 0 0267 2 0 016 0257 0 0 1 2 0301. 0 0 0 16 0175 0 0 1 0 0171 2 0 1 1 0!171 2 0 1 2 0189 2 0 1 8 0126 2 0 1 1 0 :109 0 0 1 10 0210


00 -)

200 0 0900

163 2 0 1 1 0159 3 0 1 2 0159 3 0 0 18 0210 2 0 1 4 0 11`211 0 1 9 0276 2 0 1 1 0325 2 0 1 0 0

ccu>er arils • .e(1 forTimber.





Area. Price Amount of Agricultural Bankper acre. Advance to Approved Applicant.

. CECIL GI .10N,Under Se rotary for Lands.

Nov. 4, 1910.] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. 3359

0orr. No. 3475/10.


Nelson District (i

Open, under Paris V. and on ;'t I. fir Sal or-day„ 19th November, 1910. c.Plan Warren R., Sheet 2.)

The maximum area that may he selected by any oneiwrson is restricted to 640 acres.


Avon District.Comes. 5335/07.Avon Location 10985, as surveyed, contain ing

acres, so bject to repricing (as may be necessary), andValue of improvements. (Plan 27/80 F4.)

Comes. 7281/10.Avon Location 15170, containing 1,000 acres, at 14s.

per acre, formerly held by W. II. Haines as H.F. 14874/74, and C.P. 26868/55. (Plan Goomarin Sheet 2.)

Comes. 12243/10.Avon Location 15612, containing 931 acres, as' sur-

veyed, at Ss. 6d. per acre. (Plan Nangeenan, Sheet 4.)

ALBANY AGENCY.Plantagenet District.

Cones. 506/10.Plantagenet Location 2768, containing 260 acres, be

abandoned H.P. 13694/74 and C.P. 95009/55, heldharry Sayer. (Plan 450/80.)

Corn :s. 10429/09.-Plantagenet Location 2679, containing 160 acres, as

surveyed (being forfeited H. Farm 13306/74, held bySidney John Brewster), at Ss. per acre, including cost ofsurvey. (Plan 451/80 E4.)

PERTH AGENCY.Esperance District.

Corres, 6669/10.Myrup A.A. Lots 11, 13, 15, and 17, contai:ni tr 477

acres, as surveyed. (Plan Myrnp Area.)

LAND OPEN IPOR SELECTION.Depart:timid of Lands and Surveys,

Perth, 27th October, 1910.IT is hereby notified, for general information, that thelands as described hereunder will be available for selec-tion on mid ;Lifer "Tuesday, 15th November, 1910.

Applications must be lodged with the GovernmentLand Agent for the :District in which the land is situ-ated.

Applications may be lodged before the day 's ecified,but will be treated as having been received on the ap-pointed day, and if there are more than one applicantthe matter will be decided by the Land Board.

If it becomes necessary that any application shouldgo to the Land Board for decision the applicant willreceive a notice from the Bead. OMce informing him ofthe date, place, and time o the sitting of the Board.

TIe may then, if he v apply to the Head Officefor a certificate to the Railway Department which, onpresentation at the nearest Railway Station will enablehim to a 'Return Ticket, at Excursion Rates to the placewhere the Boari•I will sit, available for seven days fromthe date of issue.

Open under Parts V. and VIII. of the Land Act and-itsAmendments, subject to Reclassification mid pricingas may be deemed necessary.


Williams District.Corres. 11793/08.Williams Location 5141, is surve, EI. Faro

1 .1484/74, illninaoned by P. Ii.Sims, 60 acres(1'160 3781)/9n, 113.)

(;earls. 12658/03.Williams Locatlon Ils05, oui.cauing 160 :Acres, as sur-

veyed (being forfeited IL Farm3919/74, held by GeorgeDrage), at Os. per acre. (Plan 384/80 F2.)

Murray District.Comes. 12539/08.Murray Location 751, containing 600 acres, as Sur-

voyod, tit 5s. per acre, including cost of survey. (Plan3,0'80 A3.)

TIRALDTON AGENCY.Victoria District.

Comes. 11731/10.Victoria Location 4668, containing 990 acres, as sur-

veyed, at 1(18. per acre. (Plan, Ajana.)

NORTHAM AGENCY.(;orres. 5144/07.Avon Location 10507, containing 160 acres, as sur-

veyed. being forfeited 41 F. 9291/74, held by Joseph 0.Angel, at 27s. per acre. (Plan 25/80 52.)

NORTHAA LAND AGENCY.Corres. 11487/10.Starting from the'South-East corner of Avon Location.

12569; thence North to the North-East corner of ,suchLocation; thence East to the Western boundary of AvonLocation 1.4935; thence South `to proposed , Road 11216/08and thence Westerly along such road to the startingpoint. Containing about 430 acres.


Nelson District.Comes. 8789/10.Nelson Location 2071, as surveyed, containing 200

acres, at £1 1.6s. 6d. per acre. (Plan Bn.lbarrup Loca-tion.)

(lorres. s 197 , in.Starting from the South-East corner of Nelson Location

:1610 ; thenc.• North to the North-East corner of. suchLocation; thence 20 chains East; thence South to Road2103, ;and theime 'Westerly by such, road to the startingpoint. C'ontarniHg about 100 acres.

CECIL CLTETON,Under Secretar y for Lands.

3360 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [Nov. 4, 191

LAND OPEN FOR SELECTION.Warren River Subdivisions.

Department of Lauds and Surveys,15283/10. Perth, 28th October, 1910.

HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council hasbeen pleased to fix, under Section 67 of "The Land set,1898," the maximum area to be held by any one personwithin the subdivisions shown on Plans Warren RiverSheets 1 to 9 inclusive, at 640 acres.

R. CECIL CLIFTON,Under Secretary for Lands.


Lots Open for Selection as Homestead Farms.

Department of Lands and Surveys,6019/97. Perth, 28th October, 1910.

HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council hasbeen pleased to approve of all the vacant unreservedlots within the Yilgarn Agricultural Area being thrownopen for selection under Part VIII. of "The Land Act,1898," iu addition to Part V. as already gazetted.

The above lots are now open.Applications to be lodged at the Head Office.

R. CECIL CLIFTON,Under Secretary for Lands.

THE ROADS ACT, 1902.Department of Lands and Surveys,

Perth, 28th October, 1910.1T is hereby declared that the undermentioned landshave been set apart, taken, or resumed under Section 17of "The Public Works Act, 1902," for the purpose ofnew Roads, that is to say:-

eltitteriliv !load District.5853/09.Deviation of part of Road 15.-A strip of land, two

chains wide, leaving the present road near the East cor-ner of Reserve 1070, and extending as surveyed, Diagram37498, North-Eastward through part of Swan Location1371 to rejoin said Road opposite the junction of Road1394.

35 acres 1r. 3p. being resumed from Swan Location1371. (Plan 28/80.)

Victewia Plains Road District.2317/03.Deviation of part of Road 68.-A strip of land, one

chain wide, leaving Road 2148 in Reserve 2392, andextending as surveyed, O.P. Avon 1313, North-Westwardthrough said Reserve 2392; thence as originally shownthrough Avon Location 1832; thence again as sur-veyed, O.Y. Avon 1313, through Avon Locations 1830and 1829 to rejoin the present road near the South-Eastboundary of Reserve 775. That part through Avon Lo-cation 1830 being the surveyed position of road allowedfor on Crown Grant.

1 acre 3r. 2p. being resumed from Avon Location1829. (Plan 32/80.)

Williams Road District.13087/10.No. 3952.-A strip of land, one chain wide, its North-

ern side Laving the Western side of Road 1061 at apoint two chains Southward from the Southern boundaryof the josbury Station Yard, and extending Westwardthrough Williams Location "N" to the Eastern end ofa crossing over the Collie-Narrogin Railway Reserve.

About 0 acres Or. 21p. being resumed from WilliamsLocation "N." (Plan 384/80.)

Preston Road District.14222/03.Road 3957.-A strip of land, one chain wide, starting

from a surveyed road at the South-East corner of C.P.48/1016, and extending as surveyed, Diagram 14683,South-Eastward through C.P. 48/1014 and Preston A.A.Lot 110 to join a surveyed road on the latter 's Southboundary.

5 acres Or. 17p. being resumed from C.P. 48/1014.2 acres Or. 20p. being resumed from Preston A.A. Lot

110. (Plan 414A/40.)

Goamalling Road District.7120/09.No. 3961.-A strip of hind, one chain wide, leaving

:Road 2532 at the South-East corner of Avon Location2641, and extending West along its South boundary toits South-West corlwr; thence North Westward alongthe South-Western boundaries of Locations 2641 and2640 and the South-Western and 'Western boundaries ofLocation to the South boundary of Location 4646;thence as surveyed, Diagram 38145, North through thelatter to its North boundary; thence North-Westwardto the .East boundary of and through Locations 12618and 11244, and again through 12618 to its West boun-dary.

3 acres 3r. 24p. being resumed from Avon Location4646.- 2 acres frombeing resumed fro Avon Location 11244.(Plan 33D/80.)

Plans of the lands so set apart, taken, or resumed maybe inspected at the Department of Lands and Surveys,Perth.

By order of His Excellency the Governor,JAMES MITCHELL,

Minister for Lands.

THE ROADS ACT, 1902.Department of Lands and Surveys,

Perth, 4th November, 1910.IT is hereby declared that the undermentioned landshave been set apart, taken, or resumed under Section17 of "The Public Works Act, 1902," for the purposesof new Roads, that is to say:-

Balimgup Road District.7124/99.Deviation of part of Road 1144.-A strip of laud,

one chain wide, leaving the present road on the Westernboundary of delson Location 900, and extending as sur-veyed, Dimg , ffin 36679, 'North-Eastward through said Lo-cation 9:20 to its North boundary:, thence Northwardthrough Loeotion 268 and continuing one chain wide and50 links wide respectively through Location 41 to rejointhe present road in the latter.

2 acres Or. 19p. being resumed from Nelson Location960.

0 acres 3r. 33p. being resumed from Nelson Location268.

1 acre Or. 4p. being resumed from Nelson Location-ii. (Plan 439B/40.)

Beverley Road District.10844/04.Deviation of part of Road 2067.-A strip of land,

one chain wide, its Eastern side leaving the Smith-East-ern side of the present road in Avon Location 7322 at apoint 21Sdeg. 4min. 10 links from its intersection witha North boundary of the latter, and aextendin as Sur-‘eyed, Diagram 37426, 195deg. to rejoin theorig-inal road in Avon Location 5682.

2 acres 2r. 22p. being resumed from Avon Location7322.

5 acres lr. 6p. being resumed from Avon Location5682. (Plan 3420/40W.)

Upper Blackwood Road District.13896/08.Deviation of part of Road 3356 (regazettal).-A strip

of land, one chain wide, its East side passing along theWest side of the present road from the South-East cornerof C.P. 78/130 to its North-East corner as surveyed,Diagram 37745.

5 acres Or., 3p. being resumed from C.P. 78/130. (Plan415/80.)

Albany Road District.1116/07.No. 3924.--A strip of land, one chain wide, leaving

the South-East corner of Plantagenet Location 1929, andextending as surveyed, Diagram 35925, North along partof tine East boundary of Location 1929; thence North-Westward through said Location 1929 and onwards tojoin a surveyed road along the South side of the Den-mark Railway Reserve.

2 acres Or. 26p. being resumed from Plantagenet Lo-cation 1929. (Plan 457/80.)

Nov. 4, 1910.] GOVERNA TT GAZETTE, W.A. 3361

Broomeitill Rood Dist met.117/10.No. 3953.-A strip of land, one chain wide, its East

side leaving the North side of a surveyed road at a,point 85 lin1H, West from the South-East earnerKojonup Local ion 2821, and surveyed, Dia-gram 305.-m, 1)10:)). 22min. through said Location 28)21.and Location-) 1031, 13; • 9, and 152 to a point 1 chainSouth from t he Into)Cs Nor11 1); thence 91deg.22min. 2 chains 1hen e 4d 0! . 50min. throughsaid Location 152 and Location 151 to the South sideof Road 2245.

being resumed from 1Kojonup

4 acres Or. 35p. being resumed from Kojoutip Loca-tion 152.

1. acre 2r. 81). being resumed :froth Kojonup 1 eca-1379.

1 acre 1r. 2p. being resumed from Kojonuption 1031.

2 acres 2r. 12p. being resumed Kojonup Loca-tion 2821. (Plan 417/80.)

Beverley Road Distri10844/04.No. 3954.--A si rip 01! Mod, one chain tvide, leaving

Road No. 2067 on the North boundary of Avon Location5082, and extending a s sure ),a1. Diagram 87426, Westalong its North lammlary to !,-! North-West corner;thence as surv,))•)ed North-West)),n ud to the South boun-dary 0 )!!! Avon ;.ocalion 7770; titmice West and Northalong its Soulb ))»d West boundai)))5 to the South boun-dary of d..))));;!iou 0257; thence 'Weil; along the lat .)). )!4,South bonndary to the South-Easi corner of Riser9336.

acre Or. 33p, being resumed from Avail

7322. ( 342(,/40W.)

Goon .1/8718/06.No. 3962.-A dp ))f land, one chain wide, le

the junction of 1.));),!).! 1.61.5 a !id 1.798 at the S)))))1)ma of c , p. .1),)/1!!6, nd mAendi,:g as surveyed, LH)) a at20358 North-West-C.-alai aloag its South- \Vesta:m bouu-dary, and onwards throm„.,11. Avon Location ::s15road on the latter's North-Western boundary.

10 !titres 1.r. 30p. being resumed from Avon Location2815. (Plan 32/80.)

11ar •adong Road District.11386/10.No. 3972.--A strip of land, one chain wide, leaving

the South-East corner of Wellington Location 1898, andextending hn a general North-Westerly direction as sur-veyed through Wellington Locations 189S, 1595, alongpart of the South boundary of and through Location1599 to the South-West corner of Location 1198; ti ' s at,'North along the latter's West boundary; thence A1-estand : North along a North and an East boundary ofLocation 1888 to the South-East corner of •.P. 48/2•19;thence North inside and along the East boundaries ofC.P. 4S/2219 and Location 1357 to Road G90.

About 3 acres Or. 27p. being resumed from C.P.48/2219.

About 1 acre 2r. 10p. being resumed from WellingtonLocation 1357. (Plan 384/80.)

Plans of the lands so set apart, taken, or resumedmay be inspected at the Department; of Lands and Sur-veys, Perth.

By order of His Excellency the Governor,JAMES MITCHELL,

Minister for Lands.

ROADS ACT, 1902.

tering Road Board, by resolution.of the Board, held at Cluttering

)1 to open the road as described

bea t Diaba .)/

ie)intion of par or !chains wide, leavingHer of _Reserve 107Lgrant 317498, Nor;''- 1 .cation 1371 to rejoin acidof Eoail 1394.

35 acres Li'. 3p. being ()sullied Swan Location1371. (Plan 28/80.)

EREAS the Victoria Plains [toad Board, by resolu-

passed at a meetim. (he Board, held at New

on the lst or 1909, reiolved to open adescribed hereunder :-

FieJoria Maim, Boat jct.2317/53.Deviation of part of Road 68.--A strip of land, one

chain wide, leaving Road 2148 iri Reserve 2392, and ex-tending Cis surveyed, 0.P. Avon 1313, North-Westivardthrough said Reserve 2392; !la nee as originally shownthrough_Avon Location I' :12: !home again as surveyed,

O.P. Avon 1313, through \ 1»caiions 1830 and 1829 Lie preen! L»),(1 naa, Ihe South-East boundary

75. • paid) 1 Avon Location 1830ur) yeti p).sh ion o!' road :Plowed for on Crown

1 ii» :31). 2 / ). being resin)» 'an *o 1829./80.)

1 Board, by resolutionluid)1 at Brookton on

so!, e.1 to open a road as

1 drain wide, aleavingEast cornet of Avon

;,, nlitli :Westward and)ini. !. Diagram 286613

dlt- . -4••ra houndaries of LocationL oth ..'son Loc.;;.:. »- 6013 :).,n1 377, to the

cuuater of AVi•u . 1 ,» a; i, in •! 866; thence as

. , l s.nth a Lid West ahem; its East and

boundaries ietpeclive on)) of the South!mond and throu t.t i) A v» ... )1i)))) 61.60 to its Westboutn thence as -airveye )))))•» 25662, South to

the Soutli liinst u , ,N . • of ) 1.1)c.:1on • ;714; thenceWest:wit !), sin-

- , 1 41)3 South boundaryof the later and Through Arai_ . ()cation 7341 to joinan angle hi a suryeved road therein.

1 acre 1.r. 38p. being rosin)) e.,(11 from A von Location3804.

5 ac Or. 251.). being re...mined !from Avon Location1613.

Or. 151). hi nu Avon Location7377.

5 acre; Sr. 3p. li (7341.. (Plan 3431)/40.)

VY1117EEAS the • Armada!'- 1• •• • Road Board, byresolution passed at :1 the Board, held atArmadalc on the 19th ,i) 1909, resolved toopen a road as described I er:--

Armadale-Keintaeoll Road District.4061/09.No. 3716.--A strip of laud, one chain wide, its East

side leaving the North-East corner of Serpentine A.A.Lot 98, and extending its surveyed, Diagram 35698, 179deg. 35min. 9 chains 701/, links along its East boun-dary; thence 168(leg. 2m in. 5 chains and 179(leg. 35min.through Lot 182 to .)3»u111 boundary, and continuingtic surveyed along Iii' \ est boundary of Serpentine A.A.Lot 44 to the North Hu/1May of Mundijong TownsiteReserve.

I. acre Or. 36p. being uuureiled front Serpentine A.A. Lot98.

1 acre ir. Op. being resumed from Cockburn SoundLocation 182. (Plan Serpentine A.A.)

WHE,REAS the (nilpassed at a mee ton the 10th ult.,

) rip of land, twoLe East car-aiyed, Dia-

! i :0 ! ) et) dart of .Swan 1Lo-

d opposite the junction

ci.ly of 0.-). ) ,xl lteitniu.d.•ri---

1;, • )•),/, ton km ti District.9051/0No. 331.,

1 rooltcon»)ation 3304, an

)!!)-West \ V a

idomi. the S

0 on Location

3362 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [No . 4, 1910.

WHEREAS the Beverley Road Board, by resolutionpassed at a meeting of the Board, held at Beverley onthe 5th day of June, 1909, resolved to open a road asdescribed hereunder:-

Beverley Road District.2918/09.No. 3872.-A strip of land, one chain wide, the West-

ern side leaving the North side of Greenhills Rail-way Reserve at a point situate 153deg. 56min. 2 chains78.4 links from the present East corner of Avon Location7652, and extending as surveyed, Diagram 36128, 38::deg,. 56min. 10 chains 84.4 links; thence llideg. 53min.44 chains 80 links to join a surveyed road at the Northcorner of Location 7907. (Plan 3/80.)

5 acres 2r. 4p. being resumed from Location 7907.

WHEREAS the Gingin Road Board, by resolutionpassed at a meeting of the Board, held at Gingin onthe 25th day of June, 1910, resolved to open the roadhereinafter described, that is to say:-

Gingin Road District.3245/10.No. 3912.--A strip of laud (Crown), One chain wide,

leaving the South-East corner of Swan. Location 1272,-and extending South-Eastward through part of SwanLocation 1375 and onward to join Road 1648 North ofthe North-West corner of Swan Location 2025. Thatportion through Swan Location 1.375 being the gazettedposition of the road allowed for on Crown grant.(Plans 30/80 and 31/86.)

WHEREAS the Williams itioad Board, by resolutionpassed at a meeting of the Board, held at Williams onthe 1st day of June, 1910, resolved to open a road esdescribed hereunder:-

Williams Road District.13087/10.No. 3952.-A strip of laud, one chain wide, its North-

ern side leaving the Western side of Road 1061 at apoint two chains Southward from the Southern boundaryof the Josbury Station Yard, and extending Westwardthrough Williams Location "N" to the Eastern end ofa crossing over the Collie-.Narrogin Railway Reserve.

Abount 0 acres Or. 21p. being resumed fromLocation "N." (Plan 384/80.)

WHEREAS the Preston Road Board, by resolutionpassed at a meeting of the Board, held at Donnybrookon the 23rd. day of September, 1.910, resolved to epena road .as described hereunder:-

Preston Road District.1.4222/03.Road 3957.-A strip of land, one chain wide, starting

from a surveyed road at the South-East corner of C.P.48/1016, and extending as surveyed, Diagram 14683,South-Eastward through C.P. 48/1014 and Preston A.A.Lot 1110 to join a surveyed road on the latter's Southboundary.

5 acres Or. 17p. being resumed front C.P. 48/1014.2 acres Or. 20p. being resumed from Preston A.A. Lot

110. (Plan 414A/40.)

WHEREAS the (loom:tiling Road Board, by resolutionpassed at a meeting of the Board, held at Goomalling onthe 10th day of November, 1909, resolved to open a roada s described hereunder :--

Coolnalliing Road District.7120/09.No. 3961.-A strip of land, one chain wide

' leaving

Road 2532 at the South-East corner of Avon Location2641, and extending West along its South boundary toits South-West corner; thence North-Westward alongthe South-Western boundaries of Locations 264121(40 and the South-Western and Western boundaries ofLocation 2636 to the South boundary of Locationthence as surveyed, Diagram 38145, North through thelatter to its North boundary; thence North-Westward lothe East boundary of and through Locations 126.18 awl11244; and again through 12618 to its West boundary.

3 i tcres 3r. 24p. being resumed from Avon I,ocation4646. '

2 acres being resumed :from Avon Location 11244.(Plan 33D/80.)

And whereas His Excellency the Governor, pursuantto Section 17 of "The Public Works Act, 1902," bynotice published in the Government Gazette, declaredthat the said land had been set apart, taken, or resumed,Ilor the purpose of the said Roads, and that plans andmore particular description of the said lands might beinspected at the 11,Mpartment of Lands and Surveys,Perth.

And whereas the Governor in Executive Council hasconfirmed the said resolutions, it is hereby notified thatthe lines of comumnieation described above are Roadswithin the meaning of "The Roads Act, 1902," subjectto the provisions of the said Act.

Dated this 28th day of October, 1910.

R. CECIL CLIFTON,-Under Secretary for Lands.


WHEREAS the Balingup Road Board, by resolutionpassed at a meeting of the Board, held at Balingupon the 15th day of February, 1908, resolved to open theroad as described hereunder:-

ify lincup Road District.7124/99.Deviation of lain of Road :1144,-A strip of land, one

chain wide, leaving the present road on the Westernboundary of Nelson Location 960, and extending assurveyed, Diagram 36679, North-Eastward through saidLocation 960 to its North boundary; thence Northwardthrough Location 268 and contintli1V, one chain wide and50 links wide respectively through Location 41 to re-join the present road in the latter.

2 acres Or. 19p. being resumed from Nelson Location960.

0 acres 3r. 33p. being resumed from Nelson Location268.

1 acre Or. 4p. being resumed :from Nelson Location41. (Plan 439B/40.)

W HIE REAS the Beverley Read Board, by resolutionpassed at a meeting of the Board, held at Beverley, re-solved to open a rom1 as described hereunder:-

Beverley Road District.,10844/04.Deviation of part of Road 2067.-A strip of land,

one chain wide, its 'Illastern side leaving the South-East-ern side of the present road in Avon Location 7322 at a.point 218deg. 4min. 1(1 links from its intersection with

North boundaq of the latter, and extending as .sur-veyed, Diagram :17426, :L95de,g. to rejoin the orig-inal road in Avon Location 5682.

2 acres 2r. 212p. being -resumed from Avon Location7822.

5 acres 1r. 6p. tieing resumed li rom Avon LLocation5682. (Plan 342C/40W.)

WHEREAS the Upper Blackwood Road Board, by reso-lution passed at a meeting of the Board, held at UpperBlackwood on the 1st July, 1909, resolved to open theroad as described hereunder:-

Upper Blackwood Road District.13896/08.Deviation of part of Road 3356 (regazettal).-A strip

of land, one chain wide, its :Bast side passing alongthe West side of the, present road from the South-Eastcorner of C.P. 78/130 to its North-East corner as sur-veyed, Diagram 37745.

5 acres Or. Sp. being resumed from C.P. 78;130. (Plan415/80.)

WHEREAS the Rimer Blackwood Road Board, by reso-lution passed at a meeting of the Board, held at Lauder-dale on or about the 2nd clay of June, 1909, resolvedto open a road as described hereunder:-

Upper Blackwood Road District.13895/08.No. 3808.--A strip of land, one chain wide, leaving

the Eastern side of Jim Donnybrook-Preston Valley : Rail-way Reserve at the North boundary of Nelson Location1018, and extending 'Eastward a long and inside its said

Nov. 4, 1910.]

(MYER T MENT GAZETTE. W.A. 3363North boundary and part of the North-Eastern boundaryof Location 2252 to the Western boundary of Location3253; thence south-Eastward as shown in Diagram 28646,including the whole of said Location 3253. to the South-West troche- et 1,0eation 1850; ihtenee Fast along thelatter's Soullt i unn to joht Road 3083.

About ii : L oves Or. being resumed from Nelson Location1018.

About 0 acres lr. 22p. being resumed from NelsonLocation 2252.

About 3 acres 2r. 20p. being .:esunn from NelsonLocation 1850,

Nelson Location :1253 (5 acres Or. 7p.) being resumed.(Plant -115 /80.)

WHEREAS the Dardanup B oat) Board, by resolutionpassed at a meeting of the Board, held at Bunbury onthe 12th (lay February, 1910, resolved to open a roadas described hereunder:—

Durdanvp Road District.6977/98.No. 3811.--A strip of land, 15(1 links wide, leaving

an angle in Road 954 at the North-West corner of Boy-anup A.A. I,ot 13, and extending South along the Westboundaries of Lots 13, 15, 20, 21, and 25 to a surveyedroad at the latter's South-West corner, ofincludin a tri-angular portion of land on the West boundary of Lot 13,where crossing "Crooked Brook" tis surveyed, Diagram36578.

0 acres lr. 32p. being resmurs1 from Bovannp A.A.Lot 13. (Plan 411D/40.)

\\7 111EREAS the Meckering Road Board, by resolutionpassed at a meeting of the Board, held at Meekering onor about the 13th day of Slay, 1910, rosolved to opena road ns described hereunder:—

.1Icct-cring Road 1)is!lie!1.1994/09.Extension of Road 3862.A strip of lend, one chain wi leatving the present

terminus at the South-West corner of Arita Location8999, and extending North :dung and inside the latter'sWest-boundary to join a surveyed road at its North-West corner.

11 acres being resumed from Avon 1,oc . thn s999.(Plan 3/80.)

1vVHEREA8 the Williams Road Board, by resolutionpassed at a meeting of the Board, held at Williams onor about the 2nd day of August, 1909, resolved to opena road ati described hereunder:—

Williams Road District.6538/09.No. 3896.--A strip of land, one chain wide, leaving

ilottd 2278 in William: Location 195, and extending assurveyed, Diagrams :17579 and 117378, Northward throughWilliams Locations 193 and 337, along the East boun-daries of Locations 1081) and 6903 and l part of that ofLocation 1100; thence in a North-Westerly directionpassing through said Location 1100 and onwards to joina surveyed road along the East Imouda •y of Location7620.

4 acres Or. being resumed fro/ William Loca-tion 357.

0 acres 2r. tieing resumed from William :Loca-tion 195. (Platt 184/80.)

WHEREAS' the Albano' Pend Board, by resolutionpassed at a meeting of the Board, held at Albany onthe 14th day of April, 1909, resolved to Open a road asdescribed htireunder:

Alba Road DLO ric!1116/07.No. 3924.--A strip of land, one chain wide, leaving

the South-East corner of PlanIttgenet Location 1929,and extending as surveyed, Diagram 3;3923, North alongpart of the East. boundary of Location 1929; themeNorth-West/ yard through said Location 1929 and onwardsto join a surveyed road along the South side of theDenmark Railway Reserve.

2 acres air. Dip. being resumerI Cron) Plantag itcation 1929. (Plan 457/80.)

1\'HERE,A8 the Broomehill Road Board, by resolutionpassed at a meeting of the Board, held at Broomehilltot the 15th day of December, 1910, resolved to open:1 road as described hereunder:—

Broome/till. Road District.117/10.No. 3953.—A strip of land, one eh/ wt.( East

side leaving. the North side of a surveyed road at apoint 85 links West from the South-East corner of Ko-jonup Location 2821, and extending as surveyed, Dia-gram 36550, Meg. 22min. through said Location 2821:And Locations 1631, 1379, and 152 to a point 1 chainSouth from the latter's North boundary; thence 91cleg.22miu. 2 chains 64 links; thence 4deg. 50miu. throughsaid Location 152 and Location 151 to the South sideof Road 2245.

1 acre Or. .16p. being' resumed front Kojonup Loca-tion 151.

4- acres Or. 35p. being resumed from Kojonup Loca-tion 152..

1 acre 2r. 38p. being resumed from Kojonup Loca-tion

I. acre lr. 2p. being' resumed from Kojonup Loca-tion 1631.

2 acres 2r. 12p. being resumed from Kojonup Loca-tion 2821 (Plan 417/80.)

WHEREAS the Beverley Road Board, by resolutionpassed at a meeting of the Board, held at Beverley,resolved to open a road as described hereunder:—

Beverley Road District.1.0844/04.No. 3954.—A strip of laud, one chain wide, leaving

Road No. 2067 on the North boundary of Avon Location5682, and extending as surveyed, Diagram 37426, Westalong its North boundary to its North-West corner;Chance as surveyed North-Westward to the South boun-dary of Avon Location 7770; thence West and Northalong its South and West boundaries to the South boun-dary of :Location 6257; thence West along the latter'sSouth boundary to the South-East corner of Reserve9336.

1 acre Or. 38p. being resumed from Avot Location7322. Plan 3420/40W.)

WHEREAS the Goomalling :Road Board, by resolutionpassed at a meeting of the Board, held at, Goomalliugon the 6th day of duly, 1907, resolved to open a roadas described hereunder:—

Goomorang Rood District.3718/06.No. 3962,—A. strip of land, one chain wide, leaving

the junction. of Roads 1615 mutt 1798 at the South cornerof C.P. 48/16G, and extending as surveyed, Diagram26358 North-Westward along its South-West:ail boun-dary and onwards through Avon Location 2.815 to theroad on the latter's North-Western boundary.

10 acres in. 30p. being resumed from Avon Location2815. (Plan 32/80.)

WHEREAS the Ma radong Road Board, by resolutionpassed at a meeting of the Board, held at Marradongon the 19th day of September, 1910, resolved to opena road as described hereunder:—

31orradood Road District.:111386/1o.No. 3972.--A strip of land, one B lain wide, leaving

the 8outh-East corner of Wellington Location 1898, and

extending in -a general North-Westerly direction as sur-veyed through Wellington Locations 1898, 1593, alongpart of the South boundary of and through Location1399 to the South-West corner of Location 1198; thenceNorth the latter's West boundary; thence Westand North along a North :tint an East- boundary ofLocation I to the South-East corner of C.P. 48/2219;thence 1`..) 1) It inside and along the East boundaries of

48,P2219 and Location 1:157 to timid 690.About 3 acres Or. 27p. being resumed fro

48/2219.About 1 acre 2r, 10p. being resumed from Wellington

Location 1357. (Plan 384/80.)

3364 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [Nov..4, 1910:

And whereas His Excellency the Governor, pursuantto Section 17 of ''The Public Works Act, 1902," bynotices published in the Government Gazette, declaredthat the said lands had been set apart, taken, or re-sumed for the purposes of the said Roads, and thatplans of the said lands might be inspected at the De-partment of Lands and Surveys, Perth.

And whereas the Governor in Executive Council hasconfirmed the said resolutions, it is hereby notified thatthe lines of communication described above are Roadswithin the meaning of "The Roads Act, 1902," subjectto the provisions of the said Act.

Dated this 4th day of November, 1910.

R. CECIL CLIFTON,Under Secretary for Lands.


WHEREAS John, David, and C. L. Collins, being theowners of land over or along which the undermentionedroad in the Meckering Road District passes, have appliedto the Meckering Road Board to close the said road,which is more particularly described hereunder, that isto say:-

2392/09.M3.---The surveyed road passing along the Western

and Northern boundaries of Meckering A.A. Lot 195 andthe Northern boundaries of A.A. Lots 196, 197, 198, 199,and 200. (Plan Meckering A.A.)

WHEREAS Chas. Henry Cardwell, being the owner ofland over or along which the undermentioned road inthe Narrogin Road District passes, has applied to theNarrogin Road Board to close the said road, which ismore particularly described hereunder, that is to say:-

8045/10.N32.-The surveyed road along the North boundary

of Williams Location 6312. (Plan 385B/40.)

And whereas such applications have been duly pub-lished in the Government Gazette:

And whereas the said Boards have assented to thesaid applications:

And whereas the Governor in Executive Counc ilconfirmed the said assents:

It is hereby notified that the said Roads are closed.Dated this 4th day of November, 1910.

R. CECIL CLIFTON,Under Secretary for Lands.


WHEREAS T. T. Ridgway, being the owner of landover or along which the undermentioned road in theBeverley Road District passes, has applied to the Bever-ley Road Board to close the said road, which is moreparticularly described hereunder, that is to say:-

6888/10..E92.-The surveyed road passing along the South-

Eastern boundary of Avon Location 3878 and part ofthe North-Eastern and the South-Eastern boundaries ofLocation 4385 to Road 1467. (Plan 343A/80.)

WHEREAS Patrick Slattery, being the owner of landover or along which the undermentioned road in theDardanup Road District passes, has applied to the Dar-danu p Road Board to close the said road, which is moreparticularly described hereunder, that is to say:-

6411/09.D22.-The surveyed road from the North-West cOrli,r

of Wellington Location 506 and extending East 12 c-hairs49 links to a North-East corner. Also that, part el l asurveyed road from the Western side of Road 2595 \Vestalong the North boundary of Wellington Location 51mto an Eastern boundary of Wellington Location 2780,

WHEREAS George Powell, being the owner of laud overor along which the undermentioned road in the Goomal-ling Road District passes, has applied to the GoomallingRoad Board to close the said road, which is more par-ticularly described hereunder, that is to say:-

11016/10.G. 57.-The surveyed road along the North-Eastern

boundaries of Avon Locations 2531 and 2529, from theN orth corner of the former to the East corner of thelatter. (Plan 27/80.)

WHEREAS Chas. F. Baxter, being the owner of landover or along which the undermentioned road in theGreenhills Road District passes, has applied to the Green-hills Road Board to close the said road, which is moreparticularly described hereunder, that is to say:-

4398/06.C59.-The surveyed road extending South-Eastward

a ad South-Westward respectively through Location 3284,from its North-West boundary to an angle in its South-Western boundary. (Plan 3/80.)

WHEREAS E.J. Werner, being the owner of land overor along which the undermentioned road in the KcijonupRoad District passes, has applied to the KOjonup RoadBoard to close the said road, which is more particularlydescribed hereunder, that is to say:-

K2.-Road No. 2547, starting from a surveyed roadat the North-East corner of Kojonup Location 913, andextending South to its South-East corner; thence Westto the North-East corner of Location 851; thence as sur-veyed, Diagram 24660, South to its South-East corner,\Vest to the North-East corner of Location 849, Southto the latter's South-East corner, East to the North-East corner of Location 919, and South along the lat-ter's East boundary to join the Katanning-Kojonup Roadet its South-East corner. (Pla.n 416C/40.)

WIIEIUiAS Wm. and. Dora Janet Robertson, being theowners of land over or along which the undermentionedroad in the Victoria Plains Road District passes, haveapplied to the Victoria Plains Road'Board to close thesaid road, which is more particularly described hereunder,that is to say:-

V10.-The surveyed road between Melbourne Loca-tions 1438 and 1442, from the South-West corner ofLocation 1441 to the North-East corner of Location 2232.(Plan 57/80.)

And whereas such applications have been duly publishedin the Government Gazette:

And whereas the said Boards have assented to theSaid applications:

And whereas the Governor in Executive Council hasconfirmed the said assents:

!t is hereby notified that the said Roads are closed.Dated this 28th day of October, 1910.

R. CECIL CLIFTON,Under Secretary for Lands.


Proposed Amendment of Boundary between Uppe,Blackwood and West Arthur Road Districts.

Department of Lands and Surveys,3603/96. Perth, 14th October, 1910.

IT is hereby notified, for general information, that itis the intention of His Excellency the Governor inExecutive Council, after the expiration of 21 days fromthe publication of this notice, to amend the boundariesbetween the Upper Blackwood and West Arthur RoadDistricts, by conforming to the boundaries of Locationsin lieu of the track at present followed.'

CECIL CLIFTON,Under Secretary for Lands.

District. Nit, orLease.

Name ofLease.


Nov. 4, 1910.1 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,W.A. 3365


1906.Mortgagee's Sale.

TEE Agricultural Bank in ate; lenders until 21st No-

and H.P. 15/1093, comprising 190 m-res of mixed coun-vember, 1910, for the purchase ct Lease 1491/35

try, tnljoining the Stale Schtmi \\,•esi (toolup.Considerable improvements have been effected and

two (2) acres have been planted with vines and fruittrees.

-Full particulars on application.No tender 11,,,S,: m • ily accepted.


,Deputy Managing I Agrn- ltaral Bank.

A.GI ll(`ULTUIIA lL i ; \ -T, 1906.ecitiun 37 (2).

IT is hereby la tio "d timt the Agricultural 11 nk has.in pursuance of the above Iii tinned Act, taken posses-sion of C.P. 'Lease 23987/55 and H.F. 1113/74, sillto its registered mortgage 153114/138, ;Ind will rut.tenders until 21st November, 11910, for the purchaseof same.

The property comprises 260 acres of good agriculturalland situated in the Quairmling District.

Full particulars ;ni a H aic C ion.No tender necessarily accepted.

A. Mc',ARTY,Deputy Managing Trustee, Agricultural Ba nk

28th Octobe 1910.


Section 37 (2).

IT is hereby notified that the Agricultural Bank has,in pursuance of the shove-mentioned. Act, taken posses-sion of C.P. Lease 2 ,1210/55 and Homestead Farm13213/74, subject to its registered mortgage No. 14419/138, and trill receive tendrers until 21st November forthe purchase of same.

The property comprises 980 acres of :fair agriculturalcountry' situated at. Kodj Kodj and carries an ad-vance of 1E450.

Full particulars on application.No tender necessarily accepted.

A. McLARTY,Deputy Managing Tr •• Agricultural B- ik.

3VESTE11N AUSTRALIAN C(IN 1:1 •?.. -)■ 7; \IL-WAYS.

Lease of `-qted at Albohy for fh of Gwa.

SEALED Tenders (marited on the outside "Tender forGrain Storage Shed, ttlitauy") W r it;.;; ttece ;.ved by theundersiet; until noon ))). :he. lnil i Novembc f , 19:10, forthe leas; lig e,a portioo " r (•.0co motive Work-shops at .!!Lang (with acc,s; thereto) for a,period of" one, two, or ;) 1st December,1910.

equivalent to one quarter's tentaccompany eachRent will be payable quarteri ,t i Mix; and deposit

tender.Plan of shed may tender ;

full particulars can be ahlpim icotinu tStation Master, Albany, or 11,'

No tender will necessarily Itt; acct

Perth, 25th October, 1910.

Reiwn of ,Stile of to h'irms mut Persons,1.81 to 30th Septembet, 1910.

Authority Parti

AanouNo. 0.

604;19-1 'km lewt. 221bs.565/10-1 31ff. Gin. rail

9 -51 2

553/40—i wheels and axl

34 0 0608/10-3 spiral springs 2 2 9500/00-- tf;;, , ri;0 re • trucks .. 268 17 0009/10—Quo;1; i; v old fearing oats .. 3 10 6593/10—Quantity scrap metal

261 4 10

527/10-1 1A gollons roof lamp o, l and 3 tins 0 5 8

Auth. No. Particulars. Amount.s. (1.

612/10-6 axle-boxes with brasses for "G"locomotive . 37 15axle boxes with brasses for trucks 24 , 0

10 yards lubricator padding .. 1 0 0595/19—Quantity scrap metal .. .. 233 7 6579/10-5,000 old sleepers, front Northamp-

ton Railway .. 125 0 0007/10-1 truck coal .. .. 7 18 7011/10--50 hose pipes .. 2 3 9

26 dummies .. .. 3 2 10574/10-23cwt. spent hone 0 17 3011/10-15cwt. ingot copper .. .. 48 7 602:1/10-50 old sleepers from. Northamtirton

rmaymg .. 1 5 0017/10-0 v •uum rolling rings .. 2 5 0019/10-1 ''-; rails (46(A.1b.), at 1.1s.

l'iopetoun .. 21 0n bier point box .. 3 0 ()

1• '11. 0 engine .. 40 0 ()

3 0(-;06/I (I- 1ren work for paintshop .. 428 17319/] ;00 boiler tube ferrules .. 5 0 ot.3;7/10 -I In t ;Cm. spring, Class " A " 0 18 3;30/10-- I 6 13 4a; S i i ( lantity set 18 2 9

'y 6 0 3


Total £1,599 15 1

JOHN T. SHORT,Commissioner of Railways.

26th ()Jolter, 1910.


.Department of Mines,Perth, 3rd Novend,•, 1910,

the Governor in Council has Item( pleasedu l t `.1 .tinder 'Williams to be ,Acting Min

\Viluutt District, East Alurchison Gold-

H. S. KING,Secretary for Mi

t, MINING ACT, 1904.

trution to erw ., rt oat for Non-romplion''with

't1.■ l't Or I\Ji4437/02. I Veil 1910.

accordance witl of "The Mining Act,1:n t '," notice is Iterel

:, uit mule 's the provisions

`nn 1(001 e com Hi; ti With 011 or13111 0

;•-; the inten-


for breach.GI' covenant

It ENI ines.

Quana))3. - Meehan, JamesJoseph

'1711it• M C I 3G

t i3-ptii,tiiteparlanent of -Alines,

31 8 2/10. Perth, 3rd November, 1910.111 I5 1:::■atil, , imy the Governor in Executive Council has

p!eased in make the following additional paragraphPa sgularma 29 under "The Mining Act, 1904," as

set fot:;1; h-reuutler; to taro; effect from 3rd :November,1910,


1'hen in his opinioo Ca; allurmt

lenot being less than fifty feet; 0warrant the granting of an eater

Goldfield. District. No. of Application.

East Coolgardie


Phillips River ...

District. i No. of Application.


3366 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [Nov. 4, 1910.


Department of Mines, Perth, 3rd November, 1910.

IT is hereby notified that, in accordance with the provisions of "'1'he Mining Act, 1904," His Excellency the Governor inExecutive Council has been pleased to deal with the undermentioned Leases and Applications for Leases, :1,8 shown below.

H. S. KING, Secretary for Mines.

Gold Mining Leases.The undermentioned applications for Gold Mining Leases

were approved, subject to survey : -

Goldfield. District. Nos, of Applications.

Broad ArrowCoolgardieMurchison

Peak Hill


Day Dawn ..

1424w, 1425w' 825s

1783, 1786, 1787472D347n

The surrenders of the undermentioned Gold Mining Leases were accepted :--

Goldfield. District. No. of Lease. Noise of Lease. Lessees.

Dundas 1112 Heather Bell McGinn, James ; Anderson,Charles

East Coolgardie 4431E Chance Brown, John 'James; Brown,James

Murchison ... • • • *1681 Hidden Treasure ... Oates, JamesNorth-East Coolgardie Kurnalpi 316K ... Spion Kop Michell, John ; Switsur, Louisa.

Maud; Cable, James ; Corbett,Michael

• Condi pally,

The undermentioned Gold Mining Lease was declared not forfeited under Section 104, Subsection (3) :—.,....

Goldfield, No. of Lease. Name et Lease. Lessee,

North Coolgardie 64.7e Happy -go - Lucky The Mulwarrie Exploration Company, Limited

Miner's Homestead Lease.The undermentioned Application for a Miner's Homestead

Lease was approved, subject to survey; to date fromlet July, 1910:—

Tramway Lease.

The undermentioned application for a Tramway Lease wasapproved, subject to survey:—


Regulation 163.

Notice of Intention to resume illiniaty Tenements onbehalf of His Majesty.

Warden's Office,Sandstone, 21st October, 1910.

TAKE notice that it is the intention of the AVarden ofthe Goldfield mentioned hereunder, on the date men-tioned, to issue out of the Warden's Court an orderauthorising the resumption of possession, for and on be-half of His Majesty, in accordance with Regulation No.163 under "The Mining Act, 1904," of the undermen-tioned Mining Tenements. An order may issue iu theabsence of the registered holder, but should he desire toobject to such order he must, before the date mentioned,lodge at the Warden's Office an objection containingthe ,grounds of such objection, and on flee day mentioned

the, Warden will proceed to hear and determine the sa mein accordance with the evidence thou submitted.

(Sgd.) A. G. CLIFTON,Wa

To be heard in the Warden's Court, at Sandstone, onthe Sth day of December, 1910.

Residence Areas.No., Registered Holder, and Locality.

65B—Cashin, Patrick, •Youanme.177—McDonald, John Youanme.181--Young, Charlton, Youanme.190—Hay, Thomas, Youanme.191-41ellings George, Youanme.193—Stark, Youanme.216—Crawford, Lindsay C., Youanme.

GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. 3367Nov. 4, 1910.]

THE MINING ACT, 1904.Notice of Intention to Cancel Lease for Non-compliance

with Conditions.Department of Mines,

Perth, 5th October, 1910.820/04 and S91/03.

IN accordance with the provisions of " The Mining Act,1904," notice is hereby given that unless the provisionsof Section 186 of the- said Act are complied with on orbefore the 15th clay of November, 1910, it is the inten-tion of the Governor to cancel such lease for breach ofcovenant.

HENRY GREGORY,Minister for Mines.

Miners' Homestead Leases.


Women's Branch—Perth.Branches for Men and Women at Fremantle;

Northam, Kalgoorlie, and Narroon.

Central 011ice—Perth.EMPLOYERS of Labour of every description are re-quested to make application to the Bureau iii ueeuof workers.

Registers are kept in the various offices of men andwomen looking for work.

Personal application can be made during the usualoffice hours.

Interviews between employers and employees can bearranged.

JAMES LONOMORE,Superintendent of Govt. Labour Bureau.

Goldfield. District. No. of Name ofLease. Lease. Lessees.

E ROADS ACT, 1902.East Coolgardie ••• 471: Horau's Dep6t. Horan, WilLiam;

Horan„Tolin A linomy flood Board.Murchison ... Day Dawn 21) Day Dawn ... Mann, William Public Worlas Department,


Regulation 163.

Notice of intention to, resume Mining Tenements onbehalf of His Majesty.

Warden's Office, Broad Arrow,19th October, 1910.

TAKE notice that it is the intention 'of the Warden ofthe Goldfield mentioned hereunder, on the date men-tioned, to issue out of the Warden 's Court an orderauthorising the resumption of possession, for and onbehalf of His Majesty, in accordance with the Regula-tion No. 163 under " The Mining Act, 1904," of theundermentioned Mining Tenements. An order may issuein the absence of the registered holder, but should hedesire to object to such order he must, before the datementioned, lodge at the Warden's Office an objectioncontaining the . grounds of such objection, and on thedate mentioned the Warden will proceed to hear anddetermine the same in accordance with the evidence thensubmitted.

(Sgd.) JOHN M. FINNERTY,Warden.

To be heard at the Warden 's Court, Broad ArrowGoldfield, on the 2nd day of December, 1910.


Water Rights.Number and Name.

74W—Milne, James.

Machinery Areas.

19W—Milne, James.23W—Friedman, Nathaniel Asher; johnson, John

Henry; Fimister„Tohn Cutbush,Charles.

Tailings Areas.

12W—McDonnell, Alfred Chapple.13W—Friedman, Nathaniel Asher, and Johnson,

Henry.24W—Friedinan, Nathaniel Asher; Johnson, John

Henry; .Pimister, John William; Cutbush.Charles.

'Business Areas.

32W—Cummins, James Hurtle.GS'lV—Boyce, Richard.

W--Schinalia, Frederick.

Lode Claims.

400W--ilonnar, Robert.3061V—Ibbott sou, Joseph find John, and Russell,


It) h. 27t h. October, 1910.IT is hereby notified, for gnu: . r.11 fornIntien, that theHon. Minister for Works has approved of the followingto receive Absentee Voles in accordance with Section63 of the Roads Act:

Mm'. Fred. Allwood, Kalgan River.G. G. BLACK,

Aeting Under Secretary for Public Works.


lenomn s for Government Supplies.

De Sopplies required.advertising.

1910. . 1910.Oct. 13 Cartage General Battery Sup- Nov. 10

plies to State Battery atNannine for a period of 12months

27 8-1-21bs. Wool for sock-making... Nov. 103 Marine Engine of 47 to 50 B.H. Nov. 17

Power, to use either Keroseneor Petrol fuel

Nov. 3 Water Meters for Metropolitan Ncv. 17ITS., S., and D. Department

Nov. 3 Copper Plates and liars for Nov. 17Railway Department

Nov. 3 Bread, Rice, Sugar, Tea, and Nov. 17Heat for outdoor relief atBoulder

Oct. 7 360 bars of Black Reeled Mild Nov. 17Steel

Sept. 20 10 Locomotive Boilers for Class Dec. 1" 0 " and. "N" Locomotives

Oct. 30 7,000 Positive Plates for 13 plate Dee. 8cells

Sept. 6 2 Electric Gantry Crimes.Tenders must be lodged withthe Agent General in London,from whom full particulars,including date of closing, canbe obtained.

Tenders. addressed to the Chairman, render Board,Perth, will be received for the above-mentioned sup-plies until 2.15 p.m. on the dates of closing.

Tenders must be properly indorsed on envelopes,otherwise they axe liable to rejection.

Tender forms and full particulars may be obtainedon application at the Tender Board Office, Pier Stret,Perth.

No tender necessarily accepted.

,TAS. THOMPSON,Chairman Tender Board

4th November, 19

Date ofclosing.


Tender Date.Board No. From

TenderBoard No.

633/10 1 /1 1 /10

Contractor. Contract.

Union Stores, Limited Rum. ScheduleItem 169




31st December, 1911.

3368 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [Nov. 4, 1910.


Accepted Tenders.

THE following Accepted Tenders are published for general information :--

TenderBoard No. Date. Contractor. Particulars. Department concerned. Rate.

641/10 21/10/10 Agent General Copper Firebox Tube Plates. Railways ... ... .8191 9s.Schedule 173A

702/10 31/10/10 M. Mills ... Firewood for Mt. Ida Battery for Mines ... 18s: 6d. per cord.12 months

607/10 31/10/10 W. A. Snell Firewood for 20-Mile Sandy Batteryfor 12 months

Do. 33s. 6d. per cord

Transfers of Contracts.

THE following Contracts have been transferred:—

To Particulars.

817/10 29/10/10 J. Pimblett

727/10 1/11/10 H. and J. Eves ...

Wm. Cowan ...

E. Lee-Steere & Co.

Fruit and Vegetables at Kalgoorlie to 31stDecember, 1911.

Cartage of General Battery Supplies from theMeekatharra Railway Station to the StateBattery, Meekatharra.

Cancellation of Contract.

The following Contract has been cancelled :—

JAS. THOMPSON, Chairman W.A. Government Tender Board.4th November, 1910.

Education Department,939/00. Perth, 28th October, 1910.

HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council hasbeen pleased to approve of the appointment of the Rev.G. R. Holland as a member of the Coolgardie Committeeof School Management, vice the Rev. J. W. Armstrong,resigned.


Public Works Department,No. 618. Perth, 3rd November, 1910.

PHE following list of Tenders, recently accepted, is pub-lished for general information :--


Acceptance.Name of Description of Amount..Contractor. Contract.

Inspector General of Schools.

1910. m (1.October H W. H. Peary= Claremont Asylum for 870 6 0

THE LICENSED SURVEYORS' ACT, 1909.(9 Ed. VII., No. 21.) Do. 31 H. Parker ...

Insane— Septic Tank,No. 2

Rose Hill (E. Wagiu) 132 16 0--Tent School

Surveyor General's Office,Perth, 26th October,. 1910.

IT. is hereby notified, for general information, that Mr.Keith Allen McWhae has this day been licensed to prac-tise under the above Act.

C. G. MORRIS,Secretary Land Surveyors' Licensing Board, 'W.A.

By order of the Hon. the Minister for Works,

G. G. BLACK,Acting Under Secretary for Public Works.

Nov. 4, 1910.]



Date ofNotice. Nature of Work. Date of Closing. Where and when Conditions of Contract, oto., to be seen.

1910. 1910.(Noon on Tuesdays.)

19th Oct. Strangers' Pool—Tent School . . 8th November ... Contractors' Room, Perth, P.W.A.D. Office, Albany, andCourt Houses, Narrogin and Wagin, on and afterthe 25th October, 1910.

19th Oct. Kalgoorlie Senior School—Addi-tions

8th November ... Contractors' Room, Perth, Kalgoorlie P.W.A.D. Office,and Court Houses, Boulder and Coolgardie, on andafter the 25th October, 1910.

19th Oct. Doworin—Temporary Lockup ... 8th November .„ Contractors' Room, Perth, and Court House, Northam,on and after the 25th October, 1910.

27th Oct. Leonora—Inspector of Mines'Office—Removal from Malcolm

15th November ... Contractors' Room, Perth ; P.W.A.D. Office, Kai-goorlie, and Court Houses, Boulder, Malcolm, andLeonora, on and after the 1st November, 1910.

27th Oct. Fremantle Information Bureau—Additions

15th November ... Contractors' Room, Perth, and Court House, Fre-mantle, on and after the 1st November, 1910.

27th Oct. Marleyup Tent School ... ... 15th November ... Contractors' Room, Perth ; P.W.A.D. Office, Albany,and Court Houses, Katanning and Wagin, on andafter the 1st November, 1910.

27th Oct. Perth Secondary School — 15th November ... Contractors' Room, Perth, on and after the 1stScience Room Fittings . November, 1910.

19th Oct. *Carnarvon District MedicalOfficers' Quarters—New Dining

22nd November ... Contractors' Room, Perth, P.W.D. Office, Geraldton,and Court Houses, Roebourne, Port Hedland; and

Rooms Caruarvon, on and after the 1st November, 1910.3rd Nov. Kurrawang School—Fencing ... 22nd November ... Contractors' Room, Perth, Kalgoorlie A.D. Office:, and

Court Houses, Boulder and Kalgoorlie, on and afterthe 8th November, 1910.

3rd Nov. Glenluce—Tent School ... ... 22nd November ... Contractors' Room, Perth, Court Houses, Northamand Southern Cross, and Police Station, Kellerberrin,on and after the 8th November, 1910.

1911.27th Oct. fSupply, Delivery, and Erection

of Electric Pumping Machinery,Contract No. 75

28th February ... Contractors' Room, Perth, on and after 31st October,1910.

Tenders are to be addressed to " The Hon. the Minister for Works," and will be received at the Public WorksOffice, Perth. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted.

*Telegraphic tenders similarly addressed and marked will be received up to the same hour, provided that writtentenders in due form have previously been lodged with the Resident Magistrate at either Roebourne, Port Hedland, orCarna,r von.

-1-Copies of plans and specifications can also be obtained on the payment of ten shillings and sixpence (10s. 6d.).

By order of the Hon. the Minister for Works,

G. G. BLACK,Acting Under Secretary for Public Works.



Application No. 912/1910.TAKE notice that Frank Biddies of Fremantle in theState of Western Australia Pearler has made applicationto be registered as the proprietor of an estate in feesimple in possession in the following parcel of landsituate in the Town of North Fremantle and being :—

North Fremantle Lot P33 containing one acreBounded on the South by 1 chain 50 2/10 links of

Swan StreetOn the East by the West boundary of North Fremantle

Lot P32 Measuring 6 chains 67 3/10 linksOn the North by 1 chain 50 links of John Street


On the West by the East boundary of North FremantleLot P34 measuring 6 chains 67 1/10 links.

The land is more particularly defined on Diagram3166 deposited in the Land Titles Office.

And further take notice that all persons other thanthe applicant claiming to have any estate right titleor interest in the above parcel of land are hereby re-quired to lodge in this Office on or before the 10th dayof December next a caveat forbidding the same frombeing brought under the operation of the Act.

ALFRED E. BURT,Registrar of Titles.

Land Titles Office, Perth,3rd November, 1910.

Gawler, Hardwick-, 6- Forman, Henry Street, Fremantle,Solicitors for the Applicant.

TRANSFER OF LAND ACT, 1893.Application No. 1095/1910.

TAKE notice that Edward Langsford of Beverley inthe State of Western Australia Blacksmith has madeapplication to be registered as the proprietor of anestate in fee simple in possession in the following parcelsof land situate in the Town of Beverley and being:Parts of Beverley Suburban Lots 11 and 12 containing

together 8 acres 3 roods 9 perchesBounded on the North-West by 10 chains 5 2/10 links

of John StreetOn the North-East by 9 chains 2 3/10 links of Forrest

StreetOn the South-East by the North-West and South-West

boundaries of another part of Beverley Suburban Lot 11measurino. respectively 2 chains 50 links and 1 chainand by 7 chains 54 4/10 links of the North-West boun-dary of Beverley Suburban Lot 10 and

On the South-West by the North-East boundaries ofBeverley Suburban Lots 2 and 1 measuring together 10chains 2 6/10 links.

Bounded on the inner part by part of the Great South-ern Railway Reserve.

And further take notice that all persons other thanthe applicant claiming to have any estate right titleor interest in the above parcels of land are herebyrequired to lodge in this Office on or before the 10thday of December next a caveat forbidding the same frombeing brought under the operation of the Act.

ALFRED E. BURT,Registrar of Titles.

Laud Titles Office, Perth,3rd November, 1910.

Stone 6- Burt, 514 Hay Street, Perth, Solicitors for theApplicant.

3370 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [Nov. 4, 1910.

ESTATES placed under the charge of the Curator of Intestates' Estates for management d1910 :—

ng the mouth of October,

Supposed j Date ofNationality, i order.

Estimated value of

Personalty. j Realty.

Date ofDeath. emarks,No. Name of Deceased. Residence.

s. d. s. d.132-10 Jolly, Frederick .. Derby . British 4-10-10 12 0 0 Nil 15-5-10201-10 Heath, John Meekering do. 4-10-10 0 15 0 Nil 29-7-10206-10 Nieuwstadt, Wm. Gor-

donKalgoorlie 4-10-10 8 0 0 Nil 23-8-10

220-10 Malmberg, Frank .. Fremantle .. British 4-10-10 10 0 0 j Nil 27-8-10221-10 Stephenson, Chas. Ed. Broome (Derby) do. 4-10-10 12 18 4 1 Nil 23-8-10222-10 Ryan, Stephen Menzies do. 4-10-10 270 0 0 Nit 29-8-10223-10 Cook, Edward (E. Ward) Perth .. do. 4-10-10 0 4 7 Nil 29-8-10224-10 Hunter, Robert Baird Boulder .. do. 4-10-10 SO 0 0 Nil 14-8-10225-10 Valkenburg, Win. Peter Leonora .. do. .. 4-10-10 1 10 0 Nil 6-9-10228-10 Jervell, August .. IlAinders Bay .. Norwegian 4-10-10 i 18 0 0 Nil 9-9-10214-10 Whitburn, Henry James Melbourne, Vic-

toriaBritish .. 7-10-10 252 6 11 Nil 10-8-10

227-10 Hodges, Frank Claremont (Nan-nine)

do. 7-10-10 4 0 0 Nil 8-8-10

230-10 Ah Wood .. Osborne Park .. Chinese 7-10-10 2 1 Nil 13-9-10232-10 O'Dowd, Michael Claremont British 7-10-10 Nil 15 0 0 27-2-10

(Greenbushes)235-10 Williams, Thomas .. Albany do. 7-10-10 64 0 0 Nil 26-9-10236-10 Fletcher, Thomas .. Lawlers do. 7-10-10 39 10 0 Nil 29-6-1086-10 Lupton, George Arthur Kurrawang do. 18-10-10 1 19 0 Nil 31-1-10

237-10 Ferrero, Joseph .. Beria • Italian 18-10-10 10 0 0 Nil 27-8-10238-10 Zuvich, John .. Beria Austrian 18-10-10 6 6 6 Nil 11-9-10239-10 Dalton, Richard Perth .. British 18-10-10 0 13 2 Nil 22-9-10241-10 Jones, Enoch Vaughan Bangemall, Gas-

coynedo. 18-10-10 7 0 0 Nil 20-3-10

242-10 Anderson, James .. Southern Cross do. 18-10-10 39 0 0 Nil 25-9-10243-10 Urquhart, John .. Lawlers do. 18-10-10 15 0 0 Nil 1-10-1048-10 Meade, James Patrick Carnarvon do. 31-10-10 25 0 0 Nil 17-2-10

234-10 McCrae, John .. Subiaco (Cool-gardie)

do. 31-10-10 f 87 0 0 Nil 24-9-10

240-10 Whittington, John .. Claremont do. 31-10-10 260 0 0 Nil 24-9-10(Beverley)

244-10 Steinbar, John Coolgardie 31-10-10 1 1 4 Nil 28-9-10246-10 Brown, Chas. .. Higginsville British 31-10-10 1 2 0 Nil 21-9-10249-10 Alexander, Herbert .. Subiaco do. 31-10-10 0 11 7 Nil 3-10-10250-10 McLeod, Christina .. Cotteslee do. 31-10-10 30 0 0 Nil 1-8-10251-10 Hughes, Harry Capel do. 31-10-10 5 10 0 Nil 12-10-10252-10 Daley, John .. Wilga • . do. 31-10-10 4 10 0 Nil 30-10-10253-10 Flanigan, Patrick Kirupp do. 31-10-10 0 10 5 Nil 1-10-10254-10 Shea, Michael .. • • Menzies,11Mt. Ida do. 31-10-10 59 0 0 Nil 14-10-10

Road255-10 Snook, Henry Denis .. Perth .. do. 31-10-10 214 0 0 Nil 22-10-10

GERVASE CLIFTON, Curator of Intestates' Estates.Dated this 1st day of November, 1910.


Proposed Loan of £5,000

Public Notice.PUBLIC notice is hereby given that the Mayor andConucillors of the Municipality of York, being the Coun-cil of the Municipal District of York, acting under andin pursuance of the powers conferred by " The MunicipalCorporations Act, 1906," propose to borrow the sum ofFive thousand pounds (il5,000). The purposes for whichthe loan is tel be borrowed are as follows:—

The construction of buildings • and undertakingswithin the Municipality, in accordance with thesaid Act.

The rate of interest to be paid on the debenturesto be issued will be Five pounds per centum per annum,payable on the first day of June and the first day ofDecember in each year, during the currency of the loan.The first payment of interest to be made on the firstday cf June, 1911. The interest and principal sums willbe payable at the offices of the Council, York.

Plans, specifications, and estimates of the said build-ings and undertakings, together with a statement show-

iug the proposed expenditure of the money to be bor-rowed, are open for inspection at the Council Chambers,York.

Dated this 28th clay of October, 1910.By order of the Council,

R. L. MILLEN,Town Clerk.


THIS is to certify that at a meeting of the Three SpringsLocal Board of Health, held at Three Springs on the17th September, it was decided to strike a Rate of Six-pence in the £ on the annual rental value of all landscomprised_ within the jurisdiction of the above Board;to take effect from the 1st November, 1910, until the31st October, 1911.

By order of the Board,JACK L. HEBITON,

Hon. Secretary.

8,648 to 8,755

2,497 to 12,570 ...

7,122 to 7,3007,401 to 7,5017,051 to 7,1207,301 to 7,4007,551 to 7,669

3,983, 2,286 a, b, c,d, 7,235


Nov. 4, 1910.] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. 3371


1, THOMAS HAMLET HARRISON, being the owner ofland over or along which the portion of road hereunderdescribed passes, have applied to the Kellerberrin RoadBoard to close the said portion of road, viz.:—

531.1/10.1(34.—The surveyed road passing along the North-

Western boundaries of Doodlakine A.A. Lots 14, 15,, 16, and 17. (Plan Doodlakine A.A.).


I, William. ,Janus Jacka, on behalf of the IKellerberrinRoad Board, hereby assent to the above application toclose the road therein described.

I jACKA,Chairman Kellerberrin Road Board.

29th October, 1910.

1, IZITDDCOK, being the owner H- laud overor along which the portion of roads lte;i0a oder deseri bedpasses, have applied to the Upper Invia lullnottr4 toclose the said portions of roads, viz. :--

The surveyed road passing along the :East: boo it,of Victoria Locations 92S and 3195; thence Suit Ilas6-ward amll Southward to the southernmost bound:tr , - ofLocation 3439; also the surveyed road from the S■.atli-East corner of Victoria Location :;:!2: to the North-Westcorner of Location 3190. Platt 00/0„)


I, Chas W. 0 'Ilialloran, on behalf of the Lipper IrwinRoad Board, hereby assent to the above application toclose the road therein described.

CHAS. W. 0 'ElA.LLOR,AN,Chairman Tipper Irwin Road Board.

21st October, 1910.

To whom it may concern.AT a meeting of the Kimberley Goldfields Road Boardheld on the 30th day of June, 1910, it was resolved thata General Rate of One shilling in the pound sterlingshould be levied on the rateable value of all rateableproperty within the District, in accordance with theprovisions of " The Roads Act, 1902," and amendmentsthereof.

(Signed) D. McKINNON,Chairman Kimberley Goldfields Road Board.

30th June, 1910.

LAND AND INCOME TAX ASSESSMENT ACT, 1907.Notice under Section 53.

LAND TAX AND INCOME TAX.NOTICE is hereby given that, by virtue of Section 53of the aboveuamed Act, and of every other . power en-abling me in that behalf, I, the Commissioner of Taxa-tion under the said Act, appoint the days mentionedbelow to be the days on which the following Taxes shallrespectively be due and payable, that is to say:--

Nature of Tax. Assessment Numbers. Date when due andpayable.

First Assessment.[and Tax ...Income Tax ...

15,309 to 15,310 ...

19,077 to 19090 ..10,007 to 10,038

Second Assess-ment.

Land Tax ...

j AMES MAGEE, being the owner of land over oralong which the portion of road hereunder describedpasses, have applied to the Northampton Roa Bea rd toclose the said portion of road, viz.:—

11704/10.N3S.—That part of a surveyed :Road between 1

Locations 3078 and ' 3070. (Plan Northi(rop1oi1 sat1.)


Sidney J. Hosken, on behalf of the in ;itonRoad Board, hereby assent to the above i toclose the road therein described.

SIDNEY J. HOSKEN,Chairman Northampton Road Board.

26th October, 1910.

Income Tax ...

Third Assessment.Land Tax ...

Income Tax ...


First Assessment.Income Tax ...

Second Assess-ment.

Income Tax ...

Third, Assessment.Income Tax ...

I, E. K. BYRNS, being the owner of land over or alongwhich the portion of road hereunder described passes,have applied to the fluttering Road Board to close thesaid portion of road, viz.:—

3431/00.026.—The surveyed road along the North boundaries

of Swan Location 1691 and 1075 and part of theEast and the North boundaries of Swan Location 2427.(Plan 31/80.)

E. K. 13YRNS.

1, Wm. J. Spice, oa behalf of the Cluttering RoadBoard, hereby assent to the above application to closethe road therein described.

WM. J. SPICE,Chairman limitering Road 'Board.

Ilrd September, 1910.

I, JOHN FREDERICK GILES, being the owner ofland over or along winch the portion of road hereunderdescribed passes, 'shave applied to the Gerafilton RoadBoard to close the said portion of road, viz. :--

6779/10.G56.—The surveyed road alone . tho Southern boun-

daries of Victoria Locations 2509, :. —. 7, flf“Ithe Western boun t-tary of Lora liii 2 a 1.:5(i/80.)


William :Bamford Eloshen, on behalf of the Gton Road Board, hereto- t . ,,sent to the . above appl:,- ionto close the read therein tle.-cribed.

WM. B. HOSKEN,Chairman Geraldton Road Board.

28th October, 1910,

7,572, 1,277, E;,037

6,083/6, 7,135,8,738, 7,527, 6,951

4,428, 5,075/8,5,088, 289, 4,729,7,039, 6,576/7,7,018, 5,877, 6,490,5,352, 1,799, 4,765,5,277/8, 3,816,0,581, 6,5ti 6,579,6,789, 189:1, 0,370

6,579, 2,3ti;, 3,730,3,280,7,212, 3,729,3,728, 2,154/5,4,765, 7,067, 6,581,3,710, 3,438, 4,733,5,855, 6,529, 0,822,7,061, 1,799, 3,410,0,995, 1,132, 4,634

6,-789, 7,138, 7,309,7,098

The said taxes shall be payable to me at my office, theTaxation Department, Howard Street, Perth.

E. A. BLACK,Acting Commissioner of Taxation.

Taxation Department, Perth.

30th July, 190830th July, 190S,and 30th October,1910

30th Juno, 1009,and 30th October,

191030th June, 1909,and 30th October,1910

30th June, 1910,and 30th Octobei,1910

30th March, 1910

30th October, 1910

September andOctober, 1910

30th September,1910

October, 1910

30th September1910

15th October, 1910

31st October, 1910

Debtor's Name. Address. Description. Court. Number. Date of Order. Nature of Scheme sanc-

tioned or Older made.

Debtor to pay hisdebts in full byinstalments of 103.in the X on 1st dayof August, 1911,and 10s. in the £on the 1st day ofAugust, 1912.

John Buzolic Tam min Farmer ... Supreme Co t, 5 of 1910

Perth1st day of No-vember, 1910

3372 GOVERNME GAZETTE, W.A. [Nov. 4, 1910.


The May Queen Gold Mining Syndicate (No-Liability).

NOTICE is hereby given that the Registered Office ofthe May Queen Gold Mining Syndicate (No-Liability)is situated at 458 Hay Street, Subiaco, and the same isaccessible to the public. on every week-day between thehours of 10 a.m. to 4 p.111., with the exception of Satur-day and holidays.

Dated this 13th day of October, 1910.

ALFRED DATRBON,Secretary for the Company.

In the matter of "The Companies Act, 1893."(50 Viet., No. S.)

NOTICE is hereby given that, under the provisions ofSection 20 of the above Act, a Certificate of incorpora-tion

' as a Limited Company, has this day been issued to

Reichardt & Allen, Limited.

Dated this 31st day of October, 1910.

F. A. MOSELEY,Registrar of Companies.

Supreme Court Office. Perth, W.A.

In the Supreme Court of TV est ern Austioli

In the matter of "The Companies Act, 1893,"the matter of the Morning Star Quartz Cqmo(No-Liability), in Liquidation.

NOTICE is hereby given that a First and Final Divi-dend at the rate of Eleven shillings and twopence in thepound upon the amount of the respective debts of thecreditors of the above-named Company who have provedtheir claims has this day been declared and is payable

at my office, 22 King's Park Road, Perth, and afterMonday, the 21st day of November, 1910.

Dated this 29th day of October, 1910.H. R. TRUDE,

Official Liquidator.Stone 6. Burt, Solicitors for the Official Liquidator,

514 Hay Street, Perth.

In the Supreme Court of Western Australia—ProbateJurisdiction.

in the estate of James Irvine Seale, late of 57 Glen-dower Street, North Perth, in the State of WesternAustralia, Decorator, deceased.

His Honour Mr. Justice Rooth, in Chambers,The 21st day of October, 1910.

UPON hearing Mr. Francis Martin of Counsel for theAdministratrix of the estate of the above-named de-ceased, Mice Seale, and upon reading the affidavit ofthe said Alice Seale sworn the 26th day of September,1910, and filed herein, and the affidavit of the said AliceSeale sworn the 20th day of October, 1910, and filedherein: It is ordered that the said Administratrix be atliberty to and may sell all and every of the real estate,portion of the estate of the above-named deceased, JamesIrving Seale, at any time after the publication of thisOrder three times in the West Australian and Govern-men t Gazette papers published and circulating in theState of Western Australia.

F. A. MOSELEY,Associate.

This Order was taken out by Francis Martin, of NewZealand Chambers, St. George's Terrace, Perth, Solicitorfor the Administratrix of the Estate of the above-nameddeceased.


First Meetings and Public Examinations.


riDesen-Address. • • •tlOTI.Court. Number,

Date offirst

Meeting.Fl our.

Date ofPlace. Public Es- Hour. Place.

Date of orders (if any) forummary Ad.ministration.

Charles Stead- Kalgoorlie Carpenter Supreme 80 of 1910 29th day of 330p.m. Supreme 29th day of 10 4 30 a.m. Supreme 3rd day ofman Court,

PerthNovem-her, 1910


Nevem-ber, 1910



Eric Ashley Nampup ... Farm hand Do. 94 of 1910 do. 3'30 p.m. do. do, do. do. do.Broad

OS der on Application to approve Scheme.

Adjudication Annulled.

Debtor's Name. Address. Descrip- Court. No.tion. Date of Adjudication. Date of Annul-ment.

Grounds of Annul-ment.

John Buzolic Za Farmer.orieinrIte



21th day of January,1910

1st day of Novem-ber, 1910

Scheme of arrange-ment sanctionedby the Court, bywhich debtor isto pay his debtsin full.

Receiving Order.

Debtor's Name. Address. Description. Court. No. of Date ofMatter. Order.

Date ofPetition.

Act or Acts ofBankruptcy.

Eric Ashley Broad Nampup Farm hand .. Supreme Court,Perth

94 of 1910 1st day ofNovember,

18th day ofO e t ober,

Debtor's petition



d day of November,1910, M. M. MOSS, Official Receiver in Bankruptcy.

•:t I Rules (cloth) . •Do. do. (1/4-hound)

Local To -,•:•ibed Stock Act .. . •Ltuatv ., - .1 et

Hrine lin•nranceAct

Nov. 4, 1910.]


BANKRUlrliCY ACT AMENDMENT ACT, 189S.In the matter of James de Verber Coster, of Cunderdin,

Farmer.Notice of Declaration of First and Final Dividend.

NOTICE is hereby given that a first and final Dividendin the above estate will be payable at the office of Thros-sell, Son, & Stewart, Peel Terrace, Northam, on the 30thday of November, 1910.

Dividends will be payable only to those creditors whohave signed or assented to the deed.

Dated this 29th day of October, 1910.[u.s.] J. B. ACKLAND,


BANKRUPTCY ACT ENT ACT, 1898.Notice of Intention to it. cla re a first Dividend.

In the matter of H. W. filadin, Storekeeper, of EastFremantle, in the State of Western Australia.

NOTICE is hereby given that it is intended to declarea first Dividend in the above matter oo. the 10th day ofNovember, 1910. Dividends wili 1., , payable to thoseCreditors only who have signed or :,sided to the deedof assignment.

Dated this 27th day of Octobe r , 1910.JOHN STEWART,

Trustee,Henry Street, Fremantle.

In the matter of "The Bankruptcy Act AmendmentAct, 1898," and in the matter of .timgaret Dunlop,Andrew Dunlop, and Conrad Ed ,, .. . rd traifiug

. as the "Dunlop Furnishing Con•pa,:y."NOTICE is hereby given that it is lit •mded to declarea final Dividend in the above estate on the 22nd day ofNovember, 1910.

Dividends will be payable to those creditor, only whoseclaims shall have been received and admil-tid by me priorto the said 22nd day of November, 1910.

Dated this 4th day of November, 1910.[L.s.] JNO. MORRISON,

Trustee of the said Estate.Ran/sin, Morrison, 6. Co., Public Accountants, Emanuel

Buildings, St. George's Terrace, Perth.

In the Supreme Court of Western Australia.In the matter of "The Bankruptcy Act Amendment Act,

1898," and in the matter of John Donaldson, ofKeysbrook, Contractor, a Debtor.

NOTICE is hereby given that a Meeting of Creditorsof the above-named Debtor will be held at the office ofEdward Arthur Maggs, South Brit i sh Chambers, Bar-rack Street, Perth, on Friday, the 11th day of Novem-ber, 1910, at the Lur of 3 o'clock in the afternoon.

Dated the 29th day of October, 1910.E. A. MAGGS,

Agent for the Debtor.


The Government Gazette is published on Friday ineach week, unless otherwise interfered with by PublicHolidays or other unforeseen circumstances.

Subscriptions: The Subscriotion is at the rate of12s. 6d. per annum, and ie : •.-oe iced to • ikend of June or Decemb••cannot be subSerib ri •l...-

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All communications should be addressed to "TheGovernment Printer, Perth."


Aborigines Act ...Abattoirs ..Administration Act ..Agricultural Bank Act ..Arbitration Act .. .. ..Associa: ions Incorporation ActAitc.ioneers Act and Amendments ..

(rotten •v A.ct, 3s.; Rules, 1908, ls.."•••:.. and Amendments ..

Pills of 1 kinge .. .. ..Boat Licensing Act and Amendments..Brands Act .. ..Bread Act . ..Banbury Harbour Board ..Bush Fires Act .. . ..Cart and Carriage Licensing ..Cemeteries Act and Amendments ..Companies Act and Amendments ..Co-operative and Provident Societies Act ..Copyright Act .. .. .. .. ..Criminal Code Act and Amendment .. ..Criminal Code Act and Rules WI bound, with

Index) .. .. .. .. 0 6 0Crown Suits Act .. .. .. • • 0 0 9Dentists Act and Amendment .. • • 0 1 0Distillation Act .. .. . • 0 1 6District Fire Brigades .. • • .0 1 3Dividend Duties .. .. .. • . 0 1 0Divorce Act and Amendment, 2s. 3c

is. 0d. .. .. ..Dog Act .. ..Droving Act ..Early Closing Act . ..Education Act and AmendmentsElectoral Act .. .. ..Electric Ligli:ag Act ..Employers Li: In ActEmployment Brokers ActEvidence Act .. .. ..Explosives Act and RegulationsExtradition Cases—Procedure ..Factories Act .. .. ..Fencing and Trespass Act and ArneFertilisers and Feedin g Stuffs ActFirms Registration Act and AmendFisheries Act .. .. ..Freniande Harbour Trust Act ..Came Act and Amendment ..Gold:lelds Water Supply Act ..Government Savings Bank Act..Ifunsard Report, per vol. .. ..Hansard Report, weekly issue, per copy

Do. do. Annual subscriptionHawkers and Pedlars Act and AmendmentHealth Act and Amendments .. ..Immigration Act and Amendments ..Imported Labour Act and AmendmentsIncome (and Land) Tax Assessment ..Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration ActJustices Act .. .. .. ..Laud Act and Regulations (pamphlet)Land and Income Tax Assessment ..Land Tax and Income Tax .. ..

Do. do. (Regulations)Legal Practitioners Act ..Legitimation ..License Survey••rs .. • •Licemi: " l ilinendments

kr:o. H Amendment .. 0 1 3Married Property Act and Amend-

ments • 0 1 3Masters and Servants Act 0 0 9Medical Practitioners Act .. 0 1 3Metropolitan Water Supply, Sewerage, and


£ s. d.••• 0 1 0• • 00 6• • 026•• 019• • 009• . 006• • 0 1 6• • 040• • 03 0• • 020• • 026. • 0 1 0• • 0 10• • 010• • 010• • 0 0 6• • 023. • 036

0130130 40

.; Rules,039009

• • 006

• • 0 1 6• • 040• • 026

• • 016

• • 00600 9

• . 0 1 6•• 0 3 0


ndment.. 0 2 3016

meat .. 0 1 00 0 9

•• 0 1 3• • 016•. 013•• 009• 076

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• • 0 0. • () 3 0• • 0 1 3• • 0 0 9



Acts of Parliament, etc.—continued.

GAZETTE, W.A. [Nov. 4, 1910.

CONTENTS. Page2 s. d.

Merchant Shipping Act Application Act 0 0 6 Administration Act ... 3370-2Mines Regulation Act 0 1 3 Agricultural Bank 3365Mining Development Act 0 0 9 Bank Holidays 3351Municipal Corporations Act 0 3 0 Bankruptcy ... 3372-3Navigation Act .. 0 2 3 Colonial Secretary's Department 3351-2Pawnbrokers Act and Amendment 0 1 3 Commissioner of Taxation ... 3371Pharmacy and Poisons Act and Amendment .. 0 1 9 Companies ••■ ••• 3372Police Act and Amendments 0 3 6 Crown Law Department ... 3352-3Prisons Act and Amendment 0 1 0 Curator of Intestate Estates ... 3370Public Notaries Act .. 0 0 6 Deceased Persons' Estates ... 3370, 3372Public Service Act .. 0 1 3 Education Department 3368Public Works Act and Amendment 0 2 6 Electoral ... 3352-3Rabbits Act 0 0 0 Government Labour Bureau 3367Railways (Government) Act .. 0 1 9 Health Boards ... 3351-2, 3370Redemption of Annuities .. 0 0 6 Income Tax ... 3371Registration of Births, Deaths, and Marriages 0 2 6 Justices of the Peace ... 3352Registration of Deeds .. • • 0 0 (3 Land Tax . . 3371Roads ActSea-carriage of Goods ..

0 30 0


Land Titles ...Lands Depart;ment.Licensed Surveyor

3353, 33693354-64

3368Secondhand Dealers Act .. 0 0 6 Local Courts ... 3352-3Stamp Act and Amendments .. 0 3 6 Marriages 3352Statutes (sessional sets, per vol.) 0 10 6 Mines Department 3365-7Supreme Court Rules ..Totalisator Act and Amendment

1 50 1


Mining CompaniesMunicipalities ...Orders in Council


Trade Marks Act and Amendment 0 2 6 Prisons ... 3352Trade Unions Act 0 0 9 Proclamations ... 3351Tramways Act .. 0 2 0 Public Service Commissioner (Commonwealth) .. 3352Transfer and Land Act and Amendment ..Trespass, Fencing, and impounding Act ..

0 30 1. 6

Public Service Commissioner (State) ...Public Works Department ...Railways


3365Truck Act and Amendment 0 1 6 Registrar of Companies ... 3372Trustees Act .. 0 1 0 Road Boards (see also under " Lands " andVermin Boards .. 0 0 9 " Public IYorks " Departments) 3371Water Boards ActWeights and Measures Act and Amendment ..

6 10 0


Tender Board ...Tenders acceptedTenders invited


3367,3369Workmen's Wages Act .. 0 1 6 Transfer of Laud 3353,3369Worker's Compensation Act .. 0 0 9 Treasury 3352

Other Acts at similar rates. Water Boards ... 3351

By Authority : Yam.). Wm. iSlmi . soN, Governmei Printer, Perth.