West Africa Theological Seminary 2011 Masters Module on Discipleship

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West Africa Theological Seminary 2011 Masters Module on Discipleship. Outcomes. Read all of the books assigned and develop a: “Biblical Philosophy of Discipleship” Develop the following three statements: “Purpose” “Vision” “Mission”. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of West Africa Theological Seminary 2011 Masters Module on Discipleship






West Africa Theological Seminary2011 Masters Module

on Discipleship


• Read all of the books assigned and develop a: “Biblical Philosophy of Discipleship”• Develop the following three statements: “Purpose” “Vision” “Mission”• Create a “Discipleship Process”• “Disciple” _____ number of individuals in 1st

year • “Discipling Leader” development of _____ in

1st year using Classic Discipleship


West Africa Theological Seminary2011 Masters Module

on Discipleship

Teaching Format

• Lecture• Practical Applications• Table Discussions• Questions and Answers• Break

* Table leaders meeting at the end of each day

R12 Christian “The Executive Summary”

• Surrender to God “All In”

Romans 12:1 – “Therefore, I urge you, brothers in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God – this is your spiritual act of worship.”

Romans 12:2 – “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – his good, pleasing, and perfect will.”


• Separate from the World

Venture Church & Living On The Edge

R12 Christian “The Executive Summary”

• Sober in self-assessment

Romans 12:3 – “For by the grace given me, I say to every one of you: Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance to the measure of faith God has given you.”

Romans 12:9-10 – “Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves.”

Romans 12:14 & 21 – 14 “Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse… 21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.”


• Serving in love

• Supernaturally responding to evil with good

A Disciple is one who puts Christ first by… - Having a personal relationship with Jesus. - Being held accountable within a small

group. - Serving others through acts of love and

compassion to build God’s Kingdom. - Demonstrating a life of Stewardship. - Sharing the Gospel—Reproducing Disciples. Maturing in these five dimensions results in a

high impact Christian with a Biblical World-View. 9

Having a real relationship with Jesus

A disciple sees and knows Him as a living friend, not just a historical figure. The relationship is personal, not institutional, and it is motivated by how the Disciple can give glory to God in all aspects of their life. By practicing the Spiritual Disciplines, one will come to know Jesus as both Lord and Savior.


Accountability within a small group

Gives others the right to speak into your life as you progress in putting off the “old self.” The Twelve Disciples comprised the first small group because Jesus knew that becoming an intentional authentic Christian could not be accomplished in isolation.


Accountability within a small group

Serving others through acts of love & compassion

This is reflected through our spiritual gifts as we seek to glorify God. A Disciple will answer the call to act for those in need. Jesus came to serve, and as a disciple, we are compelled to follow His example as we build the kingdom. For some it may be carpentry shown through the building of a Habitat for Humanity house, teaching a Bible study, serving on a mission team or praying for babies in the nursery.


A Disciple readily acknowledges that God created the universe and owns it all. Because God owns everything, we acknowledge that we are simply stewards of the gifts of time, talent, resources, relationships, and truth. “God gives us enough time to do everything He wants us to do,” the talent to serve the Church, the resources to support ministries and to nurture relationships with grace.


Demonstrating a life of Stewardship

Sharing the Gospel—Reproducing Disciples

Sharing the Gospel, modeling a Christ-centered life, and nurturing other disciples is our fundamental calling from Christ. We are called to share our own personal faith journey, for the purpose of bringing others to Christ. We live our lives reflecting authenticity and transparency to reflect His Lordship. We invest our life in the lives of others to help engage, equip and encourage disciples for Christ. The cycle of Christian life is perpetuated

when a Disciple’s life is committed to reproducing more Kingdom builders.


¹ Rackham, Neil. “The Coaching Controversy.” Training and Development Journal. November, 1979: 12-16.



Commitment to Daily Personal Worship

Journal the Following: - Short Prayer for Discernment - Specific Confession (of previous day’s sins) - Scripture Reading Plan - What did I hear? - Commentary Opinion - How do I apply in my life?

- By God’s Grace & The Holy Spirit I will…. - Thoughtful Prayer

Joshua 1:8



George Barna Research

- Less than 1 in 10 Christians live like Christians

Hebrews 10:24-25

- Increased teenage youth group activity but no improvement in religious practices . Proverbs 22:6


Why Disciple?If you do not disciple a person who professes Christ, he will almost always become:

• Lukewarm in Faith

• Worldly in Behavior

• Hypocritical in Witness by Patrick Morley Man in the Mirror

2 Timothy 4:3-5


“Spiritual Direction”


Spiritual Growth To Become An Equipped Authentic Disciple

• Does not begin by: Focusing on Behavior or Focusing on Attitudes • Always begins with: Focusing on Thinking

– The battleground for your soul is the mind– Be transformed by the renewing of the mind – Romans 12:2

 • Accomplished by the Spirit of God, through the Word of God, in

the context of Authentic Community for the purpose of glorifying God.

R12 – True Spirituality By

Chip Ingram


Disciple Life = Spiritual Direction


The Wise Path of Discipleship

“To help Christians live like Christians”

“To equip intentional disciples to be authentic and deployed to their spheres

of influence”

“1,000 equipped disciples in a 5 mile radius”

Wise Path, LLC Biblical Wealth Management




The Tents


5 Keys of Discipleship 5 Talent Disciple LifeChristians 7 year Apprenticeship

Critical Factors

• Personal worship

• 3 directional listening

• Investing in another life

Strategy (Pastor/Teacher)1. Lead groups and

individuals to the 4th generation

2. Discipling leader development

3. Pastors – minimum biweekly

4. Entrepreneur groups5. Churches – 3 X



Direction vs. Suggestion Methodology


Relational Sphere


God Family Church World


-Theologically sound-Personal Worship

-Role as Spiritual Leader

-Vision, Mission Values-Spiritual Gifts-Ecclesiology

-Biblical World-view


-Live for Christ-“Love God—Love People”

-Love family before self

-Love the Church family above self-interest

-Heart for the lost and for those in need

Hand (Behavior)

-Spirituality guided by the Holy Spirit

-Servant Leader

-Stewardship -Time -Talent -Resources -Relationships

-Engaged in discipleship to the 4th generation

Romans 12:1-2Spiritual Maturity Defined A Man Called, Equipped, & Deployed



From Jesus Calling by Sarah Young

Song of Songs 2:13; Luke 10:42

Come away with Me for a while. The world, with its nonstop demands, can be put on hold. Most people put Me on hold, rationalizing that someday they will find time to focus on Me. But the longer people push Me into the background of their lives, the harder it is for them to find Me.  


You live among people who glorify busyness; they have made time a tyrant that controls their lives. Even those who know Me as Savior tend to march to the tempo of the world. They have bought into the illusion that more is always better: more meetings, more programs, more activity.

From Jesus Calling by Sarah Young(Continued)


I have called you to follow Me on a solitary path, making time alone with Me your highest priority and deepest Joy. It is a pathway largely unappreciated and often despised. However, you have chosen the better thing, which will never be taken away from you. Moreover, as you walk close to Me, I can bless others through you.

From Jesus Calling by Sarah Young(Continued)


Discipling LeaderT.E.A.M.S. Approach - Theology (10%)

- Equipping - Accountability (75%) - Missional - Supplication (15%)

John 17:20-23


What is Authentic Community ?

• The Real You•Meeting Real Needs•For the Right Reasons•In the Right Way


Targeted Prayer

• Application of this week’s Truth

• Situation in my Life

• Person on my Prayer List

Wise Path of Apprentice of Jesus Curriculum


Equipping intentional disciples to be authentic & deployed into their spheres of influence

For greater things have yet to come And greater things are still to be done in this city

- God of This City

Chris Tomlin


Mentor The Journey(Discipleship) Year 1 – Renew the Mind ▪ Relationship with Jesus Spiritual Disciplines ▪ 3 Directional List

Year 2 – Living Sacrifice Kingdom Service ▪ “Who’s your man Year 3 – Reproduction Building a Legacy

Training of the Twelve

▪ Seek the Lost Year 4 – Life on Life Discipleship ▪ Disciple the Saved

Year 5 – Empowering the ▪ Passion for Holy Spirit Investing in Men

The Wise Path of DiscipleshipPreferred Curriculum


“The Call” by Os Guinness

∙ Unique CallingYear 6 – Holy Ambition

by Chip Ingram ∙ Kingdom Purpose

Year 7 - Life Plan ∙ Deployed to Sphere - Right Path of

influence - Kolbe - Prime Movers

Summer Personal Growth Months Year 1 – 7 ∙ Sober Assessment 

∙ Individual Leader ∙ Strongholds

Assessment∙ Idol Detection

∙ Personal “Showerhead”


Leader / Co-Leader Activities

• Lesson Planning

•Midweek Emails

• Individual “Hit List”

•Holy Spirit vs. Rabbit Trails


The Journey - 3 Year Overview

Section Title Year Title

Gospel Living ▪ Glory ▪ Grace ▪ Truth

Grace Commitments ▪ Local Church ▪ Generous Living ▪ Lord’s Day & Sacraments

Knowing God ▪ Supremacy of God ▪ Tri-Unity of God ▪ Goodness of God


The Journey – 3 Year Overview

Section Title Year Title

Healthy Marriage • God Given Roles• Before and After “I Do”• Resolving Conflict

Biblical Worldview • Our Place in God’s World• Living in a Fallen World• Redemption from a Fallen World

God Honoring Parenting • Your Home• Parenting• Child’s Heart


Wise Path Discipleship Process

- Step 1– Prayer list is accumulated of potential candidates - Step 2– Covenant provided to candidates to be reviewed with spouses - Step 3– Discipleship Leader to review the Covenant and answer questions - Step 4– Signed Covenant is due each year at the end of Week # 2


R.E.A.L. Men Discipleship Model

- The Guide - Peter & John

- The Mentor - Barnabas - The Discipling Leader - Paul - The Reproducer -


Discipleship Phases: Biblical Example:


Phase 1 - The GuideAssess the Heart for F.A.T. Men- Faithful- Available- Teachable

Create Curiosity 2 Timothy 2:2


Phase 1 – The GuideBasic Teaching provided 1 on 1 or ingroup of 5 – 7 and topics are pickedto cover the following:

- Basic Scripture - Understand Depravity - How to Make Life Manageable - Your Spiritual Gifts

Romans 3:23 Matthew 11:29


Phase 2 – The MentorImpart: Knowledge

Skill Character

Through: “I” & “We” Activities chosen using the Discipleship Worksheet

Luke 6:40


Phase 2 – The MentorTopics: Selected from the

Discipleship Grid

Objective: Answer Jesus’ 3 Questions to Peter1. Who do you say I am?2. Do you love me?3. Will you stay with me?

John 21:15-19


Phase 3 – Discipling Leader

- Right Character - Right Goals - Right Approach

Matthew 20:25-28


Phase 3 – Discipling Leader

Courses:1. Classic Discipleship (16 hour course)2. Master Plan for Evangelism (8 weeks)3. Assigned a Group to lead (in pairs)4. Monthly “Leader Gatherings” - What is Life on Life Discipleship? - What are the outcomes desired? - How to recruit members? - Components of a good curriculum? - Coaching and Leadership?

Luke 10:1-24


Phase 4 – The Reproducer

“To the Fourth Generation”

- Missional Prayer List- Create Relationship- Be Invitational

2 Timothy 2:2 Paul → Timothy → Faithful Men → Others


Phase 4 – The ReproducerTools: - Life Issues Booklets (4) - 4 Spiritual Laws - What do you think? - Born to Reproduce - The Mulligan - The Servant

There are a 1,000 ways to disciple and no reasonable way to know how to answer every question, but there

are “4 filters for a Spirit Filled Conversation.”


Covenant Topics - What is Life on Life Discipleship? - What is Spiritual Maturity? - What is the Discipleship Process? - What is the One Year Commitment? - Your Expectations & Reservations

- 8 Categories of the Covenant (initialed)

Fundamental Concepts For Equipping Disciples



Lasting Transformation

Theology / Doctrine+ Spiritual Disciplines+ Authentic Community= Spiritual Maturity


No Man Left BehindSustain

Create Capture

….Through “Next Steps” by Man in the Mirror


Sanctification “Life Cycle”

Drawn ToJesus

Focus onThe Law

ConvictionOf Sin

by Jerram Barrs


4 Filters to Guide A Spirit Filled Conversation1. Main thing God is doing in the world is that He is Sovereignly Orchestrating all human events for the purpose of bringing us into Right Relationship with Him and Others

2. Life is Fiercely contested by Satan, therefore men listen to these lies:

- Money will solve my problems and success will make me happy

- I can have materialism and Christianity both in my life- I need to earn God’s Grace

The God we want & the God who is are not the same!


4 Filters to Guide A Spirit Filled Conversation3. If you do not Disciple a man who professes Christ, he will almost always become lukewarm in faith, worldly in behavior, and hypocritical in witness

4. Happiness is the result of a Holy Life

Called to Live in ChristEquipped to Live Like Christ Sent to Live For Christ- Patrick Morley


Have You Answered Life’s Biggest Questions?

Who am I? IdentityWhere do I belong? SecurityWhat am I supposed to do? Significance

Barriers• Fear rooted in shame (measuring up)• Hiding rooted in insecurity (image

management)• Blame rooted in denial (rationalization)

[Barriers block relationship]


The Wise Path of Discipleship

3 Must Do’s”

Personal Worship• Establish a relationship with Jesus

 Three Directional Listening 1. My agenda 2. Their agenda 3. God’s agenda  Investing in another life• Intentional discipling


Discipleship Grid Topics Imparting Knowledge, Character, and Skills


Discipleship Worksheet

Groups/Activities Books/Studies Groups/Activities

Equipping Curriculum Books Service - ____________ - __________ __________________ - ____________ - __________ __________________

Adult Education Studies - ____________ - __________ - ____________ - __________

Church Community Caring - ____________ __________________ - ____________ __________________

Name: ____________ Stage:_______________________Date: ____________ Spiritual Gift: _________________Mentor: ___________ Meth. Of Discovery: _____________

Growth Objective: _________________ Develop


West Africa Theological Seminary2011 Masters Module

on Discipleship


• Read all of the books assigned and develop a: “Biblical Philosophy of Discipleship”• Develop the following three statements: “Purpose” “Vision” “Mission”• Create a “Discipleship Process”• “Disciple” _____ number of individuals in 1st

year • “Discipling Leader” development of _____ in

1st year using Classic Discipleship 62