“We’re launching Startup America, a national campaign to help win the future by knocking down...

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Transcript of “We’re launching Startup America, a national campaign to help win the future by knocking down...

“We’re launching Startup America, a national campaign to help win the future by knocking down barriers in the path of men and women in every corner of this country hoping to take a chance, follow a dream, and start a business.”

- President Barack Obama

CALED 31st ConferenceApril 28, 2011

Rob Whitei-GATE Coordinatorrob.white@igateihub.org

CA iHubs:Home to Innovation


Innovation Definition

in·no·va·tion   /ˌɪnəˈveɪʃən/ –noun

1. something new or different introduced: numerous innovations in the high-school curriculum. 2. the act of innovating; introduction of new things or methods.

Origin: 1540–50; < Late Latin innovātiōn- (stem of innovātiō )


Regional Innovation Clusters

Clusters are geographic concentrations that compete but also co-operate and are made up of interconnected:• Companies• specialized suppliers• service providers• firms in related industries, and• associated institutions in particular

field(Michael Porter 2003)


Regional Innovation Clusters

“Innovation is increasingly concentrated within clusters of enterprises and research/training institutions that work on complementary activities… clusters are an important source of innovation and competitiveness driven at the local level.

This local dimension of innovation and entrepreneurship poses challenges to policy makers because clusters require policies and support schemes tailored to local needs”. - Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development

Clusters, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 2009


Federal Innovation AgendaFocus on Innovation

January 2011• President’s State of the Union Speech

growth of green industries, tech workforce, international trade• US Federal Budgets Re-focused on Innovation

Concluded that innovation clusters will generate new jobs• WH – “Win the Future”• WH – “Startup America”February 2011• WH – “Strategy for American Innovation”• WH – “President’s Council on Jobs and Competitiveness”March 2011• DOE - “Winning the Biofuel Future”• DOE - “America’s Next Top Energy Innovator”• WH – “Blueprint for a Secure Energy Future”

Source: White House Website 2011


California InnovationCA continues to lead in quarterly VC Investment• SV/LA/SD combined = $2,869,000,000 (avg)• All areas of US - % is down

Source:San Diego Connect 2010 Innovation Report


California Innovation

Source:San Diego Connect 2010 Innovation Report

2009 – California responded to growing focus on Regional Clusters

2010 - Established “Innovation Hubs” (iHubs)• Inaugural six established in February 2010.• Total of 12 iHubs across California (www.goed.ca.gov)• Focal points for growing research clusters within the State.

iHubs focus on regional technology partnerships• Intended to accelerate investment and economic

development around research clusters.• Create innovation and entrepreneurship opportunities.

California Innovation Hub Initiative


California iHubs“Typical” CA iHub centered around:• Technology incubators• Research parks• National labs• Universities• Businesses • Startup companies

CA iHubs cover broad range of sectors, including:• Energy/Clean Tech• Transportation• Biomed/tech• Water• Agriculture• Mobility


California iHubs


Case Studyi-GATE iHub: Innovation for Green

Advanced Transportation Excellence

• Increase tech transfer for green transportation and clean energy technologies

• Create research collaboration opportunities

• Establish a technology incubator to support high-growth startup companies

• Maximize economic impact and development of research facilities

• Coordinate an Academic Alliance


i-GATE iHub

• Located in Livermore Valley• Coordinated by Local Government• Over 35 active partners

7 regional cities – Livermore as lead 3 counties 2 national labs Universities research institutes workforce development agencies private investment firms business community organizations


DOE National Labs as CoresRegional Innovation Clusters

“This is our generation’s Sputnik moment. Two years ago, I said that we needed to reach a level of research and development we haven’t seen since the height of the Space Race.

At Oak Ridge National Laboratory, they’re using supercomputers to get a lot more power out of our nuclear facilities. With more research and incentives, we can break our dependence on oil with biofuels, and become the first country to have a million electric vehicles on the road by 2015. “

- President ObamaState of the Union Speech,



DOE National Laboratories

Rob White University of Southern California – PLUS 623 March 6, 2011Source: www.doe.gov


i-GATE NEST Incubator

i-GATE Development CorpMultimodal Station/ Research Park Concept


DOE National LabsLivermore Valley Open Campus

LawrenceLivermoreNational Lab

SandiaNational Labs



National LabsLivermore Valley Open Campus


i-GATE Accomplishments

Article published in January 2011 issue of

Innovation Magazine about i-GATE NEST

i-GATE highlighted by the Mayor’s Innovation Project

Rob White University of Southern California – PLUS 623 March 6, 2011



Thank You!Rob White, Coordinator

i-GATE iHub(925) 960-41454
