Well wishes for 2010 babies

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Well wishes for 2010 babies

Dearest Shen Khueen,Thank you for your initiatives. From messaging everyone in class to doing the class dairy (because all 12 boys in 4D1 claimed they will have secretaries to do their paperwork in the future), you took them all in your stride and did your best. Thank you for making my life more manageable. I love you!

Mrs Irving Long

Dearest Beng Jui,Thank you for working tirelessly for your Add and E math. I admire the way you work and your excellent attitude. Remember that I am always proud to say that I have been your teacher. Work hard and reach for the skies! All the best! Btw, no one will remind me about recess again! :P

Mrs Irving Long

Dearest Gerry,Thank you for being so obliging and efficient in whatever you do. I am very glad to have known you in Basketball as well as being your Class Parent. Thank you for accommodating all my demands and doing all the papers I spammed you with. I have confidence that you will do well and go far! All the best!

Mrs Irving Long

Dearest Daqiang,Thank you for working and doing well at the eleventh hour. :P Thanks also for helping to organise the class and taking care of the others like the big gangster… oops, sorry it’s brother. Keep in touch and all the best for your future endeavours!

Ah Long

Dearest Clarissa,Thank you for all the sweet things you did for the teachers. From koi to birthday celebrations and a lot more, you are the model student leader we are looking for. Keep your focus and you will make it! I am waiting to be your colleague! :P

Mrs Long

Dearest Joseph,Thank you for all you have done for the class. You are a great chair person who has lots of initiative and humour. Stay crazy and reflective. Thanks for consoling me with your words of comfort (“Wah… u die! Good luck to you!”) when I asked for your opinion (*wink wink). You are a gem.

Mrs Long

Dearest Zi Yuan,Thanks for all the unexpected surprises you gave me in 2009. You never failed to amaze me with your ability to stay positive and imaginative. Aim high and reach for the sky. Only then you will realise what you are capable of! ;)

Mrs Irving LongMath teacher of 3B1’09

Dearest 4A3, Thank you for working hard for your

Math. I know sometimes you didn’t want to do your worksheets but didn’t want me to nag at you. ;p

As long as you have given your best shot, you will have no regrets.

Continue to work hard and keep your spirits high! I love all of you!

Mrs Irving Long(Math teacher of 4A3)

Dearest 4A1, Thanks for all the entertainment in class. A

typical day starts with Tim rapping, Jia Hong and Thuya singing (different tunes, mind you) and Jek cursing. I will miss the typical day.

Thank you for being so ‘hardworking’ (or making it hard to work on you? ;p)

Believe in yourselves, work on it and everything is possible! All the best and keep in touch!

Mrs Irving Long

Dearest Teck Joo, Thank you very much for trying very

hard and never giving up. You exemplifies an ideal Clementeen in demonstrating perseverance. Thanks also for rising to the occasion, be it taking part in Monster Shootout or collecting money for papers. And the lovely post card and comments you wrote on fb when I was down.

Thanks for being you. Mrs Irving Long

Dearest Scarlet, Thank you for baking for me

whenever you are stressed (which was pretty often), your friendly smiles and kind words (always!). I will definitely miss you loads! All the best and keep in touch!

Mrs Irving Long

Dearest Basketball Boys, Thank you for readily accepting me

as your teacher in charge in 2009 (not that you have a choice, ha ha!). Thanks for being so angelic and for putting in your 100% in the games. Continue to train hard and make CTSS Basketball proud of you!

Mrs Irving Long

Dearest Yan Hao, Shu Hui, Beng Jui, Thuya and Yee Win, Thank you for being so good

in Math. It saves me a lot of trouble looking for the answer schemes. Continue to work hard and keep your passion in Mathematics burning!

Mrs Irving Long

Dearest 3B1 2009, Thank you for being crazy and fun. I

still have all the weird things I confiscated from the boys. :P Examples are noisy key-chains, yo-yos and food. (Joking about the food part, I fed my hamsters the food and they died. ._.)

I miss all of you. Strive for your best and keep in touch!

Mrs Irving Long

Dearest Fion, “Mrs Long, don’t wear this again. You

look like AUNTIE!! ” Thank you for your frank opinion

every day along the corridors. Thanks for confiding in me and the sweet letter during teacher’s day. Though Math is not your favourite subject, you embrace me, the Math teacher in Sec 3. All the best and keep in touch!

Mrs Irving Long

Dearest Thiam Woon, Thank you for all the things you have

done as the chairperson of 3A3 and 4A3. It was never an easy job and you did it well.

All the best for your N levels and remember, you will do well with your excellent attitude and work ethics. Believe in yourself!

Mrs Irving LongMath Teacher of 4A3 (2010)

Dearest Leo, Thanks for praising my new

hairdo all the time. Thanks for your jokes (probability of hearing them is 1), diligence (probability is so low that it is negligible) and your friendly greetings whenever we meet. I will miss teasing you!

Mrs Irving LongMath Teacher of 3B1 (2009)

Dearest Wei Sheng, Thank you for doing your best for

Math, your beauty tips (“you never sleep enough!”) and kind words (“I tell you this is the answer… you say no!”).Continue to work hard and I will see you graduate from university one day. (I am very serious.)

Mrs Irving Long