Welfare state

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Welfare state

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Welfare State


“Libertarians know that a free country has nothing to fear from anyone coming in or going

out - while a welfare state is scared to death of poor people coming in and rich people getting

out.” - Harry Browne ("Harry Browne Quotes About Welfare | A-Z Quotes", 2016)

A welfare state is nothing but an idea of government where the state acts as a vital part to

assurance and advancement of the monetary and social prosperity of its residents. Principles of

equality of opportunity, equitable distribution of wealth, and public responsibility for those

unable to avail themselves of the negligible arrangements for a decent life is the base of a

welfare state. ("History of the Welfare State", 2016)


A Welfare State is a Government system which is based on equality of wealth and opportunity

and its distribution. ("Welfare State Definition| Define Welfare State", 2016)

However, some definitions of welfare state are –

According to

Cambridge dictionary, “A system in which the government is allowed to provide social

services such as healthcare, unemployment, benefit etc. to people who need them, paid by

taxes.” (Ibid)

U.S. Constitution’s preamble - “We the people of the united states, in order to form a

more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the

common defense, promote the general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty to

ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this constitution for the United States

of America.” ("Preamble", 2016)


Welfare State is originated around 19 - 20 century, was rooted in Europe as a form of

government. Further, it spread enormously among nations. ("History of Welfare State| Welfare State

Origin", 2016)

In Germany, the foremost Chancellor Otto von Bismarck generated the modern welfare state in

early 1840s. Old age pensions, accident insurance and medical care etc. were introduced by

Bismarck. ("History of the Welfare State", 2016)

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In U.K. generation a welfare state took place during the time of Prime Minister Herbert Asquith

in 1906–1914. These included the passing of the -

Old-Age Pensions Act in 1908,

The introduction of free school meals in 1909,

The 1909 Labor Exchanges Act, the Development Act 1909 (Ibid)

In U.S.A. the welfare state was introduced by Lester Frank Ward (1841–1913), known as “the

ancestor of the modern welfare state.” However, its welfare system started during Great

Depression in 1930s and in 1960, a non-elder or non-physically disabled person received welfare

from Government. (Ibid)


Welfare state has several characteristics where pros and cons exists. These allowances are

accessible for the development of any nation admitting the demerits of welfare state which can

affect any nation to run efficiently. ("Characteristics of Welfare State", 2016)

Some of its characteristics are described below-

1. A welfare state makes sure that society is secured and provokes mixed economy.

2. It is socialistic by nature which is based on equality.

3. Control is exercised all over the economic activities by a welfare state where all the

private organizations are regulated and monitored by the government.

4. It provides facilities like general education, public health, public transport etc. to its

people and ensures justice to all.

5. A welfare state’s economic activities include production and distribution by formulating

national policies and plans every economic activity in a balanced manner.

6. One of the prime functions of a welfare state is to legalize and manage all private

organizations. Such control includes registration, licensing, taxation etc.

7. Welfare of laborers as well comes underneath the duties of welfare state. ("Concept,

definition and characteristics of welfare state", 2011)

Advantages and Disadvantages


It ensures social security and monitoring in economic activities.

It ensures equal distribution of wealth.

It is efficient while distributing resources equally.

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It causes High taxes

It may cause Abuse of those people who all are welfare taker

It might not be able to sustain long-term support ("10 Paramount Pros and Cons of Welfare",


Welfare state and Bangladesh

From the above described characteristics, we can say that Bangladesh is not fully but partially a

welfare state. Because

1. Bangladesh is a country of mix economy.

2. Bangladesh fails to give equal opportunity and distribution of wealth to all. For example, rich

people are living in luxury here whereas poor ones can’t even fulfil their basic needs.

3. Govt. of Bangladesh keeps control over all the economic activities of public & private

sectors. Govt. also regulates and monitors.

4. Govt. of Bangladesh is trying to provide facilities like general education, public health,

public transport etc. to its citizen. Govt. arranged Govt. hospital, free primary education,

public transport for its citizen.

5. Govt. of Bangladesh fails in ensuring justice to all. In a Govt. office, bribe is the main fuel of

boosting working speed. In all such dealings, a welfare state must ensure justice and

accomplishment of their requirements where Bangladesh fails drastically. We can also call it


From the above discussed points, we can say that, Bangladesh partially satisfies the

characteristics of a welfare state.


A welfare state is an ideal model of a state. It defines the work of a state properly. It not only

talks about “What” but also “How.” Though there are some disadvantages of a welfare state, it is

good overall we must say. If one state can fulfil the criteria of a welfare state in a good context,

that country will run well no doubt. But, if one govt. wants to do corruption in the name of

welfare, it is very well possible thus, good intention, honesty and monitoring is must.