Welcome to Year 2 Class 4: Miss Chuter Class 5: Mrs Magiera and Miss Glover.

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Transcript of Welcome to Year 2 Class 4: Miss Chuter Class 5: Mrs Magiera and Miss Glover.

Welcome to Year 2

Class 4: Miss Chuter

Class 5: Mrs Magiera and Miss Glover

‘Bee’ Rules• Be Good

• Be Caring

• Be Polite

• Be Honest

• Be Sensible

Be your Best !

Behaviour• Green card - All children start

everyday on a green card

• Yellow card – Warning (children are given a chance to move back onto green)

• Red card – Miss all of their playtime.

Rewards• Stickers and an extra sticker on


• Class treats e.g reward time

• Rule Bee

• Playground trophy

• Certificates

• Prizes

Child of the Day

Child of the Day• A different child each day• Special helper

Class 5

The child of the day will take home a cuddly toy at the end of the day and can write what they have done in the book provided. This should be returned the following day.

Class 4

A child will be selected to take home Mr Bumble every Friday. They will keep him for the whole week and record what they have done with him. This must be returned the following Friday so they can share their news with the class.

Toilets• No child will be stopped from

going to the toilet but we do encourage them to go at playtime.

• Please let us know if your child has to go to the toilet regularly or cannot wait.

Coming into school

• Every morning the teacher will take out a basket to collect in book club money (Wednesday), reply slips, letters or spelling rockets (Friday).

Dinner money• Every child in Key Stage 1 is entitled to a universal free

school meal.

• The office staff will need to know whether your child is having a school meal each Monday. There are forms available to fill out on the website and these can be completed on a weekly basis or for a longer period of time.

• Children who would normally be entitled to free school meals should still claim for this.

• If the vegetarian option is selected, this will be for the whole week and children are unable to switch between vegetarian and non-vegetarian meals (there are exceptions for religious reasons).

Literacy and Maths • Literacy, phonics and maths are taught on a

daily basis. • Guided reading – 1 group each day.• Handwriting is taught twice a week.

Reading and Routines• Books can be changed daily during register. The children are

responsible for changing their own reading books. Please sign reading diaries to show that children have been reading at home.

• The children do guided reading once a week with the teacher in small ability groups.

• Children may be heard individually when we have additional adults.

• Every half term each class visits the library on a Wednesday. Children can select books to take home. If you can help on these visits, please let a member of staff know.

Writing We focus on 4 areas in writing:

- Content- Punctuation- Spelling- Handwriting

Spelling and grammar

• In the New Curriculum there is greater emphasis on spelling rules and grammar, resulting in higher expectations at the end of Year 2.

• Each literacy lesson will begin with a grammar blast. These will focus on sentence structure and punctuation.

Weekly Spellings• Children will continue to work through their

spelling rockets from their previous class.

• Please remember to put your child’s spelling rocket in the basket on Friday morning if your child is ready for a new rocket.

MathsIn the new curriculum expectations have been raised for the end of Year 2.These include:•An increase in problem solving, reasoning and fluency e.g having a deep understanding and the ability to know when to apply techniques and strategies they have learnt.•Finding and writing fractions of quantities•Measuring temperature in °C •Telling the time to the nearest 5 minutes •Recognising £ and p symbols and solve money problemsWe have changed our planning to meet these expectations

Topic• Topic work includes Science, Computing, History, Geography,

RE, Art, Design & Technology, Music and PSHE• Our topics for this year are:

Autumn 1 - All about me

Autumn 2 - Around the world

Spring 1 - Fairytales

Spring 2 - Transport

Summer 1- Minibeasts

Summer 2 - Africa• We will be planning trips to link to these themes

P.E.• P.E will be taught every day.• P.E kit should be brought into school at the beginning of

term and left in school until the next half term holiday when it will be sent home to be washed.

• We do ask that P.E. kit and all your child’s clothes are clearly labelled.

• If your child wears earrings, please ensure that they are not wearing earrings on days when they have P.E or that they are provided with plasters to cover the earrings.

Assessment• End of Key stage 1 assessments will take place in May

2016.• We would ask that you please do not book a holiday at

this time.• The children will not know that they are doing tests as it

is carried out as subtly and informally as possible.• Children are assessed in Reading, Writing and Maths. • This takes place in the classroom and within the normal

lesson time where possible.• Test results are reported to the Local Education

Authority.• An overall teacher assessment level will be made

available with your child’s annual report.

• All children are being taught the Year 2 curriculum and at the end of the year will be assessed as either meeting the national expectations for Year 2, working towards national expectations or exceeding national expectations.

• It is important to remember that children begin the year at different levels and progress at different speeds.

Progress and attainment

We want your child’s experience of school to be a

happy one!

REMEMBERAny problems however small,

come and see us!

We will be more than happy to arrange a time to meet you in the morning or after school.