Welcome to the Cathedral Church of All Saintscathedralchurchofallsaints.com/pdfs/November 10...

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Transcript of Welcome to the Cathedral Church of All Saintscathedralchurchofallsaints.com/pdfs/November 10...

Welcome to the






DIOCESAN BISHOP The Rt Revd Sue Moxley


RECTOR & DEAN The Very Revd Paul Smith

ASSOCIATE PRIEST The Revd Dr Helen Ryding


The Revd Canon Eric Beresford

The Revd Dr Davena Davis

The Revd Ronald Harris

The Revd Canon Fred Krieger

The Revd Canon John Smith

The Revd John Swain

The Revd Keirsten Wells

DEACON The Revd Heather MacEachern

SACRISTAN Maureen Yeats




DEAN’S WARDEN Dr Frank Lovely


William Black Patricia Fordham

Margaret Withrow Maureen Yeats

Blair MacEachern

VERGER Howard D’Arcy

TREASURER Allan Ferguson

CONTROLLER Hugh Creighton



Anglican Cycle of Prayer:

Utah - ( VIII, The E pi sco pal Chur ch) The Rt Revd Sco tt Hayas hi

Our Diocese:

PRAY FOR VETERANS OF THE CANADIAN ARMED FORCES AND THE MINISTRY OF ARMED FORCES CHAPLAINS. We re me m ber th is d a y th e Angl ic an Prie sts w ho se r ve th e ir c o un tr y fo r o u r Dio c e se :

Cap t. th e R ev ’ d L eo n ard B ed n ar

L Cdr. th e Re v ’ d An dr e w Co o ke a nd V al er i e

Cap t. th e R ev ’ d To m He nd er so n

Cap t. th e R ev ’ d J im Mc Co r ri sto n

Cap t. ( Reti r ed) t he R ev 'd Bruc e-M ur r ay

L t. ( N) the Re v ’ d Ro ber t P arker a nd R ac h ael

L Co l. ( Re ti r ed) the Re v ’ d Ca non Dr. Gar y T ho rn e a nd S a ndr a

Gluten Free Communion Hosts:

The Cathedral has gluten free hosts. If you wish to receive a gluten free host, please identify

yourself to a sidesperson. Thank you.

NOVEMBER 10, 2013 3

Communicants of all

Christian churches are invited to receive commun-ion at all of our liturgies of the Eucharist. If you are visiting,

please sign our guest book at ei-ther door and make yourself known to the greeters and our clergy. The Cathedral doors are opened at 7:30am on Sunday.


REMEMBRANCE Book of Common Prayer Celebrant & Preacher: The Reverend Dr. Helen Ryding

Propers 301

Introit Psalm 121 497

Gradual 24: 7-10 357


REMEMBRANCE Book of Alternative Services Celebrant & Preacher: The Very Reverend Paul Smith

Prelude: The Olive Tree Springfield/Lampert Mike MacKenzie, tenor

The Greeting 185

The Anthems O Canada CP 659 God Save the Queen CP 660

Opening Hymn CP 567 Eternal Father, Strong to Save Tune: MELITA

First Reading: Micah 4:1-5

Psalm 145:1-5,18-22 Bulletin p. 11

Second Reading: Ephesians 2:13-18

Gradual Hymn CP 528 O God, Our Help in Ages Past Tune: ST. ANNE

The Holy Gospel: John 16:23-33

The Homily

The Nicene Creed 188

Prayers of the People


The Peace 192

Offertory Hymn I Vow to Thee, My Country Tune: THAXTED CP 575

I vow to thee, my country all earthy things above -- Entire and whole and perfect --the service of my love; The love that asks no question – the love that stands the test,

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That lays upon the altar the dear-est and the best. The love that never falters – the love that pays the price, The love that makes undaunted the final sacrifice. And there’s another country I’ve heard of long ago -- Most dear to them that love her – most great to them I know; We may not count her armies – we may not see her King; Her fortress is a faithful heart – her pride is suffering; And soul by soul and silently her shining bounds increase, And her ways are ways of gentle-ness, and all her paths are peace.

Prayer over the Gifts

Eucharistic Prayer

The Lord’s Prayer 211

The Breaking of the Bread

During the Communion CP 634 Jesus, remember me, when you come into your kingdom.

Prayer after Communion

Doxology 213

The Blessing

Closing Hymn CP 582 Weary of All Trumpeting Tune: ST. KEVIN


Piano Postlude: Hymn Tune: Monks Gate English Traditional Melody

Please join us for Refreshments & Fellowship

at the rear of the nave.


REMEMBRANCE Book of Alternative Services Celebrant & Preacher: The Very Reverend Paul Smith

Items in bold/italic involve music, and most are sung: - bold/ italic num-bers refer to the blue hymn book, Common Praise; plain numbers refer to the green

Book of Alternative Services.

Communion Setting: The Sewanee Service– Malcolm Archer (b.1952)

Organ Prelude: Remember for Good, O Father ― Francis Jackson (b.1917)

Choral Introit: I Heard a Voice from Heaven - William H. Harris (1883-1973) I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, “Write from henceforth, ‘Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord.’ Even so saith the

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Spirit, for they rest from their labours.” Text: Revelation 14:13

The Greeting 185

The Collect for Purity 185

Hymn Lord, for the Years TUNE: LORD FOR THE YEARS

Bulletin p. 12

Children’s talk

The Gloria 186 Mass Setting

Kyrie 186 Mass Setting

Collect for the Day 677 Bulletin p. 6

First Reading: Micah 4:1-5 Read by Brian Cuthbertson

Psalm 85:7-13 Cantor: Ted Huck

Second Reading: Ephesians 2:13-18

Gradual Hymn CP 577 God of Grace and God of Glory Tune: CWM RHONDDA

Gospel Processional: Vss 1-2

The Holy Gospel: John 16:23-33 Gospel Recessional: Vss 3-4

Gospel Responses CP 718

The Homily

The Nicene Creed 188

The Prayers of the People

Confession 191

Absolution 191

The Peace 192

Offertory Hymn CP 567 Eternal Father, Strong to Save Tune: MELITA

Prayer over the Gifts 392 Bulletin p. 6

Eucharistic Prayer Bulletin p. 10

The Lord’s Prayer 211

The Breaking of the Bread Agnus Dei Mass Setting

Choral Communio: So They Gave Their Bodies to the Com-monwealth - Peter Aston (1938-2013) So they gave their bod-ies to the commonwealth, and received praise that will never die, and a home in the minds of men. Their story lives on

NOVEMBER 10, 2013 6

without visible symbol, woven into the stuff of other men’s lives. Text: Pericles - Fu-neral Oration cited in Thucy-dides, History of the Pelopon-nesian War, 431-413 B.C.

Prayer after Communion 392 Bulletin p. 7

National Anthems:

660 God Save Our Gr aci o us Queen

659 O Canada

Laying of Wreaths

Last Post

Two Minutes Silence


Glory to God 214


The Blessing

Hymn CP 572 Let There Be Light Tune: CONCORD

Dismissal 215

Choral Benediction: The Peace of God ― Richard Horn (b.1953) The peace which passes understanding, which the world can neither give nor take away, be among us

and abide in our hearts now and for ever. Amen. Text: based on Philippians 4:7

Organ Postlude: Intermezzo from Cavalleria rusticana ― Pietro Mascagni

Please join us for Refreshments & Fellowship

at the rear of the nave.


COLLECT O God, it is your will to hold both heaven and earth in a single peace. Let the design of your great love shine on the waste of our wraths and sor-rows, and give peace to your Church, peace among nations, peace in our homes, and peace in our hearts; through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. PRAYER OVER THE GIFTS Gracious God, your word to us is food indeed. Receive all we offer you this day, and let your loving-kindness be our comfort, for the sake of Jesus Christ, your living Word.

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PRAYER AFTER COMMUNION Living God, in the eucharist you fill us with new hope. May the power of your love, which we have known in word and sacrament, continue your saving work among us, and bring us to the joy you promise.We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Micah 4:1-5 In days to come the mountain of the Lord’s house shall be established as the highest of the mountains, and shall be raised up above the hills. Peo-ples shall stream to it, and many nations shall come and say: ‘Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; that he may teach us his ways and that we may walk in his paths.’ For out of Zion shall go forth instruction, and the word of the Lord from Jerusa-lem. He shall judge between many peoples, and shall arbi-trate between strong nations far away; they shall beat their swords into ploughshares, and their spears into pruning-hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither

shall they learn war any more; but they shall all sit un-der their own vines and under their own fig trees, and no one shall make them afraid; for the mouth of the Lord of hosts has spoken. For all the peoples walk, each in the name of its god, but we will walk in the name of the Lord our God for ever and ever. Psalm 85 7-13 Refrain: Show us your mercy Show us your mercy, O Lord, and grant us your salvation. R I will listen to what the Lord God is saying, for he is speak-ing peace to his faithful peo-ple and to those who turn their hearts to him. R Truly, his salvation is very near to those who fear him, that his glory may dwell in our land. R Mercy and truth have met together; righteousness and peace have kissed each other. R Truth shall spring up from the earth, and righteousness shall look down from heaven. R The Lord will indeed grant prosperity, and our land will yield its increase. R Right-eousness shall go before him,

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and peace shall be a pathway for his feet. R Ephesians 2:13-18 But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ. For he is our peace; in his flesh he has made both groups into one and has broken down the di-viding wall, that is, the hostil-ity between us. He has abol-ished the law with its com-mandments and ordinances, so that he might create in him-self one new humanity in place of the two, thus making peace, and might reconcile both groups to God in one body through the cross, thus putting to death that hostility through it. So he came and proclaimed peace to you who were far off and peace to those who were near; for through him both of us have access in one Spirit to the Fa-ther. John 16:23-33 On that day you will ask nothing of me. Very truly, I tell you, if you ask anything

of the Father in my name, he will give it to you. Until now you have not asked for any-thing in my name. Ask and you will receive, so that your joy may be complete. ‘I have said these things to you in fig-ures of speech. The hour is coming when I will no longer speak to you in figures, but will tell you plainly of the Fa-ther. On that day you will ask in my name. I do not say to you that I will ask the Father on your behalf; for the Father himself loves you, because you have loved me and have be-lieved that I came from God. I came from the Father and have come into the world; again, I am leaving the world and am going to the Father.’ His disciples said, ‘Yes, now you are speaking plainly, not in any figure of speech! Now we know that you know all things, and do not need to have anyone question you; by this we believe that you came from God.’ Jesus answered them, ‘Do you now believe? The hour is coming, indeed it has come, when you will be scattered, each one to his

NOVEMBER 10, 2013 9

home, and you will leave me alone. Yet I am not alone be-cause the Father is with me. I have said this to you, so that in me you may have peace. In the world you face persecu-tion. But take courage; I have conquered the world!’

This Morning’s Music

Sir William Harris’s “I Heard a Voice from Heaven” was written for the funeral of H.R.H. Prince Arthur of Con-naught, a grandson of Queen Victoria, held at St. George’s Chapel, Windsor, in September, 1938. Harris taught at the Royal College of Music and was organist at St. George’s, Windsor. As Organist at Win-dsor, Harris was at his most productive. He produced music for the Three Choirs Festival, was a conductor at both the 1937 and 1953 coronations, and had music premiered at the Proms, all of which led to be-ing appointed KCVO in 1954. He was tremendously admired by his choristers who referred to him as “Doc H.“ Peter Aston’s evocative treat-

ment of the text from Peri-cles’ funeral oration as cited in Thucidides’ History of the Peloponnesian War, 431-413 B.C. is one of the most poign-ant anthems in the genre. The text comes from a funeral oration delivered by Pericles in 431 BC. It was established practice at that time for the Athenians to hold a public fu-neral in honour of all those who had died in war. This dis-course memorialized those who had died in one of the opening battles of the Pelo-ponnesian War and the pas-sage, from Thucydides, is worth citing in its entirety:. "Fix your eyes on the great-ness of Athens as you have it before you day by day, fall in love with her, and when you feel her great, remember that this greatness was won by men with courage, with knowledge of their duty, and with a sense of honor in ac-tion. . . . So they gave their bodies to the commonwealth and received, each for his own memory, praise that will never die, and with it the grandest of all sepulchers, not

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that in which their mortal bones are laid, but a home in the minds of men, where their glory remains fresh to stir to speech or action as the occasion comes by. For the whole earth is the sepulcher of famous men; and their story is not graven only on stone over their native, but lives on far away, without visible symbol, woven into the stuff of other men's lives. For you now it remains to rival what they have done and, knowing the se-cret of happiness to be freedom and the secret of freedom a brave heart, not idly to stand aside from the enemy's onset." ― History of the Peloponnesian War, 431-413 B.C. Aston was a com-poser, academic and conductor and was appointed Emeritus Pro-fessor of Composition at the University of East Anglia in 1974. He received numerous awards for his service to church music some compositions being favourably compared to those of Her-bert Howells. He died on September 13th. We are delighted to have trumpeter Jeffrey Stern with us this morning. His playing of the traditional “Last Post” and Reveille” have elevated these battle calls to an art form. Welcome once again!

Eucharistic Prayer #1 193 The Great Thanksgiving Sanctus/ Benedictus Mass Setting Acclamation Mass Setting Eucharistic Prayer #2 196 The Great Thanksgiving Sanctus/ Benedictus Mass Setting Eucharistic Prayer #3 198 The Great Thanksgiving Sanctus/ Benedictus Mass Setting Acclamation Mass Setting

Eucharistic Prayer #4 201 The Great Thanksgiving Acclamations Mass Setting Sanctus/ Benedictus Mass Setting Eucharistic Prayer #5 204 The Great Thanksgiving Acclamations Mass Setting Sanctus/ Benedictus Mass Setting Eucharistic Prayer #6 207 The Great Thanksgiving Sanctus/ Benedictus Mass Setting Acclamation Mass Setting

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PSALM 145:1-5,18-22

I will exalt you, O / God my king,* and bless your name forev-/er and ever. Every day/ will I bless you* and praise your name forev-/er and ever. Great is the Lord and greatly / to be praised;* there is no end / to his greatness. One generation shall praise your works / to another* and shall de/clare your power. I will ponder the glorious splendor / of your majesty* and all your / marvelous works. The Lord is righteous in / all his ways* and loving in / all his works. The Lord is near to those who call / upon him,* to all who call up-/on him faithfully. He fulfills the desire of / those who fear him,* he hears their / cry and helps them. The Lord preserves all / those who love him,* but he destroys / all the wicked. My mouth shall speak the praise/ of the Lord,* let all flesh bless his holy name forev-/er and ever.

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Lord for the Years © Michael Baughen (born 1930)� © arranged David Iliff (born 1939)�

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Bulletin Notices For inclusion in Sunday’s bulletin, notices must be received by the preceding Wednesday .


Flowers this morning have been given in memory Si and Family from Jean Malloy, and in memory of Family from Mary Lib Bethune.

Wine & Hosts

Wine & Hosts have been given in memory of loved ones from Maureen Yeats.

Soup Kitchen Cooks & Servers needed

Nov 23 St. Georges Soup Kitchen – needed cooks and servers con-tact: Revd Helen. Thank you.

The Saint Catherine’s Group

Is collecting toys, knitted items for children, and makeup & toi-letries for teens for St. Mark’s Ward 5 Neighborhood Centre. Anyone wishing to contribute to this outreach program for Christmas may leave unwrapped items in the Cathedral until December 8th. Thank you for your support of this worthwhile endeavour.—Judi MacDonald.

10:30 Coffee Hour Volunteers Needed for


We are in real need of volunteers for our 10:30am coffee Hour. Please sign up on the sheet provided at the entrance to the Ca-thedral if you can help with this ministry. Many thanks for your help! Please note that baking, while nice, is not required, as there is always a supply of store-bought cookies available. Many thanks for your help.

NOVEMBER 10, 2013 14


A series of eight workshops on the nature of An-glicanism. No registration needed. Come one and all to one or all of these interesting evenings. We gather on Tuesday evenings from 7-8:30pm in the new Diocesan Centre.

Week 2 - November 12 Anglican Ministry

Week 3 - November 26 Anglican Approaches to Faith and Life

Week 4 - December 10 The Church Year

Week 5 - January 14, 2014 Show and Tell

Week 6 - February 11 Liturgies, Offices and Eucharist

Week 7 - March 4 Social thought in Anglicanism

Week 8 - March 18 Yesterday and Tomorrow


Sunday November 10 at 3:00 pm. with Dr. Ben Cookey (Tenor), John Hudson (Organ) and Janice Jackson (Soprano). This is a benefit vocal concert for the Cathedral Church of All Saint’s Organ Fund – donations will be accepted at the door ($10.00 suggested)

HRM Parade of Lights and the Cathedral

Last year, the Communications Committee had a delicious idea to serve steaming hot chocolate to parade goers during the an-nual HRM Parade of Lights. Everyone who participated had a sweet time! Warm hospitality was extended to the community and our cups overflowed with the Spirit of Christmas. So we're doing it again on Saturday, November 16 at 6:00 p.m. If you can help with preparation or serving please contact Sheila Gordon at 429-0845 or sgordon@chebucto.ns.ca

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New PAR Tokens

The Cathedral continues to add members of the congregation to the Pre-authorized Remittance (PAR) program. As you may know, this offers the convenience of automatic monthly trans-fers from your bank account instead of searching for envelopes and cash/cheques every Sunday morning. Several PAR members requested a method to demonstrate their support for the pro-gram during the Offering. PAR members can now pick up a PAR token as you receive your bulletin when entering the Ca-thedral. There is a supply of the black tokens on the table lo-cated on the right as you enter. Simply place the token in the collection plate as it circulates. Please call Sarah in the office at 423-6002 if you would like to discuss enrolling the PAR Pro-gram.

Advent Matinees

Thursdays: November 28, December 5, 12, &19 - in the Cathedral Church from 1.30 p.m. - 2.45 p.m. Presenter of the Matinees: Kent Doe. Each session's time includes prayer, bible verses, a brief es-say, and discussion. This could appeal to persons with an inter-est in advent themes of past, present, and future times, and who are footloose and fancy free on Thursday afternoons. For any questions please call Kent at 423-7013 or e-mail kentdoe4@gmail.com

Saints Alive – Wed. Nov. 13, 2013

All are welcome to Saints Alive on Nov. 13, at 2:00 pm, when Rev. Liz Earley (ret’d.), now a Cathedral member, will be our guest presenter. As the Bishop’s representative, Rev. Liz was privileged to attend Baptist and United Church Conferences this past summer and has lots to share of how she navigated this ecumenical enterprise. Come and join us for an interesting con-versation.

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Take 10 minutes in the morning or evening.

2 Min.—Quiet Time 2 Min.—Praise God 2 Min.—Thank God 2 Min—Read 1 verse 2 Min.—Meditate

Almighty and eternal

God, from whose love in Christ we cannot be parted, either by death or life: hear our prayers and thanksgivings for

all whom we remember this day; fulfil in them the purpose of your love; and bring us all, with

them, to your eternal joy; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Cathedral basement clean-up

Many hands make light work. On Saturday, November 30, 2013 from 9-12, we are organizing a basement clean-up work party(we will meet in the Cathedral around 8:50am), A pizza lunch will be provided. If you have any questions, please contact the Cathedral Office at cathedralchurch@eastlink.ca.

Information Notice for Advent/

Christmas Issue of

Cathedral Cornerstone

For submissions - photos, articles, special announcements or events deadline: noon, Monday, Novem-ber 18 - thank you. Assembly and cir-culation date is Thursday December 5th at 10.15 a.m.. Please watch for your copy out in the Cathedral on Sunday December 8 - every copy we take saves over $2.00 in postage. Fi-nancial Note: Appeals to support the cost of our cathedral's seasonal newsletter has modest support. The soliciting of funds is now in its fourth year, and this print ministry needs and welcomes your support - simply note your gift as designated to Cathedral Cornerstone. Thanks for your consideration. Kent Doe - for Cornerstone team.

Opportunities to


• Wine & Hosts • Weekday Services • Sunday Service Wine & Ho sts • Weekly Pew Bulletin

Please contact the Cathedral Office for further information

NOVEMBER 10, 2013 17

Hospitality Fridays

Please join us on Friday after-noons from 1-3 pm in the Cathe-dral, for fellowship and refresh-ments, hosted by the Gordon Group, ACW.


CAROL FESTIVAL at the Cathedral Church of All Saints on Mon-day 2 December

[snow date 3 December]: Organ Prelude 7 pm; Service 7.30 pm. Free Will Offering.

Dalhousie Collegium

Cantorum presents:

New Choir Dalhousie Collegium Cantorum presents Inaugural Concert Joined by The Dartmouth All-City Girls’ Honour Choir, An-tonín Dvorák’s “Mass in D major” Tuesday, November 26, 7:30 p.m. St. Andrew’s United Church, Hali-fax, cnr Coburg / Robie Street Tickets: $15 regular /$10 for stu-dents and seniors available at the Dalhousie Music Department, from choristers, or at the door.

Worship Schedule

Sunday Services 8am Holy Eucharist Book of Common Prayer

9am Holy Eucharist Book of Alternative Services

10:30am Holy Eucharist Book of Alternative Services

4pm Integrity Eucharist Third Sunday of the month

4pm Choral Evensong last Sunday of the month September—May inclusive

Weekday Services


12:15pm Holy Eucharist Book of Common Prayer


7:30am Holy Eucharist Book of Alternative Services


12:15pm Holy Eucharist Book of Alternative Services


12:15pm Holy Eucharist Book of Common Prayer

NOVEMBER 10, 2013 18

2013 is the year of the Korean War Veteran

1. The Korean War began on June 25, 1950, when the military forces of North Korea crossed the 38th parallel into South Korea. Sixteen (16) members of the United Nations, including Canada, would contribute combat forces under United States command to defend South Korea.

2. Canadians saw action in the Battle of Kapyong on April 24-25, 1951. Despite fierce enemy attacks, they maintained their position. Ten Canadians were killed and 23 were wounded in the battle.

3. Hill 355, known as “Little Gibraltar,” was the scene of bitter fighting in late October 1952. Under intense enemy bombard-ment and assault, the Canadian soldiers there held their ground.

4. Over the course of some four years, the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) No. 426 Squadron carried 13,000 personnel and 3 million kilograms of freight and mail between North America and the Korean theatre of operations. Twenty-two (22) RCAF pilots served with US Air Force squadrons in Ko-rea. Flying Officer Omer Levesque, seconded to the USAF, was the first Commonwealth pilot to shoot down a MiG-15 enemy fighter in the Korean War.

5. More than 5,000 Canadian women were recruited for mili-tary service during the Korean War. Of them, 60 Nursing Sisters served in Korea and Japan. When the ceasefire came into effect in 1953, the Nursing Sisters treated the released Canadian prisoners of war.

6. On October 2, 1952, HMCS Iroquois was exchanging fire with an enemy gun battery on shore when the ship took a direct hit. Three Canadian sailors died and ten were wounded in the explosion.

NOVEMBER 10, 2013 19

7. On November 21, 1950, 17 soldiers of the 2nd Regiment, Royal Canadian Horse Artillery, died in a train crash in B.C. while on their way to the war in Korea.

8. For their gallant stand at Kapyong, the 2nd Battalion of Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry received the United States Presidential Unit Citation. Other awards for valour received by Canadians during the Korean War in-clude: 9 Distinguished Service Orders, 33 Military Crosses, 5 Distinguished Flying Crosses, 8 Distinguished Conduct Medals and 53 Military Medals.

9. More than 26,000 Canadians served in the Korean War and approximately 7,000 continued to serve in the theatre be-tween the cease-fire and August 1957. In total, 516 Canadians died in the third deadliest conflict in Canadian history.

The active fighting in the Korean War ended on July 27, 1953 with the signing of the Armistice at Panmunjom.


Welcome to the Cathedral Church of All Saints

New Member Information Form

1. Please list the names of each family member in the space below:



2. Please give your mailing address and telephone number:

3, Email address

4. Would like Offering Envelopes or are you interested in

Pre-Authorized Remittance?

Envelopes: Yes □ No □ Pre- Authorized Remittance Yes □ No □

5. Would you like a visit from the Dean? Yes □ No □

6. Would you like a visit from a lay person? Yes □ No □

Please complete and return on the collection plate or give to a sidesperson. Thank you!

Contact Us: Cathedral Church of All Saints— Diocese of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island Anglican Church of Canada We are located at: 1330 Martello Street Halifax, Nova Scotia 902-423-6002 (tel) 902-423-1437(fax) cathedralchurch@eastlink.ca (Office email) cathedraldean@eastlink.ca

cathedralchurchofallsaints.com (web) Music reproduced with permission under license #C19899

LicenSing Online—Copyright Cleared music for churches