Welcome To Language Arts: Today is Monday, September 13 th 2010 Journal Topic: Using “sparkle”...

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Transcript of Welcome To Language Arts: Today is Monday, September 13 th 2010 Journal Topic: Using “sparkle”...

Welcome To Language Arts:

Today is Monday, September 13th 2010

Journal Topic:Using “sparkle” words and the 5 senses:

Describe something you did over the weekend.

EQ:What tricks or strategies can I use to be a stronger reader?

SCOS 6.01


Turn To Your Neighbor and Brainstorm on 3 things you can do when you are reading and answering

questions that can help you out!

RUNNERS...R~Read the title and questions first; make predictions.

U~Underline the key words in the questions.

N~ Number the paragraphs, lines stanzas, or graphics.

N~ Now read the passage. (Look for answers to the questions as you read.)

E~Enclose key words in circles in the passage (answers to the questions). You are proving your answers.

R~Re-read the questions and answers, eliminating (getting rid of ) incorrect answers.

S~Select the best answer for the question.

Practice Something New...

Let's Use Runners With Number The Stars....

Homework:Monday, 9/13/10

Homework: Review R.U.N.N.E.R.S.~ Quiz Thursday

Use Runners to complete: How Butterflies Came To Be

Reading Log~ 20 Minutes, 2 Questions