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WELCOME TO BELARUS!. Introduction Presentation for World Puzzle Federation December, 2007, Minsk, Belarus. LOCATION. Geography Data. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


WELCOME TO BELARUS!Introduction Presentation for World Puzzle Federation

December, 2007, Minsk, Belarus

LOCATION. Geography Data. Belarus is a landlocked country in the

centre of Europe. It covers an area of 207.600 sq km. Measured by its territory Belarus ranks 13th in Europe and is roughly the size of Great Britain and Romania.

Population (2007est.) 9.724.723.

Capital and the largest city:MINSK (1.770.000)

The distance between Minsk and the capitals of neighboring states is as follows: Vilnius – 215 km, Riga -470 km, Warsaw – 550 km, Moscow – 700 km, Kyiv – 580 km.

General Info

• Form of Government Republic

• LanguagesRussian, Belarusian

• ReligionsOrthodox Christians (70 %) Catholic (15 %) Jewish (9%) Other (6%)

• National Currency Belarusian Ruble (BYR)

• Time

GMT + 2

History in the pocket• 862 AD –the town of Polotsk was first mentioned in chronicles as a

center of local tribes

• 10th century, 2nd half – The Polotsk Principality was created

• 10th century, end – the Turov Principality was founded

• 1230 – Belarus was incorporated into the Great Duchy of Lithuania

• 1569 – Belarus was incorporated into Rzecz Pospolita

• 1772–1795 – Rzecz Pospolita together with Belarus were annexed to the Russian Empire

• 1918 – the Belarusian People’s Republic was proclaimed

• 1919 – The Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic was created as part of the USSR

• 1941–1945 – Belarus together with the USSR participated in the World War II

• 1945 – Belarus became one of the founding members of the United Nations

• 1990 – Belarus became a sovereign state

• 1994 – Belarus adopted Constitution and elected its first President

Natural Resources

Much of Belarus is a hilly lowland with forests, swamps and numerous rivers and lakes. There are wide rivers emptying into the Baltic and Black Seas. Its forests cover over one-third of the land and its peat marshes are a valuable natural resource. The largest lake is Naroch, 31 sq mi (79.6 sq km).

8 Wonders of BelarusThe Sacred Cross of St.

Euphrosinia of PolotskThe Bible of Francisk Skoryna

(16th century)The Statute of the Grand Duchy

of Lithuania (GDL) (16th century)

The Church of Syncovichy (15th century, Grodno Region)

The Castle of Nesvizh (16th century, UNESCO List of World Heritage)

The Castle of Mir (16th century, UNESCO List of World Heritage)

The Belts of Slutsk (18th century)Belovezhskaya Pushcha,

National Park

Worthy of sightseeing : DUDUTKI

DUDUTKI is a live museum:

• Of material culture , where past and future are brought together;

• Of technology, where each exhibit brought to life;

• Of the old way of life , where collections of exhibits help one imagine the general picture of common life;

• Of handicrafts• Of old cars (the best collection in


National Cuisine• The natural geographical

condition of Belarus contribute to the wide use of such products as: mushrooms, berries and herbals, apples, pears, river fish, crayfish, and milk.

• One of the most typical features of national Belarusian cuisine is the wide use of potato. It can be used as a separate dish or as a garnish. Belarusian people are especially fond of traditional potato pancakes. – “draniki”.

• Belarusian cuisine is also characterized by wide spread use of meat: beef, veal, game and especially pork and fat. Fried fat serves as a relish to various flour and potato meals.

World Puzzle Championship, Minsk (Belarus)

Agenda Draft1st dayAll day - Arrivals in “Minsk-2” International AirportTransfer to the hotel with guide assistance Check-in at

the hotel Free time 19:00– 21.00 WELCOME-Party

2nd day08:30 Breakfast09:30- 13:00 Sightseeing tour of Minsk including

architectural, historical and cultural monuments of the 17th – 18th cent., historic part of the city – Trinity Suburb

13:00 -14:00 Lunch14:00 - 20:30 Half-day trip to “Dudutki”. Dinner in folk

style.21:00 - 22:00 Q&A (about the puzzles)

3d day07:30 - 09:30 Breakfast09:30 - 10:00 Team photo session10:00 - 12:30 Championship official opening and

competition12:30 - 14:00 Lunch14:00 - 17:30 Competition and WPF meeting19:00 - 20:30 Dinner

4th day07:30 - 09:30 Breakfast09:30 - 12:30 Competition and WPF meeting12:30 - 14:00 Lunch14:00 - 17:30 Competition and WPF meeting19:00 - 20:30 Dinner

5th day07:30 - 09:30 Breakfast10:00 - 12:30 Final Tests13:00-14:00 Lunch14:00-19:00 Free time. 19:00 Awarding Ceremony. Farewell Party.

6th day07:30 - 09:30 Breakfast10:00 - Departure

Accommodation. City Centre

Hotel BELARUS***


Accommodation. City Boundaries.

Minsk International Education Centre



Accommodation. Suburb.

Hotel “Yunost” Health-Improving Center

(20 km from Minsk)

Why in Belarus?

• Stay somewhere unforgettable • Immerse yourself in breathtaking

scenery • Feel the touch of ancient times• Drink and eat in fine pubs and

restaurants • Seek out the urban buzz • Discover a village dream• Enjoy this country ……



Thanks to warm charm of the locals, the astonishing beauty of the Belarusian countryside and a land that is steeped in history, the intoxicating atmosphere of the lush country draws you in from the moment you step on its soil. It’s so easy to get here, and there’s no need to worry if you can’t fit all sights in your schedule – there’s always next time!

Thanks for Your attention! And