Welcome Missouri

Post on 22-Feb-2016

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Welcome Missouri. To. Night. Daniel Boone. LEAD MINING. 1650-1800. By: Devarshi Patra, Andrei Krozel, Umeera Farooq, and Shelby Pritt. ST.LOUIS. ST.CHARLES. By Devarshi Patra. Introduction. Daniel Boone was born in Berks County, Pennsylvania on November 2, 1734 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Welcome Missouri


By: Devarshi Patra, Andrei Krozel, Umeera Farooq, and Shelby Pritt

By Devarshi PatraDevarshi Patra

Introduction Daniel Boone was born in Berks County, Pennsylvania on

November 2, 1734 He was an explorer and pioneer. He is mostly called “ The most famous pioneer and frontier

hero there ever was.’’

When Daniel Boone was a kid he didn’t go to school. Instead he was taught at home by his parents.

At age 12 he was very good at hunting. He shot a bear once (When he was 12). Not many people could do that when they were 12.

When he was 16 he moved to North Carolina


Adulthood Daniel spent most of his time hunting as an adult He married Rebecca Bryan in 1756 Later he had 10 children

Exploring Daniel Boone explored many places Daniel Boone explored the Kentucky region when Kentucky

wasn’t a state and the Appalachians He always wore a coonskin cap when he explored and


Coonskin Cap

Old Life Daniel Boone spent the last 21 years of his life in Missouri He died on September 26, 1820 He was 85

Work Cited http://www.lucidcafe.com/library/95nov/boone.html http://library.thinkquest.org/4034/daniel_boone.html# http://galenet.galegroup.com/servlet/KidsInfoBits?vrsn=127&locID=ball40


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daniel_Boone http://www.worldbookonline.com/kids/search?st1=Daniel+Boone&x=5&y


http://www.myhero.com/go/hero.asp?hero=DanielBoone http://www.google.com/imgres?q=daniel+boone&start=98&hl=en&safe=a


By: Andrei Andrei KrozelKrozel

• Philip Francis Renault looked for a place to mine for lead

• Philip started lead mining in Missouri

• Old Mines was opened for lead mining• Mine Renault was opened in Washington County

• Sainte Genevieve was founded as a place for the transportation of lead down its river

• The mine Renault was closed temporarily

• It was used for a part of gasoline• It was used for paint• It was used for water pipes

lead pipe


It helped make money for things like•Roads•Railroads•Other expensive things

• Http://www.dnr.mo.gov/pubs/pub659.pdf • http://periodictable.com/Elements/082/index.html • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lead

St. Charles was part of the Louisiana Territory. At first, the French controlled the land. After the Treaty of Paris in 1762, France gave

the land to Spain. Then, in 1800, Spain gave the land back to

France. In 1803, France sold the land to America as

the Louisiana Purchase.

Control of St. Charles?

Louis Blanchette was a French Canadian

explorer who came to Missouri because he wanted to make a new settlement.

In 1765, he met Bernard Guillet, another French Canadian explorer, and they decided to make a settlement at St. Charles.

The Settlement of St. Charles

Bernard called St. Charles “Les Petites Cotes”. It means “the little hills” in French. Louis Blanchette agreed to name the

settlement that name.

Les Petites Cotes

In 1791, the first church was built there. They

named it San Carlos, and then they decided to name the town San Carlos, too.

Later, San Carlos was turned into St. Charles, which is San Carlos in English.

San Carlos

In 1799, Daniel Boone, a famous explorer,

moved to what is now St. Charles County. He built a log cabin there. He settled in Missouri when he was 65 years


Daniel Boone


ult.aspx http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/_St._Charles,_Missouri http://www.danielboonehome.com/history.asp http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daniel_Boone http://www.google.com/search?q=St.



http://www.st-charles-borromeo.org/ http://mostateparks.com/park/edward-ted-and-pat-


Work Cited