Welcome and introductory lecture, Oslo May 10, 2000 l Prof. H. Van Coppenolle, co-ordinator of the...

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Transcript of Welcome and introductory lecture, Oslo May 10, 2000 l Prof. H. Van Coppenolle, co-ordinator of the...

Welcome and introductory lecture, Oslo May 10, 2000

Prof. H. Van Coppenolle, co-ordinator of the Thematic Network Adapted Physical Activity


OSLO MAY 10-14

Progress in the national committees

Intermediate report on the

questions about integration continuation on the ideal

profile of the APA specialist

Report from the co-ordinating committee since


February 20 in Leuven: preparation of the OSLO Forum with Nina Kahrs

Renewal of the proposal for the second year

One week after the first Forum (before March 01) we had to send the proposal for the second year to the EC

Preparation-meetings of the OSLO Forum

March 30 May 02


almost weekly e-mails

daily contacts

Orlando: March 18-24IFAPA BOARD

Presentation of THENAPA to the IFAPA board

they were surprised what we can realise in Europe

they want to co-operate presentation of the website publicity for our international study-


Convention American Alliance for Health Physical Education Recreation and Dance:

6000 participants

presentation of THENAPA presentation of our study programs

Further development of our Website

study programs survey of the EMDAPA Master’s

theses 1991-1999 pictures of the Leuven meeting Oslo Forum National part on the website


Teaching Materials

production of CD ROMS and APA courses: Shayke Hutzler : Leuven October 01-15

co-operation in providing teaching materials for the website and CD ROMS

Administration of the Network

a very heavy job annual report must be ready

for September 01 Veerle is leaving us all the documents should be

sent at the latest at June 15

Positive aspects of the Network

Everybody wins 10 years of development in APA

participation in Thenapa makes it possible to increase the development of APA in your country

the European network facilitates everything in a fundamental way

Make use of already existing data

not everything has to be new and finished before it comes on the website

it can be created in a progressive way all useful information and data you

want to communicate and which are interesting for THENAPA are welcome

The website is our identity card

make use of it to show to everybody what we are doing

it is the ideal means for communication between us and to the outside world

not only in Europe but as well on a world level

Renewal Application second THENAPA YEAR

Personnel costs travel, accommodation, subsistence technology equipment, software general administrative costs production, dissemination other costs part of the total costs

Personnel costs: 266.each 870617

18 EUR countries: 256.177

Associated countries: each 870

Travel ,accommodation, subsistence: 205.539

18 EUR countries: 130.995

Each associated country: +- 6.000

Technology, equipment, software: 5.000

18 EUR countries: 5.000

General administrative costs: 26.000

18 EUR countries: 20.000

associated countries:each 500

Production dissemination: 33.900

18 EURO countries: 19.500

associated countries: each 1.200

Other costs: 2.100

18 EUR countries: 1.500

associated countries: each 50

Part of the total cost of the project: 539.156

18 EUR countries: 433.172

associated countries: each +- 8.500

Socrates grant requested: 195.032

18 EUR countries: 139.856

associated countries: each 4.598