WEEKLY REMINDERS - St Emilie's Catholic Primary...

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Transcript of WEEKLY REMINDERS - St Emilie's Catholic Primary...

WEEKLY REMINDERSWeek 5 Term 3 2020

WEEKLY REMINDERSWeek 5 Term 3 2020

Students and PhonesWhile most children will not have a need to bring a mobile phone to school, we acknowledge that for some older students it can be useful if they are travelling to and from school on their own.

Parents are reminded that before a student can bring a mobile phone to school, Mobile Phone Request Form must be completed and sent to the office so that we have a register and can ensure the appropriate protocols are in place.

Parents are also expected to read the St Emilie’s Mobile Phone and Digital Devices Policy to understand the rules and expectations should it be deemed necessary for a child to bring a phone to school.http://web.stemiliescps.wa.edu.au/?cat=103

Uniform Reminder

Now that we are back into the swing of school life it is important that children are once again wearing their school uniform correctly. We really rely on the cooperation of parents in this regard. In addition to the correct clothing (click on link below for pictures and uniform policy) children should not be wearing non-approved jewelery or hair bands, socks etc.http://web.stemiliescps.wa.edu.au/?page_id=376Thank you for your support - uniform DOES matter!

School Fees

Have you been keeping in touch with us regarding your school fee payments? As you will be aware, a fee statement was sent home at the start of the school year. If you have not paid your school fees yet and would like the statement to be re-issued, please contact Gillian Norris 92569696.

A few Reminders... Important Dates

Friday 14th AugustP&F School Disco

Saturday 15th AugustFeast of the Assumption

Friday 21st August8.45am Year 2 AssemblySaturday 22nd August

6.30pm First Eucharist MassSunday 23rd August

9am First Eucharist Mass3pm First Eucharist Mass5pm First Eucharist Mass

Monday 24th AugustPP to Year 6 Parent/Teacher

Face to Face or Phone Interviews--Week 1

Saturday 29th August6.30pm First Eucharist Mass

Sunday 30th August9am First Eucharist Mass3pm First Eucharist Mass5pm First Eucharist Mass

Monday 31st AugustPUPIL FREE DAY

Tuesday 1st SeptemberPP to Year 6 Parent/Teacher

Interviews--Week 2 Wednesday 2nd

September8am Year 3 Community Mass

Friday 4th September8.45am Year 1 AssemblyPP Bunnings Incursion

Saturday 5th September6.30pm First Eucharist Mass

Sunday 6th September9am First Eucharist Mass3pm First Eucharist Mass5pm First Eucharist Mass

WEEKLY REMINDERSWeek 5 Term 3 2020

Andrea Renting Phone call ?When will the back gate be open again?When will Kindy parent Volunteers start?

From Janine

Class Reps

Jessica LothKGB

Erin Southwell Tanya DellacaKGG KGG

Enzina Ierino Jain Chow PPG PPB

Pamela Lawrence Nicole Grima 1B 1G

Amanda Fuller Kylie Marston 2G 2B

Danielle Stevens Jacque Searle Year 3 Year 3

Eimear Drinnan Melanie Stocker Year 4 Year 4

Belinda Backus Kirsten Devereux Year 5 Year 5

Teena Wheat Rebecca Tennent Year 6 Year 6

WEEKLY REMINDERSWeek 5 Term 3 2020

Term 3 Planner Link:

Term 3 Planner 2020

Year 6 PhotosWe are creating a special Yearbook for our Graduating Year Six Class this year and we need your help! Please email a scan of any photos you may have of our current Year 6 children throughout their years of schooling here at St Emilie’s, to the following email address:secps.yearsix2020@cewa.edu.auPlease label the year of each photo.If you need it scanned, pop into the Office or send it into the Office with clear return details. Thank you!

Term 3 Pupil Free Days

Monday 31st Aug

Friday 25th Sep

School BankingSchool Banking is BACK!!! Banking day is TUESDAY! Books are to be given to your child’s class teacher on Tuesdays and will be returned on Wednesdays. Kindy Blue parents are reminded that bank books for Kindy Blue students are due on Mondays. Thank you.

Follow this link for School Lunches Online. Please make sure that you have updated your child class so that their lunch goes to the correct classroom.

Photos NeededKindy Parent Catch-upWednesday 19th August at Dome Canning Vale after school drop-off.

Library BagsParents are reminded that children are to please keep their library bag IN THEIR SCHOOL BAG at all times so that they aren’t missing out on book borrowing each week.

Along with our fabulous existing books, we have a lot of fantastic new titles in the library which we will start to advertise in this space! :)

WEEKLY REMINDERSWeek 5 Term 3 2020

On Wednesday the 17th June we celebrated

St Emilie de Vialar’s Feast Day!

Matthew Vlahos from PP Blue created this wonderful sketch of St Emilie - bravo Matthew - you did a superb

job of reinterpreting an existing image!

Children engaged in a variety of activities

supporting their learning about a woman of faith, of courage and of great love for children and families.

Two-Way (Parent/Teacher)Interviews

Face to Face or by Phone

Two-Way (Parent/Teacher) Interviews for PP to Year 6 will be held over two weeks: from Monday 24th August to Friday 4th September.

Here at St Emilie’s, we use an online booking system for all two and three-way interviews. Online bookings opened on Monday 3rd August at 9am and will close this Monday 17th August at 9am.

Please follow this link www.schoolinterviews.com.au and enter this code: 2aujt to complete your booking(s).

Popular time slots tend to fill up fast, so please book early to avoid disappointment. If you require assistance, please call the Front Office on 9256 9696.

Please contact your child’s class teacher if you are unable to find a time that suits you.

Kindy Two-Way Interviews are to be held later in the term - more information will be shared shortly.

This is a valuable opportunity for you to give and receive feedback on your child’s learning journey!

WEEKLY REMINDERSWeek 5 Term 3 2020

On Wednesday the 17th June we celebrated

St Emilie de Vialar’s Feast Day!

Matthew Vlahos from PP Blue created this wonderful sketch of St Emilie - bravo Matthew - you did a superb

job of reinterpreting an existing image!

Children engaged in a variety of activities

supporting their learning about a woman of faith, of courage and of great love for children and families.

Sacramental Information 2020 - Important Reminder

A reminder that the Sacramental program is parish run and school supported so all decisions are made in consultation with the parish.

Sacrament of 1st EucharistThe Mass time and dates for the Sacrament of 1st Eucharist are outlined below. There will be maximum of 6 candidates for each Mass and families will need to sign up online through School Interviews website (www.schoolinterviews.com.au). This information has already been sent home.

Under current restrictions only 120 people are allowed in the Church and 100 people outside the Church for each Mass. It is advisable that only immediate family attend the 1st Eucharist Mass you have chosen.

Please note: The 9am Mass on a Sunday will now be be a 9.30am Mass. Fr Jean-Noel has also added the extra 3pm Mass on a Sunday at an option for children to receive their 1st Eucharist.

Please refer to the letter sent home for more information.

Saturday 22nd August at 6.30pm Mass Sunday 23rd August at 9.30am, 3pm & 5pm MassSaturday 29th August at 6.30pm Mass Sunday 30th August at 9.30am, 3pm & 5pm MassSaturday 5th September at 6.30pm Mass Sunday 6th Sept at 9.30am, 3pm & 5pm MassSaturday 12th September at 6.30pm Mass Sunday 13th Sept at 9.30am , 3pm & 5pm MassSaturday 19th September at 6.30pm Mass Sunday 20th Sept at 9.30am, 3pm & 5pm Mass

It is encouraged that all children receive reconciliation before a Mass prior to 1st Eucharist. These opportunities are between 5.30pm to 6pm Tuesday to Friday before weekday Masses, and 30 minutes before each weekend Masses. This is the responsibility of the families.

Sacrament of Confirmation The Archbishop has postponed the Sacrament of Confirmation for 2020 at this stage. Families will be contacted should this directive change in coming months.

WEEKLY REMINDERSWeek 5 Term 3 2020

Reminder to Parents/Guardians

Late students need to be signed in at the office by a parent or guardian if your child is arriving after 8.40 am. Thank you.

Loving God,There is a transformation that takes place within the warmth of your embrace,That certain knowledge that you arerefuge, shelter, fortress and stronghold, against which no army can succeed,that you are Brother, Sister, Mother, Father,the love that knows no bounds.That you are God,and I am lost outside of your embrace.
