Weekly Log #5 PDF

Post on 28-May-2017

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Transcript of Weekly Log #5 PDF

Heather Creighton

Weekly Log #5 (Feb. 24-28)

1. How did you spend your time this week? What responsibilities did you have?

This was a GREAT, challenging week! I continued to add more to my solo teaching.

The biggest day was Thursday. My mentor teacher was gone, teaching a MANT class.

She called for a substitute she had not had before, so that, I could be “in charge”. This

was the best way to see if I could DO IT…and I DID. We survived! The one thing I

feared was how students would respond to my authority. The students were great and

responded well to me redirecting them to return to task. I believe this comes from time

spent building a positive relationship. I am thankful I had that time. I have also been

able to go quite a bit of grading this week, and it has allowed me to gather even more

insight into how students perform academically.

2. What were your most satisfying and challenging experiences?

I had two experiences this week that I really appreciated. I appreciated being trusted

enough to have the class on my own and teach a full day, keeping up with the pace. I

enjoyed the fast pace, the successes and the “putting out fires”. I had to trust my decision

making and go with it. All went well. I also felt fortunate to be in a meeting with my

teacher and principal discussing a parent email. This parent is very knowledgeable about

the IEP and keeps close watch on every detail. The student was handed back a test with a

failing grade. His IEP states that he is not to be handed back a test with a failing grade,

but allowed to retake the test. The Sewing teacher was unaware of this IEP

accommodation and handed back a test with a failing grade. The parent notified the

principal immediately and makes notes of all the IEP “mishaps”. It was good to see the

principal communicate with my mentor teacher his expectations. I was also able to ask

some of my own questions. It was an overall valuable experience for me.

3. What are the plans for the upcoming week?

My plans for the upcoming week are to continue more of the same, but take over Social

Studies. Personally, I want to work on creating a “teaching plan” template for myself

that gives me something more explicit to work with. I plan to work on that in the reading

lessons I will be teaching.

Nice reflection. It is always great to have the teacher gone! Gives you a safe time to practice. The

failing grade parent is an excellent experience. Parents are the consumers and some aren't forgiving

when it comes to deviations from the IEP. Have a great week.
