Weekly lesson evaluations 8-11th feb

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Transcript of Weekly lesson evaluations 8-11th feb

Weekly Lesson Evaluations prompt sheetWeek beginning: 8 – 11th February 2016

Targets from last evaluations: Be able to stretch Year 7 class so that

the work is challenging and differentiating for all abilities

When doing kinesthetic activities, reiterate expectations

Set up guidelines and academic expectations for assessment

Reflective Practice: how successful were the lessons?

Year 7

I taught two lessons with the Year 7 class, one being an assessment lesson and one being a standalone ‘song lyrics’ lesson. When I was absent last Friday, the class teacher started their ‘gun culture’ assessments, so we continued with those during the first lesson, incorporating the expectations for the assessment and a spelling test so that they realize how important spelling is. I felt this lesson was slightly monotonous, and I look forward to marking these speeches. For my second lesson, I planned a lesson on ‘song lyrics’ and how persuasive they can be. Before the lesson, I was racially insulted by a student which really threw me off, but the behaviour of the students did not help. There was constant low-level disruption, and I felt the writing task was too confusing. I designed a carousel activity, which could have allowed for further differentiation. I feel that I do need to tackle the low-level disruption as it is affecting the pace of the lesson, and this is a key component.

Year 8

I taught two lessons with my year 8 class, which started reading the play. For the first lesson, I focused on the prologue of Romeo and Juliet. I had planned much more for this lesson, but I only got half way through my lesson plan. I knew I had analysed the prologue in too much detail, and this was also the class teacher’s feedback. As year 8s, they do not need to analyse every sentence, and just have to pick out a few key phrases. For my second lesson, I focused on the insults in Act One, Scene One. However, the class were quite immature and would be quite silly. I felt this was a risk worth taking, because it is a great way into the text. I was disappointed with their behaviour, but now I know they are not able to be sensible during these lessons. In the future, I will make sure that any contentious topics are thought about carefully, and during the half term, I will make a SoW detailing the scenes we will cover till the end of term. The target from the last evaluation was not applicable as I did not do any kinesthetic activities with the students.

Year 9

I taught two lesson with my year 9 class, which focused on preparing them for their assessment. As it is department policy, students have to write a draft before completing their final piece of assessment. For the first lesson, they continued with their draft and peer assessed their work. I allowed the students to get on with it because I thought they were capable, but the class teacher said that I should give examples and talk through HOW to peer assess as most of the students do not know how to do it. I will have to remember to plan for this when I next complete an assessment. For the second lesson, the

students just took the lesson to write up their assessment. I found this to be extremely monotonous as I was just sitting there, but I am excited to start marking their work. Many of them wrote more than 2 sides of A4, which is encouraging. I am looking forward to starting An Inspector Calls. As for the last target, I feel that I did set up guidelines for assessment, but I could have given them more scaffolding and guidance when they peer assess.

Action Points:

Provide more scaffolding for peer assessment when marking their draft assessment

Produce a SoW for R&J and think about contentious topics Use 100% compliance techniques and behaviour strategies to

minimize disruption.