Weekly 46 FIRSTDraft - Weight Watchers€¦ · Call or Google that to research the delicious dishes...

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Transcript of Weekly 46 FIRSTDraft - Weight Watchers€¦ · Call or Google that to research the delicious dishes...

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    weekly15TH NOVEMBER, 2015

    WEEK 46

    “I’m half the woman I was.” – Leanne

    Karapetian, member

    Learn how to tackle these situations AND KEEP ON TRACK




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    DO: Slow down. Taking time to think helps you make smarter decisions. As you navigate challenges, take a few minutes to centre yourself, review your goals and stay connected to the pace of your breathing.

    3 Don’t get caught out. You’re out running errands and suddenly four hours have passed. You’ve forgotten to eat and you spy a takeaway shop offering ‘3 spring rolls for the price of 1’. Next, you’re handing over your loose change…

    Feeling challenged about staying in control of your food plans, or waking at night worrying about keeping your exercise and wellbeing habits on track? Don’t fret! We’ve placed seven of the deadliest weekend temptations under the spotlight, and given you ways to stay focused so you can effortlessly bypass temptations that cross your path.


    1Don’t hit the snooze button. After a big week we often look forward to unwinding and being able to hit the snooze button. But the alarm clock’s ‘just another 5 minutes’ does more harm than help on weekends.DO: Prepare your exercise gear before you go to bed. Move your alarm to the other side of the room. You’ll be equipped to start your weekend on the right foot and get active before you know it!

    2 Don’t try to fi t it all in. On weekends it’s amazing how we imagine we’ll somehow manage to fi t 12 hours of chores into fi ve. No wonder weekend fun quickly turns into stress which, combined with taking your mind off the goal, leads to poor decision-making.

    Here comes the weekend… and a chance to let our hair down. It all sounds appealing until we’re faced with the inevitable temptations that lure us off the path of our best

    intentions and back towards old, unwanted patterns!



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    DO: Expect delays, so eat well before you head out and plan your snacks. Have a bottle of water handy and healthy snacks in your bag (or glove box).

    4 Don’t do that coffee catch-up. Catching up with friends is great, but be careful – “Let’s meet for a coffee” or “Let’s meet at the pub” can easily become a gateway to a world where one drink becomes two (or a coffee becomes coffee and cake). Before you know it, someone has ordered a side of ‘catch-up carbs’.DO: Arrange a cardio catch-up instead. Meet friends for a walk-and-talk: around the park, along the beach, or – if you need to stay home – around the neighbourhood.

    5 Beware of that great new place. A friend announces they’ve heard of a ‘great new place’. Their usual preference of

    ‘fatty and fried’ comes to mind and you’re tempted to object but perhaps you could still make it work

    with your Plan.DO: Call or Google that

    hot new café or restaurant ahead of time to research the delicious dishes that could fi t into your ProPoints plan.

    6 Ignore the ‘just this once’ urge. Sometimes it’s our inner voice of denial. At other times it’s ‘well meaning’ words from someone inviting us to join them in their indulgence. Add up all those ‘just this onces’ and there could be a long list of fried food, decadent desserts and creamy cocktails.DO: Enjoy the occasional indulgence, by all means. Just make it bite-sized (not plate-sized)!

    7 Don’t ‘come for dinner’ unprepared. So you’ve been invited to dinner. Sometimes speaking up about dietary preferences can feel as challenging as going for another personal best in the gym. But with a few goes, it’s like working a new set of muscles. Open up when you RSVP and it gets easier. DO: Tell your host that you’re eating healthfully and enlist their support. Regardless of what’s served, portion control remains your greatest ally.

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    Shop smart

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    WEIGHT WATCHERS MAGAZINE FOOD EDITOR LUCY KELLYFrozen vegetables are a great way to get more vegies in your diet when you’re pressed for time, and are just as nutritious as fresh vegies. Sometimes they can be even more nutritious,

    since they’re blanched and snap frozen where they’re grown, which locks in all the nutrients. Fresh vegetables taste better because some of the texture is lost in the freezing process. Having said that, in my opinion frozen peas taste better than fresh.

    Make your own weekend treat – mint pesto! Process fresh mint leaves in a food processor with garlic, pine nuts, a little olive oil and lots of lemon juice. Toss it through cooked pasta or steamed vegies, or serve a dollop of mint pesto with roast meats or grilled fi sh.


    PRESTO Pesto

    “I’d joined Weight Watchers in the past but each time I’d lost 20kg I thought I knew what I was doing, so I’d stop going to Group Coaching. Bad habits crept back in, so this time I stayed committed to the Program, even when I plateaued.”Tip from Slimmer Leanne Karapetian. Read her inspiring weight-loss journey on the next page!


    WEIGHT WATCHERS NUTRITION ADVISOR EMMA STIRLINGDo you have a smart system to make sure your weekend fridge is stocked with healthy choices? You’re more likely to eat out or dial out if the crisper is bare. So rather than a

    restock on Sunday night, plan your schedule for a mid-week shop and always prep a list.

    A new study published in the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior has reinforced what we know to be true. Participants who shopped with a list had higher diet (nutrition) quality and a lower BMI.

    frozen vegetables vs fresh

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    Leanne KarapetianShe had tried Weight Watchers before, but this time Leanne was determined to reach Goal. Here’s how she did it.Two major trigger points saw my weight escalate. In 2008 I was pregnant with twins and I spiralled into a deep depression when I lost them at 22 weeks. With that came a lot of emotional eating and weight gain. Thankfully I’ve since gone on to have two beautiful boys, but it was during my second pregnancy in 2012 that the scales really skyrocketed to take me to my heaviest ever: 130kg. I was diagnosed with sacroiliac joint dysfunction, which causes severe back pain, and I was on crutches from 30 weeks of pregnancy. I wasn’t able to stand up and prepare food and my husband was away for work so junk food became the norm.

    After I had Eli, now 2, I was so busy with two little boys that I put my own needs last. But one day when I was watching my eldest son Zavier, now 5, running around, I realised, “This can’t go on.” I was feeling sluggish when all I wanted to do was join in the fun and get on the slides with him.

    I’d joined Weight Watchers in the past, but the difference this time was I started exercising as well as eating healthy food. I started small with walking and Zumba classes and built up to running the Sydney City2Surf, which is 14km with lots of big hills! I dedicated my race to my twins and raised more than $1000 for the Bears of Hope charity. I cried when I crossed the fi nish line – I couldn’t believe I’d run that far, and there was such an emotional meaning behind my run too, of course.

    Weight Watchers offers sustainable life change. I felt I could eat what I wanted and enjoy nights out so long as I used the ProPoints system to stay accountable.

    When I was overweight, I always daydreamed of being healthy and athletic but it was honestly something I never thought I’d really accomplish. Now, I’ve changed the way I socialise so I catch up with friends to go for a walk or run. I’m also training to become a personal trainer and a Latino Blast instructor!




    in 1 year 7 months

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    Mojito grilled pineapple

    ▲ 1 pineapple▲ 1 tsp finely grated lime rind▲ 2 tbs lime juice ¼ cup (55g) coconut sugar (see note) 2 tbs dark rum 8 x 45ml scoops reduced-fat vanilla


    1 Cut pineapple into quarters lengthways, then cut each quarter in half to make 8 wedges. Combine rind, juice, sugar and rum in a small bowl. Brush pineapple with half the lime mixture.


    2 Preheat a barbecue fl at plate over medium–high heat. Cook pineapple for 3–4 minutes each side or until light golden. Drizzle with remaining lime mixture and serve with ice-cream.

    NOTE: Coconut sugar is available in the sugar aisle of most supermarkets or from Asian grocery stores. If unavailable, use brown sugar. The ProPoints values remain the same.


    Filling & Healthy foods are marked with a green triangle. These foods help fi ll you up and keep you healthy.

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    This crispy peanut butter bar coated with milk chocolate will be the perfect snacking companion this summer. The ideal treat with only 2 ProPoints values per bar. Hurry, this is a limited edition!

    NEWPeanut Butter Crunch

    social grab of the weekMartha shares her behind-the-scenes look into a fi tness shoot on Instagram, marthaloureybird.It really is harder than it looks!! It’s a wrap with the #dreamteam#bauermedia @isabellaschimidmakeup#fi tness #shoot #behindthescenes#magazineshoot #exerciseforeverybody@weightwatchersaunz

    NEXTWEEKWe take a closer look at gut health and ‘good’ bacteria.

  • Readywhen you


    WEIGHT WATCHERS on food and beverages is the registered trademark of WW Foods, LLC. WEIGHT WATCHERS for services and ProPoints® are the registered trademarks of Weight Watchers International, Inc. Trademarks are used under licence. ©2015 Weight Watchers International, Inc. All rights reserved.

    Our great range of tasty frozen meals are microwavable and ready to eat in minutes, providing simple weight management solutions everyday.

    Visit www.weightwatchersfoods.com.au to fi nd out more.