Week 7 Thursday (2/22) · Spin Rate (rpm) 2.15 2.16 Arm Length (m) 73.62 72.65 Burn Time (hours)...

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Transcript of Week 7 Thursday (2/22) · Spin Rate (rpm) 2.15 2.16 Arm Length (m) 73.62 72.65 Burn Time (hours)...

AAE 450

Spring 2011

Week 7 – Thursday (2/22)

Courtney McManus


AAE 450

Spring 2011

Today’s Schedule

Group Roll Call

Section 2 Presents

Dr. Longuski shall impart wisdom upon us

Discuss Project/Vehicle Names

Group break-out/prepare for CDR

C. McManus Project Manager 2/24/2011

AAE 450

Spring 2011


8:40 Courtney McManus PM

1 8:45 Trey Fortunato Aero

2 8:51 Justin Axsom Att/Con

3 8:57 Tony D'Mello Comm

4 9:03 Devon Parkos Comm

BREAK for 1 hour (meet downstairs)

5 10:35 Sonia Teran MisDes

6 10:41 Evan Helmeid MisDes

7 10:47 Graham Johnson MisDes

8 10:53 Matthew Hill Power


9 11:10 Alex Park Power

10 11:16 Joel Lau Power

11 11:22 Kyle Svejcar Prop

12 11:28 Jillian Roberts HF


13 11:45 Brendon White HF

14 11:51 Leonard Jackson StrcThrm

15 11:57 Alex Kreul StrcThrm

AAE 450

Spring 2011

Courtney McManus

450 Presentation – Week 7

Project Manager

Schedule, Logistics, CDR preparation

Mass to Ceres cost analysis

Rapid Cost Assessment

Advanced Mission Cost Model

Top-Level Risk Analysis

Future work

In-depth Risk Analysis

More accurate cost model

2/24/2011 McManus, Courtney Project Manager

AAE 450

Spring 2011

Risk Analysis – Fault Tree

Mission Failure

Launch Failure

○ Crew, CTV, STV

Transfer Failure

○ STV, CTV, Comm Sats

Landing on Ceres Failure

○ CTV, STV Components

Ceres Operations Failure

○ Rovers, CTV, ISPP Ops, Comm, ECLSS

Return/Re-entry Failure

2/24/2011 McManus, Courtney Project Manager

AAE 450

Spring 2011

Updated Cost Estimate

Using NASA’s Advanced Mission Cost Model

Based on masses on website

Implementation year 2030

Future work: count for inflation, operational


2/24/2011 McManus, Courtney Project Manager

* Measured in year 2004 dollars

Total Cost: $129,000 million USD*

Cost/Kilogram = $ 488,130

AAE 450

Spring 2011

AAE 450: Week 7

Fortunato, Trey (Group Leader, CTV Lead, Graphic Design) Attitude Determination and Control Systems


Maneuver Propellant Costs

Mission Stage Transition Orientations

Artificial Gravity Spin Up and De Spin

Analyzing CTV Behavior Characteristics

Configuration of CTV


AAE 450

Spring 2011

Attitude Determination and Control Systems Fortunato, Trey

CTV Configuration:

Spin Up Distribution

Total Mass 329.16 tons

Crew Side Mass 23.29 %

Counter Weight Mass 6.37 %

Center Mass 70.34 %

De-Spin Distribution

Total Mass 305.06 tons

Crew Side Mass 22.35 %

Counter Weight Mass 2.40 %

Center Mass 75.25 %

-5 0 5














By: Trey Fortunato


AAE 450

Spring 2011

Fortunato, Trey

CTV Spin Cost:

Attitude Determination and Control Systems

Spin Up De-Spin

Spin Rate (rpm) 2.15 2.16

Arm Length (m) 73.62 72.65

Burn Time (hours) 0.64 0.62

Total Thrust (N) 200 200

Propellant Mass (kg) 284.21 280.77


AAE 450

Spring 2011 Justin Axsom


Group Lead

Human Launch Vehicle

Crew Transfer Vehicle

Earth Decent/Reentry Vehicle

Communication Satellites

Optical System Logistics

Axsom, Justin Communication 2/24/2011

AAE 450

Spring 2011 Crew Launch and Docking


Axsom, Justin Communication




AAE 450

Spring 2011 Mass, Power, and Volume of

Launch and Docking Systems

Axsom, Justin Communication

Component Mass (kg) Power (kW) Volume (m3)

Transmit Antenna 6.31 1.00 0.03

Receiving Antenna 11.2 - 0.08

Ku–band Transponder ~5.00 0.100 0.003

UHF Module 14.0 0.31 ~0.008

Total 36.5 1.41 0.121

Component Mass (kg) Power (kW) Volume (m3)



8.47 0.20 3.17x10-4

UHF Transponder and


~5.50 0.11 ~0.008

Total 14.0 0.31 0.0083


AAE 450

Spring 2011 Tony D’Mello

AAE 450: Week 7 Presentations Duties:

RF Link Budget

Rover <-> Communications Satellites

Crew Communication Tools

D’Mello, Tony Communications 2/24/2011

AAE 450

Spring 2011


D’Mello, Tony Communications







Transmitter 13.23 0.48 1.94

Receiver 13.23 -- 1.94

Total 26.46 0.48 3.88

Exploration Rover Communication Hardware

Uses RF communication to

communicate with Halo Satellites

Dish sizes for transmitting and receiving

are the same because they are optimal

for the given sensor error

Dishes use a mesh grid to reduce mass

Reason for difference in power is due to

different data transfer

Exploration Rover

○ 4 HDTV channels for 4 crew members

○ 1 HDTV channel for outside camera

Rescue Rover

○ 6 HDTV channels for 6 crew members

○ No outside camera







Transmitter 13.23 0.57 1.94

Receiver 13.23 -- 1.94

Total 26.46 0.57 3.88

Rescue Rover Communication Hardware


AAE 450

Spring 2011

Ceres Satellites – RF Communication

D’Mello, Tony Communications







Transmitter –

Exploration Rover 1 0.027 0.1 8.11

Transmitter –

Exploration Rover 2 0.027 0.1 8.11

Transmitter –

Rescue Rover 0.042 0.1 19.8

Transmitter –

Halo Satellite 0.013 0.03 0.33

Receiver 0.02 -- 4.24

Total 0.129 0.33 40.59

Halo Satellites Communication Hardware

Uses RF communication with:

Exploration Rovers

Rescue Rover

ISPP Station

Partner Halo Satellite

Requires only 1 receiving dish

Each vehicle will send data at

different frequencies

While CTV is docked near ISPP

station, that station will

communicate through the CTV.

That way it won’t require a

dedicated dish on the satellites.


AAE 450

Spring 2011

Devon Parkos AAE 450: Week 7 Presentations Aerodynamics Group, CTV Group, Descent Vehicle Group,

Launch Vehicle Group

Tasks Accomplished:

Analyze heating rates during aerocapture, aerobraking,

and aero-entry

Size CTV and capsule heat shields and ablative coating

for ballute tethers

Account for atmospheric uncertainty in trajectory model

and heat shield sizing

Account for lift and buoyancy from ballute

Parkos, Devon Aerodynamics

AAE 450

Spring 2011 Aerobraking Trajectories

Parkos, Devon Aerodynamics

Assumptions • CD,CTV = 2.07

• CD,B = 1.37

• CD,CAP = 0.025

• CD,PAR = 0.75

• ACTV = 182 m2

• AB = 315,000 m2

• ACAP = 12.8 m2

• APAR = 1600 m2

Without Heat Shields

• mCTV = 131 tons

• mB = 11.7 tons

• mCAP = 2.6 tons

• Vp,0 = 12 km/s

AAE 450

Spring 2011

Atmospheric uncertainty is anticipated by planning a trajectory that can capture for -15% density and sizing heat shielding that can protect from +15% density

Minimum altitude is still constrained by Qmax of Kapton Material: 2 J/cm2

Without Structural Mass: MHS,CTV = 468 kg

MHS,CAP = 19.8 kg

Conclusions Future Work

Parkos, Devon Aerodynamics

Examine tradeoff between aerobraking perigee altitude and maneuver time

More accurately model aerodynamic forces on new CTV configuration

Determine heat shield placement on CTV

Examine other tether materials

AAE 450

Spring 2011

Let’s meet again at 10:30 downstairs.


AAE 450

Spring 2011 AAE 450: Week 7 Presentations

Terán, Sonia Mission Design 20

AAE 450

Spring 2011


Crew Transfer: inert

Terán, Sonia Mission Design

Goals DO NOT VIOLATE inert

○ Low Thrust MPD inert = 0.5

○ Kick Motor NTR inert = 0.5 – 0.7*

TOF ≤ 2 years


MPD Isp = 5000s

NTR Isp = 1016.4s

Low Ceres Orbit = 50 km

* From Space Propulsion Analysis and Design, Humble et. al pg 461



∆VC 6.908 km/s

By Trieste Signorino, based off of Professor Longuski

AAE 251 Lecture

AAE 450

Spring 2011


Crew Transfer: inert

Terán, Sonia Mission Design



Thrust (N) Low Thrust




(km/s) mprop,kick






1.09 16 4.475 4.896 38.80 42.92 81.73

1.10 16 4.625 5.996 35.18 43.05 78.24

1.12 16 4.734 3.755 32.86 43.30 76.164

Inert Mass Fraction: inert

TOF Ceres Kick Helio Low Thrust Earth Kick Geo Low Thrust

1.09 0.57 0.73 0.52 0.50

1.10 0.56 0.73 0.55 0.50

1.12 0.55 0.73 0.63 0.50

AAE 450

Spring 2011 Evan R. Helmeid

AAE 450: Week 7 Presentations Mission Design Accomplishments:

ISPP transfer trajectory Optimal elliptical case

Transfer via LCO intermediate

STV landing trajectories

Motor sizing requirements

Vehicle Group Involvement:

ISPP, Ascent/Descent, Communication, Crew Transfer Vehicle, Supply Transfer Vehicle, Rovers

Helmeid, Evan Mission Design

AAE 450

Spring 2011

Ballistic transfer trajectory LCO transfer orbit

Burn at ISPP1

Coast on elliptic trajectory

Retro burn at ISPP2

60-second hover

ΔVtot = 0.5518 km/s

Isp = 450 s

mprop = 24.66 T

mdry = 179.6 T

mwet = 204.3 T

Ascent, ISPP1 to 25km-LCO

Descent to ISPP2

60-second hover

ΔVtot = 0.5841 km/s

Isp = 450 s

mprop = 26.17 T

mdry = 179.6 T

mwet = 205.8 T

ISPP Transfer and Hover:

Move CTV from ISPP1 to ISPP2

Helmeid, Evan Mission Design

AAE 450

Spring 2011


• Low Ceres Orbit (LCO)

= 50 km

• Isp = 450 s for Ceres


• Total mprop = 22.07 T

Parameter STV1 –

to ISPP1

STV2 –

to ISPP2


Mass [T] 11.80 10.27

Dry Mass [T] 127.9 96.93

Wet Mass [T] 139.7 107.2

ΔV [ km/s ] 0.3893 0.4446

Time of

Trajectory [s] 627.0 514.5

STV Landing Results

Helmeid, Evan Mission Design

Future Work

• Optimal trajectory program with non-zero Vy,f

• Add hover capability to STV landing

AAE 450

Spring 2011

AAE 450 Week 7 Presentations

Johnson, Graham Mission Design

AAE 450

Spring 2011

Mission Timeline and Stay Time

Johnson, Graham Mission Design

Objective: Assembly of






CTV Transfer (current)

Time (yrs) 3 5 5 1.73

Model Assumptions:

• Circular-Coplanar Orbits

• Assumed Timeline:



Total Time

allowed on



(Days) 466.8 730

5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 110000









time (Days)

Phase a





Phase angle History since CTV arrival; Graham Johnson

Reference Date 01/01/2020

Available time to stay on Ceres:

15.3 Years

AAE 450

Spring 2011

Future Work

Johnson, Graham

• Solidify STV transfer time/trajectory to Ceres.

• Solidify CTV transfer time/trajectory; Both to and from


• Calculate the g-forces applied on CTV/STV/Satellites during

Impulsive Delta-V maneuvers for Structural properties and

Human Factors.

• Finalize Crew Rendezvous time and cost with CTV while in

Geocentric spiral.

Mission Design

AAE 450

Spring 2011

Matt Hill

Power Group/ISPP

AAE 450: Week 7 Presentations

Tasks Accomplished:

Met with power group/ISPP

Set benchmarks for resource production

Selected final reactor design concept

for ISPP installation

Hill, Matt Mission Power/ISPP Stations

AAE 450

Spring 2011

• Current Reported ISPP power demands:

ISPP Power Breakdown

Hill, Matt Mission Power;/ISPP Stations

Component Power Draw (kWe)

Oven/Kiln 260

Condensor 15.1

Electrolyzer 500

RF Comms 0.05

Electronics/Sensors 0.5

LOX Tanks 4.2

LH2 Tanks 9.8

Water Tanks 150 (once only)

Harvester Operations 0.026

Total 940 kWe

AAE 450

Spring 2011

Reactor Resizing

Hill, Matt Mission Power/ISPP Stations

Assume power conversion (thermal to AC)

efficiency of 25% using stirling engines and


Scaling linearly from selected design

(1.11kWt/kg), reactor needed for 1MWe has

mass 3.6T

Based on Power/Wt ratio of existing stirling

engine, mass 3.35T

Radiator mass 1.405T


AAE 450

Spring 2011

Start again at 11:10


AAE 450

Spring 2011 Alex Park

Group Lead

AAE 450: Power Group

Tasks Accomplished:

- Supply Transfer Vehicle (STV) Power System

Design and Analysis

- Analysis and calculation on each components

- Reactor

- Shield

- Power Conversion / Piping

- Webmaster

Park, Alex Power Group

AAE 450

Spring 2011

Park, Alex Power Group

STV Power Generation Schematic

Molten Sodium Fast Reactor

5 MWe Power Generated

40% Efficiency

Thermal Photovoltaic Converter



Gamma / Neutron Shielding

Total System Volume: 333.99 m3

AAE 450

Spring 2011

STV Power Generation Results

Park, Alex Power Group

Future Work

- Power Management and Distribution (PMAD)

- Precise tailoring of the power system dimensions to the dimensions of the STV

Mass [kg] Material

Nuclear Reactor 235

Shielding 3272.71 Tungsten-LiH-Tungsten

Radiator 3309.07 Titanium

TPV Converter 100 GaSb (Gallium Animonide)

Encasing Armor 2003.94 7 kg/m2 Material

Molten Sodium 2058.06 Molten Sodium

Total 10978.78

* Detailed Calculations attached

AAE 450

Spring 2011 Joel Lau

AAE 450: Week 7 Presentation Tasks Accomplished:

Resized Power Solutions – Both Rovers

Designed Power Sub-Systems – Both Rovers

Energy Storage

Power Distribution

Power Regulation and Control

Lau, Joel Power 36

AAE 450

Spring 2011

Rover Power Solution

Lau, Joel Power









Regulator ICE


Communication – 0.48 kW

Thermal Control – 1.50 kW

Life Support – 0.12 kW

Science Equipment – 0.68 kW

Interior – 2.30 kW

Exterior Equipment – 6.10 kW

Fire Suppression – 1.48 kW

Total Peak Power – 12.66 kW

Exploration Rover Power Schematic – Joel Lau

AAE 450

Spring 2011

Rover Power Solution Specifications

Lau, Joel Power

Component Mass





36 kW H2/O2 ICE 93.20 0.62 3

Electric Generator 50.00 0.17 9

3x 2092 W-hr Na-S Batteries 41.82 0.09 6

Total Wet Mass: 457.01 kg

Total IMLEO: 189.82 kg

Total Volume: 1.60 m3

Component Mass





10 kW HFC 102.0 0.40 9

3x 2092 W-hr Na-S Batteries 41.82 0.09 6

Total Wet Mass: 151.67 kg

Total IMLEO: 144.02. kg

Total Volume: 0.5478 m3

Exploration Rover

Rescue Rover

AAE 450

Spring 2011 Kyle Svejcar

AAE 450: February 24, 2011 Tasks Accomplished:

Technical Group: Propulsion

Vehicles: ISPP, satellites

Engine Sizing for all satellites and tanks

Svejcar, Kyle Propulsion

AAE 450

Spring 2011

Earth Trailing Satellite

Svejcar, Kyle Propulsion

Mass of Satellite Components = 1241 kg

Total Mass of Satellite = 4452.88 kg

Mass fraction for orbit transfer engine = 0.32

Mass fraction for attitude engine = 0.057

Mass Propellent (kg)

Mass Engine Components (kg) Volume (m^3)

Orbit Transfer (F2/H2) 2392.6 647.26 4.79

Attitude (H2O2/HTPB) 162.2 9.824 0.1228

Total 2554.8 657.08 4.9128

AAE 450

Spring 2011

Ceres Satellites

Svejcar, Kyle Propulsion

Satellite 1 (∆V=0.374) Mass Propellent (kg) Mass Engine

Components (kg) Volume (m^3)

Orbit Transfer (MMH/N2O4) 270 10.9 0.1191

Attitude (H2O2/HTPB) 171.56 10.24 0.128

Total 441.56 55.928 0.2471

Mass of Satellite Components = 2509 kg

Total Mass of Satellite =3006.49 kg

Mass fraction for orbit transfer engine = 0.038

Mass fraction for attitude engine = 0.056

Satellite 2 (∆V=0.251) Mass Propellent (kg)

Mass Engine Components (kg) Volume (m^3)

Orbit Transfer (MMH/N2O4) 177 9.517 0.077

Attitude (H2O2/HTPB) 171.56 10.24 0.128

Total 348.56 19.75 0.205

Mass of Satellite Components = 2509 kg

Total Mass of Satellite =2877.32 kg

Mass fraction for orbit transfer engine = 0.051

Mass fraction for attitude engine = 0.056

AAE 450

Spring 2011

Jillian Roberts

AAE 450: Week 7 Presentations

Human Factors and Science

24 Feb 2011


Crew Capsule Group Lead

Launch Vehicle Group

Crew Transfer Vehicle

Water and Waste Management Systems


Radiation Shielding

Radiation Dosimeter



Fire Suppression


AAE 450

Spring 2011


Roberts, Jillian Human Factors and Science


Solid State Light Module

-Composed of LEDs

-Lasts 50,000 hours

-Can be dimmed from 0-100%

-Flexible spectral power distribution:

-Emphasize yellow-red spectrum

during off-duty

-Emphasize blue spectrum to

promote alertness

-Each unit:

- 479 lumens

-3.6 kg

-~0.1 m^3

Mass: 334.8 kg

Power: 2790 W

Volume: 9.30 m^3

CTV Lighting:

Assumptions: -1000 lux for medical


-500 lux for rest of CTV

AAE 450

Spring 2011

Fire Detection and Suppression

Roberts, Jillian Human Factors and Science 44

Pressurized CO2 Fire Extinguisher


-No clean-up

-Can suppress fires even in difficult

to reach places

-Cylindrical nozzle for

bulkhead suppression ports

-Conical nozzle for open areas

-Contains no water to damage

electrical components


-Crew required to wear Portable

Breathing Apparatus (PBA) when

using extinguisher

Mass: 210.9 kg

Power: 16.3 W

Volume: 0.46 m^3

CTV Fire Detection and

Suppression System MPV

AAE 450

Spring 2011

Start again at 11:40


AAE 450

Spring 2011 Brendon White

AAE 450: Week 7

Tasks Accomplished:

Computed power needed for HFS portion of


Created a CAD assembly of the CTV

Computed STV Human Factors MPV

Sketched “exploded” CTV for autonomous

rendezvous docking

White, Brendon Human Factors and Science – Slide 1

AAE 450

Spring 2011

Final CTV MPV Calculations

White, Brendon Human Factors and Science – Slide 2


Mass (kg)


Volume (m3)

Total Power


CTV HFS TOTAL 15266 72.724 95.087

*For CTV Transfer Time of 2 years

*STV: 2 years living on Ceres, 2 years

getting home, 4 years for redundancy


HOME 16227 187 0

• Updated crew quarters volume = 215.98


• Attic Volume = 170 m3

• Max CTV diameter (crew area) = 10


•Total height of CTV = 5.9 meters

AAE 450

Spring 2011

CTV CATIA Assembly

White, Brendon Human Factors and Science – Slide 3

AAE 450

Spring 2011 Leonard Jackson

AAE 450: Week 7 Presentations Structures and Thermal Control

ISPP and Comm. Satellites

ISPP Tank Design

Heater Storage Tank

Jackson, Leonard Structures and Thermal Control 2/24/2011 49

AAE 450

Spring 2011 Storage Tanks

(For One ISPP Station)

New Requirements:

Total 𝐿𝐻2: 376.2 tons

Total 𝐿𝑂2: 36 tons

Total Water: 40 tons Note: See attachments for tank sizes and dimensions

Alternate Solution: Take tanks from second

stage Ares V vehicles and STV

2/24/2011 50 Jackson, Leonard Structures and Thermal Control

LH2 LOX Water

Number of Tanks 13 1 1

Total Volume (m³) 5331.1 32.5 20.78

Total Mass (kg) 1759.5 5.52 23

AAE 450

Spring 2011

Required Regolith: 90 tons

Mass: 5,840 kg

66.7% Al Alloy

33.3% Polyurethane


Inner: 134.57 m³

Outer: 150.76 m³

2/24/2011 51

Heater Tank

(for one ISPP Station)

Jackson, Leonard Structures and Thermal Control

Drawing by: Leonard Jackson

AAE 450

Spring 2011 Alex Kreul

AAE 450: Week 7 Presentations

Structures & Thermal group

Crew Launch Vehicle (CLV) group

Crew Transfer Vehicle (CTV) group

Tasks accomplished & in progress:

CTV fuel tank sizing

CTV tether sizing

CTV crane sizing Kreul, Alex Structures & Thermal

AAE 450

Spring 2011

1 = kick thrust tanks (LH2)

2 = low thrust tanks (LH2)

3 = Ceres regime tanks (Lox)

4 = Ceres regime tanks (H2)

5 = attitude control tanks (N2O4)

6 = attitude control tanks (MMH)

Image by Alex Kreul

(based on config from Trey Fortunato)

CTV fuel tank sizing

Kreul, Alex Structures & Thermal

AAE 450

Spring 2011

Tank number

of tanks

V per tank


V total



M per tank



M total


1) Kick Thrust (LH2) 3 1151 3452 927 2780

2) Low Thrust (LH2) 2 953 1906 789 1578

3) Ceres Regime (Lox) 3 3.7 11.1 23.2 69.7

4) Ceres Regime (LH2) 3 10.0 30.1 36.5 109.6

5) Attitude Control (N2O4) 6 0.20 1.23 2.68 16.1

6) Attitude Control (MMH) 6 0.16 0.94 2.14 12.8

TOTAL 5,401 m3 4,566 kg

Carbon composite pressure vessel

Mylar multi-layer insulation

.25 MPa tank pressure (to be updated)

6g max acceleration

CTV fuel tank sizing

Kreul, Alex Structures & Thermal