Week 4 september 22

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Wathena Temple Holly Stevens 1303.03

Transcript of Week 4 september 22

Week 4, September 22

Minoan Culture

C 3000 bce to 1400 bce

Most of the art and architecture we will be focusing on was

created between 1700 bce and 1400 bce

The Palace of Knossos as it stands today

From the Palace of KnossosPart of the north palace entrance

From the Palace of KnossosArtist's impression of the room with the double axes

King Minos's Throne As it stands today in the Palace of Knossos


Temple of Artemis at Ephesus – One of the seven wonders of the world

Hanging Gardens of Babylon

Statue of Zeus at Olympia

Lighthouse at Alexandria

Colossus at Rhodes

The oldest and only one standing – the Great Pyramid at Giza

1250 bc – Exodus – Moses and Israelites leave Egypt

1400 bc – Minoan culture comes to an end

1150 bc – Phoenicians and Assyrians rise to power

900 bc – Geometric Style begins in Greece

C 800 bc – Homer writes down the Iliad and the Odyssey

776 bc first known Olympics

753 bc Foundation of Rome?

609 bc Assyrians fall from power

563 bc Prince Siddhartha Gautama born

551 bc Confucius born

c. 1475 bc - Hatshepsut rules Egypt