Week 2 Awakening Spiritual Channels...Receive TAO Blessings Special Services • Tao Soul Light...

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Transcript of Week 2 Awakening Spiritual Channels...Receive TAO Blessings Special Services • Tao Soul Light...

Week 2

Opening Spiritual Channels

Shen Chi Jing Blockages and

The power of FORGIVENESS

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• Shen – Soul Heart Mind

• Chi – Energy (Tai Chi , Chi Gong)

• Jing - Matter

What is Shen Chi Jing Blockagespg 23-66 POS book

• Shen (includes Soul, Heart, and Mind)

Soul Blockages are (personal) all-lifetime negative energy blockages –

Including killing cheating harming and taking advantage of others.

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Heart – level blockages include,

Greed, jealousy, anger, lack of self

love, gossiping, lack of wisdom

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Mind Blockages Include

Negative Mindsets, - All white /Black people are “ XXXX”

Negative attitudes, - It'll never work, why even try

Negative Beliefs - The rich get rich , the poor stay poor

EGO – I am better than them OR Poor me – can you please look over here

Attachments - Sugar, Internet, coffee, sex, OR, favorite cushion/pillow, animals, need for physical attention.

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All of these blockages are recorded as

messages on our soul and in the akashic


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Soul is the carrier of the messages of all time associated with our journey.

Soul is the carrier of our record of services.

There are GOOD and BAD services

Karma , Te, Virtue, Deeds

Positive Shen Chi Jing

• Postive Shen Chi Jing is a record of ones

“Good” service.. Including all acts of

Selflessness - Such as

Love, Care, Compassion, Sincerity, Honesty,

Generosity, Kindness, Purity and all other kinds

of good service

Negative Shen Chi Jing - is a record of ones unpleasant services…Including harmful THOUGHTS - WORDS & ACTIONS

Such as judgements, criticism, jealousy, killing, harming, taking advantage of others, cheating stealing, and all other kinds of unpleasant service.

Negative Shen Chi Jing

The Universal Law of

Universal Service

Offer a little good service; Receive a little blessing from the universe and Divine

Offer a little more good service; Receive a little more blessings from the universe and Divine

Offer unconditional good service; Receive unlimited blessing from the Universe and Divine.

What kind of

blessings are earned?

• Consistent quality of health and wellness

• Happy and comfortable , joyful, and content

• Financially comfortable and blessed

• Mentally stabile and established

• Emotionally balanced

• No problems at all in any aspect of life.

Offer a little unpleasant service; Learn a little

lesson from the universe and Divine

Offer a little more unpleasant service; Learn

bigger lessons from the universe and Divine

Offer huge unpleasant service, Learn huge

lessons from the Universe and Divine.

The Universal Law of

Universal Service

What kind of lessons are learned?






• Could be Blockages in any aspect of life.

Akashic Record is your

Bank Acct. in Heaven

Good Services Bad Services







3 ways to clear the

Shen, Qi, Jing Blockages

1. Self Clearing through deep and sincere Forgiveness Practice.

2. Unconditional Service to Others.

3. Receiving Tao Blessings to bring such Enormous Light that NEGATIVE blockages can no longer exist or remain in the same space.

Self Clearing through deep

and sincere Forgiveness Practice.

• Asking for Forgiveness

• Offering Forgiveness

• Self Forgiveness

Self Clearing through deep

and sincere Forgiveness Practice.

• Asking for Forgiveness – One

cannot go through life assuming they have not harmed

the people that have harmed them.

• Always ask forgiveness for self and ancestors for all


have harmed others physically, emotionally, mentally

or spiritually.

•Recognize , any unpleasantness that has come to you

“could have been earned”

Self Clearing through deep

and sincere Forgiveness Practice.

Offering Forgiveness• Do you really want to have a grudge or the

Pain of someone who has hurt you inhibit

your spiritual journey?

• What if they are reminding you?

• Who is really rattling the jail bars when you

refuse to forgive others?

Self Clearing through deep

and sincere Forgiveness Practice.

Self Forgiveness• God Loves you unconditionally


• God does not judge but heaven does

record the imbalances

• Forgive Yourself you made a mistake,

ask forgiveness of those harmed,

• Love yourself enough to forgive


Unconditional Service to Others.

• Physical Service , Including helping individual

and groups of people.

• All forms of assistance to make others

happier and healthier. ( education / purchase 4

them / smile / Listen / Compassion. )

• Chanting Love Peace Harmony to serve


Receive TAO Blessings

Special Services

• Tao Soul Light Transmission System (Enery

centers, Body parts, organs, system, health


• Tao Soul Light Crown Chakra Blessing

• Tao Soul Light (Soul Operation Blessing)

• Tao Calligraphy Blessing for any Condition

• Tao Hands Blessing

Tao Blessings clear lifetimes of blessings

• Avg. Blessing removes 2-3 lifetimes of


• Avg. blessing could easily save your life

• Avg. blessing carries enough virtue to

represent 10-30 lifetimes of pure service.


Keys to a Deep Forgiveness Practice

• Responsibility

• Placing the shoe on the other Foot (I.e. imagine

the suffering of others from their perspective. As

if you could have been the original one who

created upon others --that you are experiencing.

• Bowing Down. with sincerity

• Practice naturally throughout the day, by

watching your thoughts, and words… INSTANTLY

ask forgiveness when ever you create karma.

LETS PRACTICEDeep forgiveness

Week 2

Opening Spiritual Channels


1. Add to your morning gratitude , a morning

Forgiveness for this and all time you and/or your

ancestors have harmed others

2. Forgive all souls unconditionally - regardless of

their actions

3. Self forgive, give love to self –

4. INSTANTLY ask forgiveness when you realize you

created a negative blockage (message)