Week 1 Vocabulary - Ms. Warrick's...

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Transcript of Week 1 Vocabulary - Ms. Warrick's...

Week 1 VocabularyTypes of Crimes

What is a crime?

A crime is an illegal act or omission of a duty commanded by public law that constitutes a legal offense, that may be prosecuted by the state and is punishable by law.

Mens Rea“guilty mind”; the intention to commit a guilty act

Actus Reus

“guilty act”; the physical element of committing a crime (actually doing the crime)


Wrongfully taking away the personal goods or property of another; stealing


Breaking into another person’s house or building with the intent to steal


Taking another person’s property against their will, while that person is there, usually by violence or intimidation


The threat to do violence or physical harm to another person


Physical act of unwanted or harmful contact of another person; physical violence

“Two peanuts are walking down the street. One was assaulted.”


Deliberately destroying or damaging property


The crime of setting fire to something

Witness Tampering

Harming or otherwise threatening a witness in order to influence their testimony


Lying under oath (like in a courtroom)


The act of a human being killing another human being


Killing another person without a justification or excuse; especially with malice aforethought (premeditation)

ManslaughterKilling someone but being less culpable (or responsible) than murder; ie being provoked to kill, killing someone by accident


Deceit or trickery in order to gain profit or dishonest advantage


Creating a false written document in order to defraud


The act of spying

Criminal vs. Non-Criminal BehaviorSmoking?Smoking inside a building?Burping?Lying?Lying under oath?Drinking alcohol?Drinking alcohol at age 16?

Types of Crimes

● Felony● Misdemeanor● Status Offense● Petty Offense/ Infraction

FelonyFelonies are the most serious type of criminal offense.

-Usually involve serious physical harm to victims, but also include white collar crimes and fraud schemes. -Misdemeanors can become felonies for repeat offenders.

● Examples: Murder, rape, grand theft


Misdemeanors are criminal offenses that are punishable by up to a year in jail. Punishment for misdemeanors can also include payment of a fine, probation, community service, and restitution. ● Examples: Petty theft, vandalism, public


Status Offense

A crime that is only a crime if it is committed by a juvenile.● Examples:

○ Curfew violations○ Drinking alcohol○ Truancy


Petty offenses that are punishable by small fines only.● Examples:

○ Speeding○ Littering