Wednesday Night Adult Class South Jackson church of Christ Lesson 13 – Esau: Knowing What Matters...

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Transcript of Wednesday Night Adult Class South Jackson church of Christ Lesson 13 – Esau: Knowing What Matters...

Wednesday Night Adult ClassSouth Jackson church of Christ

Lesson 13 – Esau: Knowing What Matters Most

December 14,

Introductory Thoughts

Our lives are guided by the priorities we set

What are some of the priorities the Bible stresses?

One of Satan’s strategies is to deceive into following the wrong priorities in life

Tonight’s lesson illustrates this principle

This lesson should be a warning about what is really important in life

General History That Led to this Event

Genesis 25:20-28

Rebekah was barren and Isaac plead with God and she became pregnant

A struggle occurred in the womb and caused Rebekah to inquire of God

Look closely at verse 23

Two Nations – Continual Conflict – Differing Strength – Role Reversal

Isaac and Rebekah choose favorites

Jacob – Mild Man – HomebodyEsau – Skillful Hunter

The Sale of the Birthright

Genesis 25:29-34

True character of the twins is revealed

What is a birthright?

Priorities Misplaced

Wrong priorities in his conduct

Wrong priorities in his values

Wrong priorities in his religion

Priorities Disparged

Lived with the freedom to pamper himself

Lived as a victim to personal appetites

Relinquished the eternal for the worldly

No regard for the things of God

Priorities Contrasted

Jacob realized that feeding self’s desires is not the most important act in life

Jacob realized the prestige of the birthright

Jacob was committed to a purpose and refused to give up

Thoughts and Applications

Priorities Threatened

1 John 2:15

Desires of the flesh

Desires of the eyes

Through the pride of life

Next Weeks Lesson

Joseph; Sold into Slavery