Wednesday, January 2, 2013

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All the facts, all the sides

Transcript of Wednesday, January 2, 2013


    Vol. 3 N0. 526 Wednesday, January 2, 2013 N150

    Well soon arrest all terrorists Jonathan

    2012 subscriber data to surpass 80% teledensity Investigation


    Fallout of crash: Contractors get N8.5bn for Bayelsa airport, roads

    New Year tragedy: Fire razes fi ve houses in Port Harcourt




    President Goodluck Jonathan yesterday disclosed that al-most all those involved in bombings in the country had been arrested by secu-rity agents.

    The President also said that government was working hard to tackle the security challenges fac-ing the country to ensure maximum protection of lives and property.

    He spoke in Abuja yes-terday at the New Year church service held at the Church of Nigeria (An-glican Communion), Dio-cese of Abuja, All Saints Church, Wuse.

    President Jonathan specifically said that most


    By the time the Ni-gerian Communi-cations Commis-

    sion, NCC, releases the December 2012 subscriber data for telecoms industry, the countrys teledensity may have surpassed 80 per cent, National Mirror analysis has revealed.

    Investigation has re-vealed that the current teledensity hit 78.21 per cent at the end of Octo-ber 2012 even as the total active telephone lines in-


    Kogi gov, Wada, discharged from hospital

    A barbeque cow prepared by the Olowogbowo Fanty Forum in Lagos during the New Year celebration, yesterday. PHOTO: ADEMOLA AKINLABI


    Our expectations from govt in 2013 61 killed in Ivory Coast New Year stampede P.53




    Police ready to end violent crimes- IG...says attackers of UN, Force Hqtrs, Madalla in custody

    Tinubu, Oyegun, Junaid, Ikedife, others


    Wife of recuperating Taraba State Governor, Hauwa; Governor Danbaba Suntai with their twin babies and a family friend, Prince Tita Nbalam, during a visit to the governor in a German hospital on Monday. PHOTO: NAN

  • Realising a vibrant arts, culture sector in 2013 NGOZI EMEDOLIBE

    For a source of income to be dependable, it must have elements of sustainabil-ity, inexhaustibility and adapt-ability. These incidentally are some of the cardinal attributes of the cultures obtainable in the nation called Nigeria. With over 250 ethnic groups, the arena makes room for a vibrant cul-tural sector.

    But since 1960, the goals of the sector have largely remained un-realisable. Before now, the blame was being heaped on incessant change in the government of the country owing to domination of the polity by the military. Af-ter 1999, all these have changed with very little impact being felt. While culture can be a platform to re-engineer Nigerias image as well as adding to the economy, only a fraction of the potentials seem feasible. Yes, it would be difficult to realise all these goals in 2013, but a healthy pathway towards attaining them can be charted depending on steps the major stakeholders decide to take.

    As the year unfolds, there is generally a great need for the country to have a well-defined cultural policy. The rights and various attempts of the people

    of Nigeria to develop their cul-ture have been supported by both the civilian and military governments and have been given consideration in the Nige-rian Constitution. However, the systematised cultural policy and the set of main aims of cultural policies within the states have not been presented. National cultural policy in this case, must be seen as an instrument of promotion of national identity and Nigerian unity, as well as of communication and coopera-tion among different Nigerian cultures, while the states cul-tural policies stand for the affir-mation and development of par-ticular (ethnic) cultures located within the states.

    This obviously elicited the call by the Obi of Onitsha, Al-fred Achebe, for a well-defined cultural policy for the nation. I wish to reiterate the need for greater focus on our arts and culture in order to give these the pride of place they deserve. In this regard, there is an ur-gent need for the review of our National Policy on Arts and Culture and its implementation with a view to achieving greater relevance and sustainability; such that our art and culture will become key development resources. The policy should provide for massive investments by the government and its agen-

    cies; as well as the organised private sector, communities and wealthy individuals. The pur-pose would be to entrench and popularise arts and culture in our educational institutions as well as build relevant institu-tions and facilities such as mu-seums, galleries, theatres, etc, that will bring our arts and cul-ture to the level of the common man. After all, art should not only be appreciated by the elite for its aesthetic potentials but should also be seen as a major defining element of a peoples identity, he says.

    No doubt, a move in this di-rection would obviously be in the interest of not only the sec-tor but also the country in gener-al. But far from this, the govern-ment should also look at ways to strengthen some of the agencies charged directly or indirectly with the role of promoting

    this aspect of the Nigerian life. Agencies like National Orienta-tion Agency, NOA; National In-stitute for Cultural Orientation, NICO; National Film and Video Censors Board, NFVCB; Nige-rian Film Corporation, NFC; Nigerian Tourism Development Corporation, NTDC; and the Ni-gerian Copyright Commission, NCC, must be well-equipped to discharge their duties well.

    Of paramount need is the area of funding. While it is true that the 2013 budget has been passed with the usual paltry sum getting to the cultural sec-tor, government at both the fed-eral and local tiers must begin to set aside substantial funds for the promotion of cultural activi-ties being done at that level. In looking towards this, it would not be a bad idea if governments at all levels embark on a project to construct a befitting arts and cultural centre at the headquar-ters to take the promotion of cul-ture back to the people. A centre like this would naturally take care of film exhibitions, stage performances and visual arts exhibitions at the local level. This would not only boost local economies but also stimulate employments, boosting tax rev-enues at the local level.

    Like film director, Lancelot Oduwa-Imasuen, rightly point-ed out, government stands to

    gain a lot by initiating a project that would put cinema theatres at every nook and cranny of the nation. There is so much mon-ey to be made out there, but we need the government to make the right step first. I am looking at a situation where all the local government councils in Nigeria will have cinema theatres. That means if I make a film and de-cide to take it to only half of the local government councils, I will easily recoup my money. And out of this the government can ask for a good tax. But this area has largely been ignored.

    Taking this promotion of arts and culture to all corners of the world through the embassies will also be a good way out in the New Year, according to Isaac Izoya, Chief Executive Officer of Ehizoya Golden Entertain-ment. Izoya, whose company is based in Berlin, Germany, says little is being done in most em-bassies to promote the culture sector, which is why he wants it enshrined in the policy from now onwards. My company Ehizoya has done a great deal in promoting the culture of the country in Europe in particular, but I will like the government to bring up a policy to have the embassies in Europe and other places take up such promotions. We need to give our embassies the mandate to make sure that at

    National Mirror www.nationalmirroronline.netWednesday, January 2, 20132 Arts

    NOA boss, Mike OmeriChief Edem Duke, Minister of Culture

    Nigerian art and culture are great treasures beyond the shores of the country; but the nation is miles away from realising the set goals since independence in 1960. What could be done to make 2013 spectacular in this quest?

  • least they are doing one cultural programme to promote Nigeria every quarter. I just finished Nollywood@20 in Berlin and I got no support from Nigeria which is wrong. Most times, you even realise that the German interests are the resources sup-porting us to promote our own culture. If it is well-harnessed, Nigeria can do a lot by doing something at their embassies all over the world.

    The culture sector will also make do with lots of trainings in 2013. While some activities were done last year in this direction by agencies such as the NFC, NICO and NCC, who trained many stakeholders on burning issues in the sector, the efforts would have to be stepped up now more than ever. Training and re-training have incidentally domi-nated the list of needs of many industry key players, especially in the film sector. Aside Alex Ey-engho, the National President of the Association of Core Nolly-wood Producers, ANCOP; Tunde Kelani, another filmmaker has also called for more training op-portunities for the practitioners in the industry. I have said it over and over again that hav-ing infrastructures will be more beneficial because that is what we need to distribute the works. If there are cinemas everywhere at the grass roots, film works can get to the target audience easily. But another paramount need in the film sector is training. The policy makers must put in place a programme for training of people in the business. Person-ally, I never stop improving my-self because the film business is a volatile one. It keeps changing every time. What film is like to-day will definitely change in the next five years, so people need to be trained to get acquainted with the new trends.

    While the NOA has a com-

    mitment with communicating government policies, it should begin to drive the need to imbibe national pride in not only the Nigerian nation but also in the art as well. This could be done by way of campaigns to make Nigerians think of Nigerian lo-cations for holidays before any other location outside.

    Fashion designer and culture enthusiast, Lateefat Momodu, thinks Nigerians should em-brace their own in the New Year if they want the outside world to pay them any attention. Yes, we are always clamouring to be

    recognised abroad, but the truth is that we need to appreciate our own first of all before getting the white people to appreciate our culture. When I host shows in Europe, they get fascinated and want to see more, but Nige-rian have this attitude of seek-ing things that are foreign more than the ones that are local and beautiful; I tell them that local does not mean inferior. For in-stance, each time I see our royal fathers who are the custodian of our cultures living in modern houses, I shudder. What kind of culture will you be preserv-

    ing when the palace looks like an American house? In Nigeria, it is probably the Oba of Benin and a few others that have main-tained that heritage in terms of the palaces. The rest are living in modern Western mansions.

    Another government agency whose activities would be im-portant in the operations of the industry in 2013 will be the Nigerian Export Import Bank, NEXIM Bank. Only last year it announced the Nigerian Cre-ative Arts and Entertainment Facility Loan, which the gov-ernment intends to use to stim-ulate growth in the creative sec-tor. While a few practitioners are reported to have benefitted, the general impression is that the conditions for accessing the loans are still hectic, which is why many people in the creative sector have not been able to ac-cess it. According to Gab Onyi, one of the beneficiaries, there is nothing that makes the loan the soft fund, it is purported to be, because all the conditions required by a commercial bank are being demanded to be able to benefit. Yes, the interest rate may not be as high as the commercial banks but one still needs to put down everything required by the conventional banks to grant someone a loan. The collateral must be there, aside the projections of how the funds would be repaid.

    This trend has always left the industry divided because such conditions will always leave the younger creative artistes who do not have sufficient collateral to back up the fund requirements out of the scheme. But so many experts will always say it is good to ensure the scheme does not fizzle out with time. In spite of all this, a middle ground needs to be evolved by the Roberts Orya-led bank to accommodate the needs of the young artistes

    in the sector.While this is ongoing, the

    Collective Management Organ-isation, CMO, being planned in the audio-visual sector should be followed up to the letter in the New Year to make sure that the huge revenues being lost through such means are perma-nently plugged. If a good foun-dation is laid today in this direc-tion, there is no doubt that the year may evolve with the attrac-tion of foreign investors which Nollywood actor, Bob Manuel Udokwu says is key if the indus-try would grow to international prominence like what happened in India.

    According to him, For the Nigerian entertainment indus-try to be properly aligned with the global entertainment market and generate jobs locally, there is need to attract foreign involve-ment and investment in the local industry. This should come in the form of partnerships in fi-nancing of co-productions in the areas of music and films as well as other entertainment projects of mutual interest. A couple of years ago, India achieved such through the involvement of American and British producers and directors in the production of the film Slum Dog Million-aire. The film was shot in the slums of Mumbai in India with Indian actors and actresses both veterans and up-comers. The work attained world acclaim by becoming one of the films shot in a Third World country to win in about seven different cat-egories in the prestigious Oscar awards! It not only created jobs and international exposure for Indian artistes, it also put their country in the movie making Hall of Fame.

    The benefits of the fledg-ling creative industry cannot be overemphasised if things are well-harnessed indeed.

    National Wednesday, January 2, 2013 3Arts




    Obi of Onitsha, Achebe.

    NICO Secetary General, Ayakoroma

    NEXIM Bank MDCEO, Mr. Roberts Orya

  • L-R: Lagos State Head of Service, Mr. Adesegun Ogunlewe; Oba of Lagos, Oba Riliwan Akiolu and Executive Secretary, Lagos State Security Trust Fund, Mr. Fola Arthur-Worrey, during the Lagos State Countdown festival in Lagos yesterday.

    Women of Nasrul-Lahi-il-Fatih Society of Nigeria, Iganmu Coler-Aguda branch, at the annual New Year Dua in Lagos, yesterday. PHOTO: YINKA ADEPARUSI

    Children enjoying themselves during the Olowogbowo Forum New Year celebration in Lagos. PHOTO: ADEMOLA AKINLABI

    L-R: Father of first baby of the year 2013, Mr. Femi Jayeola; wife of Ekiti State Governor, Erelu Bisi Fayemi; mother of the baby, Busayo and Deputy Director, Nursing Services, Ekiti State University Teaching Hospital, Ado-Ekiti, Mrs. Oluwagbemi Oluwayemisi, during Mrs. Fayemis visit at the hospital, yesterday.

    Olowogbowo Carnival in Lagos Island, yesterday. PHOTO: YINKA ADEPARUSI

    Some youth playing with a crab at the Kuramo Beach, during the New Year celebration in Lagos, yesterday. PHOTO: OLUFEMI AJASA

    L-R: Permanent Secretary, Hospital Management Board, Mrs. Lara Ajayi; Chief Medical Director, Dr. Bosun Awoyemi; wife of Osun State Governor, Mrs. Sherifat Aregbesola; Commissioner for Health Dr. Temitope IIori and mother of the First baby of the year in the state, Mrs. Rasheedat Odekemi, during the visit at Oja-Ale Maternity Center, Odeomu Ijugbe, osun State, yesterday.

    Lafiaji Fanty Association celebrating the New year with a carnival in Lagos yesterday. PHOTO: ADEMOLA AKINLABI

    Empty Road of Central Area District, during the New Year Holiday in Abuja, yesterday. PHOTO: ROTIMI OSASONA

    Wife of Ogun State Governor, Mrs. Olufunso Amosun (left) felicitating with the First Baby of the Year 2013 and the babys mother, Mrs. Funmilayo Sodiq at the State Hospital, Ijaye in Abeokuta, yesterday.

    National Mirror www.nationalmirroronline.netWednesday January 2, 20134 PhotoNews

  • National 5Wednesday, January 2, 2013 NewsNational News


    Well soon arrest all terrorists Jonathan

    Wada discharged from Abuja hospital

    of the people involved in the 2011 Christmas Day bombing of St. Theresas Catholic Church, Madalla, Niger State; the United Na-tions Building and the Po-lice Headquarters build-ing in Abuja had been arrested.

    He noted that while de-mocracy has stabilised in the country with the prayers of religious lead-ers, the nation had moved into another phase of lo-cal terror, kidnapping and robbery.

    On the part of govern-ment, we are not sleeping, we are working very hard. I am constantly briefed on security matters, we dont need to publish everyday and to make open state-ments on all issues but I can assure you that our security operatives have been working very hard.

    Most of these people that have been involved in some of these crimes, like the bombing of the Catho-lic Church in Niger State, the UN building, bombing of the Police Headquar-ters, most of them have been arrested, almost all,

    but people may not know what the men in uniform have been doing.

    I want to assure you that we have been work-ing very hard, we will con-tinue to work very hard, we will continue to im-prove on our architecture in terms of security and God willing, with interces-sory prayers, we will over-come, he said.

    The President, however, stated that the security challenges in the coun-try were just momentary, stressing that with prayers of Nigerians, the country would overcome them.

    He noted that most of the problems in the coun-try were caused by the at-titude and way of life of the people which, he said, must change to ensure national development and progress.

    The President also as-sured Nigerians that his administration would move fast in 2013 and would do what Nigerians expect.

    He said the present ad-ministration had already laid a solid foundation, stressing that it was time

    to move ahead and take necessary action that would bring about positive development in the New Year, which he said would be better than last year.

    In all our key sectors of the economy, we have laid the solid foundation and now we are moving ahead, we will move very fast to make sure that what Nige-rians expect from us as a government we will do, President Jonathan said.

    The Archbishop, Metro-politan and Primate of All Nigeria (Anglican Com-munion), Rev. Nicholas Okoh, in his sermon en-titled, Circumcise your heart, said just as the Jews in the Bible, includ-ing Jesus Christ, obeyed Gods law of circumcision to be acceptable before the Lord, Nigerians need to circumcise their hearts by changing their ways from corruption and do-ing the right things that are acceptable before God.

    He explained that cir-cumcision, which re-quired cutting off of a part of the body, was like cutting off the old ways and allow it to die in order

    to take up a new life. Okoh also warned

    members of the Boko Haram sect and those involved in kidnapping, armed robbery and other vices to turn away from their evil ways.

    He also challenged teachers and academi-cians harassing female students and female stu-dents harassing lecturers by their indecent dressing on campuses to circum-cise their hearts by taking on a new life and behav-iour.

    The clergy told tradi-tional rulers and univer-sity authorities who sell ti-tles and doctorate degrees to those not worthy of them to circumcise their hearts.

    At the church service, prayers were offered for the guidance and direc-tion of God as well as the progress and development of the nation.

    The Bible lesson, which was taken from Genesis 17: 9-16 was read by the First Lady, Dame Patience Jonathan, who attended the service along with the mother of the President,

    Madam Eunice Jonathan. Also present at the ser-

    vice were the Minister of Police Affairs, Navy Cap-tain Caleb Olubolade (rtd); the Minister of State for Federal Capital Territory, Ms. Olajumoke Akinjide; the Director-General, Na-tional Intelligence Agen-cy NIA, Ambassador Ezekiel Oladeji; Senator Phillip Aduda; Executive Secretary, Nigeria Chris-tian Pilgrims Commis-sion, Mr. Kennedy Opara and some presidential aides.

    Meanwhile, the Inspec-tor-General of Police, Mo-hammed Abubakar, has restated the commitment of the force to end the wave of violent crimes across the country.

    He pleaded with Nige-rians to join the police to achieve the objective this year.

    Abubakar also tasked officers and men of the force to re-dedicate them-selves to selfless service to the nation and humanity.

    In a statement signed on his behalf by the Deputy Force Public Relations Of-ficer, Mr. Frank Mba, and

    made available to journal-ists in Abuja yesterday, the IG also congratulated Ni-gerians for witnessing the New Year.

    While thanking God for his grace and mercies that saw the country and its citizens through the im-mediate past year, Abuba-kar also commended Nige-rians for their vigilance, partnership and support for the police, without which the task of policing Nigeria in 2012 would have been a near-impossibility.

    He advised the people not to relent but rather continue with greater vigour in the months ahead.

    The IG also thanked the 36 governors, the FCT minister and local govern-ment chairmen, particu-larly those that supported the police with logistics and other crime-fighting tools in 2012.

    The police boss pledged the loyalty of officers and men of the force to the na-tion, promising that crime and criminality, particu-larly the violent ones, would be reduced to the barest minimum.


    Five days after he was hospitalised in Abuja over the injury he sustained in an auto crash, Kogi State Governor, Capt.

    Idris Wada, has been dis-charged.

    Sources told National Mirror that the governor left the hospital about 11p.m. on Monday in the company of his aides and family mem-bers, amidst tight security.

    The Special Adviser to the Governor on Media, Mr. Jacob Edi, confirmed the discharge yesterday.

    The accident occurred at Emo-Worro, a village in Ajaokuta Local Govern-ment Area of Kogi State,

    last Friday. Wada, who was rushed to

    Cedarcrest Hospital, Abuja, against the anticipated Na-tional Hospital after the ac-cident, was operated upon for a broken thigh.

    The Chief Medical Direc-

    tor of the hospital, Dr. Felix Ogedengbe, confirmed Wa-das fitness yesterday, not-ing that he could recuperate fully at home for the thigh injury to heal permanently.

    Prominent Nigerians that visited the governor while in the hospital were Vice-President Namadi Sambo; Senate President David Mark; Taraba State Deputy Governor, Garba Umar; members of the Na-tional Assembly and digni-taries from Kogi State.

    Ogedengbe had de-bunked media reports at a press briefing at the hospital on Saturday that the gover-nor was to be flown abroad.

    The governor has since stabilised and he had a nice night. He would not be taken abroad for treatment because he has confidence in our capacity to manage him. There is no immediate need to fly him abroad, he had said.

    Wadas SUV was involved in a ghastly crash while re-turning from a function at

    Anyingba on his way to Lo-koja.

    The car somersaulted severally before plunging into an uncompleted build-ing at Elete Emi Woro, be-tween Prime Polytechnic and Salem University in Ajaokuta-Lokoja Govern-ment Area of the state.

    While the governor sus-tained thigh injury, his ADC, Idris Mohammed, died on the spot.

    Apart from the governor, the driver of the ill-fated auto crash is alive and re-sponding to treatment at the Specialist Hospital, Lokoja, Kogi State.

    A consultant haematolo-gist with the state Specialist Hospital, Dr. Attah Ahmed, told journalists on Saturday that the driver, Mr. Jibrin Isah, was in a stable condi-tion.

    He said: The driver is in a very stable condition. He is responding to treatment. In fact, he even ate today (yesterday), there was no problem at all.

    L-R: Prince Adeyinka Ademiluyi; Bishop of the Source of Ile-Ife, Rt. Revd. Ranti Odubegun; Prof. Ade Fetuga and Otunba Oyin Fetuga, during the 70th anniversary of the Torch Bearer Society of Cathedral Chuch of Christ in Lagos, recently.

    Injuryll heal at home in six months Doctor

  • National Mirror www.nationalmirroronline.net6 Wednesday, January 2, 2013News


    2012 subscriber data to surpass 80% teledensityKukah tasks prison inmates on education

    Fun seekers besiege amusement centres

    Members of the Knight of St. Mulumba and the Clergy in a procession during the New Year Day church service and marking of World Peace Day at the Holy Cross Cathedral in Lagos, yesterday.

    L-R: Executive Secretary, Nigeria Christian Pilgrims Commission, Mr. John Kennedy Opara; Primate of Nigeria, Anglican Communion, Most Rev. Nicholas Okoh; President Goodluck Jonathan; his wife, Dame Patience; wife of the Primate, Mrs. Nkakiobi Okoh and Chaplain, Aso Villa Chapel, Ven. Obioma Onwuzurumba, after the New Year church service at All Saints Church in Wuse, Abuja, yesterday. PHOTO: NAN

    creased to 109.4 million.Teledensity is the per-

    centage of the number of phone users per popula-tion at a given period of time and its growth is pro-portional to the growth in the subscriber base.

    It was gathered that with the upsurge in the number of new lines usu-ally expected in November through end of Decem-ber, the countrys active telecoms subscriber base might surpass 110 million with teledensity exceeding 80 per cent.

    Telecoms operators, mostly the Global System for Mobile Communica-tions operators, including MTN, Globacom, Airtel and Etisalat, have been the chief contributors to the month-on-month increase in subscriber base, which

    has produced correspond-ing growth in teledensity.

    But both the Code Divi-sion Multiple Access Mul-tiple Access, CDMA, oper-ators, including Visafone, Starcomms, Multi-Links and the dormant Zoom Mobile have continued to experience consistent de-cline in their combined CDMA subscriber base, thereby affecting their contribution to teleden-sity.

    According to the data, teledensity in the tele-coms sector, which stood at 68.68 per cent in Janu-ary 2012, has increased significantly to 78.21 per cent.

    The NCC data, how-ever, showed that in Feb-ruary, March, April and May 2012, when active telecoms subscribers in the country stood at 96.6

    million; 99.1 million; 101 million and 101.8 million, teledensity increased to 69.0 per cent; 70.82 per cent; 72.20 per cent and 72.72 per cent respectively.

    In June and July 2012, when the country record-ed 102.3 million and 103.4 million active telecoms subscriber bases, teleden-sity grew to 73.12 per cent and 73.88 per cent in that order.

    Also in August, Sep-tember and October 2012 when active subscribers rose to 105.2 million, 107.3 million and 109.4 million, teledensity also increased to 75.17 per cent; 76.69 per cent and 78.21 per cent re-spectively.

    Analysts say that the geometric growth in tele-coms subscriber base, leading to proportional growth in teledensity, is

    an indication of increased access to telephony ser-vices.

    On annual teledensity growth trend, National Mirror reliably learnt that teledensity increased from 0.73 per cent in 2011 to 1.89 per cent in 2002 and in 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006; it increased to 3.35 per cent; 8.5 per cent; 16.27 per cent and 24.18 per cent respectively.

    In 2007, teledensity in-creased to 29.93 per cent and in 2008, it hit a record 45.93 per cent.

    Also, with the growth in active subscriber base hitting 74.52 million by the end of 2009, teleden-sity also reached 53.23 per cent, while the figure rose to 63.11 per cent in Decem-ber, 2010. But by the end of December 2011, teleden-sity had reached 68.49 per

    Fun seekers in Lagos yesterday trooped out to different amusement centres to celebrate the New Year with their families.

    Some of them told the News Agency of Nigeria, NAN, in separate inter-views that the public hol-iday had enabled them to relax with their families.

    They also said that the celebration provided them with the opportu-nity to thank God for His protection throughout 2012.

    Mr. Idris Yusuf, a La-gos-based businessman, said the holiday had giv-en him the opportunity to celebrate the New Year with his family.

    So, I believe that the best thing for me and my family is to come around here at the Bar Beach and have a nice time with them.

    We are also gathered here to thank the Al-mighty for giving us live to witness the arrival of a New Year, he said.

    Mr. Wale Esan, a civil servant with the Lagos State government, said that members of his im-mediate family always spend their New Year holiday at the Bar Beach.

    Esan advised the state government to pay more

    attention to the provision of security for people us-ing the beach.

    He decried the rate at which touts were issuing different kinds of tickets to defraud the fun seekers at the arena.

    Before you park your car, you will pay N300 and one still has to pay N500 per head, to gain access to the beach. This is very bad, he said.

    Some traders at the beach decried the low pa-tronage despite the huge turnout of fun seekers.

    Mrs. Shola Nowoola said: The turnout of pic-nickers this year is not different from past years because people would al-ways come out to enjoy themselves in apprecia-tion for being alive.

    But I have to say most of them came with their food and drinks. They stop by Shoprite and eat-eries to get what they need to enjoy, while we are experiencing low pa-tronage.

    Nowoola also attrib-uted the low patronage to the just concluded 10 days Eko Atlantic City Show, which ended on Decem-ber 31 at the beach.

    She said people were restricted from coming to where they displayed their goods.

    The Catholic Bishop of Sokoto Diocese, Most Rev. Hassan Kukah, yesterday advised prison inmates to acquire western education to en-able them to contribute to national growth after their terms.

    Kukah gave the advice in Sokoto during a visit to the Sokoto Central Prison where he distributed food and soft drinks to the in-mates to mark the New Year.

    The prison is not the end of your life; some of you can still make it in life; just be focused and seek western education and cooperate with the prison officials.

    You can be president of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, governors and members of the Na-

    tional Assembly, if only you are ready to seek for knowledge to enable you to contribute positively to-wards the nations politi-cal growth, he said.

    He called on them to take the advantage of the skill acquisition centres to learn various trades. Kukah said the era of waiting for government to do everything for citizens was over, hence the need for self-reliance.

    We have all that it takes to be one of the top developed nations in the world, if we can tap the abundant human and mineral resources avail-able at our disposal, he said.

    Kukah promised to set-tle the fines of some of the inmates to enable them to regain their freedom.

  • National 7NewsWednesday, January 2, 2013


    The Archbishop of Kaduna Catholic Archdiocese, Most Rev. Mathew Man-oso Ndagoso, yesterday said that no amount of bud-getary allocations from

    the Federal Government would tackle the current insecurity posed by the terrorists group.

    Ndagoso said this while addressing journalists in Kaduna during the holy mass to mark the New Year celebration.

    He explained that the

    countrys insecurity would end when Nigeri-ans agreed to live in peace with one another irrespec-tive of ethnicity and reli-gion.

    Ndagoso also kicked against the proposed con-stitution amendment, saying the exercise would

    not effect any meaningful change in the system.

    He said: I think no amount of government budgetary allocations will solve the current insecu-rity caused by terrorism in our country today.

    The insurgency will end when all Nigerians

    agree to live in peace with one another. The security agencies are doing their best but it may take them time because of what I said.

    It is the same about our constitution; nothing has gone wrong with the laws of this country. The proposed constitution

    amendment will add no value to our system.

    Ndagoso, who also read Pope Benedict XVI New Year message entitled: Blessed are the Peace-makers, said the unrest in Nigeria and other parts of the world was a threat to global peace.

    Lets tackle insecurity with prayers, Aregbesola urges Nigerians

    Some of the 30 prisoners released by Governor Kashim Shettima of Borno State at the Maiduguri Maximum Prison, yesterday. PHOTO: NAN


    Budgetary allocations wont stop terrorism Archbishop


    Governor Kayode Fayemi of Ekiti State disclosed yes-terday the plan of his ad-ministration to construct 5,000 housing units this year.

    Fayemi said the plan was to make houses more af-fordable for the people and save more citizens from shylock landlords and du-bious property developers

    cashing in on inadequacy of decent houses.

    The governor said in his New Year broadcast to the people of Ekiti State that the scheme tagged: Homes Agenda, would coordinate the efforts of various stake-holders in the housing sec-tor and also incorporate private sector through a Public-Private Partnership arrangement.

    Fayemi, who described 2013 as Ekitis Year of Em-powerment and Consolida-

    Fayemi promises jobs, 5,000 houses this year


    Osun State Gover-nor Rauf Aregbe-sola said Nigeria needed prayers to solve her security challenges this year.

    This was as the state government ushered in the New Year with fireworks.

    Aregbesola made this submission yesterday in a New Year message signed by the Director, Bureau of Communications and Strat-egy, Office of the Governor, Mr. Semiu Okanlawon, to the people of Osun State.

    He called on Nigerians to assist the Federal Govern-ment with prayers to solve the problem of insecurity in many parts of the coun-try.

    The governor also called on all Nigerians to work together to tackle the prob-lem.

    Quoting Chapter II, Sec-tion 14, paragraph 2b of the 1999 Constitution as amend-ed, Aregbesola said the se-curity and welfare of the people shall be the primary purpose of government.

    According to him, a government exists to give protection of lives and property, ensure peace and security and maintain law and order.

    He said it was under this environment that people could enjoy their liberty, engage in fruitful and le-gitimate economic activi-ties and realise their full potentials.

    The governor also as-sured the people that his administration would con-tinue in its efforts to better their lot.

    Aregbesola, who com-mended the people for their cooperation and support, also said that his adminis-tration would not relent in its developmental strides.

    He added that what was witnessed in Osun State in 2012, in terms of develop-

    ment, would be a childs play compared to what would be take place in the New Year.

    According to him, mas-sive infrastructure uplift will be witnessed in 2013 as the local governments will accelerate work on the 218.12 km road projects among many others.

    Meanwhile, the atmo-sphere in Osogbo, the state capital, was filled with un-usual fun fare in the early hours of yesterday, as the state government ushered-in 2013 with fireworks and pyrotechnics.

    The fireworks, set off at exactly 12:00 am and lasted for about 45 minutes non-stop, was used to usher in the New Year across nine major towns of the state.

    The newly redesigned Railway Station in Old Ga-rage area, Osogbo, venue of the programme, was filled to capacity, with thou-sands of people lining up to witness the glamour of the fireworks organised by the state government.

    As the people were in a joyous mood watching the sporadic fireworks and py-rotechnics, the popular fuji musician, King Saheed Os-upa, was on hand to enter-tain the mammoth crowd.

    tion, assured the people of wealth creation through the provision of conducive en-vironment for job creation, youth and women empow-erment, among others.

    He said the government would complete all ongoing road projects, initiate new ones to make all parts of the state accessible and con-tinue the ongoing Urban Re-newal Programme.

    According to him, with Ado-Ekiti, the state capital, already undergoing mas-sive transformation, gov-ernment will focus on the construction of township roads in Ikere, Ikole and Ijero, the former divisional headquarters.

    Fayemi assured govern-ment workers of improved welfare in the New Year through various incentives to motivate them for greater performance.

    He said the administra-tion would also enhance the quality of teachers by prior-itising their training needs to ensure improvement in their service delivery.

    The governor said the administration would build two new General Hospitals in Ilawe and Iye while the

    abandoned Oba Adejugbe General Hospital Complex would be completed in the first half of the year.

    Also, the 20 General Hospitals and the 35 Basic Health Centres would be renovated.

    He also spoke of plan to extend the Social Se-curity Scheme for regis-tered elderly persons of 65 years and above receiv-ing monthly stipends of N5,000 beyond the scope of 20,000 beneficiaries.

    Fayemi said the estab-lishment of Peace Corps was borne out of the need to provide the enabling en-vironment for all citizens and residents to pursue their legitimate busi-nesses in a peaceful atmo-sphere.

    He said: It is common knowledge for all of us that society thrives more and attracts higher eco-nomic growth when there is peace.

    The governor said the Peace Corps would com-plement the efforts of the regular law enforcement agencies in tackling crime and making the state more secure.

    Former Governor Orji Kalu of Abia State has described 2013 as a year of great ex-pectations from President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan.

    Kalu said in his New Year message signed by his Special Adviser, Oyekunle Oyewunmi, that with the numerous crises facing the country and the promise by Jonathan to fast track development in 2013, the President would be taken to task this year.

    He said with the Boko Haram insurgence, fuel cri-ses, labour-related issues and other challenges that

    confronted the country in 2012, the expectations in 2013 would be for Jonathan to confront these monsters headlong and provide effec-tive leadership.

    He said: Nigerians do not expect anything less from the President than solutions to the numerous crises facing the country.

    And with the earlier promise by the President that he would fast track development in 2013, the President should not ex-pect anything less than being held accountable for the huge resources coming into the countrys purse

    vis-a-vis development in all spheres of the countrys life.

    Anything short of this will only translate to one fact: this administration is not capable of taking the country to the Promised Land.

    Great expectations from Jonathan, says Kalu


  • National Mirror www.nationalmirroronline.net8 Wednesday, January 2, 2013News

    The General Over-seer of the Moun-tain of Fire and Miracles Ministries (Worldwide), Dr. Daniel Olukoya, yesterday said that all organised wicked destroyers shall split and destroy themselves in the New Year.

    Reeling out his 40-point New Year Predictions for 2013 at the prayer city along the Lagos-Ibadan Expressway, Pastor Olu-koya, who described the year as one of a rage of political confusion, said the year will also experi-ence uncommon lawless-ness, with mysterious happenings we never heard before.

    According to the cleric, who traced the first ap-

    pearance of figure 13 in the Bible to Genesis 14, verse 4, which has to do with rebellion, the year will generate wide-spread sparks of rebellion and it will be volatile with hot temper, as the accused will become the judge in some situations.

    The general overseer warned that; This is a year we should approach with great caution, partic-ularly the men. He said the year is volatile, very fragile and very danger-ous to toy with. If you do, the result will be danger-ous.

    He noted that year 2013 will, as a result of the love for money by many people, witness a resurgence of occultism, while on the

    other hand, many sorrows will be turned to joy.

    Broadcasters, both tele-vision and radio, were also warned to be careful, because malpractices in the sector may split the nation, as he called for prayers for drama and music industry practitio-ners, to avoid death due to ignorance and conscious involvement in occult practice.

    Olukoya said serious prayers are needed to avert natural disasters, adding that 2013 will also witness shaking for na-tions that support godless-ness as well as shame for Gods enemies.

    According to him, the new year will also bring unbelievable betrayal and

    disloyalty while he called for prayers to avoid bloody coups in some nations of the world.

    However, not all the predictions are fearsome, as the man of God said the 40th prediction is for harvest breakthrough to those who set at prayers early.

    He also gave a 10-point key to survival in 2013, to include living a holy life, being a good steward of everything God has given to one; maintaining ones integrity by keeping ones word; getting rid of any-thing less than excellent; never lying to no one; listening 85 percent and speaking 15 per cent and keeping ones body under, that is, killing the flesh.

    Niger State Gov-ernor, Dr. Muazu Babangida Aliyu, has described year 2012 as a tough year for the nation in the area of the security challenges that rocked the country, just as he thanked God for witnessing it in a peaceful atmosphere.

    He particularly urged Nigerians to seize the opportunity of the new year to pray for the re-pose of the souls of all those who could not wit-ness 2013 as well as com-fort their loved ones.

    According to him; As we are all aware, the year 2012 was an extraordi-narily tough year for our country, particularly in terms of security chal-lenges.

    Aliyu, who stated this in his New Year Goodwill message to the people of the state, noted that the year 2012 was the first full year of his re-election and a year his government proved its determination to consoli-date on the developmen-tal strides attained dur-

    ing his first term. He observed; I believe

    you have not forgotten that when we came on board in 2007 our state faced enormous chal-lenges in virtually all the sectors and spheres of our socio-economic life as a people and that there was a wide gap between the people and the gov-ernment.

    The governor sais as part of steps taken to impact positively on the socio-economic and po-litical life of the people,

    Rivers State Governor, Chibuike Amaechi, yesterday urged the people of the state to em-brace the spirit of invest-ment and self-employment in the new year.

    He made the call in his new year broadcast titled; We will govern for the fu-ture, in Port Harcourt, the state capital. The governor said the state government has set aside N5 billion in the 2013 budget for a state equity/enterprise fund to be provided in the first quarter of the year.

    Amaechi said the fund would improve access to credit by medium scale en-trepreneurs and those gradu-ating from the micro-levels.

    We would like to appeal to our people to embrace the spirit of investment and self employment, which is the best form of employment.

    Our people should ex-plore opportunities in ag-riculture and small and medium scale enterprises through entrepreneurship, he emphasised.

    On education, Amaechi said government would be-gin the construction of the new campus of the state Uni-

    versity of Science and Tech-nology.

    We are pleased with the strides of the university as it has moved up in the Nige-ria University Commissions ratings from 76 to 19.

    While we urge the man-agement and the faculties not to rest on their oars, we encourage them to work hard to get into global reck-oning and compete with their peers around the world.

    The best is good enough for our dear state, he said.

    He said 264 of the 750 modern primary schools started by his administra-tion had been completed. The governor also said that 100 of them were already in use, adding that the schools had been equipped with ICT and sports facilities to make learning easy.

    Amaechi said the ad-ministration built 120 new primary healthcare centres and renovated 130 old ones. All 250 primary health care centres are fully functional. We are also upgrading and increasing the capacity of our auto disposable syringe factory to enable us produce one billion syringes at once, he said.

    2013: Wicked shall destroy themselves, says Olukoya

    Dickson preaches peace, promises a fruitful 2013

    2012 tough for Nigerians, says Gov Aliyu

    Amaechi urges Rivers citizens to embrace investment spirit

    Bayelsa State Governor, Seriake Dickson, has urged citizens of the state to embrace peace as a panacea to the fulfillment of his administrations robust restoration programme.

    This was the highlight of the governors speech at a new year eve inter-denom-inational church service at his hometown, Toru-Orua in Sagbama Local Government Area of the state.

    Speaking in his native Ijaw language, Dickson expressed appreciation to all the people of the state for the support giv-en to his administration from inception and wished them a happy and prosperous 2013.

    According to him, gov-ernment is determined and committed to its restoration promises, noting that in the new year, the people will feel more of the impact of the res-toration programme as more dividends of democracy will be delivered than in the previ-ous year.

    We want to open up the state to everybody in terms of road construction and in-

    frastructural and manpower development.

    We desire a peaceful soci-ety to achieve all these and I therefore call on the teeming youths in the state to continue to embrace peace.

    While recalling the sad events of the preceding year such as the accidents that claimed the lives of two prominent citizens of the na-tion as well as four others and the devastating effects of the floods, which impacted on the entire state and country, the governor prayed against such negative experiences in 2013 and beyond.

    In an exhortation, Pre-cious I. Precious of the King of Glory Chapel, Government House, predicted a blissful 2013 for the people of the state.

    Quoting from Exodus, Chapter One, verses 15, 16 and 22 with the theme: The end of affliction, the preacher said affliction was something that affects, citing sickness, poverty, stress, childlessness and fear as some of the com-mon afflictions known to men.

    farmers now enjoy easy access to prompt and timely delivery of trac-tors, fertilizers and other inputs/implements to boost agricultural pro-duction in the state.

    He added that pres-ently, the barrier to mi-cro-credit for farmers has been broken through the N1billion Commer-cial Agriculture Credit Scheme programme of the state, among many other measures, to im-prove on the living stan-dard of the people.

    L-R: Special Adviser to Lagos State Governor on Public Health, Dr. Yewande Adeshina; Medical Director, Maternal and Child Centre, Gbaja, Surulere, Dr. Femi Onanuga; wife of the Lagos State Governor, Mrs. Abimbola Fashola; Commissioner for Education, Mrs. Olayinka Oladunjoye and Commissioner for Health, Dr. Jide Idris, during their visit to the 2013 First Baby of the Year in Lagos, yesterday. PHOTO: NAN


  • Jonathan

    National 9National NewsWednesday, January 2, 2013


    The Conference of Nigeria Political Parties (CNPP) has called on the inter-national community to impose sanctions on cor-rupt Nigerian leaders as part of measures to curb rising cases of corrup-tion in the country.

    This was contained in the groups new year mes-sage to Nigerians signed by its National Secretary, Chief Willy Ezugwu.

    Other measures can-vassed by the conference include travel ban on politicians, top govern-ment officials and their known associates, espe-cially those who have been indicted by the po-lice and the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC).

    CNPP also called for freezing of questionable offshore bank accounts, belonging to Nigerian of-ficials and vetting of all international businesses that require specified amount of transfers.

    The group said: We believe these measures will bring significant improvement in the sit-uation of the country when taken promptly because Nigeria is dying and only the activation of existing international protocols, laws and con-ventions can save the situation at this stage.

    It also urged Nige-rians to discard their docility and engage the ruling class; since the populace are the ones who would not have money stashed away to flee the country in the event of a meltdown.

    Lamenting that noth-ing presently works in Nigeria except for what it described as merely a semblance of a country, the CNPP noted that the Federal Government has failed to guarantee the fundamental rights of its citizens with the state of insecurity witnessed in the north.

    CNPP stated: Since coming into office after the 2011 elections, Presi-dent Goodluck Jonathan has not visited Borno State, even if only to reassure the suffering citizens that Nigeria has not and will not forsake them.

    Whether by pretext or otherwise, the Presi-dent is making a show of coming to terms with the reality on ground, but his actions throughout 2012 told Nigerians of a man

    who will rather groom corruption to thrive to get whatever reprieve he seeks for himself.

    He continues to sur-round himself with ques-tionable characters with most of those around him being neck deep in sleaze; from ministers, special advisers to heads of extra-ministerial de-partments.

    The group also be-rated the National As-sembly, saying the body which should have been the representative of the people is at the epicen-ter of corruption in the land, as virtually every-one with a seat there is on the take and bent on impoverishing the country by appropriat-ing national resources to themselves as recurrent expenditure and allow-ances.

    Anti-Bomb Squad thoroughly checking worshippers, during the New Year service at the Methodist Cathedral of Unity, Wuse Zone 3, Abuja, yesterday. PHOTO: ROTIMI OSASONA

    CNPP calls for sanction to curb corruption

    The Action Congress of Nigeria (ACN) has urged the Presi-dent Goodluck Jonathan administration to shake off its trade mark lethargy and take governance more seriously in 2013 to ease the hardship which his government has foisted on Nigerians, especially in the past year.

    In a new year message issued in Lagos yesterday by its National Publicity Secretary, Alhaji Lai Mo-hammed, the party said since the countrys re-turn to democratic rule in 1999, the year 2012 ranked

    among the worst years for Nigerians, even by the very low standard of a non-performing and prof-ligate administration like President Jonathans.

    It said having am-bushed Nigerians on January 1, 2012 with a to-tally unnecessary and pu-nitive fuel price hike, the Jonathan administration ensured that everything went downhill from that moment until the end of the year, when Nigerians had to pay far above the official price for fuel, with its attendant bandwagon effect on the price of goods

    and services. Mr. President, that sin-

    gular act of your admin-istration helped to erode whatever trust Nigerians reposed in you. Since trust is a critical element between the government and governed, you must begin to rebuild trust by delivering on your prom-ises, since trust can nei-ther be decreed nor forced.

    Suffice it to say that Nigerians cannot and will not trust an administra-tion that promises to fight corruption but has presid-ed over the worst cases of corruption in the history

    of the country. Nigerians cannot and will not trust an administration that set up committees after committees to probe the oil sector, only to shame-lessly dump the reports of the committees in the gar-bage can! And Nigerians cannot and will not trust a spendthrift administra-tion that wastes scarce resources on flimsy proj-ects like banquet halls and mansions for a few gov-ernment officials, when millions are jobless and homeless, ACN said.

    The party advised Pres-ident Jonathan to drop his

    ACN to Jonathan: Take governance seriously in 2013


    The Peoples Demo-cratic Party (PDP) yesterday gave reasons why opposition political parties are hard on President Goodluck Jonathan, saying that it was because he hails from a minority geo- po-litical zone.

    The party said while it is not averse to con-structive criticisms, but that a situation where reckless abuses has be-come the order of the day must be checked and stopped forthwith as the Office of the President of the Federal Repub-lic of Nigeria remains the only institution that unites the nation.

    National Public-ity Secretary of the PDP, Chief Olisa Metuh, who deplored the manner the Action Congress of Ni-geria (ACN) and other opposition parties dis-parage President Good-luck Jonathan, said it is high time national inter-est superintends over the criticisms of opposi-tion parties.

    That President Jona-

    than is from a minority geo-political zone should not be the reason why the ACN and other op-position parties should be heaping insults and abuses on him in the name of criticisms. There must be a limit and we implore that we use the spirit of the new year to say that enough is enough.

    The Presidency is the highest institution in the country and it deserves our collective respect. There should be a limit between criticisms and abuse and we implore that we use the spirit of the new year to say that enough is enough.

    Let our criticisms be constructive on issues that will move the na-tion forward, the PDP advised.

    Why opposition is hard on GEJ PDP

    amorphous Transforma-tion Agenda in favour of a compact programme that prioritises security, job creation, infrastructural development and the fight against corruption.

    It also advised the ad-ministration to stop rely-ing on phantom statistics to give Nigerians the im-pression that it is deliver-ing the dividends of de-mocracy, when indeed the opposite is the case.

    The Jonathan ad-ministration trumpets economic growth figures with glee, but of what use is economic growth that has not translated to bet-ter lives for the people, create jobs, put food on the table and make our roads more motorable?

    Despite this so-called economic growth, the re-ality of the Nigerian situ-ation is that more of our youths are daily meander-ing through traffic in our major cities selling tooth-picks, rat poison and pure

    water. What does this so-called economic growth figures mean to them?

    In 2013, the Jonathan administration must jet-tison cooked-up economic growth figures and make a concerted effort at revers-ing the situation that has seen an estimated 11 mil-lion Nigerian children out of school, 46 per cent of our youths unemployed, made Nigeria a country with one of the highest rates of road crashes in the world.

    The administration should also do away with programmes and policies that put the countrys life expectancy at a mere 51.9 years (compared with 62.7 for Gabon, 73.4 for Mauri-tius and 74 for Libya) and the indignity of annually seeing the country ranked among the most corrupt, the ACN said.

    The party wished all Nigerians a happy new year and prayed that 2013 will bring peace and joy to all.


    Gunmen yesterday kidnapped the Principal Accoun-tant with the Delta State University, DELSU, Abra-ka, Mr. Martins Denedo.

    It was gathered Dene-do was abducted at his residence in Abraka, Ethiope East Local Gov-ernment Area of Delta State, in the early hours of the day.

    Dedeno was said to be on his way from the cross over night service at the Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Abraka, when an eight-man gang am-bushed him in his com-pound at Lurther King Hostel, Denedo Street, in Abraka.

    The victim was taken away with his vehicle, a Nissan Pathfinder.

    At the time of his ab-duction, he was with his brother and a guest.

    It was also gathered that the kidnappers shot sporadically into the air to scare away the residents.

    The victims younger brother, Mr. Paschal Dene-do, who is the treasurer of the Senior Staff of Nigeria University Association,

    DELSU, Abraka branch, said they were about to open the compounds gate when the gunmen abduct-ed his elder brother.

    The state Police Public Relations Officer, Charles Moka, said the particular gang of kidnappers had been terrorising Abraka.

    He added that all ar-rangements had been made to arrest the members.

    Moka said policemen had gone after them to res-cue the victim unhurt.

    Meanwhile, the state Police Commissioner, Ikechukwu Aduba, said five suspects had been ar-rested in connection with the abduction of Prof. Ka-mene Okonjo.

    The 82-year-old mother of the Coordinating Min-ister of the Economy and Minister of Finance, Prof. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, was kidnapped by 10 gunmen at the gate of her husbands palace in Ogwashi-Uku, Delta State on December 9.

    She regained freedom on December 14.

    Aduba said that one suspect, who he iden-tified as Andrew aka Olokpa, was arrested last week in Asaba, the state capital.

    The commissioner dis-

    These two were ear-lier involved in the kid-nap of a victim who they killed after collecting ransom from the family.

    The one we arrested about three days ago is one Andrew aka Olokpa who hails from Edo State.

    Initially, he told us that he was contacted to supply food to the victim in the bush but now he has confessed that he was part of the planning that

    led to the abduction.These are known ruf-

    fians and they are in our custody. We will get the others who are still hid-ing because we have a da-tabase on them. Investi-gations are still ongoing. Surely, we must get to the root of this matter.

    On claims in some quarters that the ran-som allegedly paid by the Okonjos had torn the 10-man kidnap gang apart,

    Gunmen abduct DELSU principal accountant

    L-R: Awardees, care giving support award, Miss Bukola Elemide, a.k.a Asa; the founder, Change-A-Life Programme, Ms. Funmi Iyanda, and Lagos State Governor Babatunde Fashola at the 11th anniversary of the Change-A-Life, in Lagos, yesterday.

    Jigawa State Gover-nor Sule Lamido yesterday present-ed N115 billion Appro-priation Bill for 2013 to the state House of As-sembly.

    Presenting the budget, Lamodi said the amount exceeded the 2012 budget by five per cent.

    He said the budget was made up of N57.2 billion recurrent expen-diture and 60.2 billion for capital expenditure.

    The governor said that 56 per cent of the capital expenditure fo-cused on infrastructure and human development services.

    Highlights of the bud-get included N34 billion earmarked for econom-ic sector development, N14.75 billion set aside for social and human development services, while urban develop-ment got N7.8 billion.

    Also, N3.65 billion was set aside for general ad-ministration, education got N8.2 billion, while

    health was allocated N4.25 billion.

    Other key areas in-cluded agriculture with N4.4 billion, economic empowerment pro-gramme (N1.2 billion), commerce and entre-preneurship (N3.8 bil-lion), rural electrifica-tion got N665 million, while N25.1 billion was earmarked for road and transport services.

    The governor said the budget would be funded from a projected income of N44.1 billion statu-tory allocation, N7.507 billion Internally Gener-ated Revenue, IGR, N9.6 billion Value Added Tax, VAT, and N17 billion transfer from stabilisa-tion fund.

    More than N15 bil-lion was expected from the local government councils contribution for primary education and health care, with N11 billion as opening balance, while N1.562 billion and N9.4 billion would be sourced from

    Lamido presents N115bn 2013 budget

    The National Associ-ation of Small Scale Industrialists, NAS-SI, yesterday urged the Federal Government to ensure the effective imple-mentation of the oil and gas sector reforms in the New Year.

    Members of the asso-ciation made the call in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria, NAN, in Lagos and called on President Goodluck Jona-than to expedite action in finding lasting solution to problems of the sector.

    Managing Director, Limmy Cosmetics Lim-ited, Mrs. Lydia Amos, urged Jonathan to urgent-ly address the epileptic power supply problem and implement the oil and gas sector reforms agenda.

    Amos called on the Pres-ident to create an enabling environment for socio-eco-nomic development.

    She said: Privatisation of the countrys refineries

    is the only option towards an effective oil and gas in-dustry.

    Most small scale businesses have closed shop due to the epilep-tic power supply in the country which I think can be tackled.

    Amos said govern-ments priorities for now should be on the power sector because no coun-try triumphs in socio-eco-nomic development with-out effective and efficient power supply.

    Also, the Managing Di-rector, Khary Diary Juice Limited, Mrs. Falilat Balo-gun, implored the Federal Government to take the power sector more seri-ously this year.

    Balogun said that most companies had stopped pro-duction while many others had moved out of Nigeria to places with better opera-tional environment.

    She said: If President Jonathan can fix the epi-

    leptic power supply and tackle corruption in the oil and gas sector, we will have a new Nigeria.

    The feelings of the people of this country can only be assuaged by evi-dence of actual improve-ment in their socio-eco-nomic conditions.

    The Chief Executive Officer of Sokuslow Con-struction Limited, Mr. Abiodun Kasali, said: What is important to us at this time is that the power sector should be ag-gressively tackled.

    Kasali urged the Presi-dent to focus more on specific areas that would have great impact on the country, such as the imple-mentation of the oil and gas sector reforms and permanent solution to constant power failure in the country.

    He said: The President should put the interest of the country first in all he does.

    Implement power, oil sectors reforms, industrialists urge FG

    Aduba said he was not aware if ransom was paid to the hoodlums.

    He said the police would never support the payment of ransom.

    It is being speculated that there was sharp disagreement over the sharing formula of the ransom allegedly paid to the hoodlums as the new kingpin following Bola-jis death bolted with the money meant for others.

    Five Okonjos kidnap suspects in police net closed that four suspects were earlier arrested dur-ing the rescue operation that led to Prof. Okonjos freedom.

    He said: The first day, we arrested four suspects including two known criminals, Bright and Bo-laji. Bolaji is now late be-cause of the gunshot in-juries he sustained while trying to escape.

    internal and external loans, as well as miscel-laneous capital receipts, respectively.

    Lamido sought the support of stakehold-ers to ensure successful implementation of the budget and urged the legislature to give the bill accelerated hearing.

    Receiving the bill, the Speaker of the House, Alhaji Adamu Ahmad, commended the gover-nor for what he described as the transparent and prudent management of public funds.


    National Mirror www.nationalmirroronline.netWednesday January 2, 201310 News

  • National 11South WestWednesday, January 2, 2013


    Nigerian Labour Congress (NLC) Deputy Nation-al President, Comrade Promise Adewusi, has urged the National As-sembly to amend Chapter 2 of the 1999 Constitution to empower Nigerians sue the Federal Govern-ment if it fails to run the economy properly.

    Adewusi said except the chapter, which is the fundamental objectives and directive principles of state policy is made justiceable, the country will continue to suffer misrule.

    The labour leader, who spoke at his Iyin Ekiti, Ekiti State country home, lamented that under the chapter, the Federal Gov-ernment cannot be taken

    to court for not meeting the yearnings of Nigeri-ans in terms of rights to good health, education and others, unlike in South Africa, where their citizens can sue the gov-ernment for not meeting their rights.

    He said government would continue to pay lip service to peoples wel-fare unless the citizens enjoyed the constitution-al rights to compel the government to be alive to its responsibilities.

    Today in Nigeria, education is a right, but people still drop out of schools because of mere N5, 000 and government is not doing anything about that. People are still being killed by ma-laria, so I ask what man-ner of rights is this? he queried.

    Adewusi also criticised

    the Federal Government for a shoddy implemen-tation of the fund accru-ing to the Dr Christopher Kolade-led Subsidy Re-investment Programme (SURE-P).

    He lamented that the programme has failed to impact positively on the lives of Nigerians since its inception in January, 2012.

    The labour leader said SURE-P has become a conduit pipe to fritter away the nations re-sources.

    According to him, the programme that was ini-tiated consequent upon a partial removal of the subsidy on petroleum products is not being en-joyed by the masses of the people, who the Fed-eral Government said were the target.

    His words: Twelve

    months down the line, the programme has failed to solve the problems mili-tating against every stra-ta of the Nigerian society, it has rather become a po-litical weapon being used to cajole the people.

    Even at its take off in 2012, the programme had failed to be effective. Ni-gerians are being short-changed because the fund had been politicised, he said.

    Bamidele raises concern over fake campaign posters

    NLC leader seeks powers to challenge govt policies

    The Chairman of the House of Represen-tatives Committee on Budget and Research, Hon. Michael Opeyemi Bamidele, has expressed concern over the pasting of his posters in Ekiti State, suggesting that he was gun-ning for the governorship election in 2014.

    Bamidele, who denied knowledge of the develop-ment, however, claimed to know those behind it, say-ing it was an attempt to pre-empt and discredit him, but promised to expose the mas-termind in due time.

    In a statement personally signed by him, Bamidele said: It has just been brought to my notice that less than 48 hours after I left Ekiti for the United States of America, some faceless individuals had gone ahead to paste posters purporting that I would be running for the 2014 Ekiti Governorship election on the platform of the Labour Party.

    I will like to place on record that I, Michael Opeyemi Bamidele, was not responsible for the said posters. I am a founding member of the ACN and I have not declared for any other party as a member. I must emphasise that I know those who master-minded the pasting of those posters and would address the issues at the appropri-ate time.

    In the meantime, I must reiterate that if this is an at-tempt by those who are con-spiring against my vision and destiny to preempt and harass me into surrender-ing on my principled stance on issues, then they have failed.


    Former Senate Lead-er, Senator Teslim Folarin, has thrown his weight behind the call for the Federal Govern-ment to dialogue with the Islamic fundamental-ist sect, Boko-Haram, so long as the terrorist group comes out to make their demands known to Nige-rians.

    Folarin stated this in Ibadan, the Oyo State capi-tal, while speaking with journalists after the eighth day fidau prayer for his

    brother, late Alhaji Sulei-man Aderemi Gbolagade Emiola.

    The former senate lead-er, who expressed worry at the menace of the terrorists group, said it is a new phe-nomenon, which nobody could have thought of in the last 20 years and which now poses a new challenge to the nations security agencies, making tackling it a herculean task.

    He said there was no sacrifice too much to be made for peace to reign in the country, hence his sup-port for dialogue between the group and the Federal

    Government, noting how-ever that; There is no way dialogue can be held with a faceless group, let them come out and tell Nigerians their grievances and de-mands.

    Speaking on the raging war of words between for-mer governors, Dr. Omololu Olunloyo and Otunba Ade-bayo Alao-Akala, Folarin described it as needless, stating however that he was not yet sure of the true po-sition of things concerning the political party member-ship status of Olunloyo.

    His words: Im not sure that former governor Ol-

    unloyo had left the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and I must see him first before I conclude. If it is however true, I dont see any sense in it and I dont see those claiming to have decamped as serious politi-cians, but those looking for something to eat.

    He assured that the PDP in the state had realised the need for members to close ranks ahead of the 2015 elections and everything was being done in that di-rection, stating that the peo-ple of the state were wait-ing for the party to bounce back.

    Folarin continued: What is on the lips of ev-erybody in the state is for us to come together and that is what we all are work-ing towards. We are aware of our responsibility to the people of the state and we cannot afford to fail them. We have all realised this and we know we dont have a choice than to bury the hatchet and form a com-mon front.

    The former senate leader attributed the alleged bick-ering within the party to its democratic nature, de-scribing it as a good devel-opment, saying; Ours is

    a party that gives room for every shade of opinion and there is no way some mem-bers will not feel aggrieved, which is why we always seem to be in crisis.

    Unfortunately to the people outside the fold, they dont know that it is part of our inner strength and in a way, we are deepening democracy in the country. Ours is not a party where some people will sit down somewhere and make de-crees for members, we hold congress for people to see and we dont adopt candi-dates for elections like oth-ers, he said.

    Ekiti State Governor, Kayode Fayemi and members of the newly established Peace Corps, at an event in Ado-Ekiti, on Monday.


    Come out, lets dialogue, ex-Senate Leader tells Boko Haram


    Lagos State Gover-nor, Babatunde Fashola, yesterday issued a cheque of N4.5 million to ailing Nolly-wood actress, Ngozi Nwosu, to complement her medical treatment.

    Nwosu was said to be battling with heart and kidney related ailments and would need N6 million to complete her medical treatment abroad.

    Fashola, who present-ed the cheque to Nwosu at the State House, Alau-sa, Ikeja, prayed for the speedy recovery of the ac-tress in the new year.

    The governor, who was represented by his Spe-cial Adviser on Media, Mr. Hakeem Bello, said: My attention was drawn to the advert in the news-papers few days ago, stat-ing that the Nollywood actress still requires N4.5 million to complete her medical treatment.

    And that was why our government decided to as-sist a good citizen of the country who have used her talent to inspire the coun-trys youths and to imbibe in them values that defined who we are as Nigerians.

    The Save Ngozi Nwosu campaign had earlier said that about N1.5million has been realised at the moment which is still N4.5million short of the N6million needed to save Ngozis life, which is pres-ently hanging in the bal-ance.

    Fashola gives N4.5m lifeline to ailing Nollywood actress

  • An ecological econo-mist, Mr Friday Udoh, yesterday called for the intervention of the United Nations Environ-ment Programme (UNEP) in the frequent oil spills in the Qua Iboe oil fields.

    The oil fiel is being oper-ated by Mobil Producing Ni-geria (MPN).

    Udoh, a member of the International Society for Ecological Economics and African Society for Ecological Economics, made the call in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in

    Eket, Akwa Ibom State. He said that spills had ad-

    versely affected the economic activities of more than 60 per cent of the communities on the Akwa Ibom coastal areas.

    The UNEP should compel oil companies operating in Nigeria to abide by world en-vironment standards, as they carry out their business.

    They should be compelled to use modern equipment in their explorations, establish proactive maintenance sched-ules for ageing and corroding pipes that cause leaks.

    Before drilling in an area,

    an exhaustive environment impact assessment should be conducted to ascertain the impact of prospecting in the area, he said.

    He also urged UNEP to carry out an environment au-dit on Akwa Ibom coastlines to ascertain the impact of oil exploration on the ecosystem and come up with an action plan for mitigating the im-pact.

    Udoh also appealed to the Federal Government to strengthen the capacity of the National Oil Spills Detection and Response Agency (NOS-

    RA) to manage risks in the oil industry to reduce frequent spills, to the barest minimum.

    He recalled that spill inci-dents had been recorded at the Mobils oil field on August 13, August 24, November 9 and December 19, 2012.

    The expert added that the oil firm was yet to respond to the latest spill incident, since it was reported by the com-munity.

    It will be recalled that Mo-bils Manager of Communi-cations, Nigel Cookey-Gam, confirmed that on Decem-ber 19, the oil firm received

    reports of fresh spills from members of its host commu-nities in Akwa Ibom State.

    Mobil Producing Nigeria Unlimited (MPN), operator of the Nigerian National Petro-leum Corporation (NNPC)/MPN Joint Venture, confirms that on Dec. 19, community representatives notified the company of slight oiling on short sections of the shore-line of Ibeno, Akwa Ibom. MPN immediately deployed a team to inspect the site and take samples for analysis to help determine the source, he said.


    The State Security Service (SSS) yes-terday released the two journalists it de-tained in its Abuja head-quarters.

    The journalists are workers of a Kaduna-based newspaper, Al-Mizan.

    The journalists - Malam Musa Muhammad Awal (editor) and Malam Ali-yu Saleh (reporter) were whisked away by security agents last week Monday.

    They were arrested in their houses in the early hours of that day after their wives and children were allegedly manhan-dled by the security op-eratives.

    With outcry by the Ni-geria Union of Journal-ists (NUJ) and civil right groups, the two journal-ists gained their freedom after having spent one week at the SSS headquar-ters in Abuja.

    In a telephone inter-view with National Mir-ror, NUJ Chairman, Kaduna State Council, Mallam Yusuf Idris, con-firmed the release of two journalists, saying: As I am talking to you, the two journalists arrested in Kaduna have gained their freedom.

    They are now with their families.

    Rev. Canon Simeon Emelumadu of St. Philips Anglican Communion, Trans-Ekulu in Enugu, delivering a sermon at the New Year service, yesterday. PHOTO: NAN

    NEMA denies killing of 15 worshippers in Borno

    Governor Martin El-echi of Ebonyi State has explained why he recalled the three sus-pended commissioners in the state.

    Elechi said that the three suspended commissioners were recalled because they showed enough remorse for their offence.

    The governor spoke in his Echialike country

    home when some commis-sioners and stakeholders visited him.

    It will be, however, re-called that the three com-missioners were suspend-ed for indecent dressing to a state banquet on Novem-ber 24, 2012.

    The commissioners are Chief Hyacinth Ikpor (Culture and Tourism), Mr Chukwuma Nwandugo

    (Works and Transport) and Dr Ben Igwenyi (Attor-ney General and Commis-sioner for Justice). They were suspended for three months, but were pardoned on December 22, 2012.

    Governor Elechi said: I did not see the suspension as punishment because if I had wanted to do that, I could have sacked them.

    He explained that the

    affected commissioners showed enough remorse which necessitated their recall. .

    The governor said: In Ebonyi State, we apply our attitudinal change tenet which involves reward for good works and reprimand for wrong doing to the lat-ter.

    He expressed surprise at the level of outcry which

    accompanied the suspen-sion, noting that the gov-ernment had taken more stringent policies in the past which did not attract such outcry.

    We demolished the house of a Commissioner of Police in the state as part of the demolition of buildings not constructed according to laid down specifications.

    forum. The Governors Forum

    is what is used to oppress everybody, including the President.

    Aminu said the Fo-rum always ensured that governors had their way in everything, including nominating who became an ambassador or member of the National Assembly.

    He said: I dont know how the Forum came about in this country. And if it is not checked, it will put the country in serious trouble, as the state chief execu-tives unite to challenge the Federal Government.

    Aminu called for the inculcation of internal de-mocracy by political par-ties.

    He, however, cautioned against what he described as politics of sentiments, stressing that introducing sentiments in the nomina-tion of candidates for elec-tive offices would bring about tyrants.

    Aminu protested against the intervention of Governor Sule Lamido Committee in the crisis rocking the Adamawa PDP saying that he had no con-fidence in the choice of Lamido because of his re-lationship with Governor Murtala Nyako of Adama-wa State.


    The National Emer-gency Management Agency (NEMA) has denied a report claiming that 15 worshippers were killed in an outskirts of Chibok Local government Council of Borno State on Sunday.

    In a statement in Abuja, the agency said none of its officers provided the widely touted information contrary to claims from some quar-ters.

    It said that apart from the fact that the officer denied ever given such figure, the agency stated that further investigation also confirmed that none of such informa-tion was given out.

    However, the agency said its team had also discovered

    Why I recalled suspended commissioners Elechi

    Nigerian Governors Forum oppressive Jubril Aminu

    Ecologist seeks UNEPs intervention in oil spills

    SSS releases two detained journalists

    A former Minis-ter of Educa-tion, Senator Ju-bril Aminu, yesterday described the Nigerian Governors Forum (NGF) as strange and an instru-ment of oppressing the Federal Government and the people.

    Aminu spoke at a me-dia briefing organised by the Adamawa State chap-ter of the Peoples Demo-cratic Party (PDP) in Yola.

    He said: It is very strange. I worked in many countries and have not seen anything like such a

    that two people were killed by unidentified gunmen around the area on Sunday and whose bodies had been deposited in a hospital.

    According to the agency, the victims were a security man and a bystander.

    Like other similar at-tacks, it said the agency could not classify the vic-tims as Muslims or Chris-tians because most of the attacks in that North-East axis are non-discriminato-ry between religion, tribe or section of the victims.

    This, the agency further said, could be deduced from

    the calibre of personali-ties including retired mili-tary generals, traditional rulers, politicians, public officers, businesspeople, security personnel, trad-ers, students among other that were victims of such attacks.

    The statement reads in part: It is necessary to point out that NEMA would never release figures of casualty in whatever form without concrete evidence and certification from rel-evant authorities including the medical personnel and security agencies.

    The tradition of collab-oration with stakeholder in information manage-ment during outbreaks of disaster in any part of the country is to eradicate er-roneous impressions and misinformation as well as guard against unnecessary reprisal attacks from such speculation.

    Meanwhile, in another development NEMA has provided relief materials to the victims of recent com-munal clash between Fulani and Gwari in Gwagwalada area of Abuja over en-croachment on farmlands.

    National Mirror www.nationalmirroronline.net12 Wednesday, January 2, 2013News

  • Our expectations from govt in 2013 Eminent Nigerians

    Prominent Nigerians speak to AYODELE OJO on their expectations in 2013 follow-ing President Goodluck Jona-thans promise in his New Year message to work harder

    FG should have a sense of direction Fasoranti

    Dr. Dozie Ikedife is a one-time President-General of the Ohaneze Ndigbo.

    My expectation in 2013 is that things will get better and we will be able to contain the destabilising effect of Boko Haram. We should be able to control the insurgency because we have not been able to contain them and it is a serious treat to the stability and continued exis-tence of this country.

    Government should be more serious about the fight against corruption. We are not serious about it and we are a dis-grace to this country. Corruption should be seriously tackled; anybody found cor-rupt should be disgraced publicly. If they have been awarded any national honour, such should be withdrawn publicly; if they have any acclaimed, they should be disclaimed. Then anybody who had looted the treasury should refund the money not by plea bargaining. This is unacceptable. Just like if someone stole N12,000 and returns N3,000 in the name of plea bargaining, goes to prison for like two weeks and comes out to go and do

    thanksgiving in church for shameful act. And such person keeps talking in pub-lic instead of him to go home in shame. Such a thing is sending wrong signal to the younger generation that if you steal, you will be glorified.

    Pa Reuben Fasoranti is the leader of the pan Yoruba socio-cultural group, Afenifere.

    I expect total change in all ramifi-cations. We are praying that honesty should be enthroned; we are praying that corruption should be completely eradi-cated, and we are praying for a right atti-tude for Nigerians and the leaders should show by example that honesty is the best policy. Our rating is very low. The Fed-eral Government should have a sense of direction; we are drifting. They should come up with new policies because they are drifting. All aspects of our lives have been completely destroyed.

    We want the government to beef up security and ensure safety of lives. Dis-sidents have inflicted what they like on Nigerians and the law enforcement agencies are helpless, they should have a change of attitude completely and if the government cannot solve the problem, they should borrow a leave from the ad-vanced countries where things are done properly. We are so large, we are very rich, but things are not good at all. We are all apprehensive; our prayer is that there would be a change of heart, a change of gear, a change of direction so that we can all live our lives on purpose. Nothing is happening now.

    We will have to review the constitu-tion because there are some many things lacking in it and we all know them.

    Those of us who are old knew what happened in the past during the time of Zik, Awolowo and Sardauna when the Europeans were leaving. Things have

    completely fallen apart; we were richer than before, people are more educated now, there are no jobs.

    The situation can be changed de-pending on the leadership. Look at the air crashes. I hope God is not annoyed with us anyway because we are rich. So pray for a change; a complete change, a change of attitude. We want to acquire wealth, what are we going to do with it?

    We also feel that the marginalisation of the Yoruba in the Goodluck Jonathan administration will be addressed in 2013. We are all concerned about that; we have already taken the matter to the

    Ive lost hope in government MusaAlhaji Balarabe Musa, a former

    governor of the old Kaduna State, is the chairman of the Conference of Ni-gerian Political Parties (CNPP).

    From all indication, the negative state of the nation as evident by the level of cor-ruption, insecurity, unemployment, etc will continue unless something fundamen-tal or revolutionary take place which is al-ready on the card.

    We cant expect any change or reform coming from the present government. I ex-pect the suffering of Nigerians to continue throughout 2013 unless something revolu-tionary happens which you cannot rule out.

    I have lost hope in government because it is overwhelmed by the problem of cor-ruption and others. The government is even involved in the corruption.

    No more promises, just results OyegunChief Jon Odigie-Oyegun is a for-

    mer governor of Edo State and 2011 vice presidential candidate of the All Nigeria Peoples Party (ANPP).

    For me, three critical things are impor-tant in 2013. First, we must put the people first. Two, lets get serious and three, lets get things done. I presumed that we spent 2012 thinking and talking and that the so-lutions are now available and that we can now move up strongly in 2013. No more promises, just results whether it is corrup-tion or constitutional amendment or what-ever the issues, lets get things done so that instead of speeches and promises and all that people will see performance and be saying it is now alright. Those who are corrupt are being punished, power is now fairly regular, and constitution amend-ment is beginning to make sense instead of this home theatre. Lets get things done.

    The government doesnt have a choice than tackle insecurity, corruption unless of course it doesnt wish the country well because with the level of obscene cor-ruption, you cannot have security. If the leadership is corrupt in a situation when there are no jobs, and the corruption is on the pages of newspapers everyday, the obscene standard of living is there for ev-erybody to see. So, how can you have peace

    and security? Is it in a situation where people are out of school five, six years and there are no jobs? These cannot possibl