Wednesday, Jan. 21, 2009

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The All State is not an official publication of Austin Peay State University. The views herein do not necessarily reflect those of The All State, APSU or the Tennessee Board of Regents.

Transcript of Wednesday, Jan. 21, 2009

The voice of Austin Peay State University students since 1929 First copy free, additional copies 50 cents each

the stateallJan. 21, 2009 | Vol. 81, Issue 15


Staff Reports

Kim McMillan, executive director of community and business relations at APSU, confirmed she will run for governor in 2010 during a Thursday, Jan. 15 interview.

McMillan responded, “yes.” when asked if she was running for governor in 2010.

“[Gov. Bredesen] will be completing his second term and under the constitution he won’t be able to run again. It will be an open seat and so, I decided I guess after I left the governor’s office, and came to Austin Peay, that I still had so much to contribute to state government.”

McMillan formerly worked in the governor’s cabinet as senior adviser and was the first woman in Tennessee history elected as majority leader of the state House of Representatives during gov. Bredesen’s first term in office, according to her offical Web site.

“I felt like since I’ve been in the legislature and been in the governor’s office, that the next logical step that my experience would help me with would be to run for governor.”

McMillan has served on the APSU faculty since Fall 2007. F

McMillan says “yes” to governor campaign

Staff Reports

The Student Government Association at APSU currently has openings for a senator from each classification and three from the College of Arts and Letters.

SGA has been using university media to inform students of this opportunity and how they can apply. SGA President Chris Drew said he believes there is “enough network of communicatons to make the students aware.” SGA Vice President Steven Biter, who is in charge of all applications, is “not at all worried” about filling the empty positions. Biter said more freshmen and seniors have submitted applications than students from any other class.

The application process will end on Sunday, Jan. 25. F

Students debate removing credit hour capBy NICOLE JUNEAssistant News Editor

Tanisha Nichols, freshman radiology technology major, relies on her mother to pay for her college tuition. But this upcoming year, Nichols said she worries about the stress the budget cuts would put on her and other families should the Tennessee Board of Regents decide to remove the credit hour cap. Nichols is taking 16 credit hours this semester and mentioned that one student concern is graduating on time.

“It is inconvenient because students will be forced to stay in school longer,” Nichols said. “My mother is a single parent, and this puts more stress on her because she will have to pay extra so that I can graduate on time.”

“APSU is the only school in Tennessee that offered my major, so going elsewhere is not really an

option,” Nichols said.Students may be paying extra

money for each credit hour above 12 starting this fall. Many have taken their protests online.

A Facebook group, titled, ‘TN COLLEGE STUDENTS WILL BE “BROKE” IN 09 IF WE DON’T PROTEST. PLEASE READ!” was recently created on the social networking Web site to call attention to the issue.

According to the group description, full-time students who are accustomed to paying for 12 hours and can take extra credit hours without charge, will have to pay per credit hour over 12 this fall, in light of the recent budget cuts made by Gov. Phil Bredesen.

The group also stated most majors require 120 credit hours to complete and students would need to complete 15 credit hours to graduate in four years, meaning

students may be paying for more credits on top of their tuition.

The site listed six TBR universities, including APSU, and 13 community colleges that would be affected by the change. The site asked students to gather in front of the State Capitol on Tuesday, Jan. 13 for the convention of the 106th General Assembly to protest the issue, and students responded to the call.

According to an article released by the Associated Press, nearly 250 students met at the Tennessee State University campus in downtown Nashville and marched to Legislative Plaza, where they held a rally chanting “save our schools” and waving signs that read, “stop the cuts” and “I want to graduate in four years.”

The article said TBR has not decided how much the tuition charge will be. The board is unlikely

to vote on tuition rates before June. In a memo sent to members of

TBR by Chancellor Charles W. Manning regarding the tuition cap removal, it was said TBR has decided only how they will charge tuition beginning this fall, not how much they will charge.

According to the memo, part-time students, who account for 36.5 percent of TBR enrollment, will benefit from this change. Previously, part-time students paid over 30 percent more for their degrees than full-time students because full-time students did not pay for credits over 12 hours.

The memo said about 40 percent of college and university students will be negatively impacted.

The memo also noted 53 percent of APSU students took more than 12 credit hours at this time.

See Hours, Page 2

Bridging the Gap

Tristan Denley gives insight on his background

and expresses his goals in his new role as APSU provost

To apply for SenateStudents can visit the SGA office in UC 213or visit the SGA Web site,

MATeen SiDiq | Senior PhoToGrAPher

APSU Provost Tristian Denley, right, stands beside his wife, Kim, center, and APSU President Timothy Hall, left, at a reception held Wednesday, Jan. 14.

All PhoToS | ASSoCiATeD PreSS

About 250 students met at Tennessee State University on Tuesday, Jan. 13 and marched to Legislative Plaza where a rally was held protesting the tuition cap removal in Nashville.


What went through your mind when you were announced as provost?“Well, i was really excited. i really think there are some tremendous opportunities here at Austin Peay and i re-ally have a lot of respect for President hall and the kind of vision that he has for edu-cation. So that opportunity to be able to work together to really take advantage of all of the opportunities that seem to ride on the horizon, i think, is really exciting.

Describe your family life.“i have a wife and i’ve been married for 17 years and two little girls, 8 and 13.

Do you have any hobbies?“As far as hobbies go, i’ve always liked to cook. That’s kind of my thing. Bagels are something that i’ve been kind of messing with recently. it’s a way, i find, to relax a bit at the end of the

day. i like to play the guitar. i’ve been involved in music i guess for my whole life. i’ve always wanted to play the guitar, and my girls for Father’s day gave me a guitar. it’s really been a super gift. And i’m excited about here because i know that they have a tremendous guitar program. So i have a lot to learn.

How can students contact you?“Certainly i would be happy to get some input to try to figure out ways to make sure the lines of communi-cation are as open as they can be. i’m on Facebook, so that’s probably a good way too. There are already a number of students that are Facebook friends of mine. it’s sort of a lower pressure way if somebody has a quick query or men-tion something, then just messaging on Facebook or writing something on the Wall is a easy way to make that happen.” F

EducationPh. D, Mathematics,

Cambridge University,Cambridge, england

Honors and MeritnCAD Scholar

Former EmploymentUniversity of Mississippi

Senior Fellow, residential College

“I have known Tristan for several years and think he is one of the brightest, most student-friendly academics I have ever met.”APSU President Timothy HallPresident’s Blog

Commemorative tornado

anniversary edition

read The All State special edition

remembering the Jan. 22, 1999 tornado.

See insert

the statethe

The voice of Austin Peay State University students since 1929

First copy free, additional copies 50 cents each

Jan. 21, 2009


Ten years a�er a devastating tornado, Austin Peay State University and the city of Clarksville reflect on the dawn of destruction

and the determination during recovery that restored the community.

“�rough it all, was the indomitable spirit

of the students, faculty and administration that

gave us the impetus to quickly adapt to the

situation and maintain our educational goals

in the face of what was one of Austin Peay State

University’s most extraordinary challenges.”

— Dr. Joe Filippo, former Assistant Vice President for

Academic Affairs and professor emeritus of Communication

and �eatre

Seven SGA Senate seats available


6 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 11Tickets available Jan. 26*

Kimbrough is president of Philander Smith College in Little Rock, Ark., and is one of the youngest college presidents in the nation. He has also served at Albany State University, Old Dominion University, Georgia State University and Emory University.

He is known as an expert on historically Black fraternities and sororities and wrote the book “Black Greek 101: The Culture, Customs and Challenges of Black Fraternities and Sororities.”

*Tickets are required in advance and will be available in the Student Affairs office, UC 206, for students, faculty and staff with current Govs ID card. One ticket per student, faculty and staff. Tickets available on a first come, first served basis beginning Jan. 26, 2009.

Deadline to pick up tickets is 4 p.m. Feb. 4.

You’re invited to the annual Student AffairsUnity Celebration Dinner

Dr. Walter Kimbrough jr.One of the people

who made a difference in Arkansas

— Arkansas Times newspaper,


One of the 25 most influential

African Americans in Arkansas

— Powerplay magazine, 2006

College Brother of the Year

for the Southern Region

— Alpha Phi Alpha,


New Professional of the Year

— Association of

Fraternity Advisors, 1994

Dissertation of the Year

award runner-up

— National Association of Student

Personnel Administrators, 1998

Participant in the Millennium

Leadership Initiative — American

Association of State Colleges and

Universities, 2002

with special guest speaker

Campus briefs

aPSu to offer two new summer Study abroad programs in japan and russia

Students interested in Study Abroad now have two new countries to add to their passports. Students have the opportunity to earn college credit in the Study Abroad Japan or Study Abroad Russia programs during the summer, according to a Wednesday, Jan. 14 press release.

Study Abroad Japan is a six-week program with three weeks of study in the country. History and literature are program courses available in the Japan program. The Russia Study Abroad is a four-week program focusing on biodiversity conservation and both environmental and freshwater biology.

For more information on the Japan program, contact David Nelson, assistant professor of history at 221-7920 or David Major, associate professor of languages at 221-7927

Students interested in the Study Abroad Russia program can contact Sergei Markov, associate professor of biology at 221-7440.

aPSu School of education receives $75,000 grant to prep physics education teachers The Tennessee Higher Education Commission has awarded $75,000 grant to the APSU School of Education for a program to prepare physics teachers who seek licensure, according to a Tuesday, Jan. 15 press release. Sheila Pirlke, assistant professor of education, is the director of the new project and initially sought funding for the program. Pirkle is accompanied in the project by Tedman Onyango, Paul Lee and Jennie Preston-Sabin. Each participant will be offered a $750 stipend and scholarship for graduate credit for the course. For more information, contact Pirkle at 221-7055.

Continued from Page 1

The memo stated that the board believes this new method will “lead students to be more focused in selecting courses and will lead to more careful advising.” It is also said it may reduce course-shopping, or signing up for a course but dropping it before completion.

According to the memo, had the board not made this decision, it would have considered tuition increases across the board of 15-20 percent.

Students who wish to voice their opinions can contact Gionni Carr, the current TBR student regent representative. The Facebook Web site also lists other contacts, including the Tennessee senator and the Coalition to Save Our Schools.

Hannah Jennings, junior graphic design major, does not view the change positively. “I only have 12 hours right now, but I’m picking up another class to take advantage of it before it’s too late,” she said.

“I think the reason they’re changing it is because they think part-time students are paying more and getting less, but they should just make them pay less rather than make full-time students pay more to make up for it. I also think the HOPE lottery scholarship should increase because most of us don’t have the money for extra classes.”

“It’s just a way for TBR to make money without having to actually change anything,” said Will Houchens, sophomore music major. “They don’t want a better world, just a bigger dollar.”

Houchens said, “The reasons they gave were idiotic, such as over-registering for classes. They should change it so that everyone pays their fair share,” he said.

Jay Wilkinson, sophomore music major, corroborated this statement. “They say that part-time students are paying for full-time students to go to school, but I think it’s just the opposite. More things are included in our tuition,” he said.

Both Houchens and Wilkinson said it is impossible for them to complete their chosen degrees in a four-year span if they take only 12 credit hours per semester.

“I think the Facebook protests are a good start, but they’re not serious enough. I think as students we should find someone to represent us who will know what they’re doing, and band together with other TBR schools. I personally would be wiling to sign

any sort of petition or help start something up,” Houchens said.

“I guess that the change is fair, but it does have its advantages and disadvantages,” said Brecia Mitchell, freshman undecided major. “I think enrollment may go down as a result of this, though.”

SGA President Chris Drew said the tuition cap removal is set in stone as of now, but the normal decision-making process is not yet complete. “When TBR met and made the decision, Gov. Phil Bredesen did not completely understand the full impact this would have on students, such as a potential 25-30 percent tuition increase for full-time students,” Drew said.

He said following Tuesday’s student protests, six students were allowed a 30 minute meeting with Bredesen. Drew said Bredesen has gained a better understanding of the situation. “I was upset that students were not involved in the decision-making process. I understand that TBR had to make a quick decision, but our student advisory board was not previously informed of anything. However, President Hall has done a great job of informing us of any updates,” he said.

Drew was concerned students would return for the spring semester expecting to pay thousands more for tuition. “When something like this happens, of course newspapers pick it up and word gets around, and students may not know exactly what’s going on,” he said.

Drew said rumors have surfaced that the HOPE lottery scholarship may be raised, but nothing has been confirmed.

“I think the students need to start

lobbying and speaking up as soon as possible. Students don’t want this to be viewed as a business model or a means of making profit,” he said.

“We hope to make next fall a better semester, but right now my expectations are low. Students can most likely expect to pay more oney for less service.” F

Community Calendar

Clarksville tornado video premierThe Library Athenaeum spring program begins at 2 p.m., Thursday, Jan. 22 with a showing of “The Clarksville Tornado: 10 Years Later.” The video features pictures of the tornado’s aftermath and interviews about the reconstruction and recovery process for Clarksville. For more information contact Joe Weber at 221-7618.

December 2008 diploma pick-upDecember 2008 graduates can now pick up their diplomas between 8 a.m.- 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday in the Ellington room 316. Students must bring a picture I.D. If someone else is picking up your diploma that person must have a signed note from you and bring a picture I.D. For more information contact Loa Waters at 221-7124.

Hours: Drew, students oppose budget cuts

Chris Drew


APSU students wait in line outside the Career and Advisement Center to get registered for courses.

Perspectives 3THE ALL STATEWEDNESDAY, JAN. 21, 2008

THE ALL STATEis not an official

publication of Austin Peay State University.

The views herein do not necessarily reflect those of The

All State, Austin Peay State University or

the Tennessee Board of Regents.

WHO WE AREeditor in chiefMarlon Scott

managing editorPatrick Armstrong

chief coordinatorLisa Finocchio

news editorTineá Payne

assistant news editorNicole June

perspectives editor

Jared Combs

assistant perspectives

editorJess Nobert

features editorJohn Ludwig

sports editorDevon Robinson

assistant sports editor

Anthony Shingler

director of multimedia operationsMarsel Gray

assistant online editor

Mateen Sidiq

art directorDustin Kramer

photo editorLois Jones

chief copy editorLisa Finocchio

copy editorsJess NobertBeth Turner

staff writersTangelia CannonJenelle Grewell

Angela KennedyKatie McEntireTyler O’DonnellSunny Peterson

Stephanie WalkerJoe Wojtkiewicz

photographersSusan Cheek

Stephanie Martin

advertising manager Dru Winn

advertising representative

Allen Moser

business manager

Angela Burg

adviserTabitha Gilliland

THE BASICSOn Campus Location:University Center 115

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Campus Mailing Address:P.O. Box 4634Clarksville, TN 37044

Main Office:phone: (931)221-7376fax: (931)221-7377

Publication Schedule:The All State is published every Wednesday of the academic year, except during final exams and holidays.

Letters to the editor should include the author’s full name, e-mail address and telephone number (plus major and class if applicable). All letters will be checked for authenticity. Letters should be received no later than 4 p.m. on Friday of each week for it to be considered for publication. Letters may be edited for clarity and grammar.

Many don’t know, but we at The All State come back to campus a few days early each semester to train for our jobs at TAS. This semester we’ve discussed and implemented a series of changes to the design of our paper.

We consider these changes to be our New Year’s resolutions, and we will work throughout the semester to redesign TAS to be more aesthetically pleasing and relevant to our readers.

We resolve to create a more modern design scheme. We want to provide a paper that is consistent and easy for the reader to navigate. We resolve to deliver quality content each week in all of our sections.

On the front page you will notice a teaser box that previews and gives quick access to popular content inside the paper.

Some changes, like a modernized flag across the top of page one, will be more obvious. Some changes you may never notice, but we hope their cumulative effect will elevate the aesthetic value of our paper.

We also want to expand our online content and readership. We will be implementing drastic changes to the design of our Web site, Our goal is to create a more pleasing online environment with more videos, stories and resources for our readers.

We have always been committed to the quality of our content. We work hard each week to bring relevant news, features and opinions to our readers,

but as always, we want to improve our content as well as our design.

This semester we want to bring you more breaking news stories, profiles and insightful opinions.

Most importantly, we want to inform, advise and entertain our readership with stories relevant to our campus and to college life in general. This means selecting story ideas our readers want to see in the paper. Newsworthy events occur on our campus every day and we will strive to be more aware and more prompt in our coverage.

Our photographers will strive to deliver better images and our writers will strive to deliver better stories and be more effective in their reporting.

We will strive to recruit more writers to better share the news with you, the readers.

If you have story suggestions or comments about previously covered stories, we want to hear from you. We are making changes because we want to satisfy our readers and expand our readership. You can comment on any aspect of TAS on our Web site. F

TAS new year resolutions

This week in ridiculous: Steelerstahl to Blago

Walk a mile in a beard

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what our readers have to say.

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Last week, I saw a story about a Saudi cleric who was going to allow some girls to marry. When I saw this, I thought same-sex marriage, teenagers and perhaps if that’s the case, it does deserve to get some attention. The cleric, however, was going to let some little 10-year-old girls get married. I don’t know what you were like at 10, but I know getting married was probably the last thing I should have done.

According to an article from the Associated Press, the cleric said people who don’t agree these young girls can marry are doing them an injustice. Well, sir, I must respectfully disagree and say I believe you

are doing the injustice by letting them be married so young. But I suppose that may just be my Western view.

Many human-rights groups have been pushing to define an appropriate age limit for marriage in the region, and 10 is probably not what they have in mind. Or maybe we should consider the divorce petition that was denied in a Saudi court by the mother of an eight-year-old. The judge said when the girl reaches puberty, she should re-submit the petition herself. Her father married her off to a 50-year-old man. I believe someone like that would end up in prison in this country. But again, it’s our Western thinking.

In other news, in Oregon, they are experimenting with ways to raise revenue lost by more people driving hybrid cars. The state has been losing tax money with lower gas prices and more fuel-efficient vehicles. The state has started a pilot program with GPS monitors that are added to the car to track the mileage so the owner would be charged a mileage rate instead of by the gallon. Officials say the price difference is

added at participating gas stations where the sensor and pump add the price to your gas bill in place of the existing gas tax. The difference is supposed to be just a few cents. If that’s the case, why change the current tax policy?

I’m pretty crazy about my sports teams, but I would never change my name for any of them. But the mayor of Pittsburgh said he was going to change his name for the weekend because his beloved Steelers were playing their rivals, the Baltimore Ravens. Luke Ravenstahl changed his name from Ravenstahl to Steelerstahl. With the unchanged part of his last name translated from German, his name would then make the mayor Luke Steelersteel. Coincidence? I’m not sure he realized it.

Many people probably didn’t see the news on Christmas about the little girl in Idaho who died in the freezing cold weather. Her father was driving her and her brother to their mother’s house to spend part of the holiday. The car broke down, and he sent the kids out to walk the rest of the way. They

weren’t around the corner. They were a few miles from their destination and weren’t dressed to be out in the freezing cold. The police found the boy about half way, suffering from hypothermia. They found his sister between where their dad let them out and where they found her brother. She was dead, most likely froze to death.

My question: Why didn’t the dad call their mother and let her know? Maybe she could have met them or sent someone to go get them. The father is being prosecuted for his daughter’s death.

Now, Illinois governor Rod Blagojovich: Oh, Blago, what were you thinking? Did you not hear the FBI on the other end of the phone calls? How did you expect to get away with this pay-to-play deal you were so sloppy about? And there was someone telling on you for how long? And this is what got you? What else were you up to? I cannot wait for your impeachment hearings. Oh, one more thing, get a haircut and update your style. It’s not 1978.

Stop playing Fox News in Einstein’s. F

I typically try to write about issues of great importance, but I’ve been very relaxed lately.

I just came home from a long winter break vacation, and I’m not worried about the economy, the war or our new president-elect. I think it’s safe to assume that Barack Obama doesn’t read The All State anyway.

Lately I’ve been concerned with facial hair. Should a man have it? How should it look? Should we allow it to grow on our necks? What does it mean? I ask these questions because on my recent skiing vacation to Colorado I forgot to bring a razor.

I’m a big fan of the clean-shaven look, mostly because I look a little young for my age and facial hair can sometimes seem out of place.

I went on my trip with a man who looks like a full-grown bear and a friend who just doesn’t grow facial hair at all, so there was no razor to be found.

I didn’t buy a razor just to see what would happen, another of my social experiments. I was impressed with my ability to grow a full beard in a week, but there was an obvious problem. I looked a bit like a 16-year-old Chuck Norris.

I think social experimentation is fun. I used to have very short hair and everyone in our military town thought I was a soldier so I grew my hair out to surfer length and now everyone treats me like a pothead. I noticed a similar effect after growing a beard for the first time.

My friends didn’t seem to care. One was jealous I could grow facial hair at all and the other was glad to have a friend to suffer through the trials and tribulations of beard ownership. At 10,000 feet above sea level a

beard turns quickly into a giant icicle. The point isn’t that it’s hard to wear a

beard or that I look completely ridiculous with a beard. The point is my beard, like my hair, turned into a social experiment on long lift rides to the summit or at the bars on Main Street in Breckenridge.

The smallest aesthetic change can alter the way a person is perceived. Without the beard I am treated like a high school senior with an above-average vocabulary. If I start talking about the economy or the war, people tune me out. With the beard, I was obviously a college student, and that seemed to give me the right to have an opinion.

On one particularly long lift ride, without my beard, I tried to explain why I voted for Obama to a declared Republican from Georgia. He said/ “kids” my age could never understand the need for a conservative president. I would like to talk to him again sometime when I have a beard.

I shaved it off in stages when I got home and realized I look even more ridiculous with a goatee.

Since then, I’ve heard on National Public Radio the mustache is coming back into style. I hypothesize a mustache will make people respect my opinion even less than they do when I look like a little kid. But after parting with my beard I realize I’ll have to walk a mile in a mustache to ever know for sure. F

When you are reading this, Barack Obama will have been sworn into the office of President of the United States of America. With this comes the end of the Bush administration. The question now is, What is the legacy of the Bush presidency? Many historians feel there needs to be a separation of time in order to fully examine the full value of leadership.Bush himself has stated he “will leave the presidency with my head held high.” From his perspective he has done the best job he could have done. I want to look at some important aspects of his legacy over the next few weeks.

We have been fighting the War on Terror for almost eight years. In that time there has not been another attack on U.S. soil. This is an accomplishment that has come at a great cost. President Bush has declared he will take any steps necessary to fight evil in the world. The problem with this idea is he has told the world he sees it as good and evil.

This idea has driven us to degrade the standing of the United States in the world. If you doubt this statement think about this point. We as a nation have succeeded in alienating former allies, and in many ways we have strengthened the resolve of our enemies. Put yourself in the place of one of the hundreds of people who were subjected to the act of extraordinary rendition. These people, often unjustly, were taken away from their families and sent to prisons in other countries.

Take for example the case of Maher Arar, a Syrian-born Canadian citizen who was detained by American authorities in New York while changing planes. He was then shipped to a prison in Syria with the recommendation of the INS. This decision was made because while we don’t “torture”

people ourselves, we do condone it when it is done on our behalf. Arar spent the next year in a Syrian prison with torture a part of his daily routine. All of this was done to an innocent man based on nothing more than suspicion. According to a report from CBS, the government has no problem with what it did to Arar. When asked about the case Attorney General John Ashcroft said Arar was deported to protect Americans and they had every right to do so. Unfortunately the world doesn’t see it that way, and neither should we.

It would be one thing if this was an individual case, but it is not. The Bush administration has made it known to the world they have no respect for the due process of the law. Even the leadership on the Nazi party was given a trial. How can we claim our moral superiority to the world when we don’t have respect for the values we claim to defend? It is a difficult task; in my opinion, an impossible one.

We as a nation must stand up against these practices. It is our moral duty to do so. The consequences of failing to do so are such that I don’t think we can bear to face them. As Sir William Holdworth said, “Once torture has become acclimatized in a legal system it spreads like an infectious disease. It saves the labour of investigation. It hardens and brutalizes those who have become accustomed to use it.” F

Our take

Bush leaves a legacy

Joe WojtkiewiczStaff writer

Jared CombsPerspectives Editor

Jessica NobertAssistant Perspectives Editor

“This idea has driven us to degrade the

standing of the United States in

the world.”

“I looked a bit like a

16-year-old Chuck Norris.”


4 Features THE ALL STATEWEDNESDAY, JAN. 21, 2008

By John LudwigFeatures Editor

After nearly five weeks of vacation, the New Year is already in full swing as students commute to and from classes. Just when the scent of Astroglide and the sodomitic anxieties of final exams have just left your nightmares, you’re already back on campus for another semester.

Many of you may be suffering withdrawals from the gluttonous habits of Christmas food, the ease of lounging indiscriminately at any point of the day and pure sloth in general.

For many students at APSU, it may not be the most enjoyable thing to get readjusted to college life.

Randy Miller, sophomore chemistry major, is one of these students that must jump back on the collegiate wagon. When asked whether he was ready for classes, he said, “Yes, I am, besides my books. Have you seen the line at Study Master? No thank you, sirs. I’ll wait.”

Miller said the biggest readjustment for him was his sleeping schedule. “I was enjoying my long nights of availability as a waiter, and I was going to sleep around 5 to 7 a.m. and was waking up between 3 and 4 p.m., an hour before I had to be at work everyday, because I’m super bad ass,” said Miller while emptying a box of Mike & Ikes into his mouth.

“I’m serious about sleeping regularly this semester; that, and shaving regularly. A smooth face and sleep are the most important things after working out. Gotta hit those guns, son.”

He went on to explain his method for adjusting. “The Tuesday night of the first week of class, I just didn’t go to sleep. I stayed up about 21 hours. I was fine on Mickey D’s coffee, iced vanilla. I also had hash browns.”

Jerry Maynard, junior music major, said his sleeping schedule was his biggest concern as well.

“Last night I took sleeping medicine to go to sleep three hours earlier than I would have during the break. I have 8 a.m. classes now.”

Maynard also said another concern was living separate from his family. “You don’t have anyone else to tell you to clean up after yourself and when you don’t, it piles up around you, and then it really sucks, resulting in an awkward smell around the dormitory. The main thing is to not let it pile up. Not having a dishwasher sucks.” F

You should watch ‘The Man From Earth’

By duSTin KRAMERArt Director

Every once in a while, you must take a break from relentlessly trying to catch up on all the great Kurosawa, Hitchcock and Scorcese films you have yet to see. During this time, you may watch something completely random and wind up stumbling across something that may not be a great film but manages to entertain you in its own, specific way. It may not rise and fall with the movement of a three-act play or have the flair of a summer popcorn flick, but it still finds a way to make you think and feel.

“The Man from Earth” is a 2007 film directed by Richard Shenkman and written by science fiction author Jerome Bixby. The story follows John Oldman, a college professor who has decided to pick up and move away to start a new life. He invites a few colleagues to his cabin home for a going away party and reveals to them an earth-shaking secret; he is 14,000-years-old and a Cro-Magnon by definition.

After a cacophony of laughter, questions and skepticism, John Oldman offers an opportunity for his friends to interrogate him, not necessarily to prove or disprove his claim but as an intellectual exercise — for the characters as well as the audience. John’s story begins here.

Television actor David Lee Smith plays the caveman in question. The supporting cast of professors includes names such as Tony Todd (“Candyman”), John Billingsley (“Star Trek: Enterprise”) and William Katt (“The Greatest American Hero”).

To call the performances bad would be unfair, as the film is no more emotionally complex than an average Q & A session. However, it would be completely fair to call the performances forgettable.

“The Man from Earth” is well-shot but fairly conventional. The dialogue-heavy script doesn’t really lend

itself to artistic compositional expression, so the film is pretty dull visually, like a Sci-Fi channel original movie.

The lighting crew had a bit of fun creating a setting sun outside the cabin and a flickering fireplace for the professors to gather around, but there’s no other way to say not a lot happens in this movie.

The real winner here is Bixby’s script. The screenplay is completely dialogue-driven with no more action than simple one-room blocking, but John’s tale unfolds gracefully and incorporates truths of the past with such cohesion and confidence you will believe what he says.

The twists and reveals are well-plotted, and the movie is very well-paced for a story that takes place over one conversation in a single cabin room. A film like this runs the risk of losing its audience because of a lack of visual spectacle. It’s the script alone that keeps you engaged for its modest 87-minute runtime.

The nature of verbal storytelling allows the film to effectively control how its biggest secrets are told. Otherwise, one might ask the point of watching a film in which a man simply tells a story versus a film where one watches a man’s story as he experiences it. John’s story climaxes with a confession that could rock the sociological foundation of much of the Earth’s population. In wonderful narrative form, the film ends with a much smaller confession, one that greatly affects but a single person.

“The Man from Earth” is a good movie with an outstanding science fiction story at its core. This is the kind of film you’ll want to show to all of your friends, like the first time you saw “Clerks” or “Donnie Darko.” Watch this movie and share it. You’ll have a great post-screening conversation, guaranteed.

That is why “The Man from Earth” is a movie you should be watching. F

Tips for readjusting to schoolStarting eating realisticallyGet used to the taste of Ramen noodles, Easy Mac and other cheap college food staples. After paying off your tuition, some of you may be strapped for cash and need to scale back on living expenses. No more sirloin for a while, chaps.

Enjoy your freedomFor those of you who were back with your parents, returning to campus may be a welcomed change. After all, having to live by your parents rules can be a serious impediment to good old-fashioned college shenanigans. Live it up the next few weeks before your courses kick into high gear.

Buy cleaning suppliesNow that you’ve left the homestead and are away from your folks, you’ll have to start cleaning up after yourself again. In the face of this unavoidable adversity, invest in laundry detergent and trash bags, pronto.

Students readjust to college life


Above: Freshmen and transfer students attended orientation on Tuesday, Jan. 13 and were greeted by members of the Registrar’s office.Below: Students stand in line outside the Career and Advisement Center.


all photos by stephanie martin | staff photographer

Students returned to the APSU campus last week, where they were greeted by freezing temperatures and icy winds. The walkways between buildings were well-traveled on Thursday, Jan. 15, the first day of classes.

welcome back

has openings for students of any major. Current openings include the following po-sitions. Visit for more information or an application, or stop by The All State office in UC 115.

• Writers, $10 per story (starting pay — promo-tions possible for writers who excel)• Podcasters/vodcasters, $15 per podcast or vod-cast• Photographers, $5 per photo• Advertising representatives, earn 10 percent commission on regular sales and 5 percent on APSU sales• Cartoonists, earn $5 per cartoon• Copy editors, earn $15 per week


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SportS BriefS

Austin Peay Sports Information

Jenny Hazelwood, head volleyball coach at austin Peay state university the past two seasons, resigned to accept the head coaching position at mississippi state university, her alma mater, Wednesday.

in addition, assistant coach Lindi Bankowski has resigned, effective Jan. 31, and is expected to follow Hazelwood in a similar position at msu.

“i am extremely happy for Jenny and Lindi,” said assistant athletics director and senior women’s administrator cheryl Holt. “For most coaches this is their dream job—it’s a tremendous opportunity for both of them.

“i regret Jenny is not going to be here next year. i believe she’s done a good job recruiting quality student-athletes. she made some great accomplishments in her short time here.”

Hazelwood took over the Lady Govs program in February 2007. the Lady Govs finished 8-25 in her first season at the helm fielding a team with just three returning starters and six letterwinners.

this season, Hazelwood directed austin Peay to a 22-11 record and the greatest improvement in Division i, a 14-game swing. in addition, the Lady Govs improved from a 3-17 oVc record in 2007 to a 13-5 league record and third-place 2008 finish.

Staff ReportsWhat many people consider

the biggest game in football is just around the corner. On Sunday, Feb. 1, a crowd of thousands will gather at Raymond James Stadium in Tampa, Fla. to watch the Super Bowl XLIII.

Playing in this game is what players hope for, but winning it is what players dream. Last year it featured the Indianapolis Colts, who cruised to a win. That won’t happen this time around.

Many would have never suspected the Philadelphia Eagles, the Arizona Cardinals,

the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Baltimore Ravens to make it to the final four. We have witnessed how turnovers have played a huge part in determining who moves on.

The teams that are left have done their part in protecting the football. But the dream ride for three of these teams will ultimately come to an end.

Who’s going to win it all? Some knowledgeable fans here at APSU provided their take on the winner and the keys to the game. They also selected their biggest surprise team still standing before last week’s games.F

“The Cardinals will win because of Kurt Warner. They are the underdogs and they came through. It will come down to experience. The cardinals are the surprise team.”

“I think it will be the Philadelphia Eagles and the Ravens who will play. The Ravens will win because of their defense. The way Joe Flacco plays, if he can step it up and not make any costly turnovers, I can see them going all the way. The surprise team would have to be the Ravens because they beating the Titans is pretty big and also the Eagles as well because they beat the Giants. They are both pretty big upsets.”

“I would say Arizona because they are the

underdog. I predict they will play hard because they have

been playing hard-nosed football for the longest. So I think they will take it back to Arizona. They have to

get their defense going and have Warner keep throwing.

The running game is not working..”

“Pittsburgh because the last time they were in there they threw it away. Defense wins games so it will come down to that. I would say Arizona is the surprise team. Nobody ever picks the Cardinals. The past few years they have been horrible. They have not made it further than anybody else.”

Peay students pick teams for football’s biggest game

Louis Sanders, freshman, undecided

Tyler Finch, freshman, undecided

Chris Killebrew,

junior, agriculture

Lucian Greene, freshman, undecided

Hazelwood resigns as APSU volleyball coach


Player Profile

Reed hungers for second OVC title


Senior forward, Drake Reed, is the Govs leading scorer. Reed averages 19.2 points per game and is No. 53 in the nation’s


The APSU men’s basketball team has been on a decent run as of late. After their four game losing streak in late December, the Govs have revved it up in January.

Since playing in the Jim Thorpe Classic in Fayetteville, Ark., the Govs have won four of their last six games. The team’s turnaround has come from high-powered offense. The 97 points scored against Oakland easily got the job done. As of late last week, the Govs were on a three-game winning streak. It is apparent the Govs want to turn this season into a winning one.

Much of the credit goes to senior Drake Reed, who hit the game winner against OVC rival Murray State on Saturday, Jan. 10.

Reed seems to be the centerpiece for this team. In half of the team’s 16 games played this season, he was the highest scoring player. The 6-5 forward leads the team in FG percentage shooting .561 and complements that on the defensive end, averaging 7.2 rebounds a game.

His 19.2 points per game also top the

charts. With his versatility, opponents cannot overlook what he brings to the Govs. He is a playmaker and who has made the clutch shots.

Reed, who attended Northeast High School, is a two-time first-team All-OVC frontcourt performer. His name can be found in the top ten lists of nearly every category in Govs basketball. The training program which he took over the summer has helped him along the way.

His jump shot has been given praise more than ever before and his free throw shooting has improved since he started playing here. Last year, he found himself atop the nation’s list for free throw shooting attempts in a season.

What’s next for him? Winning another championship. With half the season already gone, there is no better time to start winning games, and this is what is happening.

If you try to find Reed, he will probably be on the court. He is averaging over 34 minutes of playing time each game. According to those stats, he is on the court the longest. Apparently, the recipe for the second OVC Tournament title includes a heavy dose of Reed.F

Open HouseAfrican American Cultural Center 5-6:30 p.m. Galen Performance7 p.m.Clement Auditorium ReceptionAfrican American Cultural Center8:45 – 9:30 p.m.

Galen is one of the most popular musicians and lecturers on college and university campuses. He is an extraordinary flutist with an extensive perfor-mance career and a riveting speaker on the topic of jazz and its historical significance. A former student of the Berklee College of Music, Boston, Mass., and a graduate of Rutgers University, Galen holds a master's degree in fine arts and education.

His first job was a high school teacher, but at the same time he was recording and performing with Sun Ra and organist Sonny Phillips and being mentored by saxophonist Jimmy Heath. He went on to perform with world-renowned pianist Dr. Billy Taylor in the off-Broadway play, “The Lion and the Jewel” featuring well known actress Loretta Divine. From that point, one major project lead to another, such as music director for John Amos of “Roots” and performances with Melba Moore, Gwen Guthrie and many others.

Galen's remarkable ability to transform an audience with his big, smooth, rich, passionate sound makes it undoubtedly clear he is a "master" performer.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Wilbur N. DanielAfrican American

Cultural CenterAustin Peay State University, a Tennessee Board of Regents institution, is an equal opportunity employer committed to the education of a non-racially identifiable student body. AP357/01-09/500


2009 Kick-Off to

For more information, please contact the African American Cultural Center at 221-7120 or visit Clement 120.

Marlon ScottEditor-in-Chief

Devon RobinsonSports Editor

Six-column story

Dear Diary,Fantasy football is so

overrated. I mean, we spend our weeks watching these football games, and for what? Just so we cannot spend time with the more important things in our lives. You know, family, friends and our careers. It’s a vicious cycle, really.

Okay, you caught me. I’m bitter. In fact, I’m very bitter. I’d like to say, although some would argue this, I worked very hard. It was a rigorous schedule I had to face, and while I did very well in the middle, I floundered on the home stretch. Going 1-3 in my final match-ups, I failed to get to the playoffs by a mere 2 games.

One interesting fact is one of the championship teams, Headbusters, was my second win of the season. But I’m not going to wallow in the negativity; I’m going to push through and come back for more next season with just more experience.

Marlon may have bested me this season, but his tactics were duly noted. He is, indeed, the master of fantasy football here at The All State... this season. I will see to it he sticks around after he graduates this semester and come back for the beating he will receive next semester.

On a lighter note, I’m thinking the Steelers or Ravens for the Super Bowl win. Troy Polamalu and Ed Reed, not the quarterbacks, will be the decision makers for their game. What do you guys think?

Marching on,


Scott comes out third, Robinson misses playoffs

Dear Diary, At the beginning of the

season I swore by Peyton Manning’s arm I would defeat Devon Robinson and win our league’s championship. True to my word, I rode Manning’s arm to the second seed in the playoffs, finishing 10-4.

Finishing near the top was made sweeter by Robinson finishing 8-6. As the seventh seed, he did not make the playoffs. Obviously, Robinson has a lot yet to learn about fantasy football. Comparatively, I am Bruce Lee and he is the random stunt guy Steven Seagal beats up in a bad movie.

Unfortunately, Manning’s arm did not get me to the championship.

In the first and last week of the regular season I beat the same team. However, with a 9-5 record, the team I swept 2-0 earned the third seed. As a result we had to play for a third time in the first round of the playoffs. Obviously, the third time did not go well for me.

Ironically, that same team went on to win the championship and I won my last game for third place.

Let’s review: I played the same team three times. That team beat me the third time. The team was the third seed. I end up finishing in third place.Now I hate the number three.

I may have to do something drastic next season to finally win a championship and officially earn fantasy football guru status. I can’t wait until next season.

Patiently plotting,


aPsu basketball winter round uP

Men’s BasketballWith 16 games under

their belt the Govs continue to prove that youth is not a factor in their success so far this season. The media picked the Govs picked to finish third in the OVC, but that has the team practicing harder and playing with confidence each game. Coach Loos, in his weekly interview with The Leaf-Chronicle, feels the team has been shooting the ball extremely well and playing with minimal mistakes recently.

Senior Drake Reed has silenced any questions with his performance in the first part of the season helping lead the Govs to being tied for first place in the conference and rewriting the APSU record books each night the team steps on the hardwood. He is currently in fifth place for free throws attempted, sixth place for free throws made and tenth place for games started.

With the Govs starting conference play over Christmas break, they upset UT Martin and beat Murray State on a last second walk-off jump shot from Reed both on the road. “Against UT Martin we played extremely well against one of the best players in the country, our defense played its best game of the season against UT Martin,” said Loos.

While the Govs are off to a fast start in the OVC, they also have a perfect record on the road thus

far, going 4-0.

“We have found our stroke on the road in not losing on the road, is really encouraging to know that we can win in the tough environments when have to travel to,” said Loos.

Women’s BasketballAs students venture

back to the campus life and looking forward to more men’s basketball and the success that has become a tradition in the recent years, what many students will notice is the women’s team climbing up the OVC standings.

Last year at this time the Lady Govs were sitting in ninth spot in the Conference out of 11 teams with an overall record of 5-12 before they finished in eleventh place.

But the early season tilts with powerhouse teams from the University of Louisville, University of Miami (Fla.), University of Alabama, No. 2 ranked North Carolina, and Middle Tennessee State University have helped the Lady Govs. They are currently sitting in fourth place in the conference with a 4-2 record in the OVC and an 8-9 record overall.

“We will not hang out heads on a lose, even with frustrating loses,” said Head Coach Daniels in an interview with The Leaf-Chronicle earlier this week. “We take it one game at a time, that has been our motto since I have been here.”