Website Analysis

Post on 04-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Website Analysis

Here John Mayer’s website highlights his twitter account as soon as you enter the homepage. This engages the fans straight away and ultimately makes them feel close to the artist.

Here you can add his twitter, Instagram or blog post history to the page to check out the latest with the artist. This gives a personal history to the fans and allows them to follow the artist day by day.

A drop down menu is given highlighting the pages Tour, Shop, Veterans Support and following options for Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook and Instagram. Also another option is highlighted at the bottom of the options bar to receive John Mayer’s Newsletter.

A page is dedicated to give location, date and time of his next appearance at an event to ensure that his fans can support him at every chance they get.

His Store is set on another website entirely whch you are brought to when you click the option ‘Shop’. This allows John Mayer’s products to be sold clearly and by being organised in the format of a typical clothes site it encourages more people to recognise and purchase products.

John Mayer dedicates a whole page to the charity he supports to raise awareness and create a movement to provide for the veterans that have received life changing wounds of war. By doing this his fans not only engage and respond to the artists wishes but it supports the artist in their fight to support his choice of cause.