WebRTC Summit November 2013 - WebRTC Interoperability (and why it is important)

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A presentation by Peter Dunkley (Technical Director, Crocodile RCS Ltd). Presentation date 6-Nov-2013.

Transcript of WebRTC Summit November 2013 - WebRTC Interoperability (and why it is important)


WebRTC Interoperability

WebRTC Interoperability and why it is important

Peter Dunkley

Technical Director, Crocodile RCS Ltd

Email: peter.dunkley@crocodilertc.net Twitter: @pdunkley



Busting the interoperability myths

• WebRTC doesn’t need to/shouldn’t interoperate – Interoperability (for browsers) has been in the charter from the beginning.

– PSTN interoperability has always been a concern (if not the primary objective) – why else make G.711 MTI for audio?

– Mobile/video interoperability has always been a concern (if not the primary objective) – why else have such a long an fierce debate over H.264 and VP8?

• Interoperability is bad for WebRTC because it is bad for business – Some applications do not require interoperability, and their business case

is actually harmed by it.

– Other applications require interoperability and their business case doesn’t exist without it.

• To interoperate or not should be a business decision

Many applications don’t need interoperability

• Online dating – you’d only expect to interact with people on the same site

• Online gambling – you’d only expect to interact with people on the same site

• Online gaming – you’d only expect to interact with people in the same game

• Collaboration within Google Docs or Office 365

Most interactive, browser-only, applications don’t need to interoperate

Many applications do need interoperability

• Conferencing – do you really want to exclude the guy travelling who can’t get (or afford) a mobile data connection?

• Online education – why shouldn’t I be able to listen to lectures through other routes?

• Telemedicine – a huge boon for people living in remote areas (aren’t those the ones who struggle to get online?)

• Call centres – can I afford to exclude customers who can’t use (or don’t want to use) WebRTC?

Many of the applications that need to interoperate are high-value

Interoperability example: Call Centres

• WebRTC can make call centres run more efficiently

– No need for separate computers and hard-phones

– No need for complex soft-phone and web-UI integration

– Give everyone an inexpensive computer that boots into the browser and have a fully integrated web-app

• WebRTC can make calling a call centre less unpleasant

– Web-form instead of IVR

– Context based calling (no need to re-authenticate)

– Callers can be entertained while in the queue (games and YouTube videos)

The call centre needs to be accessible from the PSTN

Busting the signalling myths

• WebRTC doesn’t use signalling

– Of course it does – how else do you discover the IP address, ports, and codecs supported by your peer.

– Even a proprietary REST/json/WebSocket mash-up is signalling – just not standardised signalling.

• WebRTC will replace (or compete with) SIP

– WebRTC is about peer-to-peer media and data – signalling is left to the application developer.

– Many non-interoperable applications will use proprietary signalling.

– If you need to interoperate SIP is the signalling protocol of choice around the world today.

The signalling triangle (non-interoperable)

UA UA Media


The signalling trapezoid (interoperable)


Server Signalling



But SIP isn’t the only standard?

• Some people are using XMPP jingle for WebRTC – “Web people” tend to like XMPP and understand it better than SIP.

– If interoperability is not important there are better choices than XMPP (proprietary REST/json/WebSockets).

– If interoperability is important there are better choices than XMPP - to interoperate XMPP with most networks and media servers (which use SIP) you’d need a gateway.

• What about OpenPeer – A great idea and I think it will be big for interoperable, browser-only,


– To interoperate OpenPeer with most networks and media servers (which use SIP) you’d need a gateway.

Busting the SIP myths

• SIP is hard – Why do you care - you don’t plan to implement it yourself right?

• SIP is insecure – Many ITSPs choose not to secure SIP – they should be ashamed of


– TLS support is included in RFC 3261 and has been refined since then.

– There is ongoing work today to improve SIP TLS support with DANE.

• The media profile of WebRTC (RTP/SAVPF) is not compatible with existing SIP equipment (RTP/AVP) – Media proxies can convert between the profiles without having to decode

and re-encode the media.


Interoperability choices for SIP signalling

• You have two choices for interoperability – Build interoperability into your application (in the Javascript running in the


– Build interoperability into your infrastructure (with a gateway in the network).

• It is better if you do not need gateways – This means interoperability in the application (SIP in the browser).

– The same logic used to promote H.264 (you’d need gateways in the network to interoperate) applies to the signalling channel.

– Gateways in the network are expensive

• More equipment to deploy.

• Resilience and failover is harder.

With a gateway

UA UA Gateway

Single point of failure (unless complex and expensive dialog replication is used)


Without a gateway


SIP Proxy


Resilience without replication (transaction stateful proxy as per RFC 3261)

SIP gives you the widest choice today

• There are many open-source server implementations of SIP over WebSockets

– Asterisk, FreeSwitch, Kamailio, OverSIP, reSIProcate

• There are many open-source client (Javascript) implementations of SIP over WebSockets

– JAIN-SIP-Javascript, JsSIP, QoffeeSIP, sipml5

• There are SDK and network vendors who are packaging this stuff to make it easy for you to use.

No other protocol has this level of support

What about a demo?

• This session has been presented from the UK using WebRTC

• Interoperable SIP signalling was used to establish the session

– JsSIP is used for the in-browser SIP client.

– Kamailio is the network SIP server.

• The same network can be used to make calls to the PSTN and to/from legacy SIP devices

– mediaproxy-ng converts between the RTP/SAVPF and RTP/AVP profile without decoding and re-encoding the media.

Example: SIP over WebSockets in Kamailio




event_route[xhttp:request] {



if ($hdr(Upgrade)=~"websocket"

&& $hdr(Connection)=~"Upgrade"

&& $rm=~"GET") {

# Validate as required (Host:, Origin:, Cookie:)

if (ws_handle_handshake())



xhttp_reply("404", "Not Found", "", "");


Example: SIP over WebSockets in Kamailio

modparam(“nathelper|registrar”, “received_avp”, “$avp(RECEIVED)”)


request_route {




route[WSDETECT] {

if (proto == WS || proto == WSS) {


if (is_method(“REGISTER”)) {


} else if (is_method(“INVITE|NOTIFY|SUBSCRIBE”)) {






route[WITHINDLG] {

if (has_totag()) {

if (loose_route()) {

if (!isdsturiset()) {




Example: SIP over WebSockets in Kamailio

onreply_route {

if ((proto == WS || proto == WSS)

&& status =~ “[12][0-9][0-9]”) {




Example: SIP over WebSockets in Kamailio

modparam(“rtpproxy-ng”, “rtpproxy_sock”, “udp:localhost:22223”)


route[LOCATION] {





failure_route[UA_FAILURE] {

if (t_check_status(“488”) && sdp_content()) {

if (sdp_get_line_startswith(“$avp(mline)”, “m=”)) {

if ($avp(mline) =~ “SAVPF”)) {

$avp(rtpproxy_offer_flags) = “froc-sp”;

$avp(rtpproxy_answer_flags) = “froc+SP”;

} else {

$avp(rtpproxy_offer_flags) = “froc+SP”;

$avp(rtpproxy_answer_flags) = “froc-sp”;


# In a production system you probably need to catch

# “RTP/SAVP” and “RTP/AVPF” and handle them correctly

# too









Example: SIP over WebSockets in Kamailio

modparam(“rtpproxy-ng”, “rtpproxy_sock”, “udp:localhost:22223”)


failure_route[UA_FAILURE] {





onreply_route[RTPPROXY_REPLY] {

if (status =~ “18[03]”) {

# mediaproxy-ng only supports SRTP/SDES – early media

# won't work so strip it out now to avoid problems

change_reply_status(180, “Ringing”);


} else if (status =~ “2[0-9][0-9]” && sdp_content()) {





Final thought: identity federation is important

• Log on with your identity of choice

– Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, OpenID, Twitter

• Identity federation can be done with SIP over WebSockets

– See auth_ephemeral in Kamailio

– There is no need to create and maintain SIP accounts

• When a user connects to your service using an federated identity you get read access to their profile – this has value

– For example, when a customer calls into your call centre you get to learn a lot more about them

Ephemeral Authentication

Web Service

SIP Proxy

Calling UA

Called UA


Shared secret – communication

link not required

You don’t have to create or manage accounts on the SIP Proxy/registrar

Example: Ephemeral authentication in Kamailio




modparam(“auth_ephemeral”, “secret”, “kamailio_rules”)


modparam(“htable”, “htable”, “wsconn=>size=8;”)


event_route[xhttp:request] {


# URI format is /?username=foo&password=bar

$var(uri_params) = $(hu{url.querystring});

$var(username) = $(var(uri_params){param.name,username,&});

$var(password) = $(var(uri_params){param.name,password,&});

# Note: username and password could also have been in a Cookie: header

if (!autheph_authenticate(“$var(username)”, “$var(password)”)) {

xhttp_reply(“403”, “Forbidden”, “”, “”);



if (ws_handle_handshake()) {

$sht(wsconn=>$si:$sp::username) = $var(username)




event_route[websocket:closed] {

$var(regex) = $si + “:” $sp + “.*”;



Example: Ephemeral authentication in Kamailio


request_route {




if (!(proto == WS || proto == WSS))



route[WSDETECT] {

if (proto == WS || proto == WSS) {

$var(username) = (str) $sht(wsconn=>$si:$sp::username);

if ($var(username) == $null || $var(username) == “”) {

send_reply(“403”, “Forbidden”);

ws_close(1008, “Policy Violation”);



if (!autheph_check_timestamp(“$var(username)”)

|| (is_method(“REGISTER|PUBLISH”)



|| (!has_totag() &&

!autheph_check_from(“$var(username)”))) {

send_reply(“403”, “Forbidden”);

ws_close(1008, “Policy Violation”);






Code: https://github.com/crocodilertc Email: peter.dunkley@crocodilertc.net Twitter: @pdunkley

Crocodile WebRTC SDK and Network
