WebRTC is [almost] here!

Post on 05-Dec-2014

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WebRTC is a new API for embedding real-time communications into web sites and browser-based applications. Video Calling, P2P File Sharing and even Screen Sharing become standard capabilities of the modern web browsers!

Transcript of WebRTC is [almost] here!

It’s [almost] here!

© Voxeo Corporation© Voxeo Corporation© Voxeo Corporation

Voxeo Labs

Editor of WebRTCMember of GSMA Chair of VoiceXML 3.0Chair of CCXMLEditor of SSMLAuthor of SCXMLEditor VoiceXML 2.xEditor MRCPJSR-309 Expert Group

5© Voxeo Corporation© Voxeo Corporation© Voxeo Corporation

Communications Value Chain


Identity / Addressing



5© Voxeo Corporation© Voxeo Corporation© Voxeo Corporation

Communications Value Chain


Identity / Addressing



2© Voxeo Corporation© Voxeo Corporation© Voxeo Corporation

What is WebRTC?

WebRTC is a new API for embedding real-time communications into web sites and browser-based applications

Video Calling, P2P File Sharing and even Screen Sharing become standard capabilities of the modern web browsers

Add voice and video chat to existing social networks or intranets

Build highly specialized chat networks

Exchange real-time game data

Integrate with PSTN or mobile networks to receive calls on any device

Steam live EventsNext-Generation Contact Center

What’s possible?

How does it work?

Bob Alice

Web Thingy

How does it work?

Bob Alice


Web Thingy

How does it work?

Bob Alice

1 2

Web Thingy

How does it work?

Bob Alice

1 2


Web Thingy

How does it work?

Bob Alice

1 2


Web Thingy

How does it work?

Bob Alice

1 2



Web Thingy

The standards group decided no to require a signaling protocol

WebRTC is all about media and leaves signaling to the app

Developers are free to use existing protocols like SIP or roll their own

Umm. Isn’t that like SIP?

WebRTC Address?

Bob Alice

Bob likes Alice’s post “Migratory patterns of

blue-tipped sea urchins”

Bob commented onyour status “OMG”

WebRTC Address?

Call Alice Bob is calling

Bob Alice

PeerConnection API

DataChannel API





Key Technologies

Let the drama begin!

Big battle going on for a required video codec

The challengers...

What about video?

Noone really knows but here’s my guess...

Expect stable Chrome and FireFox in Q1 2013

IE to come soon after (really!)

Safari will lag behind (but not by much)

Watch out for Boot2Gecko (aka Firefox OS)Experimental WebRTC on Android by next summer?


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This is huge opportunity for everyone here @ AhnConf

We are the bridge between Telco and the Web

Deconstruct communications

What will a call look like in 5 year?

What Now?

Thank You

@loopingrageJose de Castro