WebPIPA - Web Based Paddy Irrigation Productivity · PDF file · 2014-09-20Sawah...

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Transcript of WebPIPA - Web Based Paddy Irrigation Productivity · PDF file · 2014-09-20Sawah...


World Conference on

Applied Sciences, Engineering & Technology

27-29 September 2014, Kathmandu, Nepal

WCSET 2014018 © BASHA RESEARCH CENTRE. All rights reserved.


WebPIPA - Web Based Paddy Irrigation Productivity Assessment

- An Online Irrigation Water Supply System for Takris





1FOSTEM, INTI International University, Nilai, Malaysia

2Department of Biological & Agricultural Engineering, Universiti Putra Malaysia

E-mail: tjdeepak@gmail.com

Abstract: Irrigation water management has significant economic implications in developing countries like

Malaysia. In many countries, the Internet has become an element in people’s daily life, offering new

possibilities for information access and sharing. In this new technological and information age, water is

becoming a source of conflict between domestic, industrial and agricultural use. WebPIPA is a platform

allowing for a public participation in solving disputes and resolving decision making processes in conflicting

situations, especially in cases involving many stakeholders. A 3 – tier architecture framework was carefully

studied and was implemented to create the WebPIPA model. WebPIPA is an Internet Based Model that is

created to benefit the users in the water management sectors in order to make timely decisions on irrigation

water supply. Government and private agencies, researchers, station users, farmers, investors and buyers related

to this study area will be able to access the database through the internet. By strengthening the involvement of

government departments, the database can be very effectively used by all stakeholders at the same time

narrowing the gap between the urban and rural communities in the development of country.

Keywords: DSS, Internet, Rice Granary, WebPIPA.


Irrigated agriculture is by far the largest consumptive

user of water in many developing countries like

Malaysia. Irrigation water management thus has

enormous economic implications for these countries.

While the structural infrastructure for irrigation

comprising of reservoirs, canal networks, drainage

works, and delivery systems is created at a huge

financial investment, a commensurate effort is also

essential on developing scientific water management

policies. Developments in systems science, operations

research, and mathematical modeling for decision

making under uncertainty have been usefully

exploited for water resource management in many

technologically advanced countries. In many

countries, the Internet has become an element in

people’s daily life, offering new possibilities for

information access and sharing. At the same time

there are growing concerns that not only technical

specialists and government officials should be

involved in decision making associated with

utilization of natural resources. Many groups within

the society express the willingness and desire that

they also want to be actively involved in decision

making. This creates challenges to the researchers and

forms a new situation confronting those actively

involved in development of models and tools applied

for decision making. WebPIPA is a decision support

system created to enhance the users to be involved in

data input as well as decision making process. The

recent advancement in the field of Internet has opened

up new challenges as well as opportunities in the way

we have been developing models and decision support

aids. It is not only the medium of information access

and communication but also a flourishing platform to

Develop new generation of applications. With the

emergence of revolutionary technology of web, now it

has become possible to develop information systems

distributed across different locations and

heterogeneous platform. This holds great promise for

application in the food and agricultural systems which

is highly diversified. In this technological and

information age, water is becoming a source of

conflict between domestic, industrial and agricultural

use. In Malaysia, irrigation has been exclusively

devoted to the cultivation of rice paddy. The total land

area planted with rice is about 600,545 ha of which

340,618 ha are supported by irrigation systems. The

remaining area depends mainly on rainfall [1].

Irrigation water management is becoming a

challenging issue. More importance has been given

towards the improvement and effective management

of water for the irrigation. Water is important for rice

irrigation and it is scarcely available in some of the

areas. Hence management of water becomes very

important to cultivate rice. A good irrigation water

management system has to be provided to give

adequate and timely supply of water to improve the

crop production [2]. In order to achieve this, it is

necessary to have adequate water source, a good

conveyance system and good distribution system to

distribute the water over the land. The agricultural

scientific community has been developing models,

databases, expert systems, decision support systems

and software. The WebPIPA is an example of DSS

created to provide an effective conduit for the transfer


Proceedings of the 3rd

World Conference on Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology

27-29 September 2014, Kathmandu, Nepal, ISBN 13: 978-81-930222-0-7, pp 100-105

of scientific knowledge from research labs to the end-

users to support them in decision making.

Study Area The selected study area is the TAKRIS (Tanjung

Karang Rice Irrigation Scheme). The project area is

located on a flat coastal plain in the Northwest

Selangor Agricultural Development Project (PBLS).

It is in the districts of Kuala Selangor and Sabak

Bernam, which cover an area of approximately 20,000

hectares extending over a length of 40 km along the

coast with a average width of 5 km. The main

irrigation and drainage canals run parallel with the

coast. The Bernam River is the main water source for

the project area. Water for the Tanjung Karang

scheme is diverted from the Bernam River Head

works (BRH), and the Bagan Terap Pump house,

situated about 130 km and 62 km respectively

upstream of the mouth of the Bernam River. The

project area is divided into eight irrigation

compartments and is as shown in the Fig.1 below.

Figure 1: TAKRIS Tanjung Karang irrigation scheme

In the upstream six irrigation compartments from

Sawah Sempadan to Sungai Nipah, tertiary canals

directly connect to the main canal. About 50 farm lots

are grouped in one sub- block. Out of the 19,247 ha.

paddy fields comprise of 17,510 ha. The remaining

area of about 1,737 ha. comprise vegetable

growing760 ha, for tree cropping 460 ha, and idle

land of 510 ha. The annual yield of paddy is about

166,700 metric tons a year. The schematic diagram of

the study area is given below; Earlier study [3] have

acquired field data with respect to compartments and

have calculated the irrigation parameters, where as

this study has emphasized data with respect to blocks

and calculate the irrigation parameters. For more

precise management, tertiary canals and CHO

discharges should be considered with respect to block

for calculating the irrigation parameters to properly

manage the irrigation scheme. This study mainly

emphasized on the application of Internet to acquire

more data for a better decision support system.

Methodology – Step By Step Procedure for

Iws Module This is one of the modules that are created in

WebPIPA module to determine the Water Required,

Standing Water Depth, Net Irrigation and Total Water

Use for stage-1 and stage-2 for a particular lot in the

block. Fig.3 shows the step by step procedure for

Analysis of Irrigation Water Supply Webpage


Figure 2: schematic diagram showing the study area

with compartment details

Beginning stage is to determine the data that has to be

stored in database for future use and once it is

confirmed, the data has to be collected which is

required for this particular web page design. After

data collection, user interface is to be designed

according to the requirement; normally a user friendly

environment is designed. In this study interactive

WebPages are created for user interface to login using

User ID and Password. After login, the data is fed in

the correct place and results are obtained. Once the

results are obtained, check them for accuracy. If the

results are accurate click on the save button and save

the data fields in the WebPIPA SQL database.

The data stored in the WebPIPA SQL database can be

checked, viewed and edited if required in the station

user mode (suser). The data can be only viewed in

station user1 mode (suser1) and in administrator mode

WebPIPA - Web Based Paddy Irrigation Productivity Assessment

- An Online Irrigation Water Supply System for Takris

Proceedings of the 3rd

World Conference on Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology

27-29 September 2014, Kathmandu, Nepal, ISBN 13: 978-81-930222-0-7, pp 100-105

(admin) for this module. Administrator has the

authority to delete or add more data files through the

WebPIPA program.

Figure 3: step by step procedure for analysis of

irrigation water supply webpage module

Irrigation Water Supply Mathematical Model The Irrigation Water Supply model is created to

determine the Total Water Use for stage-1 and stage-2

in the same webpage. In addition to this overall Total

Water Use is determined in this model. Fig.4 shows

the input parameters and output parameters clearly for

both stage-1 and stage-2. The final output will be the

addition of Total Water Use -1 (Stage-1) and Total

Water Use – 2(Stage-2).

WEBPIPA - Online Irrigation Water Supply

Management for Takris WebBased Paddy Irrigation Productivity Assessment

– WebPIPA is an innovative, user friendly and

efficient management tool for run-of-river rice

irrigation system. WebPIPA is developed using .Net

framework and ASP.Net Programming Languages of

Microsoft. Net 2003 environment. This is Web based

program that makes users to login through user id and

password. There are three different users and they are

allocated with different user ids and passwords.

Admin users have all the facilities compared to the

other two users (Station User and Station User1). A 3

- tier architecture framework has been adopted for

better usage of WebPIPA.

WebPIPA has the ability to provide almost unlimited

access to information to everybody, who has the

technical capabilities to connect to the Internet. This

makes WebPIPA particularly suitable for providing

and disseminating information relevant to decision

making processes concerning management of

Figure 4 irrigation water supply model

Figure 5: web based paddy irrigation productivity

assessment (WebPIPA) model


Proceedings of the 3rd

World Conference on Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology

27-29 September 2014, Kathmandu, Nepal, ISBN 13: 978-81-930222-0-7, pp 100-105

Irrigation water resources. Specifically, WebPIPA

may be seen as a platform allowing for a public

participation in resolving decision making processes

in conflicting situations, especially in a case involving

many stakeholders and international context. In such

situations access to neutral and unbiased source of

information about consequences of possible policy

and/or management strategies may contribute to

constructive dialogue between parties involved and

consequently help to overcome differences of

positions dividing the parties and reach (if not an

agreement), then at least reasonable compromise.

This WebPIPA is an Internet Based Model that is

created to benefit the users in water management

sectors in order to make timely decisions to prevent

water losses and increase yield. All government and

private agencies, researchers, station users, farmers,

investors and buyers related to this study area will be

able to access the database through the internet.


The results derived from the program are precise and

it would be a major boost for the decision makers to

make precise decisions on issues concerned to the

Irrigation Water Supply. Fig.6, is the WebPIPA

homepage which is created using ASP.Net. This

introductory page has an option go through the site.

Once clicked on this option another webpage

prompting the user name ID and password to enter the

WebPIPA database will appear.

Fig.7, illustrates WebPIPA sign-in page. This page

has the username and password option which needs to

be keyed in for further access. The access system is

framed with three types of users. All these three types

of users will receive different usernames and

passwords from the administrator. With the username

and password the users can login to the WebPIPA



Figure 6: WebPIPA homepage

Figure 7: WebPIPA sign-in page

WebPIPA - Web Based Paddy Irrigation Productivity Assessment

- An Online Irrigation Water Supply System for Takris

Proceedings of the 3rd

World Conference on Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology

27-29 September 2014, Kathmandu, Nepal, ISBN 13: 978-81-930222-0-7, pp 100-105

Fig.8, illustrates the results of irrigation water supply

webpage outline for the admin users and also for the

suser1users. The results shown here can only be

viewed. The administrators will not be able to edit this

webpage. The irrigation water supply data has been

grouped into two stages. The total water use for each

stage and the cumulative total water use are calculated

using the model created.

Figure 8: results of irrigation water supply webpage

Fig.9, illustrates the results of irrigation water supply

webpage outline for the suser. The data shown here

can be viewed, edited and saved. If there are any

errors in data entry the suser can edit the data and

obtain the accurate result. The irrigation water

supply data has been grouped into two stages. The

total water use for each stage and the cumulative

total water use are calculated using the model


Figure 9: results of irrigation water supply webpage


Proceedings of the 3rd

World Conference on Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology

27-29 September 2014, Kathmandu, Nepal, ISBN 13: 978-81-930222-0-7, pp 100-105

Conclusion This conclusion is especially relevant in the case of

irrigation water supply management in developing

countries, where the institutional mechanisms of

filling the digital gap between the urban and rural are

poor. By strengthening the involvement of

government departments and private agencies, the

database can be very effectively used by all

stakeholders at the same time narrowing the digital

gap between the urban and rural communities in the

development of country. Decision support systems

(e.g., [4][5][6][7]) that integrate mathematical models

in a user friendly, knowledge-based, and object-

oriented computer software serve this very important

purpose of technology transfer to provide

implementable decisions. In most developing

countries, the gap between theory and practice in

irrigation water management is very wide, and most

of the systems studies remain restricted to the

academic arena

Mathematical models developed for aiding irrigation

decisions, therefore, must be oriented towards

addressing such issues in addition to the scientific

ones for better acceptability. Inclusion of various

stakeholders’ interests must be ensured in the models.

This may be ideally accomplished by involving the

stakeholders in all phases of model development and

testing. Crisp idealization of various aspects related to

crop yield response, operational objectives and long

term goals of irrigation development need to be

relaxed, and instead of providing single valued

“optimal” decisions, the models should be capable of

providing a band of acceptable, near optimal


WebPIPA can be used effectively as a platform to

develop an internet-based irrigation water resource

management. This could possibly improve the

livelihood opportunities, water management, and

agricultural productivity of the nation. In this study

we emphasized the use of the internet because of the

need for transparency between the respective

government departments and various water users as a

contribution towards an integrated water resource

management of the river basin.

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