Webinar-Managing Life Cycle Requirements for Medical Device SW Pre IEC

Post on 07-Apr-2018

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Transcript of Webinar-Managing Life Cycle Requirements for Medical Device SW Pre IEC

  • 8/4/2019 Webinar-Managing Life Cycle Requirements for Medical Device SW Pre IEC


    2011 IBM Corporation

    Innovation for a smarter planet

    How to achieve compliance with IEC 62304 for medicaldevice software development

    Suresh WadhwaniIBM Software, Rational

  • 8/4/2019 Webinar-Managing Life Cycle Requirements for Medical Device SW Pre IEC


    2011 IBM Corporation

    Software and Systems Engineering | Rational


    IEC 62304 Overview

    Standards Landscape

    Key elements of IEC 62304

    IBM Rational solution



  • 8/4/2019 Webinar-Managing Life Cycle Requirements for Medical Device SW Pre IEC


    2011 IBM Corporation

    Software and Systems Engineering | Rational


    IEC 62304 Overview

    IEC 62304:2006Medical device software Software life cycle processes

    Software use should not cause any unacceptable risk with respect to safety andeffectiveness of the device

    Focused on software development and maintenance processes for medical devices but

    does not specify the methodologies, artifacts or life cycle models themselves

    Derived from ISO/IEC 12207, a general standard for software processes


    FDA Consensus Standard since September 2008

    FDA regards complying with IEC62304 as fulfilling Software Development Environment Descriptionsection of the Guidance for the Content of Premarket Submissions for Software Contained in MedicalDevices

    Normative standard in Europe for conformance marking

    Standard available for purchase from ISO website (~$225 USD)

  • 8/4/2019 Webinar-Managing Life Cycle Requirements for Medical Device SW Pre IEC


    2011 IBM Corporation

    Software and Systems Engineering | Rational


    IEC 62304 Structure


    ProcessesSet of interrelated or interactingactivities that transforms inputs intooutputs


    Set of interrelated or interacting tasks

    Single piece of work that needs to bedone and results in a deliverable

  • 8/4/2019 Webinar-Managing Life Cycle Requirements for Medical Device SW Pre IEC


    2011 IBM Corporation

    Software and Systems Engineering | Rational


    What IEC 62304 does not do

    Does not cover validation and final release of a medical device

    Does not specify an organizational structure

    You can do have a hierarchical, matrix, or mixed organization

    Does not specify the content of the documentation to be developed

    You need to show traceability through all the artifacts but not in some setformat

    Does not prescribe a specific lifecycle model

    Waterfall, Iterative, Evolutionary, it is all up to you

  • 8/4/2019 Webinar-Managing Life Cycle Requirements for Medical Device SW Pre IEC


    2011 IBM Corporation

    Software and Systems Engineering | Rational


    Standards Landscape

    Source: European Medical Device & Technology, June 2010

    Quality management system


    Software safety classification

    Software development PROCESS

    Software development planning

    Software requirements analysis

    Software ARCHITECTURAL design

    Software detailed design SOFTWARE UNIT implementation and


    Software integration and integrationtesting


    Software release

    Software maintenance PROCESS


    Software configuration managementPROCESS

    Software problem resolution PROCESS

    Note: ISO 14971 is a Normative standard for Risk Management Process

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    Software and Systems Engineering | Rational


    IEC 62304 Software Development Lifecycle - Model












    Phase Software Requirements Def

    Safety ClassificationOutput: SoftwareRequirements Spec. (SRS)

    Software Design DefinitionOutput: Software DesignDescription (SDD)

    CodingOutput: Source and ObjectCode

    Code ReviewOutput: Source CodeReview and Analysis Data

    Unit/Integration TestingOutput: S/W VerificationCases and Procedures(SVCP) and Results (SVR)

    H/W - S/W Integration TestOutput: S/W VerificationCases and Procedures(SVCP) and Results (SVR)


    TraceabilitySRS to SRD

    TraceabilitySDD to SRS

    Traceabilityfor Test Coverage

    Traceabilityfor Test Coverage



    Change Management (Problem Reporting)Configuration Management

    System & StakeholderRequirements DefinitionOutput: SystemRequirements Doc. (SRD)

    TraceabilitySC to SDD

    System Verification TestOutput: System VerificationTest Procedure (SVTP) andResults (SVTR)

    Traceabilityfor Test Coverage


    Quality Assurance Phase


    System Design & Analysis

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    Software and Systems Engineering | Rational


    IEC 62304 Software Risk Management - Process

    RequirementsCapture & Analysis

    SystemsAnalysis & Design


    (Sub-)SystemIntegration & Test

    ModuleIntegration & TestSW Design

    Implementation& Unit Test



    Product /SystemBuild


    Product /SystemDeliver

    Run /Support /Maintain

    Reporting,Version &

    Change Mgmt




    Software risk managementin addition to ISO 14971(see also IEC 80002 forspecifics)

    Adds RISK CONTROLmeasures to Requirements

    Includes software to controlMEDICAL DEVICE RISKS

    Allows for Design Risk

    Management (BottomsUp)

    Complements Functional

    Risk Management (TopDown)

    Risk Management appliedrecursively throughoutproduct lifecycle

    Documentation various

    tools, safety assurancecases

    Analysis of software contributing to hazardous situations

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    Software and Systems Engineering | Rational


    IEC 62304 Risk Management - Approach

    Anticipate possible failures of the system

    Define control measures Inherently safe Preventive Corrective Informative

    Systematic risk analysis is to anticipate failures

    Top-down: Function analysis - ISO 14971, FTAo Hazard AnalysisBottom-up: Design/ Process Analysis FMEA

    o Failure Modes and Effects Analysis

    Each failure leads to risk control (RCM) measures

    Each RCM leads to requirements implemented inproduct hardware, software or documentation

    Risk Management File documents traceably risk tocontrol measure, to verification of control measure

    Risk Management Activities continue after release





    User Needs





    Risk ManagementFile

    Product Function


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    Software and Systems Engineering | Rational


    IEC 62304 Risk Management Traceability, Verification


    User Needs




    Risk Management File

    RequirementsCapture & Analysis

    SystemsAnalysis & Design


    (Sub-)SystemIntegration & Test

    ModuleIntegration & Test

    SW Design

    Implementation& Unit Test



    Product /SystemBuild


    Product /SystemDeliver

    Run /Support /Maintain

    Reporting,Version &

    Change Mgmt


    Safety & FaultTree Analysis

    Document TRACEABILITY of software HAZARDSFrom hazardous situation to the SOFTWARE ITEMFrom SOFTWARE ITEM to the specific software causeFrom the software cause to RISK CONTROL measureFrom RISK CONTROL measure to VERIFICATION of RISK CONTROL measure

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    Software and Systems Engineering | Rational


    62304 Safety Classifications

    The software safety classes shall initially be assigned based on severity as follows:

    Class A: No injury or damage to health is possible

    Class B: Non-SERIOUS INJURY is possible

    Class C: Death or SERIOUS INJURY is possible

    Class C 100% of 62304 activities apply

    Class B 93%

    Class A 43%

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  • 8/4/2019 Webinar-Managing Life Cycle Requirements for Medical Device SW Pre IEC


    2011 IBM Corporation

    Software and Systems Engineering | Rational


    Segregation of Software Items



    C C C A A


    B B



  • 8/4/2019 Webinar-Managing Life Cycle Requirements for Medical Device SW Pre IEC


    2011 IBM Corporation

    Software and Systems Engineering | Rational


    Safety, risk, and risk management process

    Safety is freedom from unacceptable risk.

    Safety is not security!

    Security is protection of information and data so that unauthorized people or systems cannot read or modifythem , and so that authorized people or systems are not denied access to them.

    Risk is a product of severity and probability of occurrence

    Software Risk Management Process:

    - identify software items that could contribute to a hazardous situation

    - identify causes of contribution to a hazardous situation

    - define risk control measures

    - verify risk control measures Document traceability:

    Hazardous situation to software item to specific software cause to risk control measure to verification of riskcontrol measure

  • 8/4/2019 Webinar-Managing Life Cycle Requirements for Medical Device SW Pre IEC


    2011 IBM Corporation

    Software and Systems Engineering | Rational

    Hazard and Fault Tree Analysis

    Fault Tree Analysis determines what combinations of conditions or events are necessary for ahazard condition to occur

    Fault Tree Analysis allows the developer to identify, control and lower the risk to anacceptable level

    This is critical in the IEC 62304 standard

  • 8/4/2019 Webinar-Managing Life Cycle Requirements for Medical Device SW Pre IEC


    2011 IBM Corporation

    Software and Systems Engineering | Rational


    Example Fault Tree Analysis

  • 8/4/2019 Webinar-Managing Life Cycle Requirements for Medical Device SW Pre IEC


    2011 IBM Corporation

    Software and Systems Engineering | Rational

    Design Redundancy for Safety

    The key to safe systems is to analyze the system and to identify the conditions and eventsthat can lead to hazards

    Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) determines what logical combination of events and conditions leadto faults

    By adding ANDing-redundancy, architectural redundancy can be added


  • 8/4/2019 Webinar-Managing Life Cycle Requirements for Medical Device SW Pre IEC


    2011 IBM Corporation

    Software and Systems Engineering | Rational



    Determine compliance with IEC 62304 by performing gap analysis

    Create a chart that maps IEC 62304 clauses and subclauses to company procedure(s)

    The mapping chart can be a standalone document, or it can be an appendix to a companys


    Address open issues revealed in gap analysis

    Establish missing processes

    Amend deficient processes

    Deploy appropriate software development tools that execute or enforce your processes

    Document updated software development process showing compliance with IEC 62304

    Mapping chart should now have 100% coverage of IEC 62304 clauses within your processes

  • 8/4/2019 Webinar-Managing Life Cycle Requirements for Medical Device SW Pre IEC


    2011 IBM Corporation

    Software and Systems Engineering | Rational

    Some Typical Issues

    Reuse of existing documents and data

    Risk Analysis

    Qualification of requirements

    Must have, want to have, nice to have, source, product version etc.


    Multiple levels required due to the complexity of the systems

    Change Control

    Who made a change, when the change was made, why the change was made, and analysis ofthe impact.

    Auditable record compliance

    Electronic signature and document management

  • 8/4/2019 Webinar-Managing Life Cycle Requirements for Medical Device SW Pre IEC


    2011 IBM Corporation

    Software and Systems Engineering | Rational

    Import All Your Data & Create Documents





    Tool Integrations*











    Tool Integrations*





    Direct Entry

    Rational Publishing EngineReqIF (XML)RIF (XML)

  • 8/4/2019 Webinar-Managing Life Cycle Requirements for Medical Device SW Pre IEC


    2011 IBM Corporation

    Software and Systems Engineering | Rational

    Verification and Validation Plan

    Risk Management Plan

    Example DOORS Templates andPre-Defined Views

    Design and Development Plan

    Risk Assessment View in Design

  • 8/4/2019 Webinar-Managing Life Cycle Requirements for Medical Device SW Pre IEC


    2011 IBM Corporation

    Software and Systems Engineering | Rational

    Some Typical Issues

    Reuse of existing documents and data

    Risk Analysis

    Qualification of requirements

    Must have, want to have, nice to have, source, product version etc.


    Multiple levels required due to the complexity of the systems

    Change Control

    Who made a change, when the change was made, why the change was made, andanalysis of the impact.

    Auditable record compliance

    Electronic signature and document management

  • 8/4/2019 Webinar-Managing Life Cycle Requirements for Medical Device SW Pre IEC


    2011 IBM Corporation

    Software and Systems Engineering | Rational

    Unlimited hierarchy of Projects/Folders supports scalability

    Organize Your Projects

    DOORS DocumentsFoldersProjects

    DOORS Database View

  • 8/4/2019 Webinar-Managing Life Cycle Requirements for Medical Device SW Pre IEC


    2011 IBM Corporation

    Software and Systems Engineering | Rational

    Everything you need in one window!

    Improves productivity, reduces errors, increases quality

    DOORS Document Views




    Spell check

  • 8/4/2019 Webinar-Managing Life Cycle Requirements for Medical Device SW Pre IEC


    2011 IBM Corporation

    Software and Systems Engineering | Rational

    See status quickly and concisely

    Change bars and link indicators; instant traceability

    DOORS views

  • 8/4/2019 Webinar-Managing Life Cycle Requirements for Medical Device SW Pre IEC


    2011 IBM Corporation

    Software and Systems Engineering | Rational

    Attribute columns in a spreadsheet-like view

    Rich information; one window

    DOORS views

  • 8/4/2019 Webinar-Managing Life Cycle Requirements for Medical Device SW Pre IEC


    2011 IBM Corporation

    Software and Systems Engineering | Rational

    Unlimited number of attributes in a spreadsheet-like view

    Values can be calculated for metrics collectionAutomates your regulatory persons ability to show compliance

    Unlimited user defined attributes

  • 8/4/2019 Webinar-Managing Life Cycle Requirements for Medical Device SW Pre IEC


    2011 IBM Corporation

    Software and Systems Engineering | Rational

    Visualize requirements and build architecture Integrates requirements, design and implementation

    Execution validates requirements

    Facilitates communication across disciplines

    Impact analysis of changes in requirements or design

    Trace requirementsto design and



    generated in code

    Model Driven Analysis and Designusing Rational Rhapsody and Rational DOORS


  • 8/4/2019 Webinar-Managing Life Cycle Requirements for Medical Device SW Pre IEC


    2011 IBM Corporation

    Software and Systems Engineering | Rational


    Connecting FTA to Requirements (TraceToReq)

  • 8/4/2019 Webinar-Managing Life Cycle Requirements for Medical Device SW Pre IEC


    2011 IBM Corporation

    Software and Systems Engineering | Rational

    Some Typical Issues

    Reuse of existing documents and data

    Risk Analysis

    Qualification of requirements

    Must have, want to have, nice to have, source, product version etc.


    Multiple levels required due to the complexity of the systems

    Change Control

    Who made a change, when the change was made, why the change was made, and analysis ofthe impact.

    Auditable record compliance

    Electronic signature and document management

  • 8/4/2019 Webinar-Managing Life Cycle Requirements for Medical Device SW Pre IEC


    2011 IBM Corporation

    Software and Systems Engineering | Rational


    820.30(b) Design and DevelopmentPlanning

    ach manufacturershallestablish and maintain plans thatdescribe or reference the design and development

    activities and define responsibility forimplementation.

    The plans shallidentifyand describe the interfaces with differentgroups or activities thatprovide, or result

    in, inputto the designand developmentprocess.

    The plans shallbe reviewed as design and developmentevolves.

    The plans shallbe updated as design and developmentevolves.

    The plans shallbe approved as design and developmentevolves.

    2. 820.30(c) DesignInput2.1. Each manufacturershallestablish procedures to ensure thatthe design requirements relating toa

    device are appropriate and addressthe intended useof the device, including the needs of the user

    and patient.

    2.2. Each manufacturershallmaintain procedures to ensure thatthe design requirements relating to adevice are appropriate and addressthe intended useof the device, including the needs of the user

    and patient.

    2.3. The procedures shallinclude a mechanism for addressing incomplete requirements.2.4. The procedures shallinclude a mechanism for addressing ambiguous requirements.2.5. The procedures shallinclude a mechanism for addressing conflicting requirements.2.6. The design inputrequirements shall be documented by a designated individual(s).2.7. The design inputrequirements shall be reviewed by a designated individual(s).2.8. The design inputrequirements shall be approved by a designated individual(s).2.9. The approval, including the date and signature ofthe individual(s)approvingthe requirements,

    shallbe documented.

    2.10.Questions.2.10.1. Summarize the manufacturer's written procedure(s)foridentification and control of

    design input.

    2.10.2. From whatsources are design inputs sought?2.10.3. Do design inputprocedures cover the relevantaspects, such as:(Mark all thatapply and

    listadditionalaspects.) intended use2.10.3.2. user/patient/clinical2.10.3.3. performance characteristics2.10.3.4. safety2.10.3.5. limits and tolerances2.10.3.6. risk analysis2.10.3.7. toxicity and biocompatibility2.10.3.8. electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) compatibility with accessories/auxiliary devices2.10.3.10. compatibility with the environmentof intended use2.10.3.11. human factors2.10.3.12. physical/chemicalcharacteristics2.10.3.13. labeling/packaging2.10.3.14. reliability2.10.3.15. statutory and regulatory requirements2.10.3.16. voluntary standards2.10.3.17. manufacturing processes2.10.3.18. sterility2.10.3.19. MDRs/complaints/failures and other historicaldata2.10.3.20. design history files (DHFs)

    2.10.4. For the specific design covered, how were the design inputrequirements identified?2.10.5. For the specific design covered, how were the design inputrequirements reviewed for


    Comply with FDA Design ControlGuidance GMP Regulation

    1. Capture design and related information1.1. Inputelectronically formatted data1.2. Reference externalinformationsources1.3. Reference externaldocumentation

    2. Store design andrelated information2.1. Identify and tagdesign information as unique design elements2.2. Organize design elements

    2.2.1.Organize byDesign ControlGuidance Element2.2.2.Organize byinter-relationships

    2.3. Ensure alldesign elements are available2.3.1.Store design elements byDesign ControlGuidance Element2.3.2.Store design elements andtheir historicalvalues

    3. Manage alluser needs3.1. Identify the source of the user need3.2. Identify alluser types (groups)3.3. Identify the customer (s)3.4. Profile the expected patients3.5. State the intended useof the product(family)3.6. Capture the acceptance criteria foreach user need

    4. Manage design inputrequirements4.1. Identify the source of the requirement4.2. Identify the associated user need4.3. Capture requirementdescription andattributes4.4. Capture acceptance criteria4.5. Assign responsibility for eachrequirement4.6. Manage incomplete requirements4.7. Manage ambiguous requirements4.8. Manage conflicting requirements4.9. Approveallrequirements

    5. Manage acceptance5.1. Ensure the acceptance ofeveryuser need5.2. Ensure the acceptance ofeverydesign inputrequirement5.3.

    Documentthe results of every user need acceptance test5.4. Documentthe results of every design inputrequirements test

    5.5. Make acceptance results available6. Manage change

    6.1. Maintain history of design elementchanges6.1.1.Make complete change history available6.1.2.Maintain history within and acrossany organizationalprocedure6.1.3.Maintain history within and acrossany projectmilestone6.1.4.Maintain history within and across any Design ControlGuidance Elements

    6.2. Capture frequency and nature of element changes6.2.1.Provide rationale forchange6.2.2.Describe decisions made6.2.3.Identify approvalauthority for thechange6.2.4.Capture date, time, and signatureof approvingauthority

    6.3. Identify impacted elements due to a changein another element6.3.1.Create backward traces to design elements within and acrossany organizationalprocedure6.3.2.Create backward traces to design elements within and acrossany projectmilestone

    1.1. Identify impacted elements due to a change in another element Traceability Reports: consistency with driving design elements Impact Reports: other design elements affected Links to impacted design elements1.1.1.Create backward traces to design elements within and across any organizational


    Traceability Reports: Procedure Attribute1.1.2.Create backward traces to design elements within and ac ross any project milestone

    Traceability Reports: Milestone Attribute1.1.3.Create backward traces to design elements within and across Design Control

    Guidance Elements

    Traceability Reports: Linked design elements1.1.4.Create forward impacts to design elements within and across any organizational


    Impact Reports: Procedure Attribute1.1.5.Create forward impacts to design elements within and across any project milestone

    Impact Reports: Milestone Attribute1.1.6.Create forward impacts to design elements within and across Design Control

    Guidance Elements

    Impact Reports: Linked design elements1.2. Associate changed design elements with related elements

    Link Change Design Object with affected design element(s) Traceability Links and Reports from affected design element(s) Impact Links and Reports from affected design element(s)1.2.1.Associate design element changes with decisions, rationale, and approval authority


    Change Decision Objects with following Attributes: Disposition Attribute Decision Attribute Rationale Attribute Owner Attribute Management Approval Attribute

    1.2.2.Provide associations within and across any organizational procedure Change Design Object Traceability Link on Procedure Attribute Change Design Object Impacts Link on Procedure Attribute

    1.2.3.Provide associations within and across any project milestone Change Design Object Traceability Link on Milestone Attribute Change Design Object Impacts Link on Milestone Attribute

    1.2.4.Provide associations within and across Design Control Guidance Elements Change Design Object Traceability Link to traced design elements Change Design Object Impacts Link to linked design elements

    1.3. Mange the change process Design Change Module Design Change Reports Object History Object History Reports Versions Baselines


    820.30(b) Design and DevelopmentPlanning

    ach manufacturershallestablish and maintain plans thatdescribe or reference the design and development

    activities and define responsibility forimplementation.

    The plans shallidentify and describe the interfaces with differentgroups or activities thatprovide, or result

    in, inputto the designand developmentprocess.

    The plans shallbe reviewed as design and developmentevolves.

    The plans shallbe updated as design and developmentevolves.

    The plans shallbe approved as design and developmentevolves.

    2. 820.30(c) DesignInput2.1. Each manufacturershallestablish procedures to ensure thatthe designrequirements relating toa

    device are appropriate and addressthe intended useof the device, including the needs of the user

    and patient.

    2.2. Each manufacturershallmaintain procedures to ensure thatthe design requirements relating to adevice are appropriate and addressthe intended useof the device, including the needs of the user

    and patient.

    2.3. The procedures shallinclude a mechanism foraddressing incomplete requirements.2.4. The procedures shallinclude a mechanism foraddressing ambiguous requirements.2.5. The procedures shallinclude a mechanism foraddressing conflicting requirements.2.6. The design inputrequirements shall be documented by a designated individual(s).2.7. The design inputrequirements shall be reviewed by a designated individual(s).2.8. The design inputrequirements shall be approved by a designated individual(s).2.9. The approval, including the date and signature ofthe individual(s)approvingthe requirements,

    shallbe documented.

    2.10.Questions.2.10.1. Summarize the manufacturer's written procedure(s)foridentification and control of

    design input.

    2.10.2. From whatsources are design inputs sought?2.10.3. Do design inputprocedures cover the relevantaspects, such as:(M ark allthat apply and

    listadditionalaspects.) intended use2.10.3.2. user/patient/clinical2.10.3.3. performance characteristics2.10.3.4. safety2.10.3.5. limits and tolerances2.10.3.6. risk analysis2.10.3.7. toxicity and biocompatibility2.10.3.8. electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) compatibility with accessories/auxiliary devices2.10.3.10. compatibility with the environmentof intended use2.10.3.11. human factors2.10.3.12. physical/chemicalcharacteristics2.10.3.13. labeling/packaging2.10.3.14. reliability2.10.3.15. statutory and regulatory requirements2.10.3.16. voluntary standards2.10.3.17. manufacturing processes2.10.3.18. sterility2.10.3.19. MDRs/complaints/failures and other historical data2.10.3.20. design history files (DHFs)

    2.10.4. For the specific design covered, how were the design inputrequirements identified?2.10.5. For the specific design covered, how were the design inputrequirements reviewed for


    Comply with FDA Design Co ntrolGuidance GMP Regulation

    1. Capture design and related information1.1. Inputelectronically formatted data1.2. Reference externalinformationsources1.3. Reference externaldocumentation

    2. Store design andrelated information2.1. Identify and tagdesign information as unique design elements2.2. Organize design elements

    2.2.1.Organize byDesign ControlGuidance Element2.2.2.Organize byinter-relationships

    2.3. Ensure alldesign elements are available2.3.1.Store design elements byDesign ControlGuidance Element2.3.2.Store design elements andtheir historicalvalues

    3. Manage alluser needs3.1. Identify the source of the user need3.2. Identify alluser types (groups)3.3. Identify the customer (s)3.4. Profile the expected patients3.5. State the intended useof the product(family)3.6. Capture the acceptance criteria foreach user need

    4. Manage design inputrequirements4.1. Identify the source of the requirement4.2. Identify the associated user need4.3. Capture requirementdescription andattributes4.4. Capture acceptance criteria4.5. Assign responsibility for eachrequirement4.6. Manage incomplete requirements4.7. Manage ambiguous requirements4.8. Manage conflicting requirements4.9. Approveall requirements

    5. Manage acceptance5.1. Ensure the acceptance ofeveryuser need5.2. Ensure the acceptance ofeverydesign inputrequirement5.3.

    Documentthe results of every user need acceptance test5.4. Documentthe results of every design inputrequirements test

    5.5. Make acceptance results available6. Manage change

    6.1. Maintain history of design elementchanges6.1.1.Make complete change history available6.1.2.Maintain history within and acrossany organizationalprocedure6.1.3.Maintain history within and acrossany projectmilestone6.1.4.Maintain history within and across any Design ControlGuidance Elements

    6.2. Capture frequency and nature of element changes6.2.1.Provide rationale forchange6.2.2.Describe decisions made6.2.3.Identify approvalauthority for thechange6.2.4.Capture date, time, and signatureof approving authority

    6.3. Identify impacted elements due to a changein another element6.3.1.Create backward traces to design elements within and acrossany organizationalprocedure6.3.2.Create backward traces to design elements within and acrossany projectmilestone

    1.1. Identify impacted elements due to a change in another element Traceability Reports: consistency with driving design elements Impact Reports: other design elements affected Links to impacted design elements1.1.1.Create backward traces to design elements within and across any organizational


    Traceability Reports: Procedure Attribute1.1.2.Create backward traces to design elements within and ac ross any project milestone

    Traceability Reports: Milestone Attribute1.1.3.Create backward traces to design elements within and across Design Control

    Guidance Elements

    Traceability Reports: Linked design elements1.1.4.Create forward impacts to design elements within and across any organizational


    Impact Reports: Procedure Attribute1.1.5.Create forward impacts to design elements within and across any project milestone

    Impact Reports: Milestone Attribute1.1.6.Create forward impacts to design elements within and across Design Control

    Guidance Elements

    Impact Reports: Linked design elements1.2. Associate changed design elements with related elements

    Link Change Design Object with affected design element(s) Traceability Links and Reports from affected design element(s) Impact Links and Reports from affected design element(s)1.2.1.Associate design element changes with decisions, rationale, and approval authority


    Change Decision Objects with following Attributes: Disposition Attribute Decision Attribute Rationale Attribute Owner Attribute Management Approval Attribute

    1.2.2.Provide associations within and across any organizational procedure Change Design Object Traceability Link on Procedure Attribute Change Design Object Impacts Link on Procedure Attribute

    1.2.3.Provide associations within and across any project milestone Change Design Object Traceability Link on Milestone Attribute Change Design Object Impacts Link on Milestone Attribute

    1.2.4.Provide associations within and across Design Control Guidance Elements Change Design Object Traceability Link to traced design elements Change Design Object Impacts Link to linked design elements

    1.3. Mange the change process Design Change Module Design Change Reports Object History Object History Reports Versions Baselines

    User Needs Requirements Test CasesSpecificationsTraceability is the key to compliance

    Initial user needs should be decomposed to detailed requirements, then to design specification,

    tests, etc.

    Decomposition creates traceability relationships

    Relationships define your traceability model

    Your traceability model is a reflection your process

    Enforce your traceability model; improve your process

  • 8/4/2019 Webinar-Managing Life Cycle Requirements for Medical Device SW Pre IEC


    2011 IBM Corporation

    Software and Systems Engineering | Rational

    Drag-and-drop to link

    within a document . . .. . . or from

    document to


    Traceability: drag-and-drop linking

  • 8/4/2019 Webinar-Managing Life Cycle Requirements for Medical Device SW Pre IEC


    2011 IBM Corporation

    Software and Systems Engineering | Rational

    1. 820.30(b) Design and DevelopmentPlanningach manufacturershallestablish and maintain plans that describe or reference thedesign and development

    activities and define responsibility forimplementation.

    The plans shallidentify and describe the interfaces with differentgroups or activities thatprovide, or result

    in, inputto the designand developmentprocess.

    The plans shallbe reviewed as design and development evolves.The plans shallbe updated as design anddevelopmentevolves.

    The plans shallbe approved as designand developmentevolves.

    2. 820.30(c) DesignInput2.1. Each manufacturershallestablish procedures to ensure thatthe designrequirements relating toa

    device are appropriate and addressthe intended useof the device, including the needs of the user

    and patient.

    2.2. Each manufacturershallmaintain procedures to ensure that the designrequirements relating to adevice are appropriate and addressthe intended useof the device, including the needs of the user

    and patient.

    2.3. The procedures shallinclude a mechanism foraddressing incomplete requirements.2.4. The procedures shallinclude a mechanism foraddressing ambiguous requirements.2.5. The procedures shallinclude a mechanism foraddressing conflicting requirements.2.6. The design inputrequirements shallbe documented by a designated individual(s).2.7. The design inputrequirements shallbe reviewed by a designated individual(s).2.8. The design inputrequirements shallbe approved by a designated individual(s).2.9. The approval, including the date and signature ofthe individual(s)approvingthe requirements,

    shallbe documented.

    2.10.Questions.2.10.1. Summarize the manufacturer's written procedure(s)foridentification and controlof

    design input.

    2.10.2. From whatsources are design inputs sought?2.10.3. Do design inputprocedures cover the relevantaspects, such as:(Mark allthat apply and

    listadditionalaspects.) intended use2.10.3.2. user/patient/clinical2.10.3.3. performance characteristics2.10.3.4. safety2.10.3.5. limits and tolerances2.10.3.6. risk analysis2.10.3.7. toxicity and biocompatibility2.10.3.8. electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) compatibility with accessories/auxiliary devices2.10.3.10. compatibility with the environmentof intended use2.10.3.11. human factors2.10.3.12. physical/chemicalcharacteristics2.10.3.13. labeling/packaging2.10.3.14. reliability2.10.3.15. statutory and regulatory requirements2.10.3.16. voluntary standards2.10.3.17. manufacturing processes2.10.3.18. sterility2.10.3.19. MDRs/complaints/failures and other historicaldata2.10.3.20. design history files (DHFs)

    2.10.4. For the specific design covered, how were the design inputrequirements identified?2.10.5. For the specific design covered, how were the design inputrequirements reviewed for


    Comply with FDA Design ControlGuidance GMP Regulation

    1. Capture design and related information1.1. Inputelectronically formatted data1.2. Reference externalinformationsources1.3. Reference externaldocumentation

    2. Store design andrelated information2.1. Identify and tagdesign information asunique design elements2.2. Organize design elements

    2.2.1.Organize byDesign ControlGuidance Element2.2.2.Organize byinter-relationships

    2.3. Ensure alldesign elements are available2.3.1.Store design elements byDesign ControlGuidance Element2.3.2.Store design elements andtheir historicalvalues

    3. Manage alluser needs3.1. Identify the source of the user need3.2. Identify alluser types (groups)3.3. Identify the customer (s)3.4. Profile the expected patients3.5. State the intended useof the product(family)3.6. Capture the acceptance criteria foreach user need

    4. Manage design inputrequirements4.1. Identify the source of the requirement4.2. Identify the associated user need4.3. Capture requirementdescription andattributes4.4. Capture acceptance criteria4.5. Assign responsibility for eachrequirement4.6. Manage incomplete requirements4.7. Manage ambiguous requirements4.8. Manage conflicting requirements4.9. Approveall requirements

    5. Manage acceptance5.1. Ensure the acceptance ofeveryuser need5.2. Ensure the acceptance ofeverydesign inputrequirement5.3. Documentthe results of every user need acceptance test5.4. Documentthe results of every design input requirements test5.5. Make acceptance results available

    6. Manage change6.1. Maintain history of design elementchanges

    6.1.1.Make complete change history available6.1.2.Maintain history within and acrossany organizationalprocedure6.1.3.Maintain history within and across any projectmilestone6.1.4.Maintain history within and acrossany Design ControlG uidance Elements

    6.2. Capture frequency and nature of elementchanges6.2.1.Provide rationale forchange6.2.2.Describe decisions made6.2.3.Identify approvalauthority for thechange6.2.4.Capture date, time, and signatureof approving authority

    6.3. Identify impacted elements due to a changein another element6.3.1.Create backward traces to design elements within and across anyorganizationalprocedure6.3.2.Create backward traces to design elements within and across anyproject milestone

    1.1. Identify impacted elements due to a change in another element Traceability Reports: consistency with driving design elements Impact Reports: other design elements affected Links to impacted design elements1.1.1.Create backward traces to design elements within and across any organizational


    Traceability Reports: Procedure Attribute1.1.2.Create backward traces to design elements within and across any project milestone

    Traceability Reports: Milestone Attribute1.1.3.Create backward traces to design elements within and across Design Control

    Guidance Elements

    Traceability Reports: Linked design elements1.1.4.Create forward impacts to design elements within and across any organizational


    Impact Reports: Procedure Attribute1.1.5.Create forward impacts to design elements within and across any project milestone

    Impact Reports: Milestone Attribute1.1.6.Create forward impacts to design elements within and across Design Control

    Guidance Elements

    Impact Reports: Linked design elements1.2. Associate changed design elements with related elements

    Link Change Design Object with affected design element(s) Traceability Links and Reports from affected design element(s) Impact Links and Reports from affected design element(s)1.2.1.

    Associate design element changes with decisions, rationale, and approval authorityinformation

    Change Decision Objects with following Attributes: Disposition Attribute Decision Attribute Rationale Attribute Owner Attribute Management Approval Attribute

    1.2.2.Provide associations within and across any organizational procedure Change Design Object Traceability Link on Procedure Attribute Change Design Object Impacts Link on Procedure Attribute

    1.2.3.Provide associations within and across any project milestone Change Design Object Traceability Link on Milestone Attribute Change Design Object Impacts Link on Milestone Attribute

    1.2.4.Provide associations within and across Design Control Guidance Elements Change Design Object Traceability Link to traced design elements Change Design Object Impacts Link to linked design elements

    1.3. Mange the change process Design Change Module Design Change Reports Object History Object History Reports Versions Baselines

    1. 820.30(b) Design and DevelopmentPlanningach manufacturershallestablish and maintain plans that describe or reference thedesign and development

    activities and define responsibility forimplementation.

    The plans shallidentifyand describe the interfaces with differentgroups or activities thatprovide, or result

    in, inputto the designand developmentprocess.

    The plans shallbe reviewed as design and development evolves.The plans shallbe updated as design anddevelopmentevolves.

    The plans shallbe approved as designand developmentevolves.

    2. 820.30(c) DesignInput2.1. Each manufacturershallestablish procedures to ensure thatthe designrequirements relating toa

    device are appropriate and addressthe intended useof the device, including the needs of the user

    and patient.

    2.2. Each manufacturershallmaintain procedures to ensure that the designrequirements relating to adevice are appropriate and addressthe intended useof the device, including the needs of the user

    and patient.

    2.3. The procedures shallinclude a mechanism foraddressing incomplete requirements.2.4. The procedures shallinclude a mechanism foraddressing ambiguous requirements.2.5. The procedures shallinclude a m echanism foraddressing conflicting requirements.2.6. The design inputrequirements shallbe documented by a designated individual(s).2.7. The design inputrequirements shallbe reviewed by a designated individual(s).2.8. The design inputrequirements shallbe approved by a designated individual(s).2.9. The approval, including the date and signature ofthe individual(s)approvingthe requirements,

    shallbe documented.

    2.10.Questions.2.10.1. Summarize the manufacturer's written procedure(s)foridentification and controlof

    design input.

    2.10.2. From whatsources are design inputs sought?2.10.3. Do design inputprocedures cover the relevantaspects, such as:(Mark allthat apply and

    listadditionalaspects.) intended use2.10.3.2. user/patient/clinical2.10.3.3. performance characteristics2.10.3.4. safety2.10.3.5. limits and tolerances2.10.3.6. risk analysis2.10.3.7. toxicity and biocompatibility2.10.3.8. electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) compatibility with accessories/auxiliary devices2.10.3.10. compatibility with the environmentof intended use2.10.3.11. human factors2.10.3.12. physical/chemicalcharacteristics2.10.3.13. labeling/packaging2.10.3.14. reliability2.10.3.15. statutory and regulatory requirements2.10.3.16. voluntary standards2.10.3.17. manufacturing processes2.10.3.18. sterility2.10.3.19. MDRs/complaints/failures and other historicaldata2.10.3.20. design history files (DHFs)

    2.10.4. For the specific design covered, how were the design inputrequirements identified?2.10.5. For the specific design covered, how were the design inputrequirements reviewed for


    Comply with FDA Design ControlGuidance GMP Regulation

    1. Capture design and related information1.1. Inputelectronically formatted data1.2. Reference externalinformationsources1.3. Reference externaldocumentation

    2. Store design andrelated information2.1. Identify and tagdesign information asunique design elements2.2. Organize design elements

    2.2.1.Organize byDesign ControlGuidance Element2.2.2.Organize byinter-relationships

    2.3. Ensure alldesign elements are available2.3.1.Store design elements byDesign ControlGuidance Element2.3.2.Store design elements andtheir historicalvalues

    3. Manage alluser needs3.1. Identify the source of the user need3.2. Identify alluser types (groups)3.3. Identify the customer (s)3.4. Profile the expected patients3.5. State the intended useof the product(family)3.6. Capture the acceptance criteria foreach user need

    4. Manage design inputrequirements4.1. Identify the source of the requirement4.2. Identify the associated user need4.3. Capture requirementdescription andattributes4.4. Capture acceptance criteria4.5. Assign responsibility for eachrequirement4.6. Manage incomplete requirements4.7. Manage ambiguous requirements4.8. Manage conflicting requirements4.9. Approveall requirements

    5. Manage acceptance5.1. Ensure the acceptance ofeveryuser need5.2. Ensure the acceptance ofeverydesign inputrequirement5.3. Documentthe results of every user need acceptance test5.4. Documentthe results of every design input requirements test5.5. Make acceptance results available

    6. Manage change6.1. Maintain history of design elementchanges

    6.1.1.Make complete change history available6.1.2.Maintain history within and acrossany organizationalprocedure6.1.3.Maintain history within and acrossany project milestone6.1.4.Maintain history within and acrossany Design ControlGuidance Elements

    6.2. Capture frequency and nature of elementchanges6.2.1.Provide rationale forchange6.2.2.Describe decisions made6.2.3.Identify approvalauthority for thechange6.2.4.Capture date, time, and signatureof approving authority

    6.3. Identify impacted elements due to a changein another element6.3.1.Create backward traces to design elements within and across anyorganizationalprocedure6.3.2.Create backward traces to design elements within and across anyproject milestone

    1.1. Identify impacted elements due to a change in another element Traceability Reports: consistency with driving design elements Impact Reports: other design elements affected Links to impacted design elements1.1.1.Create backward traces to design elements within and across any organizational


    Traceability Reports: Procedure Attribute1.1.2.Create backward traces to design elements within and across any project milestone

    Traceability Reports: Milestone Attribute1.1.3.Create backward traces to design elements within and across Design Control

    Guidance Elements

    Traceability Reports: Linked design elements1.1.4.Create forward impacts to design elements within and across any organizational


    Impact Reports: Procedure Attribute1.1.5.Create forward impacts to design elements within and across any project milestone

    Impact Reports: Milestone Attribute1.1.6.Create forward impacts to design elements within and across Design Control

    Guidance Elements

    Impact Reports: Linked design elements1.2. Associate changed design elements with related elements

    Link Change Design Object with affected design element(s) Traceability Links and Reports from affected design element(s) Impact Links and Reports from affected design element(s)1.2.1.

    Associate design element changes with decisions, rationale, and approval authorityinformation

    Change Decision Objects with following Attributes: Disposition Attribute Decision Attribute Rationale Attribute Owner Attribute Management Approval Attribute

    1.2.2.Provide associations within and across any organizational procedure Change Design Object Traceability Link on Procedure Attribute Change Design Object Impacts Link on Procedure Attribute

    1.2.3.Provide associations within and across any project milestone Change Design Object Traceability Link on Milestone Attribute Change Design Object Impacts Link on Milestone Attribute

    1.2.4.Provide associations within and across Design Control Guidance Elements Change Design Object Traceability Link to traced design elements Change Design Object Impacts Link to linked design elements

    1.3. Mange the change process Design Change Module Design Change Reports Object History Object History Reports Versions Baselines

    Traceability view

    End-to-end visual validation in a single view

    User Needs Requirements Test CasesSpecifications

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    2011 IBM Corporation

    Software and Systems Engineering | Rational



    missing links

    Creationand deletionof links is

    recorded inhistory

    Traceability through an Orphan report shows missing links

    Traceability Verification or Completeness

  • 8/4/2019 Webinar-Managing Life Cycle Requirements for Medical Device SW Pre IEC


    2011 IBM Corporation

    Software and Systems Engineering | Rational

    Standard DOORS Traceability Tools

    Link Matrix

    Object Properties

    Link Popups

    Traceability Columns

    Traceability Explorer

  • 8/4/2019 Webinar-Managing Life Cycle Requirements for Medical Device SW Pre IEC


    2011 IBM Corporation

    Software and Systems Engineering | Rational

    Some Typical Issues

    Reuse of existing documents and data

    Risk Analysis

    Qualification of requirements

    Must have, want to have, nice to have, source, product version etc.


    Multiple levels required due to the complexity of the systems

    Change Control

    Who made a change, when the change was made, why the change was made, and analysis ofthe impact.

    Auditable record compliance

    Electronic signature and document management

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    2011 IBM Corporation

    Software and Systems Engineering | Rational

    What are Suspect Links?

    a change by

    this user here

    shows up as a

    warning flag to thisuser here.

    If documents are linked

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    2011 IBM Corporation

    Software and Systems Engineering | Rational

    Suspect links are visible directly in the document -

    as indicators or as a full description

    Never miss a change again

    Suspect Links

    Clear on a right click

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    2011 IBM Corporation

    Software and Systems Engineering | Rational







    History and Baselines

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    2011 IBM Corporation

    Software and Systems Engineering | Rational

    Provides a concise list of differences as a single report

    Baseline Compare

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    2011 IBM Corporation

    Software and Systems Engineering | Rational

    Differentiating Change Management

    Lifecycle Change Management

    Rational Change, ClearQuest or Team Concert for multiple, configurable processes

    Flexible process, user definable states

    Integrated into full lifecycle change process

    Multiple approvers

    DOORS Change Proposal System - CPS

    Providing a built in change process for requirements

    Predefined process

    Changes only applied on approval

  • 8/4/2019 Webinar-Managing Life Cycle Requirements for Medical Device SW Pre IEC


    2011 IBM Corporation

    Software and Systems Engineering | Rational


    Manage Change for Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP)Establish an integrated change process across the lifecycle

    Testing Eco-system

    ManagePortfolio &



    System -> Software

    Collaboration,Process, Workflow


    Capture &manage




    Configuration Management

    Integrate Suppliers

    Capture customerrequests & market

    driven enhancements


    Collaborate acrossDevelopment Disciplines



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    2011 IBM Corporation

    Software and Systems Engineering | Rational

    Some Typical Issues

    Reuse of existing documents and data

    Risk AnalysisQualification of requirements

    Must have, want to have, nice to have, source, product version etc.


    Multiple levels required due to the complexity of the systems

    Change Control

    Who made a change, when the change was made, why the change was made, and analysis ofthe impact.

    Auditable record compliance

    Electronic signature and document management

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    2011 IBM Corporation

    Software and Systems Engineering | Rational

    Electronic Signature

    Electronic signature against baselines directly in DOORS provides:


    Audit capability

    Quality procedures

    Verification of intent

    Documented consensus

    and decision making

    Conformance withFDA 21 CFR part 11

    Provides full accountability without external tools

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    2011 IBM Corporation

    Software and Systems Engineering | Rational

    High Quality, Compliant Documents in minutes

    Template driven document generation ensures the output complieswith any required formatting standards and contains correctbranding and legal information

    Support for multiple output formats (MS Word, HTML, PDF, XSL-FO)


    using Rational Publishing Engine


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    2011 IBM Corporation

    Software and Systems Engineering | Rational


    IBM Rational Software Platform for SystemsFull coverage of the systems engineering lifecycle

    Spans the entire systemsand software lifecycle

    Integrates complex

    systems, embeddedsoftware and IT to createinnovative products

    Achieves end-to-endtraceability

    Provides proof ofcompliance

    RequirementsCapture & Analysis

    SystemsAnalysis & Design


    (Sub-)SystemIntegration & Test

    ModuleIntegration & TestSW Design

    Implementation& Unit Test



    Product /SystemBuild


    Product /SystemDeliver

    Run /Support /Maintain

    Reporting,Version &

    Change Mgmt


    S f d S E i i | R i l

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    2011 IBM Corporation

    Software and Systems Engineering | Rational


    IBM Rational Solution for Medical Devices

    Deliver medical devices that address market needs throughportfolio management

    Provide clear audit trail across the development lifecycle

    with requirements management Validate designs early with model driven development

    Integrate change processes to coordinate development

    Automate document generation for compliance

    Drive quality throughout the product lifecycle

    Execute best practices and collaborate through anintegrated product lifecycle solution


    S ft d S t E i i | R ti l

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    2011 IBM Corporation

    Software and Systems Engineering | Rational


    S ft d S t E i i | R ti l

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    2011 IBM Corporation

    Software and Systems Engineering | Rational

    Copyright IBM Corporation 2008. All rights reserved. The information contained in these materials is provided for informational purposes only, and is provided AS IS without warranty of any kind, express or implied.IBM shall not be responsible for any damages arising out of the use of, or otherwise related to, these materials. Nothing contained in these materials is intended to, nor shall have the effect of, creating any warrantiesor representations from IBM or its suppliers or licensors, or altering the terms and conditions of the applicable license agreement governing the use of IBM software. References in these materials to IBM products, programs,or services do not imply that they will be available in all countries in which IBM operates. Product release dates and/or capabilities referenced in these materials may change at any time at IBMs sole discretion based onmarket opportunities or other factors, and are not intended to be a commitment to future product or feature availability in any way. IBM, the IBM logo, Rational, the Rational logo, and other IBM products and services aretrademarks of the International Business Machines Corporation, in the United States, other countries or both. Other company, product, or service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.

    Learn more at:

    IBM Rational software

    IBM Rational Software Delivery Platform

    Process and portfolio management

    Change and release management

    Quality management

    Architecture management

    Rational trial downloads

    Leading Innovation Web site

    developerWorks Rational

    IBM Rational TV

    IBM Business Partners

    IBM Rational Case Studies

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    Software and Systems Engineering | Rational

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    2011 IBM Corporation

    Software and Systems Engineering | Rational


    Safety-Related Concepts Accidentis a loss of some kind, such as injury, death, or equipment damage

    Riskis a combination of the likelihood of an accident and its severity:

    risk = p(a) * s(a)

    A Hazardis a set of conditions and/or events that leads to an accident.

    Hazards are predictable and therefore controllable

    A safety-relevant system contains two kinds of hazards

    Intrinsic hazards - due to the inherent job and operational environment of the

    systemTechnology hazards - due to the addition of specific technological solutions

    A safety control measureis an action or mechanism to improve the safety of the system byeither

    Reducing the severity of the accident

    Reducing the likelihood of the accident

    A fault is the nonperformance of a system or component and may be either random orsystematic

    Fault Tree Analysis determines what combinations of conditions or events are necessary for ahazard condition to occur

    Allows the developer to lower the risk of a Safety violation, critical for IEC 62304

    Software and Systems Engineering | Rational

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    2011 IBM Corporation

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    Safety Metamodel

    Software and Systems Engineering | Rational

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    Fault Tree Analysis is defined in IEC 61025

    Software and Systems Engineering | RationalShow link to IEC sections

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    2011 IBM Corporation

    Software and Systems Engineering | Rational


    Develop Systems and Software in a Model-Driven wayVisually develop complex systems using a structured approach

    Traceability from requirements -> implementation

    Automate FDA documentation submission

    Visual modeling manages complexity

    Generates production quality code

    Reduce testing time with model-driven testing

    Leverage existing code for documentation

    Software and Systems Engineering | RationalShow link to IEC sections

  • 8/4/2019 Webinar-Managing Life Cycle Requirements for Medical Device SW Pre IEC


    2011 IBM Corporation

    Software and Systems Engineering | Rational


    Automate Document GenerationGenerate the right document at the right time

    Increase productivity by allowingengineers to focus onengineering

    NOT formatting concerns

    Maintain accuracy through quickone-click document generation

    Captures last minute changesfrom data held in different sourceapplications

    Enhance documentation qualitythru template reuse

    Software and Systems Engineering | Rational

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    Software and Systems Engineering | Rational

    Manage Requirements across the Product LifecycleCapture, define, analyze, and manage requirements

    Improves visibility and collaboration

    Accurate documentation forregulatory audits and reviews

    Supports FDA CFR21 Part 11

    compliant electronic signatures

    Integrates with:

    Portfolio management


    change managementQuality management solutions